Questions for Casuals United

This is moved from comments in Fighting fire with fire with some amendments and additions etc and has been posted to a couple of Casuals United Facebook Groups.

Questions from a few people over at :

1. Why are Muslims bad people?

2. What aspects of the British way of life are threatened by Muslims?

3. Do you think that Anjem Choudry is representative of British Muslims?

4. Do British Muslims need liberating from themselves? Should women be forced to abandon wearing what they want to if it is a headscarf?

5. Why do you feel threatened by a building which is not insulting you, nor demanding you to even acknowledge it.

6. How do come to terms with the fact that "British Common Law", established centuries ago in the UK is based on the Maliki School of Islamic Fiqh (Shariah law).

7. How would you define a "good" Muslim? (am I a goody?)

Feel free to answer here and I will copy the answers over. Or go over and reply on the site.

I would also like permission to copy any intelligent discussion over to that site (past posts can be seen in above link and more by going to )


The reply I got was:

1- They are not bad people, All Races/religions have bad people but its clear muslims struggle to intergrate into society compared with other ethnic groups. 2-British culture is threatened with the constant demands on our country, Such as you find our st george flag racist? its our flag so tuff, You want hot cross buns banned cause you find the cross racist? its our tradition so tuff...etc... 3-i dont think anjem choudary is represenatative of muslims in britain but not many of you seem to condemn him do you? 4-the headscarf or veil or bhurka shouldnt be allowed in the uk in my view in creates division and its scary! this is a christian country. 5-mosques are from the middle east, they belong in the middle east landscape, our country is fine how it was, we dont need mosques, What would you say if we built fish and chip shops everywhere?


6- im not centuries old so i dont have to come to terms with anything pal, All i know is our country is horrible compared to how it was 30 years ago and thats down to unlimited immigration from successive governments.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

My response to the above:

As for your answers, how is preventing mosques "preventing extremism"? it is forcing groups underground - and that will always make things worse.

As for Britain being worse now than 30 years ago, 30 years ago you were being terrorised by the IRA and their terror campaign. Britain was also in a recession back then, having to take bailout money from the IMF. We are far better off that that right not.

Who wants hot cross buns banned? People who do not like the taste can simply not eat them. Besides we all know that the original Christian symbol was the fish, not the cross.

If you want to export fish and chip shops everywhere, go ahead. It would allow me to have quality fish and chips elsewhere. It could even be franchised - like MacDonalds, just not as nasty. A positive export of British culture.

And "British culture" whatever that is would only be under threat if you come from the opinion that it is inferior. I am sure you do not think that.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.