
Hey, I'm not accusing anyone of anything here but, obviously the internet is supposed to anonymous.

But some paedoes pretending to be 15 year olds, manage to find a way around it and do their dirty work. So what I'm interested in is how much information do you guys give out on the Internet? Do you worry about some dodgy people online generally? Do you worry about them using The Revival?

I know Admin will probably disable their accounts if they were caught! Lol I've noticed that the Forums have become a sort of Facebook, but how much information would you be prepared to give?


This thread reminds me of something that happened a couple weeks ago. Was at the bureau and called in my first client. As we were about to go in to the room he said he wanted a male advisor. The bureaus policy is to ask why in case they are discriminating. So i asked and he said because it was a delicate matter and would prefer to see a male advisor. That was a good enough reason for me so i knocked on the room next door and asked Stephen (the advisor) if he could interview him, he agreed. So i took in another client and after interviewing them went up to research the law. Stephen comes up and says do you know why he wanted to see a male advisor? I said no he just said it was a delicate matter. He goes that he told me that hes a convicted sex offender! :shock: My face just dropped i didnt ask anything else. If i had interviewed that client i dont think i could have kept my cool.

Anyway back to the original thread the only place where i have my details and pictures of hols, birthdays, graduation etc are on facebook. Ive got my security settings up so that only my friends can see them. All my friends are females and they are from school, college and uni, they are not random Joe bloggs. Not really an MSN person never have been, bores the hell out of me. Would i ever give out personal details to someone over the net? Never in a million years.

Forums are nothing like facebook.

Personally Im not really worried about paedoes. Coz i tend to smash their faces in... sooo no not a HUGE problem.

I dont ever give out personal information. The only remote place that hold 'some' info is my facebook account but my security settings only allow friends to view my profile. And all of them are people I know, went to school with, worked with ... but most importantly trust. And theres nothing on there that could really be used against me anyway.

PS All Paedoes should BURN IN HELL!!

Back in BLACK

I swear that he wasn't allowed to talk about it to you.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Seraphim wrote:
Personally Im not really worried about paedoes. Coz i tend to smash their faces in... sooo no not a HUGE problem.

you're forgetting the fact that you yourself are an old man so you don't really interest them.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Generally, I'm careful not to give too much information about myself, ie. address, exact place of work/college, and number. If I come face to face with one, hopefully I'll have a friend with me, if not then the paedo will experience the Way of the Fist.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
I swear that he wasn't allowed to talk about it to you.


Ya'qub wrote:
Seraphim wrote:
Personally Im not really worried about paedoes. Coz i tend to smash their faces in... sooo no not a HUGE problem.

you're forgetting the fact that you yourself are an old man so you don't really interest them.

lol, i recon i look good for a 20-something year old.

I think the main problem with giving out details is the possibility of fraud more than attracting a peado.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:
Courage wrote:
I swear that he wasn't allowed to talk about it to you.


lol, i recon i look good for a 20-something year old.

I think the main problem with giving out details is the possibility of fraud more than attracting a peado.

. did anyone watch that mra hindley prog after the cricket on 5 the other day ? these people are beyond evil and the fact i have younger siblings i believethese people need killing

lol , i am 20 and look about 30.

did anyone see that myra hyndley programme after the cricket on 5 ? these things are inhumane

No what was it about? Can I get it on iPlayer?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Seraphim wrote:
Courage wrote:
I swear that he wasn't allowed to talk about it to you.


I was talking to Naz then, I thought what you talk about is meant to be confidential.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

That's too bad.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Naz, just out of interest how much experience, skills, qualification and time do you need to work in a bureau?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

@ Courage there is no confidentiality between advisors and our supervisor. We just cant talk to outside organisations without the clients written consent.

You dont need any experience to work in the bureau. Most of the people i work with dont have any law background whatsoever. Everybody gets trained from scratch so if you already know some bits you still have to sit through the training. You only have to commit to minimum 8 hours in a week and some bureaus allow you to do one full day if you have other commitments ie college/uni. You should apply for it, it looks really good on your CV plus if you decide to study law at uni it will prove beneficial.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

@ BD brother no "stevo" did not knock him out. Just like clients cant discriminate against advisors in turn advisors cant discriminate against clients.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Naz wrote:
@ Courage there is no confidentiality between advisors and our supervisor. We just cant talk to outside organisations without the clients written consent.

You dont need any experience to work in the bureau. Most of the people i work with dont have any law background whatsoever. Everybody gets trained from scratch so if you already know some bits you still have to sit through the training. You only have to commit to minimum 8 hours in a week and some bureaus allow you to do one full day if you have other commitments ie college/uni. You should apply for it, it looks really good on your CV plus if you decide to study law at uni it will prove beneficial.

Fab, man! How long does the training take?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

I-m so happy depends on your bureau and when you apply. I applied at the start of the year. Had to go through 8 weeks of training (one full day a week hence why it took so long) which consisted of sitting a room with other trainees and listening to our tutor, working in groups to complete tasks. At the end of each session we were given packs which we had to go away and read and then fill in our workbooks (a complete waste of time but it has to be done). During the 8 weeks you also have to go into the bureau to observe experienced advisors interviewing. Then you attend a 4 days course (which you have to otherwise you cant advise) which runs over 2 weeks where you do more group work, what is expected of you as an advisor and doing role plays where one of you is the advisor and the other a client and you are given a scenario which you have to act out and then the client gives the advisor feedback ie good points, bad points, room for improvement. Its not as scary as it sounds in fact it was quite fun coz no one was taking it seriously lol. You then have to be observed by an experienced advisor while your interviewing a client. They have to observe to in at least 3 interviews before they let you loose.

My younger sis applied a couple week ago she doesnt have to go and sit in a classroom and go through the 8 weeks training, she jus takes the packs home, reads them and does the workbook.

Your not just interviewing. You have to write up the cases and you also have your own cases where you have to do follow up work ie writing letters for clients who have literacy problems, making phone calls, writing to creditors etc.

Hope that helps.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Probably no more than my name.

Because anything else i wonder why they wanna know =/

(no) offence to anyone but i think only saddos tell random strangers on the net everything about them. And it's annoying the way people just throw out their addresses to anyone and everyone.

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #