Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?

I also hope that they don't find the Higgs Boson. That would be too easy...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

higgs boson?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

yes, the higgs boson. Tests for which will not happen for months yet even if everything goes to plan.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Boson is a very small particle of our Prophet's power that he gave to Imam Ali.

Scientists call it The God particle.
If they mess with Imam Ali, he will destroy their lab and all of Switzerland and France.


Imam Ali's power begins where science limits end. He was given superpower by God.

Ya Ali Madaad.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Why all the hyperbole?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You might not believe it coz you reject Imam Ali's status before God. But I was taught that God has done this. It is all true.
Every atom in the universe has been put under the control of our Imam.

Ya Ali Madaad.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

So are you suggesting that the LHC is going to explode?

Or is all of that irrelevant to the original posts?

Just because we know that All power if ultimately from God, it does not mean we have to mention that in every single conversation.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

if they mess with Imam Ali then LHC will destroy them. i hope they do it with respect.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Explain. How do you fire atoms with respect, and how do you fire them with disrespect?

(and something else to think about - if the sunni/shia divide be because the shias believe that the Sunnis have/do not respect Imam Ali/his family... why have we/they not been destroyed yet?)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Explain. How do you fire atoms with respect, and how do you fire them with disrespect?

(and something else to think about - if the sunni/shia divide be because the shias believe that the Sunnis have/do not respect Imam Ali/his family... why have we/they not been destroyed yet?)

You is a genius...well said. if Imam Ali is one to destroy all those who disrespect him then in line with malik's beliefs Sunni would be extinct. If Imam Ali was to supercede Muhammed SAW then why does the 1st Kalima bear no mention of him? If the rule/power was supposed to have been passed on then Prophet Muhammed's sons would not have been taken by Allah at a young age.


Since it seems malik is saying that if the holy particles in the LHC are somehow mistreated the world will end, and scientists despite their good natured theorising don't want the world to end, everyone really finds themselves on the same side of the argument. It would have been nicer for malik just to pray for everyone's good health but he obviously has his own system for getting there in the end.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

You wrote:

Explain. How do you fire atoms with respect, and how do you fire them with disrespect?

(and something else to think about - if the sunni/shia divide be because the shias believe that the Sunnis have/do not respect Imam Ali/his family... why have we/they not been destroyed yet?)

If you watch news, they are defeated everywhere.
Respect for God Particle is essential. It is now the power of Imam Ali. Scientists sometimes mock divine things they dont understand. Lanat on them. If you watch movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, they disrespected Moses Ark, and it killed them all.
You can accelerate atoms with mockery or you can do it with reverence for God Particle. Its no ordinary entity. It now belongs to holy and pure Imam. It will destroy them.

This Jew got more sense and got it right.
he knows what I meant. How come you didnt.

Joie de Vivre wrote:

Since it seems malik is saying that if the holy particles in the LHC are somehow mistreated the world will end, and scientists despite their good natured theorising don't want the world to end, everyone really finds themselves on the same side of the argument. It would have been nicer for malik just to pray for everyone's good health but he obviously has his own system for getting there in the end.

I dont want to pray for enemies of God. He dont like it.
If those scientists think they can play God with His particle then they are sadly mistaken. It may be very very small particle, but it is Divine Particle. Its God's power given to Prophet who then gave it to Imam Ali. It will sink them and their machine.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Raiders of the lost ark was a film. a figment from someone's imagination.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

malik wrote:
If you watch movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, they disrespected Moses Ark, and it killed them all.

You gave money to Spielberg and then used his plot in this argument? Kind of...?

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Moses is also my master as is David and Soloman and all those blessed messengers loved by God. They had the God Particle with them. God gave them as gift and as Divine Power. It was passed down to all the later holy figures.
I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark in their love and not in love of Israel. I am sure God will forgive me. Lanat on Spielberg.

Imam Ali is now appointed as the master of all previous holy messengers of God.

Ya Ali Madaad.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

malik wrote:
I am sure God will forgive me.

That is very interesting. Why do you say you are sure God will forgive you?
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

God looks at your heart and if you did not mean to support evil state of Israel by donating to cursed Spielberg then He will forgive you watching the film.
I know the director profitted but I did it for love of God's messenger Moses. I had to see the film to see the Divine Ark.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

malik wrote:
God looks at your heart and if you did not mean to support evil state of Israel by donating to cursed Spielberg then He will forgive you watching the film.
I know the director profitted but I did it for love of God's messenger Moses. I had to see the film to see the Divine Ark.

That's rubbish, you watched the film as a kid, right? When you make up these self-justifications or parrot the Ayatollah do you honestly not feel it, the sense that you are not being authentic? I think everyone else smells that a mile away. I find your descriptions of God's will not just arrogant but extremely heretical. Strange you don't examine that, strange that a religious person doesn't want to examine himself thereby leaving himself vulnerable but at least humble in God's eyes.
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

what would you know about God. You love israel an evil racists oppresive state that kills and injures innocent men women and children in Gaza.
You dont know what right and wrong is. You are in grip of Satan.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

I do ask myself what I know. Always. And the answer is always next to nothing, very very close to nothing. In fact even the next to nothing I cannot really say I know. But it's something and that's the fragile kernel I'm growing from. To thoroughly address the question one is really also asking "How do I know that?"

Do you ask that question of yourself or only of others?

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

malik wrote:
Moses is also my master as is David and Soloman and all those blessed messengers loved by God. They had the God Particle with them. God gave them as gift and as Divine Power. It was passed down to all the later holy figures.
I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark in their love and not in love of Israel. I am sure God will forgive me. Lanat on Spielberg.

Imam Ali is now appointed as the master of all previous holy messengers of God.

Ya Ali Madaad.

You know malik @ first I was like "each to their own" when reading some of ur posts but afta this I can't hold back...you truely are one heck of a twat and a top rated one too.
Messengers are NOT masters, only Allah is the Master, messengers are exactly that...m e s s e n g e r s ...the type of ppl others seem to shoot in some manner when they come to deliver a simple message.

If Imam Ali was appointed a master of all prophets he would be head prophet or of which there is none, there is the 1st prophet which Adam AS and there is Muhammed SAW who is the final beloved prophet but no head prophet altho Muhammed SAW did lead all the others in prayer which does give him a lead
If Imam Ali was head, he would have led the prayer with all the others but he didn't, please get over it
Furthermore, the Master of all the prophets. Is guess Who....Allah Himself, not Imam Ali, not Muhammed Ali and not you nor anyone else or any other Sunni or Shia but Allah

Stop asking Ali AS for madaad, you're only supposed to ask Allah for it and if its for ur homework then ask ur teachers or friends.

Oh and who has been all defeated?? Ur sentence stopped very short, you don't even have valid answers for ur beliefs

Oh and Allah will forgive you???!!!?! We all hope Allah will forgive us but please in the process of hoping for forgiveness malik, don't for once believe that u definitely have been, ull never know until the Day of Judgement, please don't be so downright arrogant in your beliefs and so overconfident in yourself.

I have NEVER been soooo aggravated by a Shia before or had to put up with such lame arguments / comments from them before. Reading ur posts is like a child going rant rant rant so now here's mine!!!!!

(Where's my flippin left jooti)

malik wrote:
God looks at your heart and if you did not mean to support evil state of Israel by donating to cursed Spielberg then He will forgive you watching the film.
I know the director profitted but I did it for love of God's messenger Moses. I had to see the film to see the Divine Ark.

p.s. I am in no mood to wet myself from laughing or crying because of u...that was NOT the real Ark of the Covenant in the film nor did it show or could ever know what the real Ark contains, they made it a fantasy film and if u believe that was all true about the Ark then ull believe Lara Croft really did save Pandora's box...heck you'll even believe there was a Pandora...woah wait and a box! :roll:
Btw its the season for Santa soon.......

saira shouls post more often.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Joie de Vivre wrote:

I do ask myself what I know. Always. And the answer is always next to nothing, very very close to nothing. In fact even the next to nothing I cannot really say I know. But it's something and that's the fragile kernel I'm growing from. To thoroughly address the question one is really also asking "How do I know that?"

Do you ask that question of yourself or only of others?

Yes and Imam Ali guides me always.
You are an empty vessel devoid of faith. You are a godless peson. You have no beliefs in God or in Day of Judgement. You reject holy books sent down by God. You are a kafir. Your life is useless and in vain. You are a servant of the devil.

