Hajj... the pilgrimage of a lifetime. The one trip we must all eventually take to the House of God. So why was i freaking out? hmmmm, well mostly coz i was convinced id burst into flames before i even stepped foot in the sacred citys. Being a big time sinner and all, i was almost sure that i was beyond redemption.
Funny how things turn out.
But on the off chance spontaneous combustion was a no show. I wanted to be prepared, so i read like 2/3 books on the subject (the do's and donts) as well as brushing up on my Salah (which was a good idea in retrospect). And as my dad had already been once before he already knew what was what as did my mom (since shes the one whose wanted to go for aaaaaggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeesssssssss). But being dad, he's not really one for words so i didnt really expect long explanations about anything from him (hence the books). And my moms been known to go off on a tangent during any conversation (pfft women). My brother on the other hand, did zero prep and decided he'd just follow me and do what i did? (lazy bum).
Its been my past experience that me and flight food dont mix. Im glad i was wrong, Saudi Air was really good as was the food and the inflight movies. Although i did find their censorship a lil funny (all pictures of booze, low cut tops blurred out and curse words dubd to sound stupid).
As we were a lil early for Hajj our group (oops forgot to mention. If your going on Hajj you HAVE to go as part of a group. If your going on Ummrah you can pretty much go by yourself) decided to visit Medina first I think it was supposed to be something like a 6 hour journey to Medina from Jedda. It took us just over 24 hours to get there (checkpoints and security stops all over... plus the coach driver drives slow enough to drive Ms Daisy). But we got there eventually, even if we were dead on our feet. So after crashing for a few hours we were off to Masjid Al-Nabi. And let me just say for all those who've NEVER been. You aint EVER... EVER EVER EVER read a prayer like they pray here. OH-MY-GOD!! Did i feel the vibe her or what!! Just reading a single prayer the way they did shifted my entire world 2 inches to the right. Visiting the Prophets (pbuh) tomb was beyond words. What did upset me was the beggers. The audacity of these people. To come into this Mosque and beg ME... of all people for money. Who am i to give you anything? When you're in Masjid Al-Nabi (and the guy didnt even look poor). But realising where i was, i thought i couldnt let him go empty handed. So i passed him a few Riyals and bid him farewell. Ofcourse it was only later on did i realise that EVERY single begger from Medina to Makkah was telling the same story. How they came to Saudi for Umrah in Ramadan and decided to stay for Hajj but then ran out of money. ARGH! Hajj is NOT OBLIGATORY on those who cant afford it! And doing Hajj by begging will most likely not be accepted either!! Of all the beggers i was approached by I only really felt sorry for 1 old guy (but i rarely turned them away empty handed). And then came the time to leave. Now im not really the emotional type of guy and it takes ALOT to affect me. But leaving Medina was one of them. I think i had like a single tear in my eye as i left. Or that could just have been the sand in my eyes {shrugs}. Oh and i fell ill for a day (stomach problem... but i bounced back in record time).
The journey to Makkah, supposedly takes 5 hours (give or take) took 12 hours for the same reasons as before, security, check points and a slow driver. I was soo tempted to tell him to pass off and drive myself. ITS A CLEAR ROAD FOR CRYING OUT LOAD!! The entire group chanting labbayk allahumma labbayk (Oh my Lord, Here I am at your service). One of the things that was amazing about the trip was hearing the azaan and as soon as you step outside youd be confronted with the sight of the entire street filled with people all walking towards Masjid Al-Hareem. And then it came, time to go see the Kaaba. Once again i was convinced if God was gonna strike me down... now would be the best time. Looking above, not a cloud in the sky. As soon as we got there, my dad told us to lower our gaze and he would tell us when we could look up (at 1st glance of the Kaaba our the 1st dua would be accepted).
As soon as he said "Look up" I did and then ................................................................................................................................ "huh i thought it would be bigger lol...... oops oh yeah my dua {Seraphs Dua}".
On the bright side I wasnt up in flames... maybe im not as bad as i thought. Ofcourse after that came the rituals of Umrah (the tawaaf, the Sa'ee and the shaving of the head lol). We all went into the baber shop and dads like "Yeah we'll all get our heads shaved!" he was soo excited. Long story short he was the only one who got it shaved me and bro just got it machined
Bro instantly fell ill from the 1st day we got there. I basically carried him through Tawaaf & Sa'ee. He gradually became more and more sick (his temperature sky rocketed) until we took him to the hospital. An injection and a bottle of glucose (i think) later and he was fine. Me... not so much. One minute i was stood there right as rain talking to my dad and the next I suddenly became dizzy.
All i remember saying was "Dad, i dont feel to good" and then thinking it might be a good idea to put my head between my legs... but i never got there. Woke up 5minutes later confused surrouneded by doctors and nurses.
"Hey, whats going on?" Apparently i passed out right there. Dad had JUST caught me before i hit the ground. Docs ran test everything came back normal, i just told them i was dehydrated (even tho i wasnt... didnt want to stay there).
The last 5 days were the hardest and when i would be tested the most. I was ill prepared.
Brilliantly written
Engaging and interesting
I'm sorry you and your brother got ill...
And can't wait for part two
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
you went on hajj?!?!?!?!?
Well yeah.
Where have you been?
Back in BLACK
wot, no pics?
(and can you please hit enter/return a few times in the original blog post?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Actually there are pics... ive just not uploaded them here.
Theres too many really.
For those who have access to my fb they can see them there.
Back in BLACK
Cool, you are sooooooo lucky!!!
'Allah gives and forgives
Man gets and forgets' Baba Ali
http://halfDate.com(link is external)
I dunno, but i guess i thought it would be BIGGER compared to the rest of the mosque (which is HUGE). But i heard when they re-constructed it they made is smaller {shrugs} so perhaps thats why.
Back in BLACK
That "reconstruction" was before Islam. Originally, the hatim was also a part of the ka'bah.
The Ka'bah has been reconstructed many times over the years. Its ok the size it is as its more or less a symbol.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
If it was bigger, imagine how long Tawaf would take! It took me over an hour as it was.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Wat did you pray for when first sighting the Kaaba?
If you tell anyone it won't come true!
Or is that wishing wells?
Either way, I remember when I was in year 2, me and my family went passed a wishing well, and after I put my penny ('shirk-penny') into it I made me extra-special-secret wish.
My sister said 'You wished that you'd be able to fly, didn't you?"
And I protested "NO! Of course not!"
I then ran ahead of my family, (flapping my arms).
And the above story is TRUE.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Pretty sure thats wishing wells dude.
Back in BLACK
Sorry, i cant say. It reveals too much about me
you understand
Back in BLACK
Then again, wishes at wishing wells won't come true even if you DON'T tell anyone (I've found from experience).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
You've never heard of a wishing well?
Back in BLACK
Well its not rocket science.
You go to the well, throw in a coin and make a wish.
Then a demon grants the wish only for there to be TERRIBLE consequences
At least thats what ive heard
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