-u have more friends on the Revival then u do in real life
-you make sure you stop by the forums at least twice a day, or you leave the browser open if you're at work or school
-whenever something intresting happens in ur life/other peoples life u find urself dying to tell the ppl on the Revival
-u find urself smiling at the jokes/posts of others members even when ur not online
-ur frustrated and dont know what to do with yourself when Revival is down.
-u can easily waste a good couple hours straight online
-everytime u switch on the computer to revise or do an essay you decide to go on spend the whole day reading posts instead
-u find ur self wondering how nice would it be to bump into onother Revival members in real life
-u can easily hate and love revival members that u don’t even personally know
-u eat food by the computer whilst posting msgs on the revival
-u stay "hidden" or as a guest so that other members dont find out how sad u are Cough-irfan-Cough
-after a weeks absence u find urself missing the members and wondering if they’re missing u
-If someone cusses the Revival-its as if they’ve cussed you-u take it personally
-you are reading a "you know when ur addicted to the Revival” thread and find urself nodding and agreeing with it
-You can’t sleep at night so u keep ur sister awake making stupid “you know ur addicted to the revival” lists
Feel free to add ur own
I need to cut down. :shock:
-You know your addicted to the revival when you cant go a day without posting something.
Back in BLACK
That's what I do.
At least I'm not the only one.
I just have the Revival open in a seperate browser whilst I'm doing other stuff.
No I'm not. I'm wallowing in self-pity.
oops most of them apply to me!! lol good list lilsis
-You find yourself wandering into other forums but find them all lame in comparison…
-You switch on your computer before you eat your breakfast.
-You find yourself burning dinner and being late for stuff cos you were busy posting on the Revival…
But many of the above are true for me too…when I hear someone cussing the Revival it does feel personal. And I also hold a soft spot for some members and would love to meet them…
And I'm often smiling at some of the stuff members come out with...
you know your addicted...when you are getin late for wrk at 9am but still want to check out the posts b4 you leave!!
lol, gotta say thats a great list and i'm guilty wen it comes to atleast half of it! :oops:
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
lol GUILTY! well most of it anyway
-You know your addicted to the revival when the very first thing you do as soon as you get home is check the posts.
Back in BLACK
you know your addicted to revival when you have a migraine but still read/write posts!! (call me insane or whatever)
- you know you're addicted to Revival when you go down the shops, you have the Revival on your mind and you forget the bread
you know you're addicted when you come on the internet to get remedies for arthritis for your old mum and you spend 3 hours posting and totally forget your mum
Its tru tho-
I have revival on the mind 24/7 too
Easy, don't make me sound as bad as you.
I just happened to be thinking about the Revival and forgot the bread. I don't think about it 24/7. I still have remnants of a life.
but I've never gone out and forgotten to get sumin cos I was too busy thinking about the revival
I'm able to think about the revival AND have a life at the same time
Maybe you can give me some pointers.
-You know your addicted to the revival if the first thing you do when you come online is check the posts.
-You know your addicted to the revival if you cant go a week without posting.
-You know your addicted to the revival if after a week without posting you start feeling withdrawral symptoms.
Back in BLACK
Lol-you know something’s in life you do automatically, where no thinking is required.
E.g washing up, doing the hoover, doing your hair/getting ready etc etc
In such situations it’s easy and possible to switch off and think about whatever you want to think about…
Only reading/doing essays/praying etc requires ones full attention.
The revival also takes up a lot of my thoughts…
unlike women
men are unable to do/think about two things at the same time
so there's no hope for u
you'll be forgetting the bread for a lot longer
Men will do the tasks one at a time.
But they will do them well, efficiently, and quickly.
Women will do them at the same time, with low quality, take extra long and nag others whilst doing it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
purlease :roll:
if women werent blessed with the ability to cook, clean, take care of kids, work, take care of themselves, massage their husbands ego's ALL at the same time AND do a good job at it
relationships would break down
I remember when I first read this thread a little while ago, when I was not posting and I thought that Lilsis has some serious mental issues with some of the stuff she wrote. :roll: , I actually still do
However, it surprising how The revival keep you engaged. It not as good as it once was as the opinion isn't as diverse as it once was, and there not as many discussion, due to the fact many good posters have disappeared, but it still probably the best muslim youth forum out there.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
-You know your addicted to the revival when your glasses hav the revival hmpage burned into them.
-You know your addicted to the revival when you google for new subjects to talk about.
-You know your addicted to the revival when you refuse to go to a holiday spot with no electricity and no phone lines.
-You know your addicted to the revival when you finally do take that holiday, but only after buying a cellular modem and a laptop.
-You know your addicted to the revival when you start dreaming about it.
-You know your addicted to the revival when you turn your computer off and get this awful empty feeling, like you just pulled the plug of your loved one.
-You know your addicted to the revival when you start introducing yourself as your online alias.
-You know your addicted to the revival when after checking for new posts and there arent any... you check again.
Back in BLACK
lol, most of these probz apply 2 me...and ive only been on for 7 days! sumat like an average of 20 posts per day, half of em from my bed in morning or b4 i go sleep or at work like now. (for the past 7 days, ive done mothig much at work!)
must stress tho.....revival is my 2nd love. the 1st bieng skysports, isnt an article i havent read
....and i turn my pc on for many reasons, and i always eat at the computer. lol, but much less now than i use 2.
if they offend the magazine, yeah i get offended....if they offend any of you lot, couldnt give a damn
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Yeah you fit right in.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Seraph unlike MY list urs was SO not orginal
and Kash I'M not the one with mental issues
I dont think anyone spent as much time on this forum as u used to
-You know your addicted to the revival when the wife shouts "No! The computer can not come to bed"
Back in BLACK
No I think we where about equal
, but it was much more diverse at that time and interesting, me think. Now there too many people following the same thing here.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
what u got against social solidarity?
and yet u also seem big on Unity :roll:
this forum would obvioulsy generates Like minded-Revival agreeing/supporting members
those who feel that people dont agree with them-leave
like that pradah obsessed Deobandi
Not really, for any good dicussion to first take place, they need to be a good blend of people from different belief. That when you have a good discussion, when everyone pick on one person, it doesn't mean anything. Especially when that person can't put forward a straight agrumemt. In the past this place was full with these sort of people which isn't the case now.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."