what about the case of the woman who came to the prophet(saw) and said her son was suffering from epilepsy and the prophet(saw) said it was because a demon was inside him i.e. being possesed.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
@Funzo, when mentioning a hadith, please quote it, or give a reference.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
@ You and Seraphim go and spend a night in a graveyard, i dare you. I can guarantee that you will believe in Jinn possession after that experience.
Thats not much of a guarantee
Prove me wrong then, spend one whole night yes thats one whole night not day in a graveyard or you chicken lol.
If your worried about what you mum and dad might say I have a brilliant plan. Just before Dhur on Thursday you tell your parents your planning on remaining silent for the remainder of the day because you have a desire and you want Allah(swt) to grant it you. They are not gonna be knocking on your door and checking up on you. When it gets dark you open your window, climb out and slide down the water drainage and then leg it to your nearest graveyard.
love to live but living to die wrote:
Naz wrote:
@ You and Seraphim go and spend a night in a graveyard, i dare you. I can guarantee that you will believe in Jinn possession after that experience.
gotta warn you there, it doesn't work with many! (me dad use to sit in a graveyard and revise for his exams because it use to be quiet and no one would bother him! lol obviously when he was in Pakistan and much younger)
The last time I went Pakistan one afternoon I go bored (its too hot to do anything in the afternoon so ppl just sleep) so I went for walkies in the fields. When I came back mum was like where did you go so I told her I went for a walk, went past such a such place and got to such a such place and turned back round and came home. She went mental coz I had been walking through a graveyard (how was I suppose to know it was a graveyard, the older ones dont have a gravestone).
erm... Muslims are recommended to visit grave yards... actually have homes near grave yards.
The thing about pakistani's is that they/we are a backwards nation. utterly loathsome in some respects. Way too superstitious and arrogant.
EDIT - and why would there be jinns in a graveyard?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Seraphim on 3 August, 2008 - 22:45 #40
Naz wrote:
Seraphim wrote:
Naz wrote:
@ You and Seraphim go and spend a night in a graveyard, i dare you. I can guarantee that you will believe in Jinn possession after that experience.
Thats not much of a guarantee
Prove me wrong then, spend one whole night yes thats one whole night not day in a graveyard or you chicken lol.
If your worried about what you mum and dad might say I have a brilliant plan. Just before Dhur on Thursday you tell your parents your planning on remaining silent for the remainder of the day because you have a desire and you want Allah(swt) to grant it you. They are not gonna be knocking on your door and checking up on you. When it gets dark you open your window, climb out and slide down the water drainage and then leg it to your nearest graveyard.
lol, why do I need to prove you wrong?
How does staying in a cemetary prove Jinn possessions? Explain that to me? It doesnt. The only thing it proves is that people allow their imaginations to run away with them.
And at night... the only thing that proves is that people fear what they cant see.
None of which prove Jinn possession.
As for Pakistan, the people there are too superstitious.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Naz* (not verified) on 3 August, 2008 - 23:29 #41
@ You Ive never heard till this day that its recommended to build your home near a graveyard. What possible benefit is there to building your home near a graveyard? As far as im aware the two places that you cant pray are in a bathroom or a graveyard coz the Jinn presence is strong. As for why there are Jinns in the graveyard im not sure about that but a bathroom is not a hygienic place hence why the Jinns hang out there.
I do agree the bit about Pakistanis being backwards BUT there is some truth to what they/we say sometimes.
Those ppl that don’t believe in Jinn possession ask yourself this what do the bad Jinns do when they get bored? If they do exactly what the good Jinn do then there aint bad. In order to be labelled as bad Jin this must be doing something is Allah(swt) has ordered them not to do ie controlling humans.
I for one would like to spend a night in graveyard (in Pakistan that is) to see what would happen but my mum would probably beat the crap out me lol.
Submitted by Seraphim on 4 August, 2008 - 11:11 #42
There was a supposed case of possession in Oldham a couple of years ago. And not far from where i live. The girl was actually quite sick, but her parents becamed convinced she was possessed and called in these dodgy molvi's who beat her until she died. They were later prosecuted by the police. (for those who have access to Lexis Nexus or Westlaw can look up the case).
IMO people are way too quick to jump to the conclusion that something as simple as an epileptic fit is Jinn possession. Naz; ive never actually said i didnt believe in Jinn possession, but I refuse to jump to that conclusion. I prefer to rule out other things first ie. some medical condition.
Why would a Jinn wanna hang out in someones bathroom?? Seriously, who likes to see other people take a dump? lol.