I am a believer in God and his Prophet (peace be upon him). I am a lover of Imam Ali who is my leader. I believe in life after death. I believe in Hell and Paradise. I believe in Holy Quran. My life has a purpose, to worship God. I am a servant of God.

Curse of God be on those who support oppressive state of Israel that kills innocent women and children in Palestine.

Curse be on those who disrespect the Particle of God. May God destroy them.

Ya Ali Madaad.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Saira wrote:

I have NEVER been soooo aggravated by a Shia before or had to put up with such lame arguments / comments from them before. Reading ur posts is like a child going rant rant rant so now here's mine!!!!!

(Where's my flippin left jooti)

I love you too sister Saira. You said a lot of things that I didnt say. You also dont know a lot of essential things of Islam. I'll tell ya.

I know its the real Ark saira. When you watch film on Prophet (pbuh) you know they are all actor, but you watch it due to love. I did the same.

Messengers are masters. You have not read the holy Quran have you. Imam Ali was master of all prophets except last Prophet (pbuh).

Prophet (pbuh) said: "Those who take me as master must now take Ali as their master."

We can ask Prophet (pbuh) for help. Many sahabas used to ask him for help. Have yo not read any hadith books?
Now we can ask Imam Ali for help because Prophet appointed him to help us. You said you ask your kafir teachers for help but not the best teacher, who is Prophet. That is very strange. You will be deprived of best education if you dont ask the Divine teachers sent by God.

I have faith in Imam Ali to guide me because he is my leader and teachers. God put him above me. One hadith says those who love Imam Ali will be forgiven and saved. Saira you dont know real things of Islam. You been brainwashed sister. Learn before its too late.

To get more pure knowledge of truth go to www.al-islam.org

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

You got a right effin nerve by making it sound I've not read Quran and Hadeeth. You have no right whatsoever to state anything as such!!!

I've read the Quran many times in Arabic, Engligh and Udru and learnt from the age of 3!!! Not in any of those languages does it mention Ali AS being made a master and why would it when even Prophet SAW is only mentioned 5 times himself and Musa AS is mentioned over 130 times and Isa AS 25 times or have you not read that?? I reckon you've read some self written book which u call the Quran if it states rubbish like Imam Ali is master and leader of all Prophets.
Don't get me wrong, Sunnis don't hate Imam Ali but we're not the type to sulk just because he gave the leader-state to Abu Bakr and not his cousin, I mean his cousin was his cousin and his son-in-law, as if that's not big enough in status! Oh and it wasn't Sunni's who tortured and martyed Imam's Hassan and Hussain, the very sons of UR beloved Imam Ali who YOUR own ancestors (the Shia ones sshhhh) martyed and treated their families so brutally so you can shut the crap right up and go watch some tom and jerry until you grow up.
A bit too late to start seeing Imam Ali AS as beloved after what y'all did to his sons the very sons that Muhammed SAW referred to as his OWN sons.

You got a nerve stating I had kafir teachers when you don't even know the teachers I've had in my life and they were anything but kafirs.

Further you need to improve ur understanding of english, I did NOT state that I consulted any kafir teachers, I said nothing even cloe to that.

In addition, Muhammed SAW chose Abu Bakr as the next leader but even Sunnis don't make a master of him. You Shias are sore losers so sore you even had to make up your own Kalima - quite sad really.

Oh and I haven't watched any film on the Prophet so don't make assumptions I have.

Oh another bit of enlightenment, to make false assumptions and accusations on another Muslim or even a Jew or Christian (the people of the Book) and to even call them kafir is major sin which Allah does not appreciate at all. You have no right whatsoever to brand a believer as a kafir as the Quran even states Heaven will be for those who believed and did righteous deeds from Muslims and from the Jews, Christians and the Sabians. (Don't ever tell me I've never read the Quran!!!!) Pride is also a sin, to think ur better and more righteous than anyone else is also a major sin and the only place Pride can ever fill is Hell so u should fear Allah first. Let those who be without sin cast the stone malik and I doubt that's you son.

Don't you ever forget either who is responsible for the crap UR beloved Imam Ali's sons went through at the hands of UR own people!!!

