It was a cold daark winters night. The streets were empty and uninviting and I had to get home. The bus was late so I thought I would walk it home through the GRAVEYARD.
The graveyard was big and dark, but it was the fastest way home and I wanted a cup of hot chocolate. nice and warm.
There is no one around so this walk will be short and uneventful. Its not like there are ZOMBIES are there? the graveyard is empty. There will be nothing there that can hurt me.
Hey what's that? an open grave? so weird. why would it be open? I thought they only buried people during the day... so where the coffin? is that a ladder I can see in there? why?
"Hey you! over there" What was that? Did someone call me? who? why? the zombie's holding a light! quick I better run! over there. I will hide behind that tombstone!
Finally safe. But I need to get home. how will I do that? ok slowly... to the next grave... it has nice roses and chrysanthemums on it. Whatthatsound? ohmygod! thereissomeone here! RUUUN!!!
feel free to carry this on in either a comment or a new blog post. tag it "the long walk home".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You... did you make this story up?
the theme is scary ? because it made me laugh...
It was supposed to be "overly dramatic funny horror", but the writer of the next instalment can take it whichever direction.
That writer could be you.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I stopped. Silence surrounded me. I closed my eyes and listened to my breathing. My heart was leaping out of my chest. My hands were shaking. I wasn’t thinking straight.
I looked around myself. Where was I? How often had I come here in my life? Once...twice?
There were gravestones everywhere. Relax, I thought. What harm is there? These people are dead. Motionless. Under the earth. They can’t reach me.
I carried on walking. Concentrating solely on the path ahead of me. I’m sure the gates were somewhere further down. An eerie silence followed me. My mouth was dry. Was I breathing?
It was then, when I saw a shadow pass between the trees out of the corner of my eye. I froze.
Someone coughed. Someone was behind me. I could hear them breathing. I was standing there. My head wouldn’t turn.
I wiped my hands on my trousers. Closed my eyes, and let out the breath I’d been holding. Turn, I told myself.
I did.
No one.
I was shaking. I turned to my right. A black silhouette was sitting on top of a gravestone. I stared. Petrified.
The shadow turned.
No face.
“Hello, my dear.” It cackled. “Join me.”
I know thats pathetic, and I removed the comedy aspect You, put into it, but thats all i could come up with in my precious 15 mins. So lets see where the story goes.....
I screamed my lungs out and then collapsed in a fit of coughing. It's been a while since I've screamed and I was a little out of practise. The faceless entity before me, took this pause as an opportunity to speak, "Listen kid I'm kinda hungry, do you have a candy bar or something."
I was embarrased into silence as I realised how dumb I'd been thinking he might be a zombie! I laughed and answered, "You're not going to kill me?"
"What? For a candy bar? Don't be afraid child, I am Carlos Santana."
I gasped in utter shock, "Not Carlos Santana, the awesome guitarist?"
"No, Carlos Santana the talking horse. Of course I'm the rock legend! How many other Carlos Sanatana's are there?"
Well, that had me feeling lke a big idiot. Until I rememebered he had no face...Morbid curiosity forced me to creep closer and look in to the dark shadow where his face should have been. As I stared harder I slowly realised, that the man infront of me wasn't Carlos Santana at all, but a dark shapeshifting demon from the netherworld!
I turned and ran! I couldn't see where I was going, I just pumped my legs as fast as I could trying desperately to escape...
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
The fear of the unknown is often scary. Graveyards -> Death... and death is a relative unknown. Hence the scare factor... for some anyway.
Back in BLACK
If only i could find that exit. I could escape this nightmare. Faster and faster i ran. A cackling i could hear upon the wind as it passed by. Was i even headed in the right direction? As soon as i had thought it, my question was answered. There before me stood the faceless figour once again! I came skidding to a halt as I turned and started running back the way i came. Only to find him again 2 inches away as he knocked me to the ground.
"OMG... take my wallet, i dont want it!" I pleaded. "Its got a few pounds in there! Please dont kill me." All the while im thinking is this how im gonna die? Begging for my life... how pathetic.
"I dont want your money," said faceless Carlos.
"Please take it, just dont kill me!" again with the pleading... what a whiney b****.
"Dude, im not a mugger. Im the Devil!" he said... i could almost here the snear in his voice.
"What?... really?" shock and terror began to take ahold. Fear froze me to where i lay on the ground.
"No, not really, im just messn with you." he laughed... clearly enjoying himself. "That joke never gets old." still laughing. How was he laughing without a face??
"Then who are you? And what do you want?" I said unable to leave out the desperation in my voice. Casually he took a seat upon the nearest tombstone. Before he pulled out a cigarette and lit it... with the tip of his finger (which coincidentally was on fire). Taking a long drag he finally spoke.
"Well, im here for your soul... unless"
Back in BLACK
Graveyards are normally empty. and huge. There is the alone factor in all this.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You do realise, graveyards are associated with death... so you know.
And yes, the alone factor.
Back in BLACK
"Unless you have some cheese." The demon finished.
"Cheese?...No't have any cheese."
