firstly, i am a new member here.. I signed up as i have an urgent question and i don't really know who to ask, which explains why i signed up.
i may actually decide to stick around inshallah as this does look nice a nice place
anyway, back to the original point:
i am facing a difficult decision and so a week ago i performed istikhara, for 3 days in a row. i had learnt as i grew up that istikhara causes you to have a dream that will guide you to making the right choice. however, i later read many conflicting views regarding the results of istikhara and now i'm very confused!
some say you should wait for a dream, others say you will see signs in the following days regarding your decision, and others say you should simply do nothing after istikhara as Allah Himself will guide you. now i am very very unsure as to what i should expect, and what i should do.
do i follow a sign, or a dream.. or do nothing? please help!
jazakallah khair
Istikhara is a dua asking that Allah (swt) guides you. It does not have to be a dream, but an inclination/leaning towards one path or another.
From Islamic Academy:
(it also mentions that you can do it for up to seven days in a row)
Also related content/links from this site:
So in short, you need to trust yourself to choose the better path too.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
jazakallah, i read through the links and it has clarified quite alot. thank you so much for your help!
As Salamu Alaikum,
Just paying a visit during a search regarding Istikhara.
I have been doing Istikhara recently, about marriage. It is a decision I am positive about, however my parents and family are not so sure. Anyway, I have been doing sitikhara now for three nights and I am very positive about this. Last night I woke up at Fajr (which is unusual) thinking that I will prove to the world that this marriage is the best decision I am making and that it will last forever, from this world to the hereafter.
However my family say that I feel like this because I already know what I want. They want me to "keep doing Istikhara." To quote a family member, "You are positive because it's what you want. Keep doing Istikhara until you get real guidance from Allah."
How can they know if this is from Allah or not? And they want me to keep doing Istikhara, untill what? Until they decide to believe me or until they convince me to break my engagement?
Sorry for moaning,
Advice would be nice.
Sister R.
You can do istikhara for up to 7 days, so you may as well, however beyond that, the istikhara is asking for guidance, and if your mind is becoming even more certain, then it seems the right thing to do. If it was wrong, your certainty would not remain as.. certain. I think.
EDIT - I just want to add that there is nothing wrong with wanting to get married, so if people are trying to use that as a negative... its not.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
your family do have a point.
how do you know its your heart that is saying get married and not your brain? if you think about something a lot during the day, you will end up dreaming about it.
a shaykh mentioned that real istikhara is when you completely switch of your brain and rely solely on your heart, how you do that is beyond me, i'm still trying to figure it out.
you could always get someone else to pray salatul istikhara for you.
anyway, you say you have been getting positive signs and if this is something you really want, go for it.
the prophet
said: there is nothing better for two who love one another than marriage. (ibn majah)
Dear Noor,
I do not want to base the rest of my life on what someone else thought or dreamt or felt. This is something I need to do.
I understand what you are saying, however the point of Istikhara is to ask Allah for guidance and it will make it clear for you what you want. I know what I want, I know this is good for me - the only reason my family do not understand is because they do not want this. How many times must I do Istikhaa before they realise that whatever I feel dream or think would be from Allah?
Yes I put everyones opints of view infront of me and analyse this matter a lot especially when doing Istikhara - it's not like I do not understand my family. I do.
But I am very sure that this one is for me. It's just a matter of making my family see this...
Salaam, im sorry i have very minor knowledege on istikhara.
also i have never done it myself.
I can do dua tho.
May Allah make the difficulties easy for all and show everyone the straight path and guide everyone towwards the right path and help those in dificulties, Ameen.
May Allah giv all sabr too in difficulties , Ameen.
By "real guidance" I think they mean "say no". If there are real issues that concern your family, you may need to discuss with them why you think them unimportant.
Other than that, it's kind of stupid - wanting to get married to someone is a good thing... getting hitched to someone you don't want to, or even dislike is not how its supposed to be.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.