I think we need to start writing about very specific things now
rather than just the general stuff
we should have people#s columns
like they do in other magazines
where someonewrites about something...and its more like...how do u describe it...kinda bloggish
if u get what I mean
sorry that wasnt clear!
Regular columns could be a good thing - if you can get famous enough people to write. Sounds interesting.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Regular columns could be a good thing - if you can get famous enough people to write. Sounds interesting.
columnists dont necessarily have to be famous
although that could be what makes someone famous in the mag!
Submitted by xSmurfy786x on 7 February, 2009 - 20:07 #34
Angelic wrote:
Omrow wrote:
Some contents of the magazine are not nice.
Would any of you brothers sit down with your sister and
discuss EVERYTHING that is printed in the Revival Magazine?
Brothers can discuss with brothers and sisters with sisters.
Revival is good at bringing up issues which are normally kept quiet because they are too 'embarrasing'. I respect Revival for this. People need to be aware, Islam is open to discussion about things so why should you be shy?
Yes. i agree. i mean theres been a few discussions ive had over the revival magazine, and about articles in it. i think issue 11 or 12 really brought some good discussions to our LRC tables lol.. and it does bring out curiousity - and it makes it seem okey to talk about these things when they are shy.. Angelic is ryt, islam is open to discussion and people need to be aware - there was an article in the magazine about contraception, i mean, its not very likely you sit down with your parents and talk long about contraception, but the revival tackled it in a really good wayy and it was really relevant to today! i rate revival for that, its doing a fab job,, especially for us teenagers!
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
Submitted by Seraphim on 8 February, 2009 - 16:18 #35
wednesday wrote:
So what's happening with the next Issue? (if you don't mind me asking)
I think it will be out end of March/April.
Just doing some re-organising.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Yaqoobi Snacks (not verified) on 8 February, 2009 - 16:45 #36
Seraphim wrote:
wednesday wrote:
So what's happening with the next Issue? (if you don't mind me asking)
I think it will be out end of March/April.
Just doing some re-organising.
I think your magazine is fab because it targets high school kids and maybe college students. It teaches you about Islam without being too preachy i.e Ali & Jamal. It's been ages since i've read your magazine to be honest so i'm not too sure what features you have but from what i can remember it is an interesting mag. Well done!
doubt it - most of those still have accounts on here - even if unused.
(and "golden oldies"?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I am part of the youth voices show airing in Milton Keynes inshallah on 87.7fm for the first time during Ramadan, for this reason we need as much volunteers everyone is welcome.
anyone who has any ideas for me or leads then also please get in touch with me asap. please also get in touch if you have any useful youth material or if you work in a feild which relates to youth then get in touch and maybe I could record a interview jazakallah. Or anyone teenagers that want to gte involved or talk on air get in touch...
I am part of the youth voices show airing in Milton Keynes inshallah on 87.7fm for the first time during Ramadan, for this reason we need as much volunteers everyone is welcome.
Should say 'as many volunteers'.
You're very welcome !
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Sadiq (not verified) on 19 September, 2009 - 13:28 #41
Assalamualaikum everybody! My name is Sadiq and i currently study physics at bir uni
just posting to say i think your magazine is great (only just found a few old issues)
and was wondering when you're starting to make more again?
from looking at the websites its seems you stopped in 2008
please let me know if you are still producing magazines as i think this would be a great tool for some of the muslim brothers i know that have got less religious since coming to university.
let me know how it goes and please keep up the good work!
Assalamualaikum everybody! My name is Sadiq and i currently study physics at bir uni
just posting to say i think your magazine is great (only just found a few old issues)
and was wondering when you're starting to make more again?
from looking at the websites its seems you stopped in 2008
please let me know if you are still producing magazines as i think this would be a great tool for some of the muslim brothers i know that have got less religious since coming to university.
let me know how it goes and please keep up the good work!
Inshallah the new mag will be back and work is being done behind the scenes to ensure that...so sometime in the new year inshallah!
I have been bugging Seraph all month about the mext Revival Magazine issue and he was completly useless! :x
and was wondering when is the next magazine going to be issued?
So that we can read it!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Submitted by Seraphim on 11 November, 2009 - 22:35 #44
Its not.
Until further notice.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Imaani on 12 November, 2009 - 02:18 #45
Mez wrote:
Salam everyone, it has been a long time.