Naz* wrote:
I for one would like to spend a night in graveyard (in Pakistan that is) to see what would happen but my mum would probably beat the crap out me lol.
I thought you can't build a mosque on a toilet or a graveyard because of respect (for Allah (swt) and for the people who have died)
Anyway there are loads of graves IN mosques all over Asia and the Middle East. Even the Masjid al-Nabawi has three graves inside of it, people have told me this is different for some reason but I can't really see why it is any different. Especially because people bow down towards the graves all the time and the guards shout at them and then there is a whole lot of takfir going on (by both sides). But I digress...
This is irrelevant because of the simple fact that Jinn are NOT ghosts! They are not the 'spirits of dead people who are trapped between this life and the next'!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Seraphim on 4 August, 2008 - 13:04 #44
Ya'qub wrote:
This is irrelevant because of the simple fact that Jinn are NOT ghosts! They are not the 'spirits of dead people who are trapped between this life and the next'!
Which then begs the question. Are ghosts real?
As in the spirits of people who have passed away.
This is irrelevant because of the simple fact that Jinn are NOT ghosts! They are not the 'spirits of dead people who are trapped between this life and the next'!
Which then begs the question. Are ghosts real?
As in the spirits of people who have passed away.
That depends on your definition of 'real'. But you already know that.
(the above answer translates as 'no').
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Seraphim on 4 August, 2008 - 13:16 #46
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Naz* (not verified) on 4 August, 2008 - 17:26 #47
There was a supposed case of possession in Oldham a couple of years ago. And not far from where i live. The girl was actually quite sick, but her parents becamed convinced she was possessed and called in these dodgy molvi's who beat her until she died. They were later prosecuted by the police. (for those who have access to Lexis Nexus or Westlaw can look up the case).
IMO people are way too quick to jump to the conclusion that something as simple as an epileptic fit is Jinn possession. Naz; ive never actually said i didnt believe in Jinn possession, but I refuse to jump to that conclusion. I prefer to rule out other things first ie. some medical condition.
Citation please.
There was a similar case in Pakistan and couple years back it was a British boy from Brummi land that they ended up killing (he was suffering from epilepsy). You will get cases where ppl are not possessed but there are some cases of real possession example my dads cousins sister in law the Jinn even spoke and said why it had possessed her.
Seraphim wrote:
Why would a Jinn wanna hang out in someones bathroom?? Seriously, who likes to see other people take a dump? lol.
Well these bad Jinns obviously have a sick sense of humour, just because humans dont get a kick out of watching ppl having a dump dont mean to say that Jinns dont lol.
Seraphim wrote:
Naz* wrote:
I for one would like to spend a night in graveyard (in Pakistan that is) to see what would happen but my mum would probably beat the crap out me lol.
You always were a strange one.
What you seriously never thought about it? Has anyone ever thought about it or done it? I think it would be quite cool.
Submitted by Seraphim on 4 August, 2008 - 20:44 #48
I don't remember the citation. If you're interested just run a general search with the key words of possession. Im sure you'll find it. It was relatively recent.
Naz wrote:
What you seriously never thought about it? Has anyone ever thought about it or done it? I think it would be quite cool.
Why would i think about that? Like i said it proves nothing. Therefore the whole experiment would be pointless.
I remember reading somewhere that theres an Islamic criteria that must be satisfied before a possession can be accredited as authentic. Unfortunately the speaker didnt say what that criteria was. I dont suppose anyone here knows?
037 : 240 : Hadith 001
Aisha radiyallahu anha reports, Once, at night, Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam related an event to his family members. One of the ladies said, this story is just like the stories of Khuraafah. (The Arabs used the stories of Khuraafah as proverbs). Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam asked, Do you know what is the original story of Khuraafah? Khuraafah was a man from the tribe of Banu Udhrah, whom the jinns took away. They kept him for some time, then left him among the people. He related to the people strange things of his stay there. The people were astonished. After that every amazing story is called Khuraafah. CommentaryIt is possible that the person had another name, and because the people took his stories to be fables and amusing, he became famously known as Khuraafah. In the time of the Jaahiliyyah, exorcism was widespread. The jinns troubled humans very much, they took them away, spoke to them, had intercourse with women, etc. of which there are many famous incidents. After the appearance of Islam their strength subsided, till some people began to believe that jinns existed before, and now they do not exist. The fact is that they do exist, but do not have the power they possessed previously. At the time of the birth of Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam the events that took place, the wailing, trouble, etc. that the jinns experienced is a testimony to this. In the Sahih Bukhari a narration of Sayyidina Umar radiyallahu anhu is mentioned, where he states about the poetry of a beloved woman of a magician, named Janiyah, on grief, disgrace and the misfortune of the jinns. Imaam Suyuti has mentioned many incidents of this nature in his book 'Khasaa-is-Kubra'.
