Bahai faith

Yes I know I said I was going to stay away for a week,, and I am, But i found out about this faith that I think is pretty interesting,, just want to know what you all think of it? please,, it was introduced in 1844,, mmm,, so pretty recent,, and Baha'u'llah is supposed to be the messenger of it... so wat you all think?

Doesn't the Bahai faith believe that ALL religions are "true", isn't it a mix and match of all religions. Now I think that YOU yourselves at least have to believe that your religion is true and divine, so mix matching doesn't really make much sense to me.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi


Who is this SBF?

Is she Bahabi herself?

What does SBF stand for?

What does she stand for?

Does she like Ferrero Rocher?

So many questions...


I just found out about this yesterday and I am a Muslim and I appreciate Islam and the fact that I was born into but it doesnt mean I cant be interested in this faith! I was only interested cos it mentions Prophet Muhammed saw ,,
i was wondering if anyone else has heard of it basically and what u think of it,,


p.p.s I love Ferrer Rocha so if your thinking about a late Eid gift then wouldnt mind...



She "appreciates Islam" ?

How nice.

I bet she "appreciates" Ferrero Rocher too.

She just wont cough it up, will she.


wednesday wrote:
em... from what I've read so far... He just sounds like one of those people who do not bring something NEW and INSPIRING but rather repeat EVERYTHING in his way of teaching/ preaching

I see no 'messenger'... I see no messenger like qualities... He's just reverbrating what has already been revealed to mankind through the REAl messengers.

Also this strictly contradicts the utmost pillar of Islam, Testimony, your testimony as a Muslim that there is NO God worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) is His Last messenger.

He is the same as ANY other human with enough knowledge to preach goodness, but nothing Devinely inspired about what he teaches. Just another METHOD or MANNER of teaching.

Yes i know, I know! I know that the testimony is that! I was not looking for something that wa contadicting Islam at all! where did you get that idea. I mean thats the basic rule of Islam! that you should worship one God and thats Allah swt!!!!
I know this, just to clarify,, my basic interest was that they mentioned Muhammed pbuh as well,, aargh maybe i should never have posted this up! Plus theres nothing wrong with insprotational people,, sometimes people like me need them as long as theyr preaching something thats good!


Omrow wrote:

She "appreciates Islam" ?

How nice.

I bet she "appreciates" Ferrero Rocher too.

She just wont cough it up, will she.


why are you so irritating for?! when i said I appreciate Islam, I meant I LOVE Islam! my life revolves around this religion! for goodness sake,,

also I LOVE Ferrero ROcher too!



She is "irritated" by my questions on her "appreciation" of Islam.

She does not wants me to ask her about where she stands.

Perhaps also what she eats.

So, now, I will most certaily NOT be asking her about pork.


What makes you think that you shouldn't have posted that? Oh no, I think Wednesday was just saying that he didn't bring anything NEW, as a REVELATION.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

I quite like the Bahai, if I was shopping for a religion I'm pretty certain that would be it.

@ Omrow dont you get bored of rubbing ppl up the wrong way?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

That is probably why he took a couple of years out...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


Naz wrote:
@ Omrow dont you get bored of rubbing ppl up the wrong way?

You can't rub Bahais the wrong way.


Guys ignore him. He's just there.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

Did ANY of the prophets (as) bring anything 'new'?

I thought they were ALL confirming the same message: the Oneness of God.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

That was the primary message, but there were also changes... such as the prohibition of alcohol.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
That was the primary message, but there were also changes... such as the prohibition of alcohol.

Hmmmm.... maybe that wasn't new...... maybe the 'allowance' was added by others.

I know that wine is pretty central to many christians' worship, but the whole 'wine is LITERALLY the blood of Christ' is pure pagan gobbledegook.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

maybe, but alcohol was one of the ways to "purify" water and to kill of disease in it. The other being boiling.

The people around chine went the way of boiling, most of the rest of the world towards alcohol.

The original purpose was not to get drunk, but to stay alive.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

wednesday wrote:
SBF, I didn't mean to offend you (not my intentions AT ALL!) ... I was stating what I thought from what I read... do you rememebr how I read your essay and commented? well basically, I did the same here... NOTHING is to be taken personally!

And if you hadn't put it up then I wouldn't have great idea for my ISOC Blum 3 ... listen yh, don't regret your past, but work out the ways to form the present... and tackle with it there and then! (I think you already know this :? )

Plus, Lamp's correct.

Whats ISOC? I dont regret my past, I like my past, but I like the quote! Im not offended,btw


yes of course I should have known ,, sorry, ours is called USIC,, i think....


er something like that... :S il check that out Smile


One of the groups associated with Islam which catches the attention of most Westerners is that known as Bahaism, due to their catchy yet evasive principle of peace and the unity of humanity. In reality, Bahaism is a sect which, according to Islam, is outside its fold due to its various beliefs which oppose the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, as will become clear upon the most basic analysis of its tenets.


The Bahai movement evolved out of a millenarian sect before it, called the Babis, both in Iran, who emerged in a period of great millenarian expectations, for the year 1844 was to mark the 1000th anniversary of the disappearance of the twelfth Imam famed by the Shi’a. Thus they can be regarded as an offshoot of the Imamiyyah branch of the Shi’a, the majority Shi’a sect found today and also adopted as the state religion of Iran. This sect, or cult, was founded by one Sayyid ‘Ali Muhammad Shirazi (1819-50), who became known as the Bab, or “Gate.” He earned this label because his followers saw him as the “Gate of the Hidden Imam,” although they later regarded him as the “Gate of God”, the Hidden Imam (leader) himself,[1] who was expected to bring an end to Islamic law and usher in a new cycle of prophets and traditions.

