How texting could help the seasonally depressed

How texting could help the seasonally depressed

The days may be getting gradually longer, but for those who suffer depression from the winter darkness a new scheme which relies on text messaging, could help relieve their symptoms.

Waking up in the dark and returning from work in the dark is enough to get anyone a bit down but for some it is more serious than a bit of winter blues.

Victoria Osborne, 63, finds the colder months in the UK too much to deal with, and tries instead to escape to sunnier shores in order to avoid her depression during this time of year.

"In the winter I just don't want to be here. Last year I went to New Zealand from November to March. This November I went to Cyprus. I find it's like building up a resistance ahead of the winter."

This winter depression is more commonly known as SAD - seasonal affective disorder.

Read more @ BBC News

This was my reaction when i read this: Fool


Those who suffer complain of a variety of symptoms including total lethargy, problems sleeping and mood swings.

I have those symptoms. Should i be worried?

Oh how i long for summer Cray 2