-Shamaa-il Tirmidhi
Always remember though that there are good jinns and bad jinns. When people tell stories of jinns keep in mind that the theme 'hyperbole' is explored alot lol and also that some may be myth as others reality.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
You need to format that post better (to show what bit is from where - what is hadith, what from the commentary, by whom etc etc.)
And even that post does not suggest that possessions are possible - not before their "weakening", nor after.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
What you seriously never thought about it? Has anyone ever thought about it or done it? I think it would be quite cool.
Why would i think about that? Like i said it proves nothing. Therefore the whole experiment would be pointless.
wheres your sense of adventure, grandpa
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Seraphim on 6 August, 2008 - 19:37 #52
Naz wrote:
Seraphim wrote:
Naz wrote:
What you seriously never thought about it? Has anyone ever thought about it or done it? I think it would be quite cool.
Why would i think about that? Like i said it proves nothing. Therefore the whole experiment would be pointless.
wheres your sense of adventure, grandpa
My sense of adventure is perfectly fine thanx. I just dont fear the dark bcoz theres nothing there that can harm me. So not much of an adventure when you know whats what.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by shamail (not verified) on 5 February, 2012 - 00:33 #53
Plan a trip to makka tul mukkarramah, spend the night at the valley of jinn, then you all will come to know if it is real or just in the mind.
Submitted by shamail (not verified) on 5 February, 2012 - 00:34 #54
Its happened to a friend of mine who lives in this country and lets just say he's not the type who would make up stuff like that.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
what about the case of the woman who came to the prophet(saw) and said her son was suffering from epilepsy and the prophet(saw) said it was because a demon was inside him i.e. being possesed.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
how come i can edit Funzo's comments? (and everyone else's it seems) - Lilly
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
@ You and Seraphim go and spend a night in a graveyard, i dare you. I can guarantee that you will believe in Jinn possession after that experience.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Thats not much of a guarantee
Back in BLACK
... and in the end, isn't that the real truth?
The answer is 'no'.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
@Funzo, when mentioning a hadith, please quote it, or give a reference.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Prove me wrong then, spend one whole night yes thats one whole night not day in a graveyard or you chicken lol.
If your worried about what you mum and dad might say I have a brilliant plan. Just before Dhur on Thursday you tell your parents your planning on remaining silent for the remainder of the day because you have a desire and you want Allah(swt) to grant it you. They are not gonna be knocking on your door and checking up on you. When it gets dark you open your window, climb out and slide down the water drainage and then leg it to your nearest graveyard.
The last time I went Pakistan one afternoon I go bored (its too hot to do anything in the afternoon so ppl just sleep) so I went for walkies in the fields. When I came back mum was like where did you go so I told her I went for a walk, went past such a such place and got to such a such place and turned back round and came home. She went mental coz I had been walking through a graveyard (how was I suppose to know it was a graveyard, the older ones dont have a gravestone).
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
erm... Muslims are recommended to visit grave yards... actually have homes near grave yards.
The thing about pakistani's is that they/we are a backwards nation. utterly loathsome in some respects. Way too superstitious and arrogant.
EDIT - and why would there be jinns in a graveyard?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lol, why do I need to prove you wrong?
How does staying in a cemetary prove Jinn possessions? Explain that to me? It doesnt. The only thing it proves is that people allow their imaginations to run away with them.
And at night... the only thing that proves is that people fear what they cant see.
None of which prove Jinn possession.
As for Pakistan, the people there are too superstitious.
Back in BLACK
@ You Ive never heard till this day that its recommended to build your home near a graveyard. What possible benefit is there to building your home near a graveyard? As far as im aware the two places that you cant pray are in a bathroom or a graveyard coz the Jinn presence is strong. As for why there are Jinns in the graveyard im not sure about that but a bathroom is not a hygienic place hence why the Jinns hang out there.
@Seraphim chick chick chickeeeeen muhahaha (only joking)
I do agree the bit about Pakistanis being backwards BUT there is some truth to what they/we say sometimes.
Those ppl that don’t believe in Jinn possession ask yourself this what do the bad Jinns do when they get bored? If they do exactly what the good Jinn do then there aint bad. In order to be labelled as bad Jin this must be doing something is Allah(swt) has ordered them not to do ie controlling humans.
I for one would like to spend a night in graveyard (in Pakistan that is) to see what would happen but my mum would probably beat the crap out me lol.
lol, joker.
There was a supposed case of possession in Oldham a couple of years ago. And not far from where i live. The girl was actually quite sick, but her parents becamed convinced she was possessed and called in these dodgy molvi's who beat her until she died. They were later prosecuted by the police. (for those who have access to Lexis Nexus or Westlaw can look up the case).
IMO people are way too quick to jump to the conclusion that something as simple as an epileptic fit is Jinn possession. Naz; ive never actually said i didnt believe in Jinn possession, but I refuse to jump to that conclusion. I prefer to rule out other things first ie. some medical condition.
Why would a Jinn wanna hang out in someones bathroom?? Seriously, who likes to see other people take a dump? lol.
You always were a strange one.
Back in BLACK
I thought you can't build a mosque on a toilet or a graveyard because of respect (for Allah (swt) and for the people who have died)
Anyway there are loads of graves IN mosques all over Asia and the Middle East. Even the Masjid al-Nabawi has three graves inside of it, people have told me this is different for some reason but I can't really see why it is any different. Especially because people bow down towards the graves all the time and the guards shout at them and then there is a whole lot of takfir going on (by both sides). But I digress...
This is irrelevant because of the simple fact that Jinn are NOT ghosts! They are not the 'spirits of dead people who are trapped between this life and the next'!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Which then begs the question. Are ghosts real?
As in the spirits of people who have passed away.
Back in BLACK
That depends on your definition of 'real'. But you already know that.
(the above answer translates as 'no').
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Back in BLACK
Citation please.
There was a similar case in Pakistan and couple years back it was a British boy from Brummi land that they ended up killing (he was suffering from epilepsy). You will get cases where ppl are not possessed but there are some cases of real possession example my dads cousins sister in law the Jinn even spoke and said why it had possessed her.
Well these bad Jinns obviously have a sick sense of humour, just because humans dont get a kick out of watching ppl having a dump dont mean to say that Jinns dont lol.
What you seriously never thought about it? Has anyone ever thought about it or done it? I think it would be quite cool.
I don't remember the citation. If you're interested just run a general search with the key words of possession. Im sure you'll find it. It was relatively recent.
Why would i think about that? Like i said it proves nothing. Therefore the whole experiment would be pointless.
I remember reading somewhere that theres an Islamic criteria that must be satisfied before a possession can be accredited as authentic. Unfortunately the speaker didnt say what that criteria was. I dont suppose anyone here knows?
Back in BLACK
037 : 240 : Hadith 001
Aisha radiyallahu anha reports, Once, at night, Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam related an event to his family members. One of the ladies said, this story is just like the stories of Khuraafah. (The Arabs used the stories of Khuraafah as proverbs). Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam asked, Do you know what is the original story of Khuraafah? Khuraafah was a man from the tribe of Banu Udhrah, whom the jinns took away. They kept him for some time, then left him among the people. He related to the people strange things of his stay there. The people were astonished. After that every amazing story is called Khuraafah. CommentaryIt is possible that the person had another name, and because the people took his stories to be fables and amusing, he became famously known as Khuraafah. In the time of the Jaahiliyyah, exorcism was widespread. The jinns troubled humans very much, they took them away, spoke to them, had intercourse with women, etc. of which there are many famous incidents. After the appearance of Islam their strength subsided, till some people began to believe that jinns existed before, and now they do not exist. The fact is that they do exist, but do not have the power they possessed previously. At the time of the birth of Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam the events that took place, the wailing, trouble, etc. that the jinns experienced is a testimony to this. In the Sahih Bukhari a narration of Sayyidina Umar radiyallahu anhu is mentioned, where he states about the poetry of a beloved woman of a magician, named Janiyah, on grief, disgrace and the misfortune of the jinns. Imaam Suyuti has mentioned many incidents of this nature in his book 'Khasaa-is-Kubra'.
-Shamaa-il Tirmidhi
Always remember though that there are good jinns and bad jinns. When people tell stories of jinns keep in mind that the theme 'hyperbole' is explored alot lol and also that some may be myth as others reality.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
You need to format that post better (to show what bit is from where - what is hadith, what from the commentary, by whom etc etc.)
And even that post does not suggest that possessions are possible - not before their "weakening", nor after.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
wheres your sense of adventure, grandpa
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
My sense of adventure is perfectly fine thanx. I just dont fear the dark bcoz theres nothing there that can harm me. So not much of an adventure when you know whats what.
Back in BLACK
Plan a trip to makka tul mukkarramah, spend the night at the valley of jinn, then you all will come to know if it is real or just in the mind.
This is correct