it is the time of year to be applying to colleges, trouble is i just have no experience in this sort of thing, its getting kinda late and ive only applied to Woodhouse (and i havnt even completed it yet i still have to get my predictions :roll: )
any recommendations? btw i live in north west london...
i went to a 6th form and everyone says there the best but i think there are better colleges out there. if theres an oaklands college near you then try that , do some research on them , but yeah 6th form colleges are good.
Thanks for the reply,
You want to be a lawyer too!
ive had a look at the website but find it a bit confusing, do you know if they do:
philosophy, psychology and sociology,
ive seen law, are you taking it? is it good?
not sure of the subjects oaklands do but 6th forms do all those subjects u mentioned philosphy etc.
erm yh am doin law in first year of uni now, i really liked law found it really interesting and enjoyed my two years of studying law in college...basically if you can read for long periods of time without getting annoyed and losing concentration and also be able to write law essays fast then theres not alot to it...i found the exams reasonably comftorble because had confidence i could write what i knew on paper in a fast time lol speed is defnintly needed when doing a law essay in an exam lol.
i also did psychology for a year and dropped it in my second year i never liked it maybe because it never made sense to me all, the theories they discussed didnt seem at all logical to me hence seemed a waste of time and maybe because i was one of the only boys in the class lol. sociology is maybe a better option than psychology (people are probably gonna criticise me for sayin this but ermm sociology from what i heard is really easy to get a high grade in lol but dont just take my word for it)
and as for philosophy im not sure whether its offered as a seperate subject but im pretty sure they still cover philosophy on the religious studies course,
very long post lol hope it helped.
woodhouse is good
the harrow colleges are good too, i think
depending on where in NW you live, if you can get to LaSwap 6th form consortium i would recommend it. it has loads of courses and backs onto hampstead heath so it's easy to escape if lectures get boring
Don't just do something! Stand there.
im filling in an application form which i want to give in 2moro/end of the week at the most but i don't know what to write for the section about myself - everything i write will sound so lame and just crap! ;/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
just be honest and present yourself in a good way not being overly bias but yet being honest and giving yourself credit....or maybe if u asked a good friend to help u with that section but again could be bias involved with that but yh make sure you give yourself enough if i could find my own applications i'd help you out more but dont know where they are...cant even remember what i wrote for college applications lol but still remember my personal statement for university and now that toook looooong to write up lol. good luck fifi.
I see a flaw in the plan...
Tell them that you're the best thing since sliced bread, brilliant at problem solving, have great interpersonal skills, enthusiastic about learning new things and meeting people, but most of all that you are extremely humble.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I believe just if you aren't completely braindead, somehow worse than braindead, you won't get turned away from a 6th form college.
o yh lol forgot to mention that yeah it is really easy to get into a 6th form college even with the worst grades people still get in so dont pressure yourself inshAllah all will be good and inshAllah u'll do good in ur exams fifi and Sumaiya, ameen.
yeah i know but i still want to sound good lol
tnx Suhail
EDIT: had parents evening today and basically all my teachers and my dad thinks i work v.hard
but every teacher except for my RE teacher complained about me not talking lol
AND i've definitly got a place at my school sixth form
the teacher said something like " we would like to have her, she would definitley get a place but she needs to think about what she wants to do"
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Congrats I guess. what do they offer?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Creative Arts
AS Level Art
Creative and Media
Diploma in Creative and Media
ICT and Business Studies
AS Level ICT
BTEC National Award for IT Practitioners (Level 3)
AS Level Business Studies
BTEC National Award in Business
BTEC Nationals in Travel and Tourism English, Drama and Media Studies
AS Level English Literature
AS Level Drama and Theatre Studies
AS Level Media Studies
AS Level Film Studies
Health and Social Care
BTEC First Diploma in Children's Care, Learning and Development
BTEC First Diploma in Health and Social Care Humanities
AS Level Citizenship
AS Level Critical Thinking
AS Level Geography
AS Level Government and Politics
AS Level History
AS Level Psychology
AS Level Religious Studies
AS Level Sociology
AS Level Mathematics
Modern Foreign Languages
AS Level French
AS Level Spanish
BTEC National Award in Music Technology
BTEC National Certificate in Music Technology
BTEC National Diploma in Music Technology
AS Level Music
AS Level Biology
AS Level Chemistry
AS Level Physics
BTEC National Diploma in Forensic Science Sports Studies
BTEC Nationals in Sports Studies
AS Level Physical Education
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
they all feel like learning. not a fan.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I hate college i just cannot wait till my two years finish! Boilogy especially is killing me!
