Deviation of the shia, the real killers of hassan RA

In that case you would not mind me calling Allah's curse upon those who killed Imam Hasan.

May Allah curse those who murdered Imam Hasan. May Allah also curse the supporters of those criminals. Lanat on them all. May they all burn in Hell. Ameen.

Evil Wabi terrorists have existed since the time of Mawiya (LA).

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

everyone curses hassan and hussain RA killers, who wouldnt. But hard to believe its shias who killed him and yet they show some false apprciasions for him by doing nonsense.

Its even harder to believe that some people are so stupid tat they dont even read history.
In ignorance they are curse themselves and their own leaders like Mawiya (LA).

May Allah send His curse upon the enemies of Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain.


Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

shias the illeterate of the ummah, your sources of info are worse then fairytales, thats how fabricated and weak they are, how can people argue against people who believe in lies and fabrication. Anyway your erros have been exposed in thsoe videos, you shias are like ignorant christians, no matter how mcuh error of yours is shown you still reject it, may allah curse those who make fun out of ali RA and his sons, and illiterate shias should see that aisha RA battle was a simple mistake, and things were sorted between them, so who are you shias to make moe out of it. Especially of one of muhamnmad SAW most loved wife.

It is hard to believe some people are so dumb they dont know theri own history let alone others.

Where did you shias comne from, you didnt even exist when muhammad SAW lived, your like the qadianis, muslims who corrupted and fell into evil.

Shias beliefs and claims are all found in Sunni books of Hadith, history and tafsir.
Have you read your own books?

Prophet (pbuh) used the word "Shia" for followers of Imam Ali. He never used "Ahl al Sunnah wal Jamah".
Why do you use it? Where did you get it from?

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

malik wrote:
Shias beliefs and claims are all found in Sunni books of Hadith, history and tafsir.
Have you read your own books?

Prophet (pbuh) used the word "Shia" for followers of Imam Ali. He never used "Ahl al Sunnah wal Jamah".
Why do you use it? Where did you get it from?

no prophet SAW didnt, why are you lieing for, the word shia first came in use during the ali RA reign, they started as a political group but turned crazy as time went, and then started fabricating hadiths and got more lost as time went, the family of ali RA hated you shias, the son of hussain RA openly showed his hatred for them, forget ali RA family he ali RA personally hated shias, he personally said you shias are dumb but you see , you are blind but you see and went on to say more. Hussain RA cursed the shias that mayy allah split them up and do not make anyone pleased with them, and look at you shias today people are disgusted with you.

Anyway this is my last post and a request to brothers and sisters here, whether you are sufis barelvis or anything else, we are sunni muslim in the right path, do not let these cursed shias take advantage of the forum, take them down, even though i myself reject the sufi ways, shias belief are that of shaytan and worse.

(havnt watched the vids)

ive been told that the Shia people hit themselves in Muharram cuz they blame themselves for the death of Imam Hassan RA...?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
(havnt watched the vids)

ive been told that the Shia people hit themselves in Muharram cuz they blame themselves for the death of Imam Hassan RA...?

To compensate?


The word Shia has been used in hadith.
There is a hadith in Sunnni books in which Prophet (phub) said:
[b]"O Ali! Only you and your Shias will be successful on the Day of Judgement."[/b]

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

malik wrote:
The word Shia has been used in hadith.
There is a hadith in Sunnni books in which Prophet (phub) said:
[b]"O Ali! Only you and your Shias will be successful on the Day of Judgement."[/b]

but i thought there wasn't the division when he was around? :S were there Sunni and Shi'a even then?

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

I think the Revival life-cycle is starting anew.

Welcome ye crazies!

MakeMeRawr_6TeenF wrote:
malik wrote:
The word Shia has been used in hadith.
There is a hadith in Sunnni books in which Prophet (phub) said:
[b]"O Ali! Only you and your Shias will be successful on the Day of Judgement."[/b]

but i thought there wasn't the division when he was around? :S were there Sunni and Shi'a even then?

Who told you that? Make a careful study of history.
Although history is written by rulers, they cannot always hide the truth. If you examine the books, you can discover what really happened.

There was division even in life of Prophet (pbuh).
Prophet always condemned those who opposed Imam Ali. He tried to guide Sahabas to follow Ali. Some obeyed some didnt.
When Prophet died, the Shias of Ali stayed with him. The enemies went their own way.

This was the beginning of division of muslims into many sects which exist up to this day.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan". is external)

Beast wrote:
I think the Revival life-cycle is starting anew.

Welcome ye crazies!

i thought it was the end of times for the forum! Blum 3

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

In the beginning there used to be alot of crazies with their sectarianism, extremism and what have you. Then they had their warped view of the world challenged by more mature and sane-minded people. So, the crazies died away and the forum became a place where you could have a decent debate about things with sane open-minded people. But then some of these, more balanced, folks got distracted by other things and didn't go on the forum much. Nevertheless, the people who were left had a good time of it on the odd occasion that they did post on the forum - even though there was still the odd numpty. But all of this left an opening for the crazies. They were free to practice their "worship through dissing" and there weren't many people around to tell them to chillax. And so the crazies returned. Soon they will be gone and life will return to the Revival. For this is the way of the mystical Revival life-cycle...

/end of crap


"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

I suspect this lifecycle is just a mirage and will/has already ended abruptly.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

malik wrote:
MakeMeRawr_6TeenF wrote:

but i thought there wasn't the division when he was around? :S were there Sunni and Shi'a even then?

Who told you that? Make a careful study of history.
Although history is written by rulers, they cannot always hide the truth. If you examine the books, you can discover what really happened.

There was division even in life of Prophet (pbuh).
Prophet always condemned those who opposed Imam Ali. He tried to guide Sahabas to follow Ali. Some obeyed some didnt.
When Prophet died, the Shias of Ali stayed with him. The enemies went their own way.

This was the beginning of division of muslims into many sects which exist up to this day.

you knowlegeless fool, get your deen correct, oh yeah how can you fairytale beleivers have that done corectly.

When muhammad SAW was alive their was no division of the ummah, the division of the ummah first happend during the first fitna, after that the group of shias came, as a political group then they started to get even more corrupt then they already were and turned to what they and you are today, the dumb blind and deaf lost people.

He muhammad SAW said the group of ali RA will go jannah, he didnt mean you shias, he meant group, and the group of ali RA were those who supported ali RA like abu hurraira RA, not you shias who ali RA rejected and as i said before called you the dumb deaf and blind. You shias are not the group muhammad SAW mentioned, infact he muhammad SAW didnt even know who you are as you didnt even exist and came later on.

I am sure you could have said all that without throwing insults...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

yeah your right, anger gets in the way at times