Dua Request thread

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Sirus wrote:
Naz wrote:

Im guessing you not watched Peter kay (the stand up comedian from Bolton)? *disappointed look* You dont know what your missing out on.
Here are a couple of my fave episodes. Enjoy Biggrin

slimming world(link is external)
biscuits(link is external)
crappy pop(link is external)

I've seen peter kay live in the MEN arena.....the guy was class. to see him dancing on ice..lol. couldnt stop cracking up!

hes got a new show on channel 4 apparently?

Think so. Someone were on about it the other day but were only half paying attention to what she was saying lol.

The last time i watched any telly was just before Ramzaan, i just dont have the time.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Remember me in your prayers folks, my results should be out in the next couple of days.

Inshallah ive passed!

When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it is not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

Midnight wrote:
Remember me in your prayers folks, my results should be out in the next couple of days.

Inshallah ive passed!


May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.

Can I just thank Noor for that Dua once again. Last lesson we started it, and the issue came up, I think I handled it pretty well, about mentioning how Islam, the religion, actually challenges oppression and men and women pray seprately so that men aren't tempted to lose concentration. I got the class talking about seperate toilets!
It's just the beginning but it went quite well Inshallah.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

bad times.. duas plz

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

Courage wrote:
Can I just thank Noor for that Dua once again. Last lesson we started it, and the issue came up, I think I handled it pretty well, about mentioning how Islam, the religion, actually challenges oppression and men and women pray seprately so that men aren't tempted to lose concentration. I got the class talking about seperate toilets!
It's just the beginning but it went quite well Inshallah.

well if men stand at the front and women behind, how can you be temtpted to lose concentration?
Both men and women used to pray TOGETHER during the time of the Prophet (saw). The men in that era kept their concentration, what makes you lot sooo special? Not having a go just trying to understand.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Snoopz wrote:
bad times.. duas plz

aawww lil snoopy is going thru some tought times.

I tell ya what? Do the snoopy dance and we'll all pray for you.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:
Snoopz wrote:
bad times.. duas plz

aawww lil snoopy is going thru some tought times.

I tell ya what? Do the snoopy dance and we'll all pray for you.

What happened to no conditions to making dua'aa?!

Can everyone pray that Seraph stops being hypocritical Blum 3

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
Seraphim wrote:

aawww lil snoopy is going thru some tought times.

I tell ya what? Do the snoopy dance and we'll all pray for you.

What happened to no conditions to making dua'aa?!

Can everyone pray that Seraph stops being hypocritical Blum 3

it was my rule... im allowed to break it lol.

Nah i meant it might make her happy to do the snoopy dance.

But we'll pray anyway.

Back in BLACK

Naz wrote:
Courage wrote:
Can I just thank Noor for that Dua once again. Last lesson we started it, and the issue came up, I think I handled it pretty well, about mentioning how Islam, the religion, actually challenges oppression and men and women pray seprately so that men aren't tempted to lose concentration. I got the class talking about seperate toilets!
It's just the beginning but it went quite well Inshallah.

well if men stand at the front and women behind, how can you be temtpted to lose concentration?
Both men and women used to pray TOGETHER during the time of the Prophet (saw). The men in that era kept their concentration, what makes you lot sooo special? Not having a go just trying to understand.

They prayed in the same room, but guys couldn't see the girls, while they prayed, that's what stopped them from losing concentration. Let's be honest, if a guy sees a girl bending over and bowing, I can tell you, as a guy, that most WILL lose concentration.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
Naz wrote:

well if men stand at the front and women behind, how can you be temtpted to lose concentration?
Both men and women used to pray TOGETHER during the time of the Prophet (saw). The men in that era kept their concentration, what makes you lot sooo special? Not having a go just trying to understand.

They prayed in the same room, but guys couldn't see the girls, while they prayed, that's what stopped them from losing concentration. Let's be honest, if a guy sees a girl bending over and bowing, I can tell you, as a guy, that most WILL lose concentration.

Bro, why must you continuously insult men?? Why would you do that?
Some of us do have restraint and correct intentions.

Back in BLACK

Hey, I'm not insulting men! Don't get me wrong! I'm just saying it's a natural men's reaction, even if it's for a few seconds.
So, why do YOU pray seperately or not with women?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
So, why do YOU pray seperately or not with women?

Its never been an option.

Believe me, im an expert at ignoring random women.

Back in BLACK

Well, good on you. But, most men, if not all, will loose a bit of focus, for a few seconds while they're praying.
Let me rephrase my question. Why does ISLAM say that we should pray seperately/not together.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
Well, good on you. But, most men, if not all, will loose a bit of focus, for a few seconds while they're praying.
Let me rephrase my question. Why does ISLAM say that we should pray seperately/not together.

:? it does?

praying in congreagation is reccomended. Husband and wife can pray side by side but the husbands feet have to be slightly forwarded than the wifes.

My orginial ques was if women are praying behind men how can they (men) lose concentration (unless they have eyes at the back of their head)?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Naz wrote:
Courage wrote:
Well, good on you. But, most men, if not all, will loose a bit of focus, for a few seconds while they're praying.
Let me rephrase my question. Why does ISLAM say that we should pray seperately/not together.

:? it does?

praying in congreagation is reccomended. Husband and wife can pray side by side but the husbands feet have to be slightly forwarded than the wifes.

It doesnt matter its when its two men or two women the imaam(person leading) has to have is heels in line with the person following toes. Lol where did you get that info if you dont follow a madhab?

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Seraphim wrote:
Snoopz wrote:
bad times.. duas plz

aawww lil snoopy is going thru some tought times.

I tell ya what? Do the snoopy dance and we'll all pray for you.

lol. il do the snoopy dance once the bad times r over!

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

Funzo wrote:
Naz wrote:

:? it does?

praying in congreagation is reccomended. Husband and wife can pray side by side but the husbands feet have to be slightly forwarded than the wifes.

It doesnt matter its when its two men or two women the imaam(person leading) has to have is heels in line with the person following toes. Lol where did you get that info if you dont follow a madhab?

its the power of unagi Lol

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy


All thnks 2 the powr of prayer!

When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it is not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

Salam w.w.

Can everyone please make du'aa for me, because I need to go to the Dept. of Immagration to extend my visa - it should be routine but this is Syria so if I don't come online for a few weeks them please tell the British Embassy I have been locked up!



Don't just do something! Stand there.

Naz wrote:
Courage wrote:
Well, good on you. But, most men, if not all, will loose a bit of focus, for a few seconds while they're praying.
Let me rephrase my question. Why does ISLAM say that we should pray seperately/not together.

:? it does?

praying in congreagation is reccomended. Husband and wife can pray side by side but the husbands feet have to be slightly forwarded than the wifes.

My orginial ques was if women are praying behind men how can they (men) lose concentration (unless they have eyes at the back of their head)?

Yeah, behind/not together/with a partition or whatever you want to call it. What you've said was precisely my point, men pray where THEY can't see the women.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Ya'qub wrote:
Salam w.w.

Can everyone please make du'aa for me, because I need to go to the Dept. of Immagration to extend my visa - it should be routine but this is Syria so if I don't come online for a few weeks them please tell the British Embassy I have been locked up!



try not to act shifty and keep your hands where they can see them Lol
only jokin inshAllah everything will be ok.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

major duas are needed. big time stressed. jazakAllah

Noor wrote:
major duas are needed. big time stressed. jazakAllah

Inshallah all your problems stress etc will go away!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

duas needed please remember me in your duas!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

My post isnt directed to anyone personally...(I havent even read this thread). I'm just thinking out loud..

Too often, I get asked by others to pray for them - even I ask my mum often...its a common thing to ask Imams/elders etc to pray for you...

Plus, the prayers made for others are more likely to be accepted by God.

Sometimes people feel that if others are praying for them, then they don't need to put in any effort themselves...however, no one else other than yourself can make a sincere, heartfelt dua straight from the heart. If you're hurting and distressed, only YOU can feel the pain..anyones elses prayer made on your behalf will be more generic...when you really really want something, its always best to ask God yourself, cos God never refuses the prayer that comes straight from the heart.

MuslimSister wrote:
My post isnt directed to anyone personally...(I havent even read this thread). I'm just thinking out loud..

Too often, I get asked by others to pray for them - even I ask my mum often...its a common thing to ask Imams/elders etc to pray for you...

Plus, the prayers made for others are more likely to be accepted by God.

Sometimes people feel that if others are praying for them, then they don't need to put in any effort themselves...however, no one else other than yourself can make a sincere, heartfelt dua straight from the heart. If you're hurting and distressed, only YOU can feel the pain..anyones elses prayer made on your behalf will be more generic...when you really really want something, its always best to ask God yourself, cos God never refuses the prayer that comes straight from the heart.

I agree... But thanks to anyone who DID make du'aa for me because my visa application was accepted Alhamdulillah.

I had to meet a general to sign my papers.

And the whole Dept. Immigration is the most disorganised place I've been to in my whole life.

If I could change one thing about Syria (and Arabs in general. And most of the world other than Britain), I would teach them how to form and orderly queue. Tobe honest, any form of queue would do, it doesn't have to be particularly orderly. It's ALMOST enough to make me miss waiting in a Post Office or bank at home. Shouting and thrusting your passport in any official's face is SO not civilised.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I've just found out my (future) brother and sister in law have to leave Syria, because he is studying at a religious school, and the government are 'cracking down' on foreign student at these institutions.

This is a REAL shame, because they are amongst the best in the world.

Please make du'aa that more foreign students aren't forced to leave, and that Syria opens up to more Islamic education.

And please make du'aa that he can finish his studies elsewhere, because he is 5 years into a 7 year course, and doesn't want it all to go to waste.


Don't just do something! Stand there.


Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

salam brothers and sisters,

few months ago i failed my first driving test, i got my next one coming up soon in about a few weeks,i know i can drive really well but i always get nervous on my test. Please will you all pray for me to pass this time as it will be such a relief. I have my belief in allah and know everything he does, he does for the best of. Thank you

