Has any person from the forum ever come across such people? What are the sentiments that should be held about such muslims?

Can you please edit the title of the topic to 'Gay Muslims: HARAAAAAAAAM'.

Thank you.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Except this isn't Sumaiya starting the post.

OK let's leave her alone, for now.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

love to live but living to die wrote:
there was a talk at bardy uni during the gay/lesbian week ... it was called 'homosexuality in Islam' ... and i thought it was gna be against the whole concept BUT it wasn't! ... apparently the organisers were posting up "authentic" sayings to prove that there is nothing wrong with it... i was gna go but good thing i didn't! instead i went to a talk organised by the Ahlul-bayt...hehe

to be honest i really want to know what they have to say abt themselves? and how have they derived that it's OK to be gay??...

:shock: what the

Im sorry but the Quran clearly states that being gay is a big no no.

While i was in Morocco some prostitute tried to come onto me but i rejected her advances. Quite shocking you dont expect that sort of behaviour in a Muslim country. I thought prostitutes were suppose to be skinny what with lack of food and taking drugs, the Moroccan prostitute was quite big.

I personally dont have a problem with gay ppl if you wanna be gay thats your own business but i would never protest for gay rights and i think its wrong for gay ppl to adopt kids coz its the kids that will suffer.

love to live but living to die wrote:

to be honest i really want to know what they have to say abt themselves? and how have they derived that it's OK to be gay??...

err...the same way as a heterosexual man might lust after a beautiful woman who he's not married to, but DOESN'T ACT ON that feeling.

Gay sex is obviously haram. As is all sex outside of marriage. And two men can't marry each other.

But if someone is gay inside their head but doesn't act on it...where exactly is that 'not OK'?

I know a gay guy who converted to Islam and his 'partner' is a Christian. He had to make the choice of whether to be with someone while accumulating huge sin, or not.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Is this convert celibate, like Dumbledore. I give him a thumbs up for that!
Imagine if you're gay and a girl makes a marriage proposal to you.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

seeing a gay muslim is almost normal nowadays, and its easier to spot amongst guys rather than girls.


How can you say seeing a Gay Muslim is normal nowadays!!? Hey! If they are gay they're Not muslim!
And if i met anyone who claimed to be a muslim who is gay...i would have to tell them straight...thats wrong!..and they best Jog on to some other religion! You may get guy bishops in sh*t, but you Never gonna get a guy imam!

Anonymous me wrote:
you Never gonna get a guy imam!

So all the imams you know are women? All the imams I know are guys.

You must be from an odd place.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
Anonymous me wrote:
you Never gonna get a guy imam!

So all the imams you know are women? All the imams I know are guys.

You must be from an odd place.

Or an odd planet

but i suspect its a simple typo, where he meant 'a gay imam'.

I dont really hold any opinon on the matter other than homosexuality is forbidden in Islam and the Quran makes it quite clear. Therefore its not possibile to be a practicing gay and Muslim. I say practicing because it is still unclear as to why certain people become gay, there is the possiblity of some genetic factors playing a part. In which case if someone is Gay by genetic disposition and thus cant help it, and voluntarily decides to become celibate. Well i can understand that.

Back in BLACK

thanx for pointing that out.. it was a simple typo.

Anonymous me wrote:
How can you say seeing a Gay Muslim is normal nowadays!!? Hey! If they are gay they're Not muslim!
And if i met anyone who claimed to be a muslim who is gay...i would have to tell them straight...thats wrong!..and they best Jog on to some other religion! You may get guy bishops in sh*t, but you Never gonna get a guy imam!

So why can't you be a gay celibate Muslim? And if someone was a practising gay and claimed to be Muslim, surely it's not up to us to declare kuffur. So long as they don't believe that what they're doing is halal. Some Muslims drink, sleep around and take drugs, but know that it's wrong, are they non-believers or just Muslims who have weaknesses.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

The issue is with the term "Gay".

Do you take it to mean that the person has sexual urges towards the wrong gender, or do you take it to mean a person whom has that and thinks it is all and good.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Courage wrote:

Imagine if you're gay and a girl makes a marriage proposal to you.

LMAO! i knoww imagine that lol

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

Courage wrote:
And if someone was a practising gay and claimed to be Muslim, surely it's not up to us to declare kuffur. So long as they don't believe that what they're doing is halal. Some Muslims drink, sleep around and take drugs, but know that it's wrong, are they non-believers or just Muslims who have weaknesses.

Yeah, I agree.

To all the people who say it is impossible to be both, I would like to ask you something. Do you always pray on time? Do you never deal with riba with a bank account? Have you ever said an unpleasant word to your parents?

These are all examples of major sins, which are mentioned explicitly in the Qur'an. Surely, if you were to commit one of these sins in a moment of weakness, you would hope that you are still classed as a 'Muslim', right?

Of course zina is a major sin, and homosexual sex is zina. But Allah (swt) forgives all sins other than shirk. So while we can of course condemn the action of committing zina, it is not up to us to condemn a PERSON who commits it.

Like it or not, we are all sinful Muslims. No one will enter Paradise because of their good deeds. We will only enter Paradise because of the Mercy of Allah (swt), and this even includes the Prophet (saw).

