Nick Griffin Gets Battered On Question Time!


I agree that he took a battering last night. I was interested to see the bit where (inevitably) he would criticise Islam. He called Islam 'wicked and vicious' (not for the first time), I disagreed with his opinion that women are treated like 2nd class citizens in Islam.

He did also mention the topic of stoning and rape victims. My understanding is that people guilty of adultery are flogged under Shariah law. But what about stoning people guilty of adultery, is this Shariah law?

I also wanted to ask about this topic of rape victims and something about them having to find 4 witnesses to the crime or they face death? Can someone please provide more information on this topic, thank you.

The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.

He did also mention the topic of stoning and rape victims. My understanding is that people guilty of adultery are flogged under Shariah law. But what about stoning people guilty of adultery, is this Shariah law?

I also wanted to ask about this topic of rape victims and something about them having to find 4 witnesses to the crime or they face death? Can someone please provide more information on this topic, thank you.

best to discuss this ion a seperate topic, thanks


Nick got battered?

I dont think so.

It was him who actually did the whipping.

You have to honest here.

Warsi was probably the only one who may have made Griffin sweat a bit.

But the BNP leader was giving everyone else a good roasting.

I heard that Jack Straw didn't come over too well, and the Tory woman did well.

Gonna watch it later today.

Facebook went crazy with comments...

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I didn't watch much of it, but Jack straw is always mumbling - that is what he does. As for Baroness warsi, for the bit where she did interrupt him (I never saw her actually speak), she seemed more fluent, if not still wrong.

Maybe it was because I tuned in late, but it seemed that the misconceptions were not being answered, but ignored.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

By reading comments on the BBC site it seems that most ppl are saying that:

the debate was a set up
griffin was bullied by panel
audience was all anti bnp
even host david dimbelby was not impartial
ppl dont like bnp but wud still vote for them rather than other parties
alot of ppl sympathised with GRIFFIN
most ppl felt it was opportunity missed to intellectually rip him apart
more comments opposed jack straw than griffin

but i have to say even though most of the above is true griffin was still POOR


TheRevivalEditor wrote:
audience was all anti bnp

There was a blue collar tie guy in the audience who asked the question "Why are we letting immigrants in when there are people here losing jobs?" and he was afaik not even answered, so I doubt the whole audience was anti BNP.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Saeeda Warsi was very good i thought. what did everyone else think?


You wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
audience was all anti bnp

There was a blue collar tie guy in the audience who asked the question "Why are we letting immigrants in when there are people here losing jobs?" and he was afaik not even answered, so I doubt the whole audience was anti BNP.

ok 95% was anti bnp:-)

but u wud have expected from an institution like the bbc to make it a more balanced debate so it didnt come across as all one sided and nick griffin v the rest. cos then nick griffin wud have been exposed instead he'scome out with unbeleivable media coverage and in a sense good publicity and even sympathy and support by many!


Can I find the whole hijacking issue stupid? If you hold the guy yo todays standards, he was simply dispicable. He thought gassing iraqi villages was an acceptable thing to do if they were late paying their taxes...

Just in case someone wants to watch the full Question Time episode instead of the 6 minute excert on that original link. I am listening to it now to see how the show really went.

As for balance... some things are not balanced and that is life.

Giving 50/50 billing to views shared by 95% and 5% of the population is also unfair as it implies they are equally valid and supported.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I am listening to the full thing right now, and it seems to be less... targetting Nick Griffin than the excerpts, and also, Nick does his own weaseling out of things, non denial denials etc, but it did not seem unfair.

I must also say that he carried himself pretty well as a politician, where there were a lot of places where he could have been skewered for his policies, actions etc and he was caught wrong footed a few times.

Jack Straw also did pretty well atleast at the start, but he did a lot of speaking and was on the backfoot at times especially when he (well labour) was blamed for the rise of the BNP, because labour has been in power for 12 years now.

Baroness Warsi was mostly silent and only spoke like twice.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

Baroness Warsi was mostly silent and only spoke like twice.

she spoke when she was asked a question and butted in when it was appropriate. straw just kept butting in and looked silly. she came across professional and sensible


Yeah, I wrote that half way through viewing where you could forget she had existed - after that she had a impassioned minute and a few other good speaking bits - but for the first half of the show, she was non existant.

Jack straw was good at the start, less well good when he was made to defend himself or the government record.

What I disliked was how the immigration system was taken to be a failure "by default" - where is the proof that immigrants are making things worse?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Why were people against him being on the BBC? :S
I thought it was good cuz everyone got to see what an idiot he is through the answers he gave. Like when asked about the halocaust he said "i dont know why i said that" :roll: :roll: and then he said stuff like colour didnt matter but kept talking about the "indiginous" british people

Jack Straw kinda messed up too when he was asked if Labour were to blame for the rise of the BNP.

I understand now why so many people voted for him - because of his policies like on immigration etc, so they're not all actually racist, didnt know that.

The audience were proper against him and some of the comments were great! lol I thought the guy who asked where he should go and told him to go to the south pole was hillarious!

I enjoyed watching that lol

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

You wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
audience was all anti bnp

There was a blue collar tie guy in the audience who asked the question "Why are we letting immigrants in when there are people here losing jobs?" and he was afaik not even answered, so I doubt the whole audience was anti BNP.

That viewpoint does not necessarily mean the guy sympathises with the bnp.

Pigeonholing people like him with extremists isn't helpful, and Muslims get pretty pissed off when people group the mainstream with nutters too.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

but he is ripe recruiting ground and his view should have been countered.