(Someone seriously go get me a flippin slipper, this kids never had a slap in his kidhood and this ones now overdue - spoilt bratY

Ya Ali Madaad.

Sister Saira I respect you but you got it all wrong.
Shia Muslims do not make up our own kalima. It is Sunni brothers and sisters that have shortened it. They shortened the Azan as well. We shias read the full versions of both.

Prophet (pbuh) did not appoint Abu Bakr as leader of muslims. Prophet left Imam Ali incharge of everything. Abu Bakr just took over by force.
You have not read hadith books have you? Prophet (pbuh) appointed Imam Ali as his successor after the final Haj. He said "Those who take me as their master must now take Ali as their master".
Dont you even know that much Saira?

Imam Ali was deprived of his right by Sahabas. But he remained patient. He could have fought them but he did not.

You said Shias killed Imam Husain. Thats is false. It was Yazid (LA) who killed family of Prophet (pbuh). Yazid was son of Muawiya (LA).
If you dont believe it then ask your molvi who Yazid was. I hope you dont love him.
We curse Yazid as an evil person. Even Sunnis hate him. I am shocked you dont even know this. What kind of books have you been told to read.

Why have you hijacked this debate between me and the stupid Jew. He lacks intellect. He loves evil crimes of Israel. He is a kafir whom God will throw in Hell for siding evil murder of innocent Palestinians.
Me and this crazy Jew were on about the God Particle, and you butted in with your propaganda.
You got so many false things you learned about Shia Muslims. If you wanna discuss pure Islam of Shia Muslims, then make a new thread sister Saira.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

dont call joie stupid and unintelligent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Malik learn to respect others

"Say: We believe
In God, and in what
Has been revealed to us
And what was revealed
To Abraham, Isma'il(Ishmael);
Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes,
And in (the Books)
Given to Moses, Jesus,
And the Prophets,
>From their Lord:
We make no distinction
Between one and another
Among them and to God do we
Bow our will( in Islam)."
Holy Quran 3:84

>"Verily, those who believe (in the Quran)
And those who follow the Jewish( scriptures)
And the Christians and the Sabians,
Any who believe in God
And the Last Day,
And work righteousness
Shall have their reward
With their Lord; on them
Shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
Holy Quran 2:62

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
dont call joie stupid and unintelligent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(and can we let everyone fight their own fights?)

Can I be annoyed that this has turned from science into hyperbole?

For the sake of science, since the world as not exploded yet, lets assume that Imam Ali (ra) is perfectly happy with the scientists bui9lding the LHC, turning it on and eventually carrying out some experiments.

If it destroys the world, sure enough, tell us that it was because the scientists annoyed Imam Ali (ra), but please please please, not before then.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Malik, I was going to quote ur post and break it down to reply to each bit and then I realised that there's no point as all my responses to you would be the same...


The only hadeeth u refer to are ones narrated by Ali AS and Fatima RA, you don't accept the ones narrated by Aisha. So there's no point you questionning whether others have read the hadeeth when u only read one and not others to get a more rounded picture of things.

As for Yazid, yes I've heard of him and read enough to know that there are still differing viewpoint amongst all scholars (exc Shias) about his role in ordering the deaths of Ali AS sons. Shias hold him guilty and hate him and other sects hold views that there is not enough evidence to say for certain that he was responsible until then it still doesn't give u the right to call a Jew a kafir when Jews are the complete opposite. Its is a ...oh hold on, I've already told u this but ur obvisouly unintelligent yourself to get it first time around.
Btw the debate was never only between you and a Jew and when you go and call a person of any of the 3 Books a Kafir then don't u for once think any of us will stand by you, we are the very people you insult and bad mouth and you thinks it ok to do so but when someone tries to tell you otherwise, set you straight or does it back to you, you don't like it and rather than realise ur own wrong doings, you come out with more false accusations and lame, baseless arguments.

If you can't take it, don't dish it malik! Stop being such a hypocrite!

Btw you made laugh with ur false accusation of shortening the kalima and azaan but u know at least ur consistent with ur load of ol' baloney
Remember accusations without proof result in public flogging of lashes as per Qur'an or do you have a different version to mine?

Btw why you guys beat urselves up every year? (Serious question of course)
