i saw a slide show in a Milad programme that I attended during Milad
its tru that soon nothing will be left
cos Saudi is run by good for nothing, arrogant, sexist, power crazy, oppressive ARABS :evil:
, i wish i could kill them!
You make me laugh Angel. I could just imagine you trying kill someone.
Too be honest my opinion are a little different on this matter. I respect that the wahabbi have their beliefs and they want to uphold them. But I don't see why they have to destory these building, wouldn't it be much better to block them off too the public. What annoy me most about what happen in Mecca and Medina is that it has become too modern, and us muslims as a whole are too blame for that, because we expect luxury. Now I fear when I finally go to Mecca and Medina, I may not be able to imagine the blessed prophet having walk down those street and city and the struggle that there was for Islam to be establish. The modernisation of the cities will make it not too different to any other and a place simply to be view for tourist. That the opinion I get from my cousins who just came back from there.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
I fear when I finally go to Mecca and Medina, I may not be able to imagine the blessed prophet having walk down those street and city and the struggle that there was for Islam to be establish. The modernisation of the cities will make it not too different to any other and a place simply to be view for tourist. That the opinion I get from my cousins who just came back from there.
i agree with you..its such a shame that they are tampering with the land that our Beloved Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family) used to walk on everyday. Now because of all the skyscrapers+modern shops it is very hard to imagine what life was like back 1400 years ago.
sis angel yeh i remember watching the slide show on Al-Hidayah camp+i really did find it very shocking...graves of the family of our Beloved Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family) and companions have been destroyed...Astaghfirullah toilets have even been built over special sites. only very few sites are still intact...bout 5/6 was it? but for how long? feel so helpless...all our Muslim history is being destroyed, we should be cherishing it+remembering the times of Islams glory...
Although we differ vastly with the salafi sect it may be noted that a very large number of ppl engage in anti shariah activities at shrines.
I m not sure whether demolishing these historic buildings is correct or not, but I can certainly say that I can understand the stance that the saudi government takes.
The prevention of shirk spreading inside the Holy Cities is of paramount importance but I will also like to say that I find it strange the saudi double standard.
On the one hand they demolish historic sites in Holy Cities yet when I wsa on Saudi Airlines one of the programmes was about a saudi display of their culture/ heritage and amongst the sections one was entitled something like ''pre-islamic artefacts '' or sumthin similar.
My point is if they demolish these places to prevent shirk and prevent corruption and deviancy then is it not EVEN more important to destroy the pre-islamic artefacts? Why the double standard?
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
Read the last sermon of the Prophet (saw). HE explicitly stated that shirk was no longer a big problem which muslims will fall into.
Even if it was, you must use your god damn brains. He gave them for a reason.
If someone attacked mosques, is the answer to destroy all mosques?
If someone attacks muslims is the answer to ban Islam?
Its all codswallop. Bull****. They will burn in hell for their actions.
The actions are neither understandable, nor justified.
Can we have a statement from your beloved teachers regarding this issue aswell. :evil:
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yes sis angel, i remember the slide show. ive seen that twice now and evrytime the works of the wahabi's are mentioned it fills me with anger :x
are they actually planning on getting rid of the Kabah? isnt that impossible? and what about hajj? will that be performed at the nearby Hilton Hotel?!?! :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
The prevention of shirk spreading inside the Holy Cities is of paramount importance but I will also like to say that I find it strange the saudi double standard.
you understand the saudi govt on that matter? excuse me how does havin respect and love for the Holy Prophet and his family and the history that links us to the Holy Prophet be considered as shirk?? That is totally stupid, respect cannot be considered as shirk!!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
with edit of course, cuz you dont want the word bulls*** to be in the magazine, when the next issue is out ed will be accused of promoting bad language...
with edit of course, cuz you dont want the word bulls*** to be in the magazine, when the next issue is out ed will be accused of promoting bad language...
nah leave the swear word in
all that'll happen is that my sister would get told off and the magazine would become more popular and good for nothing boys like my cousin will be more inclined to read it
with edit of course, cuz you dont want the word bulls*** to be in the magazine, when the next issue is out ed will be accused of promoting bad language...
nah leave the swear word in
all that'll happen is that my sister would get told off and the magazine would become more popular and good for nothing boys like my cousin will be more inclined to read it
and Mr Ed loves controversy
Ed loves it but i dont think your sis does she mentioned she gets embarased easily but i felt sorry for her when she told us how ppl were getin her 2 renew her shahadah!! some people are unbelievable!
Ed loves it but i dont think your sis does she mentioned she gets embarased easily but i felt sorry for her when she told us how ppl were getin her 2 renew her shahadah!! some people are unbelievable!
tru poor thing-she gets it from all angles
someone callled the mag "Begarat" (means shamless I think)...she was SO embarrassed
Ed loves it but i dont think your sis does she mentioned she gets embarased easily but i felt sorry for her when she told us how ppl were getin her 2 renew her shahadah!! some people are unbelievable!
tru poor thing-she gets it from all angels
someone callled the mag "Begarat" (means shamless I think)...she was SO embarrassed
its amazin how ppl come up with such words to desbribe the revival! revival is no way shameless, it must be an an old grumpy auntie that holds that view, your sis should quote the quran where it says somethin like this "Allah is not shy to reveal the truth" i duno if thats the way it goes but it wiill shut them up if they have isses regardin the way the articles are written or what they are writin bout i.e. datin
you understand the saudi govt on that matter? excuse me how does havin respect and love for the Holy Prophet and his family and the history that links us to the Holy Prophet be considered as shirk?? That is totally stupid, respect cannot be considered as shirk!!
No1 ever said that respect means shirk. As I have stated in posts on other topics we hold our Teachers and Parents in great Respect and undoubtedly we encourage even more respect for Ambiya, Sahabah Karam and Ahle Bayt.
But what a number of ppl call respect is infact shirk.
It may be noted strongly that Sayyidina UMAR radhiyallahu anh destroyed and had cut downa certain tree which began attracting the peoples attention due to it being the tree beneath pledge of allegiance was given to Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Further it should be noted that these things only hold blessing because of ALLAH and Rasul commanding respect for these things. Sayyidina Umar when giving istilam to Hajr e Aswad would stand completely straight and would declare to the effect that i know you are a stone and I swear that had i not seen Holy Prophet salallahy alayhi wa sallam kissing you then I would never have done so.
In this light we say Hajr e Aswad is a stone and we only kiss it because Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam did so. Never did we be encouraged to go hugging the walls of certain houses or certain buildings. Infact apart from Hajr e Aswad there is no basis or proof to kiss ANY other stone or brick or cloth of the Holy Kaba. This is adherence to sunnah, following what Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam did and commanded as opposed toi fulfilling our nafsaani desires and doing this to make us feel that we doing great acts of piety when the truth is that no piety exists save in following the sunnah of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and Sahabah Karam.
Admin .. .
Your vile tongue has again indicated a disrespect to our Respected Teachers. May it not be said that we have refuted by insulting you and your sect. We leave the defence of our Teachers honour to the angels on this earth and to ALLAH Rabbul izzat in the akhirah.
By ALLAH you utter enormities and think nothing of them.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
But what a number of ppl call respect is infact shirk.
It is only considered shirk when you equate someone/somethin with Allah (swt)..i dont see how the saudi's have come to the conclusion that holdin the respect/love for the holy places that connect us to the Holy Prophet and his family be considered as comparin to Allah (swt)!
If one keeps in mind that Allah is the creator and the Holy Prophet (Saw) is the creation then one cant go wrong or committ shirk but shirk aint a problem for the ummah cuz our Holy Prophet has said so.
Its all codswallop. Bull****. They will burn in hell for their actions.
The double standards and hypocricy has become apparent, the veils have been lifted and ALLAH has made truth clear from falsehood.
I ask if I had refuted shia or barelwi or wahhabi person by saying that they will burn in hell for their actions how many of this forum would be up in arms with the exucses. . .
oh shia are many and different and dont all hold this view,
AS is a nutter
AS issues fatwa of kufr on poor innocent muslims.
Yet here your admin, condemns a group of peope to hell. Where have all your cires about leaving the judging to ALLAH ta'ala gone?
I am in noway the target of Admins comments because neither am i affiliated with the wahhabis nor have i done any demoltions. My post is to point our YOUR peoples hypocrisy and unjustness.
I swear by ALLAH that the comments of encouragement have wounded me deeply. Your peoples true colour have been made apparent. Previoulsy it was all abou not condemning, abt not judging abt those who judge are heartless and arrogant and blah blah blah.
Yet here one of your sect condemns other readers of kalima to hell for their actions and utters profanitity regarding oxen faeces and the other ppl encourgae him.
This day any respect that I had for certain people on this forum has diminished greatly. We are particularly disappointed with some of that Lady Muslimas who voiced support for admin and his evil.
This day I shall say with opennes what i want and shall maintain silence on what i want because your double standard has been made apparent to all and whereas before i felt that you had grounds intellectually and maybe religiously to oppose the stance of our teachers, this day i can say that you hold no authoritty over me.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
How do you know Admin is talking about all Wahabis?
I'm sure he is referring to those who bulldoze historic monuments in order to make car parks, lavish hotels and the like.
Even if he is referring to those who bulldoze and make car parks and hotels etc my point stands.
The double standard sickens me. If i were to say anything remotely similar the bandwagon of deviants would jump together to refute AS and his harsh rigid ways. When one of the deivant leaders condemsn a people to hell we are shocked by the silence of the fellow deviants.
However i accept the fault is mine. What did i expect from deviants who distort deen to fulfill nafsaani pleasure and whose leaders sell the pure shariah for a plate of halwa.
Lol! The standing of such people is that the have no standing in my eyes. The hurtful point is not that admin rote that because i already know that admin is a hardcore deviant who insults the teachers of others, but rather the silence of other people on this forum is what is upsetting. Alhamdulillah i have detached myself gfrom the ppl here.
Previously I had a certain degree of respect for some of the users, even if in my view they held ver rong ideas i still had some respect because they wrote intelligently and seemed sincer. Now forget any sympathy or association with any1 here.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
Previously I had a certain degree of respect for some of the users, even if in my view they held ver rong ideas i still had some respect because they wrote intelligently and seemed sincer. Now forget any sympathy or association with any1 here.
ur a sensitive boy who takes things to heart v quickly
ur teachers may be a sensitive subject for you
but for us the blessed places in Medinah where our Prophet (pbuh) lived is a sensitive subject for us
but for us the blessed places in Medinah where our Prophet (pbuh) lived is a sensitive subject for us
Totally agree.
In regards to what abdul said to admin and quoting the quranic ayat that muslimsis put on this thread:
The believers are reminded in the Holy Qur’an (the ones who have embraced Islam-not the unbelievers) “O believers do not raise your voice above the voice of the Messenger and do not speak to him so loudly as you speak to one another (this violates the basic norms of courtesy and you should be careful of that) you do not waste your good deeds (on account of this disrespect) without being aware of it” (49; 2).
I dont think admin said anythin wrong, cuz if sum1 disrespect the Holy Prophet Allah will take away from him all his good deeds without the person knowing which means the person wont repent cuz he wouldnt even know if he has disrespected the Holy Prophet so one who doesnt repent for their sins what other destination do they have other than hell? Note here we are talkin bout disrespecting the Holy Prophet not any sin..
I think the saudis are sick, last time i went to medina pak and was standin in front of the blessed jaali mubarak, there was a guard standin there and one women touched some part through the fence and the stupid guard spat and stamped his foot on that part!! now tell me is that the way u treat a place that is so close to where the Holy Prophet is resting, that is total disrespect! How that is shirk or biddah or whatever is beyond me!
AbdusSalam please don’t take people’s comments to heart.
I’m sure Admin didn’t intend to insult your teachers…and it’s true that this topic is a sensitive issue.
Bulldozing the birth place of the Holy Prophet is an extremely disrespectful thing to do. Allah (swt) knows best if such people will burn in hell…however we are warned about the disastrous consequences of showing even an ounce of disrespect towards the Holy Prophet (saw).
Bulldozing His blessed birthplace is not the answer.
Thing about it….you mentioned yourself that it is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet to kiss the black stone…however you’ve noticed that some people do things to the Kaba which the Holy Prophet did not do……How should we deal with this problem? Does the answer lie in bulldozing the Kaba and replacing it with a car park?
Say if people started to commit Shirk by Muqam e Ibraheem or Safa Marwa….should we solve this problem by destroying these blessed signs by replacing them with sky scarpers?
Bulldozing blessed places will not solve this supposed problem of Shirk.
I’m sure you must be aware of the blessings (Tabarruk) that the companions used to derive from the Holy Prophet hair/sweat/nails etc…don’t you believe that blessings can also be derived by these blessed places which also have some connection with our Holy Prophet (saw)?...wouldn’t we benefit if they let them stand?
The actions of the Saudi government should be an extreme cause for concern for us all.
Only those people who deface Islamic heritage sites. Do they know better than all muslims of the last 1400 years?
However i accept the fault is mine. What did i expect from deviants who distort deen to fulfill nafsaani pleasure and whose leaders sell the pure shariah for a plate of halwa.
Sounds exactly like the saudi's. Even though it is aimed at me.
My opinions are my own. anyone is allowed, and encouraged to disagree with them. That is why this is a discussion forum.
...and how have I disrespected your teachers? Where have I even hinted your teachers do not understand Islam? Where have I said your teachers are to blame? I explicitly disagreed with YOUR opinion, and damned the people who are doing this vandalism.
Further it should be noted that these things only hold blessing because of ALLAH and Rasul commanding respect for these things. Sayyidina Umar when giving istilam to Hajr e Aswad would stand completely straight and would declare to the effect that i know you are a stone and I swear that had i not seen Holy Prophet salallahy alayhi wa sallam kissing you then I would never have done so.
That is 100% correct. However how does respect ever turn into idolatory? Especially when everyone acknowledges all respects, power, actions are from Allah(swt)?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Alhamdulillah I have not demolished anything, nor have I spat or condone spitting at the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam infact near us spitting in Madinah could even be regarded as disrespect but I dont expect you to understand.
My condition of getting worked up was actually regarding admin sending ppl to hell and stil ur ppls defence of it is signs of ur deviancy. I find it most revealing that u ppl continue in ur defence of insulting the wahhabi ppl, this facade of we are not barelwi, we r not insulters of others is a load of rubbish - i cud use other language but i shall leave that to ur admin.
Truth is u are just as narrowminded and ignoarant as u accuse me of being. In the end ppl like you start sending ppl to hell and wen we try to muscle in and also send some ppl there, u accuse us of extremes.
Lol! Take what to heart? The ignnorance of the masses has no effect on my heart inshaALLAH, except perhaps to make it stronger.
But for the record I do not go demolishing houses, and according to my knowledge Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallams house of birth is a library by Haram e Makkah.
Sayyidina Umar understood the deen better than the deviants and his cutting of the tree was true.
Regarding Lady Muslimas point abt ppl doing rong things near to Kaba, no we never said it should be demolished. But the point is follow the sunnah not the deviants. Many ppl go and start kissing the Kaba and different places and start touching Maqam Ibraheem alayhis salam and rubbing their faces with the belief that they are engaging in piety. Truly ALLAH'S Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam knew piety better than you and His Sahabah Karam after Him.
To be honest your hollow veneration of sites associated with Nubuwat salallahu alyhi wa sallam hold little water with me. It will be noted that NEVER have I said we agree with the demolitions. Only thing I said is that I can UNDERSTAND why the saudis do it.
From this ppl jump to conclusions that i wud also go around demolishing the places and making hotels. So despite saying I dont support or say demolitions are gud all i say is that they are understandable and i understand their point of view. You ppl acting like u big lovers of Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam should note that it was never a sunnah to start rubbing the maqam ibraheem and touching it upon the face, nor was it ever said that ppl should go to such and such a place for such and such a reason.
