salam aakhawaat
i really need help!!!!
i have to do my first coursework in french A2 but i dont even know what i am going to talk about? i should already have a plan and start writing but i have no no no idea!!
its simple really, maybe too simple. im not use to soo much freedom when having to write something
i just have to write something about france or a french country.
my teacher said that questions that can be answered with yes/no are the easiest
im getting pressurised by my teachers to do something about racism/ laicity in france- the law about not wearing the scarf to school etc.. i done that for my oral AS, and i'm kinda traumatised coz i did so bad lol
so if any idea they are soooooooo much welcomed
my dad said something like "could french become the official language of mauritius?" sounds good but i havent started anything because its the holidays and i dont want to waste them... *sheepish*
but i do too much at school: triple science- i think that's enough for the list because triple science is a HANDFUL no take that back its 1000 handfulS
Pick a subject you know alot about and can rant and rave about for hours.
but remember to keep it simple.
Back in BLACK
that's easy
but that's what they said not to do!
it has to be D.e.t.a.i.l.e.d . . . *tiring*
i could hav done it next year but if i dont do it this year then my As wont count anymore
i am only 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
my french written is quite good, better than my speaking...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Asalamu alaykum,
As far as I'm aware, you have to do your A2 Coursework on a different topic to your AS Oral, wallahu a'lam. My teacher has told me this numerous times so that my topics are different. Ideas for coursework for French include:
- Immigration (I did this for my Oral AS)
- Racism
- Anti-semitism (There's a great book called "un sac de billes" about 2 jewish boys who had to flee during the holocaust)
- Homelessness
- Unemployment
- French revolution (If interested in history)
- Sarkozy
- Environment in France (e.g. Nuclear Power)
Also the topic can be related to a french-speaking country, so you could do something about Morocco, Canada etc...if you wanted. Hope this helps insha'allah.
jazakaallah yaa akh
that's really going to help and im going to start soon (also thanks for the book naem, will check it out)
only one day left, its already duhr time ARGH!!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Asalamu alaykum,
Wa iyyakum
I'm an ukht not akh hehe. May Allah help you ameen.
wouhou!!!!!!!!! ( im strangely feeling happy...)
i guess you should be an oukh... come OoooN how could an akh come up with SUCH good ideas? LOL
i had this picture of those big bro you get in france where i use to live lol!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Note to help you in A-Level:
It's spelt French not Franch.
You're welcome!!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
i dont know how it happen e and a are so far from each other on the keyboard.. i have no excuse...
maybe its some mind thing maybe i was thinking about something else or maybe i was going to write france... :/
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?