I have been bugging Seraph all month about the mext Revival Magazine issue and he was completly useless! :x
and was wondering when is the next magazine going to be issued?
So that we can read it!
Loads of people are asking that, which is nice to hear alhamdulillah. We took a bit of a break to sort a few things out, but the magazine will inshallah be back. Can't say exactly when at this point in time, but it will be in the new year some time. When we have more info we'll post it up. Thanks for asking.
Slaam all! I think it would be cool if the revival had a article for girls/women uknow sowing Differnt hijaab styles and accessories etc... I think this would reali help out newly reverts who don't know exactly how to pin scarves on etc... If not , mayb there could be something else devoted to this cause???
nyway...The revival is great but i agree that ali and Jamal is getting a teensy bit repitive... :oops:
Slaam all! I think it would be cool if the revival had a article for girls/women uknow sowing Differnt hijaab styles and accessories etc... I think this would reali help out newly reverts who don't know exactly how to pin scarves on etc... If not , mayb there could be something else devoted to this cause???
nyway...The revival is great but i agree that ali and Jamal is getting a teensy bit repitive... :oops:
Thats a fantastic idea. I am quite good at doing research, brainstorming - my writing skills are quite good as well and i would love to be part of the team. If there is anything you need then just let me know
Submitted by Seraphim on 17 August, 2010 - 12:03 #48
Ocean wrote:
All (Regular) forum members should be sent a copy of the mag.
All Regular Forum members should ALREADY have subscribed.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Saffy123 (not verified) on 3 September, 2010 - 14:06 #49
Was thinkin if u cud have a page where u interview lots of young people, graduates, those who left schl to work... age range between 18-25 etc and ask them about their jobs, if it is "halal", if they can work and practice islam at the same time, if their job actually helps them practice ie if they are youth workers, work for charities etc.just attainable jobs... not doctors, dentists etc. just to give a bit of hope to all those who are looking for work
The first Issue of the revival I had ever read was issue 16.I don't read it online because my attention span is too short,loool! I loved reading the Revival though and would love to get a paperback version of Issue 17 now that it has been published. thanks,
Salaam evry1
Submitted by s.b.f on 20 November, 2010 - 14:29 #51
Ocean wrote:
hmm My brother's Head teacher is a convert. He was all married and living a happy family life and during some of that he converted. I have no idea what his conversion story is but I'm poking my brother to ask. He manages a Boys only high-school (NOT a faith school)
He was appointed head teacher for that particular school to tame the guys but I think he's very interesting.
^That was just a note for myself to get back to when I have time.
Do you go to your brother's parents evening?
Submitted by TPOS on 20 November, 2010 - 18:23 #52
Islam - Peace. wrote:
The first Issue of the revival I had ever read was issue 16.I don't read it online because my attention span is too short,loool! I loved reading the Revival though and would love to get a paperback version of Issue 17 now that it has been published. thanks,
Salaam evry1
Email the editor if you want a copy of the mag.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Bijou on 24 November, 2010 - 09:18 #53
Saffy123 wrote:
Was thinkin if u cud have a page where u interview lots of young people, graduates, those who left schl to work... age range between 18-25 etc and ask them about their jobs, if it is "halal", if they can work and practice islam at the same time, if their job actually helps them practice ie if they are youth workers, work for charities etc.just attainable jobs... not doctors, dentists etc. just to give a bit of hope to all those who are looking for work
I like this idea.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Submitted by Nagina (not verified) on 12 December, 2010 - 20:51 #54
I really need some copies of the revivals latest magazine. Going to a study circle next weekend and promised them i would bring copies of the magazine so we can discuss some topics listed but not sure how i can order them. Could someone please direct me to a link that works. I've gone onto the magazine section but the link is not working?
Submitted by RI_RS on 12 December, 2010 - 21:08 #55
Maybe you should have like a Brother's corner and a Sister's corner in the Magazine.
Like a couple of pages dedicated to gender-related advice?
Nothing too cringey or anything, just for the younger kids.
Like e.g on Hijab in Girls or Beards and their rulings or whatever in Boys
Just an idea >.<
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Submitted by Bilan on 23 December, 2010 - 21:12 #56
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
I'm sure most of you have read previous magazines of the revival
do you think there is a need for a muslim youth magazine?
who do you think the revival caters for?
what is good about the revival?
what do you not like about the revival?
how can the revival be improved?
do you read the revival on line or hard copy?
is it easy to get hold of?
how would you compare the revival to other muslim mags?
is ali n jamal 'spot on' or outdated?