We maintain that respect for Nubuwwat salallahu alayhi wa sallam is in following EVERY sunnah to the best of ones ability. If a person can do every sunnah then maybe he might be excused for doing extras like going to these places and doing things there, but ppl leave the sunnah of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam..shabe their beards which is a wajib sunnah, abandon hijab which is a fard ordained by ALLAH and sunnah of the Noble Wives and make out they pious cos they went to such and sucha a place
Sorry but such deviancy is laughable. Piety is in the sunnah not in ur ppls warped minds, abt going to such and such a place for barakah. They go to the haram mixig with men, talking loudly and rushing around the Kaba like it is a racetrack and then have the audacity to act pious just cos they went to other places of historical significance?
First learn how to behave in the vicinity of Kabatullah, how to behave at the graves of the believers, then maybe i will take u seriously
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
Alhamdulillah I have not demolished anything, nor have I spat or condone spitting at the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam infact near us spitting in Madinah could even be regarded as disrespect but I dont expect you to understand.
Give it a rest abdul that example bout spittin was general info for everyone and i didnt say you demolish buildings or spit!!
For your info i aint got anythin against wahabi's cuz i also got a mate that is!
I don't think Allah(swt) has given me the power to send people to hell.
However if people disrespect Islamic heritage, they are entitled to enter of their own free accord.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You make me laugh Angel. I could just imagine you trying kill someone.
Too be honest my opinion are a little different on this matter. I respect that the wahabbi have their beliefs and they want to uphold them. But I don't see why they have to destory these building, wouldn't it be much better to block them off too the public. What annoy me most about what happen in Mecca and Medina is that it has become too modern, and us muslims as a whole are too blame for that, because we expect luxury. Now I fear when I finally go to Mecca and Medina, I may not be able to imagine the blessed prophet
having walk down those street and city and the struggle that there was for Islam to be establish. The modernisation of the cities will make it not too different to any other and a place simply to be view for tourist. That the opinion I get from my cousins who just came back from there.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
i agree with you..its such a shame that they are tampering with the land that our Beloved Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family) used to walk on everyday. Now because of all the skyscrapers+modern shops it is very hard to imagine what life was like back 1400 years ago.
sis angel yeh i remember watching the slide show on Al-Hidayah camp+i really did find it very shocking...graves of the family of our Beloved Rasool (peace be upon Him and His family) and companions have been destroyed...Astaghfirullah toilets have even been built over special sites. only very few sites are still intact...bout 5/6 was it? but for how long? feel so helpless...all our Muslim history is being destroyed, we should be cherishing it+remembering the times of Islams glory...
I also have read the independent today.
Although we differ vastly with the salafi sect it may be noted that a very large number of ppl engage in anti shariah activities at shrines.
I m not sure whether demolishing these historic buildings is correct or not, but I can certainly say that I can understand the stance that the saudi government takes.
The prevention of shirk spreading inside the Holy Cities is of paramount importance but I will also like to say that I find it strange the saudi double standard.
On the one hand they demolish historic sites in Holy Cities yet when I wsa on Saudi Airlines one of the programmes was about a saudi display of their culture/ heritage and amongst the sections one was entitled something like ''pre-islamic artefacts '' or sumthin similar.
My point is if they demolish these places to prevent shirk and prevent corruption and deviancy then is it not EVEN more important to destroy the pre-islamic artefacts? Why the double standard?
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
Absolute codswallop.
Read the last sermon of the Prophet (saw). HE explicitly stated that shirk was no longer a big problem which muslims will fall into.
Even if it was, you must use your god damn brains. He gave them for a reason.
If someone attacked mosques, is the answer to destroy all mosques?
If someone attacks muslims is the answer to ban Islam?
Its all codswallop. Bull****. They will burn in hell for their actions.
The actions are neither understandable, nor justified.
Can we have a statement from your beloved teachers regarding this issue aswell. :evil:
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yes sis angel, i remember the slide show. ive seen that twice now and evrytime the works of the wahabi's are mentioned it fills me with anger :x
are they actually planning on getting rid of the Kabah? isnt that impossible? and what about hajj? will that be performed at the nearby Hilton Hotel?!?! :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
you understand the saudi govt on that matter? excuse me how does havin respect and love for the Holy Prophet
and his
family and the history that links us to the Holy Prophet
be considered as shirk?? That is totally stupid, respect cannot be considered as shirk!!
Good point. Nicely done.
