Goldsmiths Isoc Seminar

The Goldsmiths Islamic Society Presents...

Autumn Seminar 2008~ 'The Devil May Cry'

Talk One: In Pursuit of Allah's Pleasure
- How to achieve Allah's Pleasure
Speaker: Mu'awiyah Tucker (Madinah Graduate, Sharee'ah, KSA)

Talk Two: Protecting your Treasures
- Guarding one's chastity
Speaker: Abdul Waahid Stephenson (Madinah Graduate, Sharee'ah, KSA)

Talk Three: The Devil May Cry
- One's battle with Shaytaan and how to protect yourself
Speaker: Abu Suhaib Bassaam Ali Abul Haaj (Maarkaz Al Albaani, Jordan)

Followed by a Q&A Panel Session

Free Entry (donations welcome!)

Thursday 6th November
11 - 5pm

Goldsmiths College
Great Hall
Dixon Road
SE14 6NW

visit for further details


This looks good, although slightly on the 'Salafi' side of things. But when I was studying at Goldsmiths I asked the Islamic Society on Freshers' week what they usually get up to... and they said that they watch Bollywood movies! This did NOT make it appeal to me!!

My friend used to go there too, and he said that they used to wrestle in the prayer room.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
My friend used to go there too, and he said that they used to wrestle in the prayer room.

Brotherly thing, we do the same (not me personally)

We also play football.

MuslimBro wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
My friend used to go there too, and he said that they used to wrestle in the prayer room.

Brotherly thing, we do the same (not me personally)

We also play football.

And watch Bollywood moviews? Astaghfirullah!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

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