Shirazi was arrested in 1845, and then executed in 1850 because of the violent revolts staged by his fanatic followers, and the movement was as violently persecuted by the authorities. Before he died, he prophesied that a messianic figure would soon come and would be called “Him whom God shall make manifest.” One of the Shirazi’s followers who was exiled during the rounds of persecution was Mirza Husayn ‘Ali Nuri, and in 1864 he proclaimed himself to be the prophet foretold by the Shirazi. Most Babis were either killed, started following Nuri (later known as Bahai’s), or simply went to some other religion. Those who remained Babis followed the leader of the time, Subh-i Azal, and their holy book, the Bayan (Declaration). Today there are perhaps only a few hundred Azalis left, scattered around Iran. It was the followers of Mirza Husayn ‘Ali Nuri who would later evolve into the Bahai faith.


As mentioned previously, the Baha‘i follow the teaching of Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri (1817-1892) whose title is Baha’ullah (‘The Splendor of God’). As opposed to Muslims who believe Prophet Muhammad to be God’s last prophet to humanity, Baha’ullah believed himself to be the prophet foretold by Sayid Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the founder of the Babi movement. Baha’ullah contradicted the Muslim belief that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were prophets and not divine. He taught, instead, that God had become manifest in many different forms such as Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, the ‘Bab’ and Baha’ullah himself. Baha’ullah is not, however, the final and definitive manifestation of God. Other prophets will come, but not for at least 1000 years.

This belief opposes the most fundamental aspect of Islam, which is the distinction made between the creation and the Creator. Islam firmly believes that God is separate and distinct from His creation, and that He never did or will become human. The prophets He sent were fully human, but chosen to deliver His message to humanity. Worship is to be rendered to God only, and not to any created being. Nest in importance to this belief is the belief is that Muhammad was the last and final prophet sent to all of humanity, and the message of Islam is the final message of God, and none other will come until the Day of Judgment. These two principles form the basis and most fundamental principle of Islamic faith, the first pillar of Islam, one clearly contradicted in Baha’i faith.

Intolerant Teachings

There are various intolerant ideas preached by the Baha’is found in the Babi cult before them which have no basis in Islam:

“Babis! God has made war obligatory upon you. Capture cities and people for Babism.”[11]

“Do not let those who do not believe in the Bayan remain on the earth.”[12]

“Snatch the wealth of those who do not believe in the Bayan.”[13]

“Rejecters of Bab! Even if you take a bath 1000 times in a day, you shall remain unclean.”[14]

“Whatever belongings of the non-Babis come into possession of the Babis they become clean.”[15]

In summary, the Baha’is differ from Muslims in the most fundamental Islamic beliefs and practices. Their leaders have made extraordinary claims to divinity similar to other religious cults. Although they seem to preach peace and unity, their history has been marred by violence. Their history and original teachings also contradict their averred concept of world peace and gender equality.


do they like pray and everything because they follow the teachings of islam???

SMILE! its charity Wink

proud_hijabi wrote:
do they like pray and everything because they follow the teachings of islam???

Well as far as I know, they have three different prayers.
Short, medium and long.
They dont do actual prayers as Muslim people do as in the Salaat. But they use different scripture writings from different religions as well as what the Baha-ullah said in their prayers. These prayers they just speak.

Ya'qub wrote:
You wrote:
That was the primary message, but there were also changes... such as the prohibition of alcohol.

Hmmmm.... maybe that wasn't new...... maybe the 'allowance' was added by others.

I know that wine is pretty central to many christians' worship, but the whole 'wine is LITERALLY the blood of Christ' is pure pagan gobbledegook.

I thought that alcohol was actually forbidden for christians?
theyre not even allowed to eat pork either

and yea

none of the prophets pbut really brouht anything new
even prophet muhammad pbuh said he wasnt bringing anything new, just the sane messaeg as before

Throughout the first 1,800 years of church history, Christians consumed alcoholic beverages as a common part of everyday life and nearly always used wine (that is, fermented grape juice) in their central rite — the Eucharist or Lord's Supper.[1][2] They held that both the Bible and Christian tradition taught that alcohol is a gift from God that makes life more joyous, but that overindulgence leading to drunkenness is a sin.

Alcoholic beverages appear repeatedly in the Bible, both in actual usage and in poetic expression, and on the whole, the Bible is ambivalent toward them, considering them both a blessing from God that brings merriment and a potential danger that can be unwisely and sinfully abused.


Something you have to remember about alcohol was that at one point in time it was one of the few ways to drink water with a reduced risk of disease - especially in the towns and cities.

Actually, there were two methods - one was to boil water - used predominantly in China or to use alcohol - used predominantly in the rest of the world.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Something you have to remember about alcohol was that at one point in time it was one of the few ways to drink water with a reduced risk of disease - especially in the towns and cities.

Actually, there were two methods - one was to boil water - used predominantly in China or to use alcohol - used predominantly in the rest of the world.

But did people at the time know that water was causing disease? Wasn't that the problem with cholera?


Ofcourse they knew.

Drink water - end up dead.

Besides, in the early times of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) alcohol was allowed. Maybe that was a continuation from a not-banning for previous generations of people too?

And then at the time of the Prophet (saw), the technological state of the people was now at a stage where the use of alcohol was no longer required?

Its all conjecture but it makes sense to me.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