Do some [url=http://www.ukemb.mofa.gov.sa/Detail.asp?InSectionID=44&InNewsItemID=1737... people!
Defnitely thanks!!
Heh, occasionally I have way with words!
More often I just let loose for no reason.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
that was a VERY good point :shock:
I nominate it for post of month
with edit of course, cuz you dont want the word bulls*** to be in the magazine, when the next issue is out ed will be accused of promoting bad language...
nah leave the swear word in
all that'll happen is that my sister would get told off and the magazine would become more popular and good for nothing boys like my cousin will be more inclined to read it
and Mr Ed loves controversy
Ed loves it but i dont think your sis does she mentioned she gets embarased easily but i felt sorry for her when she told us how ppl were getin her 2 renew her shahadah!! some people are unbelievable!
tru poor thing-she gets it from all angles
someone callled the mag "Begarat" (means shamless I think)...she was SO embarrassed
its amazin how ppl come up with such words to desbribe the revival! revival is no way shameless, it must be an an old grumpy auntie that holds that view, your sis should quote the quran where it says somethin like this "Allah is not shy to reveal the truth" i duno if thats the way it goes but it wiill shut them up if they have isses regardin the way the articles are written or what they are writin bout i.e. datin
No1 ever said that respect means shirk. As I have stated in posts on other topics we hold our Teachers and Parents in great Respect and undoubtedly we encourage even more respect for Ambiya, Sahabah Karam and Ahle Bayt.
But what a number of ppl call respect is infact shirk.
It may be noted strongly that Sayyidina UMAR radhiyallahu anh destroyed and had cut downa certain tree which began attracting the peoples attention due to it being the tree beneath pledge of allegiance was given to Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Further it should be noted that these things only hold blessing because of ALLAH and Rasul commanding respect for these things. Sayyidina Umar when giving istilam to Hajr e Aswad would stand completely straight and would declare to the effect that i know you are a stone and I swear that had i not seen Holy Prophet salallahy alayhi wa sallam kissing you then I would never have done so.
In this light we say Hajr e Aswad is a stone and we only kiss it because Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam did so. Never did we be encouraged to go hugging the walls of certain houses or certain buildings. Infact apart from Hajr e Aswad there is no basis or proof to kiss ANY other stone or brick or cloth of the Holy Kaba. This is adherence to sunnah, following what Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam did and commanded as opposed toi fulfilling our nafsaani desires and doing this to make us feel that we doing great acts of piety when the truth is that no piety exists save in following the sunnah of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and Sahabah Karam.
Admin .. .
Your vile tongue has again indicated a disrespect to our Respected Teachers. May it not be said that we have refuted by insulting you and your sect. We leave the defence of our Teachers honour to the angels on this earth and to ALLAH Rabbul izzat in the akhirah.
By ALLAH you utter enormities and think nothing of them.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
It is only considered shirk when you equate someone/somethin with Allah (swt)..i dont see how the saudi's have come to the conclusion that holdin the respect/love for the holy places that connect us to the Holy Prophet
and his
family be considered as comparin to Allah (swt)!
If one keeps in mind that Allah is the creator and the Holy Prophet (Saw) is the creation then one cant go wrong or committ shirk but shirk aint a problem for the ummah cuz our Holy Prophet
has said so.
The double standards and hypocricy has become apparent, the veils have been lifted and ALLAH has made truth clear from falsehood.
I ask if I had refuted shia or barelwi or wahhabi person by saying that they will burn in hell for their actions how many of this forum would be up in arms with the exucses. . .
oh shia are many and different and dont all hold this view,
AS is a nutter
AS issues fatwa of kufr on poor innocent muslims.
Yet here your admin, condemns a group of peope to hell. Where have all your cires about leaving the judging to ALLAH ta'ala gone?
I am in noway the target of Admins comments because neither am i affiliated with the wahhabis nor have i done any demoltions. My post is to point our YOUR peoples hypocrisy and unjustness.
I swear by ALLAH that the comments of encouragement have wounded me deeply. Your peoples true colour have been made apparent. Previoulsy it was all abou not condemning, abt not judging abt those who judge are heartless and arrogant and blah blah blah.