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I Googled "gay imam" and got this, this and this. There's a really enjoyable sentence in the second link:

"It's time for a new perspective on wht it means to be Muslim and homosexual," says the man I'll call Mohammed, a 48-year-old African American lawyer with a football-player's build.

Best Sentence 2008?

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

i know of a gay muslim man who married a woman had kids with her, to please the parents. Parents knew he was gay, but were in denial or thght everything would be cured once he married. Plus they obviously wanted to keep it hush hush in the community. But i'm sure most ppl knew he was gay, or they do now. He basically lives in a different city from his wife and kids, they live separate lives but remain married just for the sake of asian/muslim society.

I also knew a girl who was gay,. she was actually from my circle of close mates, well i recently found out she was gay, through school i was oblivious to it,like everyone else. Although i think she did certain strange things i never thght this was down to gay tendencies. Like most my mates she was forced into a marriage back home. She would always joke about it, but she was never happy. They never had kids, were never intimate, whether the man clicked on i don't know but they divorced within a few months. She's now living alone in another town, and has the opportunity to act on her feelings, i hope she does not. Again why did the parents force her into the marriage rather than trying at the very least to work through issues she had with her sexuality?

I know of a few other gay muslims, they are humans you know we shouldn't think of them as aliens or low life of the earth, some are genuinely confused and just need to guidance in order to realise they're not actually gay. Things have perhaps occured during their childhood which has instilled these feelings in them.

I'm not saying i agree with homosexuality, but muslims need to try and help gay muslims defeat these urges, help them to not act on them, rather than just ignoring the whole gay issue. Their method of helping gays is the usual "evil card". It will lead you to hell, it's an abomination blah blah, most gay ppl will not listen to this method of lecturing.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

nowdays u see posters with thing saying on it like 'im gay get over it'. but so far i havent see a muslim gay and hope never to but its a growing 'trend' so i'm gonna be likely 2 see it.
in my oppinion i find it completly DISGUSTING.

it's not that I'm always right.....
I'm just never wrong

love to live but living to die wrote:
if gay/lesbian get married to opposite gender and have kids from them... won't they be Bi-sexual??

to be honest, i really find that ppl with a different sexuality are very kind and considering ppl... it may be personal exp: working and knowing them ... i totally agree with the fact that they shouldn't be neglected... rather find a way to reason with em... convince them (which unfortunately doesn't happen very often!)

while i was driving, i had this strange thought: if this is the 21st century according to the Christian calender, then how would the Islamic 21st century be? Peace or Worse?

Its not christian its gregorian and the muslim calendar is lunar.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Shabaz from big brother 2006 is gay.


lol dats quite bad
like i know sum1 n her parents got her enganged 2 dis guy n like 3weeks b4 d wedding d guy told her dat he's actually gay
felt sowi 4 her n her family but happy in a way because wot if she married him... nywayz now she's getting married 2 dis oda person n her mehndi is 2daii

islam4eva wrote:
nowdays u see posters with thing saying on it like 'im gay get over it'. but so far i havent see a muslim gay and hope never to but its a growing 'trend' so i'm gonna be likely 2 see it.
in my oppinion i find it completly DISGUSTING.

OK, imagine if a gay guy comes onto the Revival and reads that, is it gonna have a good effect on them? No. So why not suggest what gay people can do instead? Like turn to Allah, do Dhikr and take their minds of the urges and focus on a bigger picture.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

i totally agree
i hav a frend n we were lyk close mates but den she realisd she was like NOT STRYT so den i didnt wna bail on her so i helpd her thru lyk d whole fing n nw alhamdudlilah she's like on d ryt track mashallah she's becumin n alimah aswel

so ova all i totally agree!!!

So how did you help her get through it? What did you say to her?

I've heard that noone is 100% straight of gay, but we're all bisexual, it's our choice at the end of the day which way we swing.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
So how did you help her get through it? What did you say to her?

I've heard that noone is 100% straight of gay, but we're all bisexual, it's our choice at the end of the day which way we swing.

well 1st and foremost i jus reminded her hu she was
n made clear wot islam has 2 say about bisexual's n stuff
n wot if d prothet turned his face frm her due 2 her being bisexual

buyed kitaabs(books) regarding it

den we discussed wot her parents would say on dis issue how she'd hurt dem

n we discussd hw like her own sister had strtd 2 like depart away frm her n stuff

expalained 2 her y we're in dis world

our aims and goals

dis is like brief
it took me like 10 constant days jus until it hit her...
after dat it took her like 4months like 2 jus becum normal but at d same time like
return on d path of allah

not dat it was easy but if u hav sum1 der 2 support u n show u WRONG N RYT m sure ny1 can get ova it

also it depends on yr niyyah(intention)

Thats a nice story but can you please stop writing in shorthand it is very tedious to read and annoying.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Funzo wrote:
Thats a nice story but can you please stop writing in shorthand it is very tedious to read and annoying.

sure lol

love to live but living to die wrote:
Here's something: If you find out that one of your child is 'swinging' towards homosexuality then how would you deal with it? (points to be noticed: that you have more than one child)

I'd kill him.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Come on man get serious!

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

love to live but living to die wrote:
Here's something: If you find out that one of your child is 'swinging' towards homosexuality then how would you deal with it? (points to be noticed: that you have more than one child)

lol, that reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons, where Homer thinks Bart might be swinging both ways.

Back in BLACK