Does the website live up to the image of the mag?
Do you think you can contribute to the revival and be a part of the team?
1) i think there is a need for the mag and i think its greeeat!!
2) what i have seen of other mags (online, not hard copy) i think the revival beat them hands down, its a lot more user friendly imo
3)i read it online, its quicker that way and no waste of paper!
4) i have to say that i dont think the revival is easy to get hold or maybe i wasnt looking hard enough, but had i not been in a mosque in east london, i probably wouldnt be on here right now...
5) i would like to help with the mag, but im not sure how cos i dont rlly have any fab writing skills
6) i cant put into words what u like about the mag, but i know that there isnt anything that i dislike about it (that i can think of anyways....well i would be great if it was thicker, but i kwn thats easier said than done)
so, yh...good stuff, good stuff
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Submitted by Bilan on 24 December, 2010 - 23:28 #57
ive thought of an idea...dont know if its been mentioned, havent read everyone else's posts...a lot of publications have review sections, so maybe you could have a book reviewed for every issue???
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
ive thought of an idea...dont know if its been mentioned, havent read everyone else's posts...a lot of publications have review sections, so maybe you could have a book reviewed for every issue???
islamic books??
then it gets messy with authors and madhabs etc... and Revival tries to stay clear from this. (as far as i know)
ive thought of an idea...dont know if its been mentioned, havent read everyone else's posts...a lot of publications have review sections, so maybe you could have a book reviewed for every issue???
islamic books??
then it gets messy with authors and madhabs etc... and Revival tries to stay clear from this. (as far as i know)
no just normal reading books, dont knw how ur supposed to reviews for islamic ones lol
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
ive thought of an idea...dont know if its been mentioned, havent read everyone else's posts...a lot of publications have review sections, so maybe you could have a book reviewed for every issue???
islamic books??
then it gets messy with authors and madhabs etc... and Revival tries to stay clear from this. (as far as i know)
You don't have to read it if the author isn't from your madhab (and basically you disagree with it - general "you"
That point never even crossed my mind - maybe thats a bad thing? But it just seems like a silly thing to be worrying about. I don't think book reviews would cause divisions and it can be a good thing giving people ideas on what to read to increase their knowledge since.
Like theres so much out there and being directed to a book you know is actually worth reading would be helpful for people.
Also they wouldn't all be influenced by madhabs, depending on the theme of the book (?) Or maybe they could mention the madhab of the author...that may cause more trouble though?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I think we need to start writing about very specific things now
rather than just the general stuff
we should have people#s columns
like they do in other magazines
where someonewrites about something...and its more like...how do u describe it...kinda bloggish
if u get what I mean
sorry that wasnt clear!
Regular columns could be a good thing - if you can get famous enough people to write. Sounds interesting.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
columnists dont necessarily have to be famous
although that could be what makes someone famous in the mag!
Yes. i agree. i mean theres been a few discussions ive had over the revival magazine, and about articles in it. i think issue 11 or 12 really brought some good discussions to our LRC tables lol.. and it does bring out curiousity - and it makes it seem okey to talk about these things when they are shy.. Angelic is ryt, islam is open to discussion and people need to be aware - there was an article in the magazine about contraception, i mean, its not very likely you sit down with your parents and talk long about contraception, but the revival tackled it in a really good wayy and it was really relevant to today! i rate revival for that, its doing a fab job,, especially for us teenagers!
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
I think it will be out end of March/April.
Just doing some re-organising.
Back in BLACK
July earliest, I'm sure.
I think your magazine is fab because it targets high school kids and maybe college students. It teaches you about Islam without being too preachy i.e Ali & Jamal. It's been ages since i've read your magazine to be honest so i'm not too sure what features you have but from what i can remember it is an interesting mag. Well done!
doubt it - most of those still have accounts on here - even if unused.
(and "golden oldies"?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
salaams all
I am part of the youth voices show airing in Milton Keynes inshallah on 87.7fm for the first time during Ramadan, for this reason we need as much volunteers everyone is welcome.
anyone who has any ideas for me or leads then also please get in touch with me asap. please also get in touch if you have any useful youth material or if you work in a feild which relates to youth then get in touch and maybe I could record a interview jazakallah. Or anyone teenagers that want to gte involved or talk on air get in touch...
Br Ihsan
Should say 'as many volunteers'.