Yet here one of your sect condemns other readers of kalima to hell for their actions and utters profanitity regarding oxen faeces and the other ppl encourgae him.
This day any respect that I had for certain people on this forum has diminished greatly. We are particularly disappointed with some of that Lady Muslimas who voiced support for admin and his evil.
This day I shall say with opennes what i want and shall maintain silence on what i want because your double standard has been made apparent to all and whereas before i felt that you had grounds intellectually and maybe religiously to oppose the stance of our teachers, this day i can say that you hold no authoritty over me.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
How do you know Admin is talking about all Wahabis?
I'm sure he is referring to those who bulldoze historic monuments in order to make car parks, lavish hotels and the like.
Even if he is referring to those who bulldoze and make car parks and hotels etc my point stands.
The double standard sickens me. If i were to say anything remotely similar the bandwagon of deviants would jump together to refute AS and his harsh rigid ways. When one of the deivant leaders condemsn a people to hell we are shocked by the silence of the fellow deviants.
However i accept the fault is mine. What did i expect from deviants who distort deen to fulfill nafsaani pleasure and whose leaders sell the pure shariah for a plate of halwa.
Lol! The standing of such people is that the have no standing in my eyes. The hurtful point is not that admin rote that because i already know that admin is a hardcore deviant who insults the teachers of others, but rather the silence of other people on this forum is what is upsetting. Alhamdulillah i have detached myself gfrom the ppl here.
Previously I had a certain degree of respect for some of the users, even if in my view they held ver rong ideas i still had some respect because they wrote intelligently and seemed sincer. Now forget any sympathy or association with any1 here.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
ur a sensitive boy who takes things to heart v quickly
ur teachers may be a sensitive subject for you
but for us the blessed places in Medinah where our Prophet (pbuh) lived is a sensitive subject for us
Totally agree.
In regards to what abdul said to admin and quoting the quranic ayat that muslimsis put on this thread:
The believers are reminded in the Holy Qur’an (the ones who have embraced Islam-not the unbelievers) “O believers do not raise your voice above the voice of the Messenger and do not speak to him so loudly as you speak to one another (this violates the basic norms of courtesy and you should be careful of that) you do not waste your good deeds (on account of this disrespect) without being aware of it” (49; 2).
I dont think admin said anythin wrong, cuz if sum1 disrespect the Holy Prophet
Allah will take away from him all his good deeds without the person knowing which means the person wont repent cuz he wouldnt even know if he has disrespected the Holy Prophet
so one who doesnt repent for their sins what other destination do they have other than hell? Note here we are talkin bout disrespecting the Holy Prophet
not any sin..
I think the saudis are sick, last time i went to medina pak and was standin in front of the blessed jaali mubarak, there was a guard standin there and one women touched some part through the fence and the stupid guard spat and stamped his foot on that part!! now tell me is that the way u treat a place that is so close to where the Holy Prophet
is resting, that is total disrespect! How that is shirk or biddah or whatever is beyond me!
AbdusSalam please don’t take people’s comments to heart.
I’m sure Admin didn’t intend to insult your teachers…and it’s true that this topic is a sensitive issue.
Bulldozing the birth place of the Holy Prophet
is an extremely disrespectful thing to do. Allah (swt) knows best if such people will burn in hell…however we are warned about the disastrous consequences of showing even an ounce of disrespect towards the Holy Prophet (saw).
Bulldozing His blessed birthplace is not the answer.
Thing about it….you mentioned yourself that it is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
to kiss the black stone…however you’ve noticed that some people do things to the Kaba which the Holy Prophet
did not do……How should we deal with this problem? Does the answer lie in bulldozing the Kaba and replacing it with a car park?
Say if people started to commit Shirk by Muqam e Ibraheem or Safa Marwa….should we solve this problem by destroying these blessed signs by replacing them with sky scarpers?
Bulldozing blessed places will not solve this supposed problem of Shirk.
I’m sure you must be aware of the blessings (Tabarruk) that the companions used to derive from the Holy Prophet
hair/sweat/nails etc…don’t you believe that blessings can also be derived by these blessed places which also have some connection with our Holy Prophet (saw)?...wouldn’t we benefit if they let them stand?