What subjects are you taking next year Fifi?
We just do. The way the subjects were arranged early on may have gotten boring but we learn even when we don't want to - best to choose a subject yourself. Discounting the incidental, we've all experienced a number of ways of studying being from a teacher or from books, the internet and other self-sought resources; alone, in pairs or in groups; through experimentation, through observation, through logic or by primary or secondary, direct or indirect reference; & perhaps so on & so on. And when we were being taught and when we wanted to know.
on my application form i said
but thats probably going to change.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
AND that did change to
english lit
but i still want it to change, i'm so confused. if would be easier if i had a career in mind, im just floating around aimlessly which can't be good. :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
you'll find out tomorrow
that won't help me make up my mind!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
It might do
you'l be able to discuss with the course heads of department and they'l give you all the info you need (lol they may try too hard to convince you to join their course)
keep in mind that the subjects you did ate gcse are not at all the same at AS/A LEVEL even if they do carry the same name.
what subjects do you have in mind exactly....from my own experience i can already say that english lit may be tedious during the first term and a compleet headache.....but anyways what subjects do you have in mind?
subjects in mind:
govt + politics
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I have a number of options which are all pretty similar:
option 1
English Lit
Option 2
Government & Politics
Option 3
Option 4
Government & Politics
Option 5
Government & Politics
As you can see, the only thing i am 100% sure i want to do is history.
Now, after looking at my transition work i'm just thinking will it really be interesting? Or just like this; looking at case studies and seeing what theorists/theories say about them? And yeah the theories seem interesting but i could probably get the gist of them by reading a book or two!
Also i don't know if i should drop english lit or not because i really don't want to do it, but then i don't have a career choice yet and i want to choose subjects that are quite open and can lead me into lots of different things, I think psychology is also a good subject for that reason too.
I need to be sure what i want to do by wednesday
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
so history.
what abot doing maths? maths is pretty good for the "keep choices open"
sociology is a lot of writing and theory. Its the study of society.
Psychology is hte study of the mind.
which one you wnana do?
i dont think you should do sociology and RE together. they are just TOO similar.
dont you have english language? thats pretty cool too
i wont comment on politics as i find the most boring thing ever.
went to the colleg ei wanted to go to. told me to come back tomorrow as admissions officer wasnt in. (tomorrow is today)
went. real nice woman. said she's call me back to let me know when i will have an interview with head of sixth form.
dont know what thta mean in term of place?
called back (just when dad walked in from jumua)
said had an interview at 9:40 on thursday. and told me all the papers i needed to bring.
still dont know if that means ive got a place? or if i will have to change my subject.
the smooth(?) running of this might be because i had already applied to this college previsouly but rejected them when i got the other college (closer to home). I hope they wont hold nay grudges against me, nad make me work as a cinderella for rejecting them and then coming back...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
can't do maths. and i was thinking about the re/sociology thing but then im not sure what do instead :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I did sociology. The only thing I found interesting was Crime and Deviance. Other than that everything else was boring.
Government and Politics was even more boring.
Psychology was the best.
Depending on the career you're looking at, choose your subjects carefully.
i didnt like crime and deviance, too complicated, or maybe it was because i missed so many of the lessons...
but you're a crime and deviance lover so you're bias.
cant do maths? what about spanish? what about taking life cool and doing three? or maybe take a science? just in case.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Crime and deviance is definitely not complicated. If you miss classes then you will suffer, especially if you haven't studied crime before.
Why don't you do law? Also, don't you have any career plans?