1. IT is not that "the immigrants that came over and took the jobs", but because the bankers played with fire and got burnt. Moreover, the bankers are STILL doing what they did before, saying it is the only way to get to recovery... they are still playing their game of dice.

2. Due to the NMW, at respectable employers, the immigrants did not undercut the local people looking for the jobs for basic stuff - granted they may have prevented pay increases as they were wiling towork for the NMW, but if the jobs were already NMW jobs before, they remained at that wage level.

3. When the jobs disapeared over the past year, many many of these economic migrants upped and went home.

4. They did not scrounge on the benefits system as they first had to have had a job for a year where they were in the system, paying taxes etc. before they are be allowed to take advantage of the benefits system in the UK.

5. The discussed large influx of migrant labour was a one off thing where the EU had rapidly expanded and the UK took a moral standpoint on the issue - the government should hold its hands out and give the reasons why they took the stance they did instead of just cowering and people may agree with them.

6. Due to the way the benefits system works, there NEEDS to be an ever increasing workforce to pay the costs of e.g. the elderly, the pensioners and even the NHS and other stuff as otherwise the alternative is to raise taxes dramatically.

7. Going back to point 1 - Blame the bankers, not the immigrants. The immigrants may be an easier an easier target to blame, but they are the wrong target. The banking system as is is still full of evil and needs fixing.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Why does Nick Griffin just not give up?

Nobody was on his side (unsurprisingly).


BNP support in poll sparks anger

Peter Hain says his fears have been proved right after a poll suggested support for the BNP has risen after Nick Griffin appeared on Question Time.

A YouGov poll in the Daily Telegraph suggests 22% of people questioned would "seriously consider" voting BNP.

The Welsh secretary said: "The BBC has handed the BNP the gift of the century on a plate and now we see the consequences. I'm very angry."

The show was watched by a record eight million people on Thursday.

The opinion poll carried out after Mr Griffin's appearance found 22% of voters would consider voting BNP in a future local, general or European election.

Read more @ BBC News

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

BBC is anti-muslim. They hate Islam. That is why they invited BNP to insult our Holy Prophet (pbuh). Lanat on BBC. Lanat on BNP.
Our government is good. But BBC is now taken over by Jews. They did not allow broadcast of Gaza charity appeal in January when Israel was bombing innocent Palestinian muslims. BBC is not allowed by law to attack Islam. They have to be careful on air. They cannot do it themselves. It is illegal. Instead they told BNP to abuse Muslims. That was their aim. May God curse them.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

The BBC is an organisation and as all organisations, it is made up of people. If you disagree with it, get a job there and maybe influence its broadcasts?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Jews will not allow Muslims to get in position of power in any national newspaper or tv station.
Like American tv channels, the BBC is also now in grip of Jewish control. Jews control two things, the media and financial institutions. Everyone knows this.

Banks and tv are infultrated by powerful lanati Zionists. Media is always against Islam and gives hate filled news on Muslims. Jews are worst enemies of God and Islam. Qur'an says so. Their crimes against Muslims prove it.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Why won't they "let" you? How can they stop you? Are you weaker than them? less capable?

The cream always rises to the top and if you are good enough, you will find a way. So the question is would you rather just blame someone else or take charge?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

So... did anyone agree with what Nick Griffin said?


1. was against meddling in other countries' affairs,
2. Did not want (primary?) school kids to get sex education...
3. Probably a few other things too.

and now that your restriction to join the BNP will (probably) be lifted, who wants in?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


You wrote:
So... did anyone agree with what Nick Griffin said?


1. was against meddling in other countries' affairs,
2. Did not want (primary?) school kids to get sex education...
3. Probably a few other things too.

and now that your restriction to join the BNP will (probably) be lifted, who wants in?

Points i agreed with Griffin:

1. he was against iraq war
2. he was agaisnt promotion of homosexuality in primary schools
3. he disagreed with homosexuality
4. he supported islamic laws regarding interest

but disagreed with 95% of everything else:-)






malik wrote:
Jews will not allow Muslims to get in position of power in any national newspaper or tv station.
Like American tv channels, the BBC is also now in grip of Jewish control. Jews control two things, the media and financial institutions. Everyone knows this.

Banks and tv are infultrated by powerful lanati Zionists. Media is always against Islam and gives hate filled news on Muslims. Jews are worst enemies of God and Islam. Qur'an says so. Their crimes against Muslims prove it.

Malik is spot on. If ever an issue was pushed by the gay liberal illuminati Jew media to advance the Jewish onslaught it was the BNP. What this country needs is a racist, antisemitic, homophobic political party. Nothing springs to mind.
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre wrote:

Malik is spot on. If ever an issue was pushed by the gay liberal illuminati Jew media to advance the Jewish onslaught it was the BNP. What this country needs is a racist, antisemitic, homophobic political party. Nothing springs to mind.

are you a Jew?
do you recognise Israel?
do you believe in God who created you?

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

malik wrote:

are you a Jew?
do you recognise Israel?
do you believe in God who created you?

Yes, yes and difficult question. Why?
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre wrote:

malik wrote:

are you a Jew?
do you recognise Israel?
do you believe in God who created you?

Yes, yes and difficult question. Why?

You are an evil person for siding with what is evil. God will most certainly punish you in this life and in the life after death.

If you reject God, then you are a kafir Jew instead of a believing Jew. I don't hate you for not believing in God. You might not yet be fully convinced about God.

But I hate you for accepting an immoral creaton called Israel. You know that Israel came into existence through force, robbery, murder, oppression, racism and genocide.

I urge you to take time and read this book:

"Arabs and Israel For Beginners" - by Ron David.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