The actions of the Saudi government should be an extreme cause for concern for us all.
I am not condemning any sect.
Only those people who deface Islamic heritage sites. Do they know better than all muslims of the last 1400 years?
Sounds exactly like the saudi's. Even though it is aimed at me.
My opinions are my own. anyone is allowed, and encouraged to disagree with them. That is why this is a discussion forum.
...and how have I disrespected your teachers? Where have I even hinted your teachers do not understand Islam? Where have I said your teachers are to blame? I explicitly disagreed with YOUR opinion, and damned the people who are doing this vandalism.
That is 100% correct. However how does respect ever turn into idolatory? Especially when everyone acknowledges all respects, power, actions are from Allah(swt)?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Mr Admin's on fire :shock:
The foolish keep on with their ramblings.
Alhamdulillah I have not demolished anything, nor have I spat or condone spitting at the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam infact near us spitting in Madinah could even be regarded as disrespect but I dont expect you to understand.
My condition of getting worked up was actually regarding admin sending ppl to hell and stil ur ppls defence of it is signs of ur deviancy. I find it most revealing that u ppl continue in ur defence of insulting the wahhabi ppl, this facade of we are not barelwi, we r not insulters of others is a load of rubbish - i cud use other language but i shall leave that to ur admin.
Truth is u are just as narrowminded and ignoarant as u accuse me of being. In the end ppl like you start sending ppl to hell and wen we try to muscle in and also send some ppl there, u accuse us of extremes.
Lol! Take what to heart? The ignnorance of the masses has no effect on my heart inshaALLAH, except perhaps to make it stronger.
But for the record I do not go demolishing houses, and according to my knowledge Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallams house of birth is a library by Haram e Makkah.
Sayyidina Umar understood the deen better than the deviants and his cutting of the tree was true.
Regarding Lady Muslimas point abt ppl doing rong things near to Kaba, no we never said it should be demolished. But the point is follow the sunnah not the deviants. Many ppl go and start kissing the Kaba and different places and start touching Maqam Ibraheem alayhis salam and rubbing their faces with the belief that they are engaging in piety. Truly ALLAH'S Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam knew piety better than you and His Sahabah Karam after Him.
To be honest your hollow veneration of sites associated with Nubuwat salallahu alyhi wa sallam hold little water with me. It will be noted that NEVER have I said we agree with the demolitions. Only thing I said is that I can UNDERSTAND why the saudis do it.
From this ppl jump to conclusions that i wud also go around demolishing the places and making hotels. So despite saying I dont support or say demolitions are gud all i say is that they are understandable and i understand their point of view. You ppl acting like u big lovers of Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam should note that it was never a sunnah to start rubbing the maqam ibraheem and touching it upon the face, nor was it ever said that ppl should go to such and such a place for such and such a reason.
We maintain that respect for Nubuwwat salallahu alayhi wa sallam is in following EVERY sunnah to the best of ones ability. If a person can do every sunnah then maybe he might be excused for doing extras like going to these places and doing things there, but ppl leave the sunnah of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam..shabe their beards which is a wajib sunnah, abandon hijab which is a fard ordained by ALLAH and sunnah of the Noble Wives and make out they pious cos they went to such and sucha a place
Sorry but such deviancy is laughable. Piety is in the sunnah not in ur ppls warped minds, abt going to such and such a place for barakah. They go to the haram mixig with men, talking loudly and rushing around the Kaba like it is a racetrack and then have the audacity to act pious just cos they went to other places of historical significance?
First learn how to behave in the vicinity of Kabatullah, how to behave at the graves of the believers, then maybe i will take u seriously
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
Give it a rest abdul that example bout spittin was general info for everyone and i didnt say you demolish buildings or spit!!
For your info i aint got anythin against wahabi's cuz i also got a mate that is!
Of course them guys who advocate demolishing the brith place of the Prophet (pbuh) should be damned
Mr Admin never said anything any of us disagree with
or do u think them extremists deserve a gold medal?
I don't think Allah(swt) has given me the power to send people to hell.
However if people disrespect Islamic heritage, they are entitled to enter of their own free accord.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.