"Ah well, soul it is then."
"Wait I have a chocolate bar. You said you wanted one," I fumbled around in my pocket and pulled out a Bounty, "Here you go."
He reached out to take it and then suddenly snatched his hand back in shock. "Bounty, how did you know my weakness was coconut? Nooooo!" He screamed and then ran off into the night like the devil was at his heels.
It was surreal, I didn't know what to do for a few seconds and then the after effects of the adrenaline hit me and my legs turned to jelly. I flopped onto the floor as my breathing slowed and the energy slowly returned to my exhausted body. Then I got up and hauled myself home and had that hot chocolate.
Damned shortcuts!
There was a knock at the door...
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
The narrator is saying "oh em jee" ?
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
no silly.. the character says it. Thats why its in speech marks.
Back in BLACK
No they are not scary.
But by using our imagination, we can make them scary! however we like,
you could always write the next chapter and make it in a scarier place. Like a nondescript building site!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I stood up to open the door, then I paused for a moment. I live on the third floor of a block of flats, if someone was coming round, wouldn't they have rung the buzzer from downstairs?
I had no idea who was at the door, but I knew one thing: I wasn't going to open it to find out.
My mother, on the other hand, had other ideas.
"Don't open it," I said, as I felt the collar of my shirt tightening around my throat
"Why ever not, honeybun?" My mother said, with a smile.
"Who would knock on the door at this time of night, and how did they get into the flats?"
"It's probably just Mary Miggins from down the hall. She's always running out of milk and sugar cos she makes ridiculously sweet tea, why are you so scared? You watch too many silly movies..."
She walked towards the door and, before I could open my mouth to scream 'noooooooo' she opened it. Standing in the doorway was a man, a different one from the bloke I'd met in the graveyard, but a shady-looking fellow all the same.
"Can I help you?" My mother asked.
There was a short silence, as the man looked my mother up and down for a few moments.
He didn't say anything, but he reach his hand out and put it on her shoulder. She shivered for a few minutes, before the man took his hand off her. He then smiled, and I saw that his teeth were short and pointy, and were a mixture of gray and green in colour.
"Mummy?" I said.
She turned slowly, and when she looked at me, I saw that her face was darkened and angry. I looked into her eyes and suddenly I realised that I didn't recognise her. She looked something like my mum, but there was a difference, a difference that I couldn't quite put into words. She opened her mouth to speak, but when she did, her voice was deep and crackly
"Come to mother, honeybun," she said, in an oh-so-creepy and uninviting way.
"You're not my mother, what have you done with my mummy?!" I shouted at the man, but I didn't hang around to hear the answer. I turned to run, tripped over my Transformer toys and scrambled to my feet, then hurried to the fire escape at the back of my flat.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
The sound of heavy footsteps behind me was enough motivation for me to keep going. I charged through the door and emerged in the cold, night air standing on a black steel stairway that led down to the alley. I gripped the the stair rail and started running down the stairs and then stopped.
I was still two storeys up, and I had a good view of the alley way, the street at the end of it and the mouldy corpse who was standing there blocking my escape. It was partly silhouetted by the orange street light which crept around the left side of his body like a necrotic corona picking out its decaying flesh like highlights. I froze up with fear and then another thought struck me and I slowly bent my neck to look down. Through the mesh of steel I looked straight into another pair of eyes. Blank and unseeing, in an undead kind of way. Zombies galore! Then the door above me burst open and my enthralled mother and the zombie master barrelled through. I was going to have my brain eaten, this was...The end.
Atleast it would have been if I wasn't a Parkour practitioner! I gripped the railing in front of me and jumped over it, spun in the air and dropped onto to a newly franchised member of the undead. He broke my fall. I think I broke his chest, his head and probably both his hips. Gotta love those zombies. I was back on my feet in seconds and took off towards the street.
The zombie who was blocking my escape spread his arms wide. I jumped and kicked off the wall to my left and then as I sailed through the air towards him, I planted one hand on his shoulder and flipped over him. I landed neatly, kicked him in the back side and ran off.
I didn't run far. The whole street was swarming with zombies...
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I couldn't think what else a demon might want so I went with cheese.
Transformers! Love it
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I closed my eyes. I had nothing too lose. Charging with all my might, I head butted my way passed the sea of green flesh. I yelled in pain as a claw ripped out a strand of my hair.
Suddenly, I could see the emerald grass, a few yards away. The streetlight shone and illuminated the grass of the park, as it beckonned me to come forwards. I didn't need telling twice.
Despite not being able to see, I knew that my stamina had not let me down, as the zombies gasped in agony at my kicks, I sped to the apparent sanctuary.
Something hard and sturdy collided with my head, pain erupted from the top to the rest of my body as I dropped with a thud.
"Very clever," the Zombie Master sneered. "But not clever enough." He drew a staff from the inside of his pitch black robes. The staff's piercing snake eyes bit down on mine, as I just lay there helplessly.
"Join me!" ordered the Master. "I think you will, you have no choice."
"Think again, Xianthon!" a man's voice exclaimed.
