White supremacists shoots up Holocaust memorial? Its teh mozlems who dunnit. innit.

So What if Holocaust Museum Shooter is White Christian: We Know Who Crescented, er ... Created This Atmosphere; 9/11 Truther

Much is being made by Muslims and their many defenders on the left--and the ignoramus "conservatives" at Hot Air (who lecture us that hate has no ideological bounds, which I already learned not from those clueless ones, but from Sarah Palin e-mails wishing me cancer)--that the shooter of several people (one now dead) at the U.S. Holocaust Museum is not a Muslim but a White guy, James W. Von Brunn, who is a neo-Nazi.

But that is a distinction without a difference. In fact, it is because of Muslims--who are the biggest contributor to the worldwide rise in anti-Semitism to Holocaust-eve levels--that neo-Nazis feel comfortable--far more comfortable!--manifesting their views about Jews. Until 9/11 and our resulting new tolerance for Islam, the neo-Nazi types were marginalized and howling at the wind. We know who has been targeting Jewish museums and centers affiliated with Jews in recent years. And it hasn't been, in general, 89-year-old White guys.

Read more and give Debbie some advertising revenue.

Like the caption on one of the blog ads on that site:

Bare Naked Islam: It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you.


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

She's being an idiot, clearly, starting by dismissing the notion that Muslims are diverse (actually, belief in that is one of the most basic tenets of human decency; Schlussel: -10 points) and not all represented by bin Laden, and going on to blame them for white supremacist crimes. There is a certain truth that I understand in where she's coming from, that the hard left, the hard right and most politically active Muslims have all contributed to a rise in antisemitism, and the conspiracy theorists have been sharing attractive memes on the subject of Jews for years over the anonymous internet, so there is something of a siege mentality and genuinely something of a siege, but it doesn't excuse blandly veering into a hostile attitude to Muslims, which is certainly a tendency of some who, like me, take political positions that might be called centre-right (debatably; get me on the right subject or with the right person and I'll come over all utopian, and my social attitudes are entirely "nice").

What is interesting: Schlussel is questioning Hot Ait, a site I knew at its inception as a new home for the over-simple but devastatingly fit Michelle Malkin and the totally hilarious (sorry) Allahpundit, who started out with a blog "written by" the petty and vengeful Allah of bin Laden (sorry, but it was that. To his credit when Allahpundit saw that he couldn't continue without ruffling other feathers he quit character from a crisis of conscience). To Schlussel these are left wing kooks in the right wing playground. Schlussel would prefer to advance her narrow politics in logically bankrupt lockstep with Christian fundies and so on whose agenda was written long before the 7th century; and European fascists such as the BNP - tragic beyond irony - which can occasionally claim to have learned to accept Jews (and they haven't) now that their guns are on Muslims and darkies. But actually, where Hot Air is at (not Malkin especially, I'm not with her), is exactly the point where I came in and decided to clear some things up with The Revival forum. It is a little to the right. It has been very reasonable but had in its forums people who are slightly further to the right, but it won't have fascists. Another site I've mentioned is Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs, which is really a reference point for those other blogs, a pioneer among centre-right blogs and arch-nemesis of Huffington and Kos. Charles has also, to his credit, adapted well to the reemergence of the far-right, banning them where he sees them, posting against them, and incidentally I'll add defending science against religious literalism. It is a divide I am pleased to see, because the right and the left are not actually extremes on a spectrum, but useful political labels, and it does no good to be labelled in with the kooks, as no doubt many of you have also discovered.

So we don't like Debbie Schlussel.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Not really followed the other splits and not been on the hot air website, or even knew it existed til today. First Impression - potentially anti Obama?

That is not really a problem but I would have expected most people to wait for him to actually do something - anything - first.


PS - Welcome back. Thought you had moved onto other things. Onwards and upwards as they say.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

this opens an interesting discussion...is there any substance in islamic anti semitism? and if not why are there so many anti-semites?

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

I think these are people who've never ever met a Muslim face to face. Ignorance is an excuse for knowledge.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

What a dumb bimbo. She thinks Muslims worship Mohammed (saw).


Thanks Joey. I don't normally read big blocks of text like that on the forum, but with you I know it will always be worth the effort.

I wonder where the line between 'mainstream' politics and 'extremism' actually lies. I mean on both sides of the spectrum. Is it simply 'holocaust denial' or 'racial superiority' to the right, or can someone who fully accepts that it occurred still be 'extreme' if they hold certain other views?

And on the left, do u have to believe 'they' are out to get us and will 'force us to buy things we don't really need' to be a 'kook', or is a simple advocacy of strong unions and high tax all it takes to be viewed as an 'extreme lefty' in 21st century Britain?

With Hitler through one door and Stalin through the other, and all the centre left and right parties and theorists in the room with you, what do you have to do to actually 'walk through' one of those doors to join them?

Don't just do something! Stand there.