well in brief i have to do an investigation followed up by a presentation and a 5,000 word essay about a certain topic but it has to be an investigation i was thinking of "does terrorism really exist in islam?" but i thought it would be a bit naive of me to tackle such a huge subject, any ideas, thoughts? queries? fire ahead.
Published by Funzo on 15 September, 2008 - 21:03
you mean you want help on your homework?
Terrorism is a big topic and with only 5,000 words your not going to do it justice. You can still do it on terrorism but your gonna have to narrow it down and focus on something more specific.
How about analysing the different pieces of terrorist legislation and the affect they have had on Muslims? The Home office website is quite good
Or maybe do a comparison of the powers the police had under PACE with the extended powers they have now under the terrorist legislation. Has this extended powers given to the police led to abuse/mistakes ie Charles de menezes
Or maybe trace back to the origins of terrorism, the IRA
Hope that helps
Do one on OBL.
Why the millenium dome was a waste of money.
War on Terror was BS and really about Oil.
9/11 and its side-effects
why High School Musical is lame and re-enforces stereotypes lol
Back in BLACK
yeah it did well where i live there is this new funding thats come in called the pve (preventing violence and extremism) its targeted at the muslim community specifically and my school used i think £60,000 maybe i should do an investigation into this whether the money was actually needed or whether it could be put to better use and the 5,000 word thing is minimum it goes up to i think 10,000 words probably more.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Lol to all but i think it has to be something productive.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
Back in BLACK
i would like to rest seraphs case.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
'BS' stands for 'a Bit Silly', right?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
eeerrrrr.... sure whatever... go with that
Back in BLACK
You could also consider if the £60,000 injection by the PVE into the Muslim community has actually benefited them and/or made any difference. What projects/organistations should money be invested into. Are there organisations that can actually successfully implement/spend the financial aid provided? Is the Muslim community in need of more organised/other organisations/projects etc? Is it simply a patronising move and action by the UK government?
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Can I just ask what subject is this for?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Is it morally right to spread democracy by force.
My friend did this recently.
You can phrase the investigation thus: Benefits and harms of using force to spread democracy.
This subject is not too big and can be done easily.
Iraq and Afghanistan can be use as case studies.
Documents and speeches can used from the internet and newspapers.
Threat of regime changes in Iran, Syria, Lebanon are
further examples of use of force to promote one particular ideology.
In this case a neo-con agenda.
If it is right, then Russia was correct to want a
change of government in Georgia in the recent war.
Hope that helps.
aqa baccalaruette
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
you have got to be kidding!
Ive never heard of that funding but go for it. Its good to have some sort of background already on your chosen subject. Also by the sounds of it your really passionate about this specific area which is a good thing because it means you wont loose interest half way through. Plus i dont know anyone that i know of that has done a dissertation/thesis on this particular area.
Should make an interesting read. Be sure to put it up on the forum for all of us to have good read.
Its cheesy BUT there is one song that i like from it. Very catchy
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
every HSM movie has the same plot in it. were about to go to college and my geeky friends find it 'wicked' its embarassing! theyre now deeply into 'camp rock' (only coz the jonahs bros are there) completely obsessed!
Theres just too much singing and dancing in it... if i want to see that ill watch a bolly flick. If i want something to drink... ill obey my thirst (after iftari ofcourse
Back in BLACK
I've never heard of that before. Is it a Level 3 Course or a Higher?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
its an A level course.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...