I spun my head. Five figures wearing brown or green hoods came charging on hoverring motor bikes. The man who had spoken out drew a sabre and clashed it on Xianthon's staff. Three others fired jets of light at the zombies, who screamed and became limp and frail as they were blasted to the ground.
"Get on!" the fifth one, who happened to be female, stretched out her hand to me. I blindly clang on to her hand, with surprising force I was jerked on to the motor bike.
"You shouldn't have returned, old man!" Xainthon snarled. "You are a fool, Fadaqi"
"Not as much as you, my friend. Do you really want to take on all five of us?"
Xianthon growled in rage, but took a step back. "Don't come in my way again, otherwise I won't be as merciful."
"Glad to be working with you," Fadaqi smiled.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Not pathetic and don't worry about no comedy. Most of us are veteran wits (or half wits.) A little seriousness here and there binds the whole thing together like the fat of a young lamb binds the gravy. Think of yourself as the lamb lyposuctionist and the gravy will be just fine...juuust fiiine.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I couldn't think what else a demon might want so I went with cheese.
I liked the randomness of it all!
'happened to be' female.
Yeah, right
Don't just do something! Stand there.
What? Are you continuing our story?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Yeah, to reach your level of imagination, the rest of us would have to take LSD. In a nice way.
What I can make out is that the narrator has become confused and disorientated and possibly a bird. And then they are flying over a waterfall and the bird can talk. Some would say that's a little outside the box in the same way Andromeda is a little outside of our solar system. :badgrin:
But I'm not one to make picky comments and step back, give me a few minutes...
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I can be a nutter
The river rushed furiously to the brink and dropped away majestically. The roaring of millions of gallons of falling water buffeted by ears as I soared over it and the excitement was intense!
Then as I circled bad around another bird came into view and moved closer to me, it was a sleek black raven. It glided closer and then spoke, not the cawing of birds, but clear speech straight into my mind. "Woah, easy child. Stay close." It said in a females voice.
"What's going on?" I answered.
The raven answered quickly and concisely, "We had to get away from the city quickly so we - me and the others - transported you from your realm to ours. As you have noticed, we have the form of birds here."
I cut her off, "What do you mean 'transported me'?" The haze of disorientation was starting to recede and I was beginning to appreciate just how surreal it be somewhere in the vicinity of a tropical waterfall in stark daylight.
"Ah, sorry. I forget you are only a human unused to our kind. Yes, this place you see before you can not be found on Earth, it coexists alongside your reality but on a different plane."
Ahh, so now we were talking about planes and realities, I didn't believe a word of it but atleast she was using the right nerdy-lingo. There was something comforting about that, now all I needed was for here to say she was taking us to a giant photon cannon and everything would be hunky-dory.
"I sense you do not quite believe what I am telling you." She querried.
"What the hell? Can you read my mind?" I asked.
"No, but it is strange to see a seagul try to roll it's eyes." She answered.
That's when it hit me!
"Oh my God, I'm a bird!"
She said nothing
"A bird!" I repeated.
"That is correct."
"Why doesn't it feel weird? I feel like I've always had wings and feathers."
"As I told you before, this is how we manifest in this realm. You are essentially yourself but with the form of a seagul. Now that we have the basic out of the way, there are severalt hings we need to discuss, Fadaqi will explain."
A golden eagle cruised into sight and started talking. The short of it was this. Svartzer, the demon I met earlier on in the graveyard, had picked this night to break the wards imrisoning the zombie master called Xianthom who had been imprisoned under the hallow ground of the graveyard. That explained the empty grave! My hosts had no idea why the demon had done this tonight, but the zombie master was raising the dead and enthralling the city folk quicker than they could handle the situation, so they pulled the only non-enthralled person, me, out of the town. Literally. And were deciding how to halt the undead invasion. They, my hosts, by the way were a mythic race of spirits. Why not after all? They were guardians of the Earth and enemy to the ranks of evil spirits including Svartzer. There were only the three of us because the other three guardians were still on zipping around on Earth doing their best to quarantine the city and get some intelligence on the situation.
The good news is that they asked me for my name and I told them I was President Abraham Klingon II the reknowned vampire slayer and hand-maiden to the queen of Spain. I think they bought it, seaguls have good poker faces.
Anyway, the other three guardians zipped into this realm, to tell us what information they had gathered of the zombie invasion back on Earth...
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
(i dont know why but the above reminded me of "The Wind Singer" by WIlliam Nicholson.) which means its good, cos i really liked that book/trilogy
I would love to add a new chapter but its gone way beyond both my ability and my level of erm... "original thought".
But to all the writers - a magnificent job.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Pfff! Don't let lack of ability stop you! Do you think I was thinking about ability when I wrote my chapters? No, I was thinking about whether or not the syringe I'd just injected myself with had had a clean needle!
Joke, drugs are bad children. Seriously though, You, you can't say I would love to write a chapter and then not write one. You've got us all excited, think of the gravy.
Cool. Cool. Cool! I've been meaning to read his books but they're quite big and I see reading as a time investment nowadays.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes