A comfortably plump dog happened to run into a wolf. The wolf asked the dog where he had been finding enough good to get so big and fat.
'It is a man,' said the dog, 'who gives me all this food to eat.'
The wolf then asked him, 'And what about that bare spot there on your neck?'
The dog replied, "My skin has been rubbed bare by the iron collar which my master forged and placed upon my neck.'
The wolf then jeered at the dog and said,' Keep your luxury to yourself then! I don't want anything to do with it, if my neck will have to chafe against a chain of iron!'
[Aesop's Fables, Laura Gibbs]
Moral of the story....
Freedom better than luxury ?
No its not.
But apparently dogs and wolves can talk to each other!!!!
Back in BLACK
No? what do you think the moral of the story is then?
Why is your profile picture a wolf?
Lol i just told you.
Apparently the moral of the story is dogs and wolves can talk to each other!!
My profile pic is a wolf... bcoz i felt like a change.
Back in BLACK
Oh right, I didn't see the link between you saying what was the moral and that.
all aesop's fables are of animals talking to each other
n wolves n dogs are the same family of animals
The dog has sold his freedom for the greed of his stomach...whereas the wolf is free and is not a slave to his desires....???
The dog didn't really have a choice BUT to be locked up. It has just gratefully accepted its situation in life, which shows patience and contentment in God's plan!
Also, the dog acknowledges its teeth and claws aren't as sharp as the wolf's, so it can't fend for itself in the same way. So that shows humility and realism, too!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
It also shows that perhaps we should be happy with what God has given us, rather than being ungrateful.
Back in BLACK
That's what I said, doofus!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
no u didnt... u just waffled
Back in BLACK
I agree with Afzana because maybe it's part of God's plan for you to break free.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Break free from what?
From the chain.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
You can change yours too wednesday