You're very welcome
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Assalamualaikum everybody! My name is Sadiq and i currently study physics at bir uni
just posting to say i think your magazine is great (only just found a few old issues)
and was wondering when you're starting to make more again?
from looking at the websites its seems you stopped in 2008
please let me know if you are still producing magazines as i think this would be a great tool for some of the muslim brothers i know that have got less religious since coming to university.
let me know how it goes and please keep up the good work!
Inshallah the new mag will be back and work is being done behind the scenes to ensure that...so sometime in the new year inshallah!
Salam everyone, it has been a long time.
I have been bugging Seraph all month about the mext Revival Magazine issue and he was completly useless! :x

and was wondering when is the next magazine going to be issued?
So that we can read it!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Its not.
Until further notice.
Back in BLACK
Loads of people are asking that, which is nice to hear alhamdulillah. We took a bit of a break to sort a few things out, but the magazine will inshallah be back. Can't say exactly when at this point in time, but it will be in the new year some time. When we have more info we'll post it up. Thanks for asking.
Slaam all! I think it would be cool if the revival had a article for girls/women uknow sowing Differnt hijaab styles and accessories etc... I think this would reali help out newly reverts who don't know exactly how to pin scarves on etc... If not , mayb there could be something else devoted to this cause???
but i agree that ali and Jamal is getting a teensy bit repitive... :oops:
nyway...The revival is great
Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.
Thats a fantastic idea. I am quite good at doing research, brainstorming - my writing skills are quite good as well and i would love to be part of the team. If there is anything you need then just let me know
All Regular Forum members should ALREADY have subscribed.
Back in BLACK
Was thinkin if u cud have a page where u interview lots of young people, graduates, those who left schl to work... age range between 18-25 etc and ask them about their jobs, if it is "halal", if they can work and practice islam at the same time, if their job actually helps them practice ie if they are youth workers, work for charities etc.just attainable jobs... not doctors, dentists etc. just to give a bit of hope to all those who are looking for work
The first Issue of the revival I had ever read was issue 16.I don't read it online because my attention span is too short,loool! I loved reading the Revival though and would love to get a paperback version of Issue 17 now that it has been published. thanks,
Salaam evry1
Do you go to your brother's parents evening?
Email the editor if you want a copy of the mag.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I like this idea.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
I really need some copies of the revivals latest magazine. Going to a study circle next weekend and promised them i would bring copies of the magazine so we can discuss some topics listed but not sure how i can order them. Could someone please direct me to a link that works. I've gone onto the magazine section but the link is not working?
Maybe you should have like a Brother's corner and a Sister's corner in the Magazine.
Like a couple of pages dedicated to gender-related advice?
Nothing too cringey or anything, just for the younger kids.
Like e.g on Hijab in Girls or Beards and their rulings or whatever in Boys
Just an idea >.<
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
1) i think there is a need for the mag and i think its greeeat!!
2) what i have seen of other mags (online, not hard copy) i think the revival beat them hands down, its a lot more user friendly imo
3)i read it online, its quicker that way and no waste of paper!
4) i have to say that i dont think the revival is easy to get hold or maybe i wasnt looking hard enough, but had i not been in a mosque in east london, i probably wouldnt be on here right now...
5) i would like to help with the mag, but im not sure how cos i dont rlly have any fab writing skills
6) i cant put into words what u like about the mag, but i know that there isnt anything that i dislike about it (that i can think of anyways....well i would be great if it was thicker, but i kwn thats easier said than done)
so, yh...good stuff, good stuff
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
ive thought of an idea...dont know if its been mentioned, havent read everyone else's posts...a lot of publications have review sections, so maybe you could have a book reviewed for every issue???
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
islamic books??
then it gets messy with authors and madhabs etc... and Revival tries to stay clear from this. (as far as i know)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
no just normal reading books, dont knw how ur supposed to reviews for islamic ones lol
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
You don't have to read it if the author isn't from your madhab (and basically you disagree with it - general "you"
That point never even crossed my mind - maybe thats a bad thing? But it just seems like a silly thing to be worrying about. I don't think book reviews would cause divisions and it can be a good thing giving people ideas on what to read to increase their knowledge since.
Like theres so much out there and being directed to a book you know is actually worth reading would be helpful for people.
Also they wouldn't all be influenced by madhabs, depending on the theme of the book (?) Or maybe they could mention the madhab of the author...that may cause more trouble though?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi