FREE EVENT: Tayyibun Eid & Dawrah Shari'ah Awards Gathering

[SIZE=25][B]Tayyibun Eid & Dawrah Shari'ah 2008 Awards Gathering[/B][/SIZE]


[B]Short inspiring lectures by:[/B]
Shaykh Haitham al Haddad, Shaykh Khalid Fikri, Ustadh Abu Talha, Ustadh Wasim Kempson, Ustadh Murtaza Khan and Ustadh Alomgir Abdul 'Aleem

Barbeque, Dawrah Shari'ah 2008 Awards, Milkshakes, Video shows and Fun activities insha'allaah.

*All invited and welcome- free entrance, barbeque and milkshakes (you are welcome to bring food/drink along with you to share with all attending and to contribute if you wish).
BROTHERS ONLY DAY :[/B] Saturday 4th October 2008 from 11am- 4pm

[B]SISTERS ONLY DAY : [/B]Sunday 5th October 2008 from 11am- 4pm
VENUE: [/B]Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre, 25 Hessel Street (Off Commercial Road), London E1 2LR
[B]Online Map:[/B]

Reminder: This event will take place this weekend insha'allaah.

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