I'm a newbie here so I'd thought I'd introduce myself. If others would care to follow, insha Allah, feel free.
My name is Yakoub. I'm a Muslim revert. I'm 41 and I have three children, one with severe autism. I run a insane website called 'Anarcho Akbar' and I have written letters to papers, articles for Muslim ezines, the odd piece for Q-News and most recently a review for the Islamic Foundation's Muslim World Book Review.
My first degree is in Religious Studies and I was a primary school teacher, but gave that up a couple of years ago coz caring for my son is a job in itself, even though he goes to school in the day. Since then, I have completed the OU postgrad social sciences foundation module and dipped my toe in a few other odd courses. This September I'm going to my local college to learn Arabic, insha Allah.
I'm currently reading the Tahir Abbas collection of essays on Muslims in Britain - very interesting.
Welcome aboard.
You'll feel really out of place here.
Lol-yeah I was thinking that too.
You seem very intellectual. Inshallah I'll enjoy reading your posts.