Sunni/Sufi Singles practising professional Marriage Event –London 16th & Sunday 23rd Nov -6.30pm

Sunni/Sufi Singles practising professional Marriage Event –London 16th & Sunday 23rd Nov -6.30pm

Sunni/Sufi Singles Marriage Event

Salaams if you are married then please forward it to your friends that are single, marriage is establishing half Deen so help someone establish half of their deen.

Marry Muslims - Creating Sufi/Sunni Single Muslim Events in the UK-

Our services include:
* Access to public database of all potential profiles.- see
* Access to private practising profiles ( sunni/sufi).
* Private consultations – including arranging private events.
* Naseeha- ‘sincere advice and guidance’, about what makes a marriage work.
* Comprehensive CD resource guide about Marriage in Islam.
* We can perform private ‘nikah’-marriage ceremonies.
* Helping Muslim converts find good potential partners.
* Helping divorcees find good potential partners.
* Dedicated in helping practising Muslims (students of knowledge) however all welcome.
* Helping Sunni Sayyids - find good potential Sayyids partners.

0753- 5654-125
Please forward this to all your friends that are single thank you

Sisters will be given a 50% discount -see event link.
Students and those currently out of work will also be given a discount -see event link.

We already have a high calibre of Practising Sunni Sufi education professional sisters interested.
Come and meet like minded practising professional Muslims that are potential profiles for marriage.

Join our Private Database anyway If your NOT attending the events
Your details will be shown at the events, please fill in the Registration Form

You will be personally contacted if someone is interested in your profile. (Please note your actual contact details such as email and mobile numbers will be deleted when your profiles are forwarded to potential profiles so please don’t worry)

'Sunni sufi practising professionals'....

You forgot the word 'picky'.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

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