i have this puzzle that ends like a face, and was thinking if i put it together it would be creating something. what do you think?
i have this puzzle that ends like a face, and was thinking if i put it together it would be creating something. what do you think?
Yes, you could be creating a mannitonic prognesium. I wouldn't do it if I was you, it will come to life and do terrible Fitna!!!!!!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
oh well ha ha ha! and what does mannitonic prognesium mean?
When an inanimate picture comes to life for the pure purpose of mischief. It's been used many times in warfare, including the Revival Forum wars of 2005. I think you've realised that there's more (or less, depending on hw you want to look at it) than what I've said.
I'll give you a clue, if you eat it it will kill you and a mannitonic prognesium are exactly the same thing.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
It means 'made up word' it Latin.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
It doesn't mean anything, it's a word I coined up to annoy Sumaiya
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
As for the original question - no.
You see there are two (or more. Probably more - one for every person out there...) opinions on whether pictures are allowed or not.
In either case, the jigsaw already has that picture. you are not creating it.
My logic is flawless!
(on the other hand, if it is an issue for you, get a jigsaw that does not create a face. or erm... go out and enjoy the weather. Since when have jigsaws EVER been fun?)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
not quite, by piecing it together youd actually be creating the picture.
and also i have these dog slippers but the ear has come off, would it be haram to sew it back because id be completeing the picture?
No the picture already existed... you just put the pieces togeather.
Its like having a bin full of body parts and then you carfully arranged it so that all the pieces now fit. Now just because you put them in the right order, doesnt mean you created them. The body already existed...at some point... before it was chopped up into pieces. Therefore simply putting the pieces togeather doesnt mean you've created anything.
Your just a very sick person playing with human body parts.
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Asalamu alaykum,
About dog slippers..they don't actually resemble an animal! i.e. they are something that is not in the form of an animal...evidently if you're gonna stick your foot in the middle of it! So you wd be able to use them/sew them up...wa Allahu 'alam. Anyway a dog slipper isn't a picture....
About the jigsaw...yes the picture is already made so you are not creating the picture, but by buying a jigsaw with a human/animal picture on it, you are making the one who made the picture in the first place, profit from it..and we should not help others sin, otherwise we become a part of the sin. So avoid it insha'allah. And if there are pictures in the house then the angels will not enter it.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Every image-maker will be in the Fire, and every image that he made will be made to appear to him and will torment him in Hell.” Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “If you must do that, then make trees and things that have no soul.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there are statues or pictures.” (Narrated by Imaam Ahmad; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1961).
Don't some scholars say that these ahadith relate to creating images with the intention of worshipping them? This is why there is a difference of opinion, right?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Dear Sumaiya,
If I may, id like to offer you some of my heartfelt, honest advice based on what threads, topics and questions Ive noticed you've chosen to make (what to me, it seems to indicate- but perhaps im wrong!).. and based on my oh so many years of life experience
I can see that mashaAllah you are a nice young muslimah who has a great deal of zeal, passion and love for her deen.. and a beautiful great desire and good intentions to follow the directions and commandments of Allah (azza waj'al) and his beloved messenger
to the best that you can
and may Allah azza waj'al bless you for it, ameen!! I fear though, that you may be making your deen, and your life unnecessarily harder than it actually is :? (i.e. asking questions on matters that are you neednt look too deeply into, and being slightly pedantic on little things in life). Just keep things simple and easy. This is what Muhammad
asked us to do, and its a fundamental principle, if you like; of what we, as Muslims, are expected to do.
Our beloved prophet
said that our deen is easy and that should we overburden ourselves, otherwise we will not be able to continue that way; and that we should work *against* being extreme. We really need to keep this in mind, as I feel its human nature to become unbalanced, and sway to either side (i.e. extreme, rigid and difficult or totally lax, liberal and so openminded that your brain falls out! :doubt: ).. But try and maintain a perfect *balance* - like nature does
- and like Islamic practices and thoughts are meant to be - how we Muslims are meant to be. If you do this, you will be able to alhamdulilah appreciate, feel and discover total ease in whatever you do
- and wont end up thinking and thinking, fretting over what we do is halal or haram, should/shouldnt we do this, going round and round in circles and asking too many questions over things. :shock:
Thinking like this will cause our own destruction and oppression; it'll turn us into agitated and angry people - (like some Muslims we see DO become) and lead to hardship) :? Sometimes, from my experience, ive seen that this leads Muslims directly *away* from Islam, because they literally break over the pressures and extremes that they put themselves through - and that is not what we'd want for ourselves either, im sure, right?
Work against going to extreams in *whatever* you do. Remember, Allah (azza waj'al) says 'la taghlu fi dini-kum' - that there is no extremism in religion..
Im sure you've heard the story of the 3 companions who began to make intentions like wanting to pray all night long as long as he lived or fast every day for as long as he lived, etc.. and then the rasulAllah
who told them specifically NOT to go to extreames..
Btw, balance and moderation like this DOES NOT mean that we are not following the commandments of Allah (azza waj'al) and his messenger (saw). :roll: On the contrary. This balance is *exactly* what we are asked to do and maintain. It DOES NOT mean that we are weak or lax Muslims either. :roll: It means we are the ummatan wasata. Islam's boundaries and guidelines are meant to keep us balanced so that we can reach our full potential, that we can grow and develop as human beings, so that we can become better, happy people, and be at *total* peace with ourselves and our lives.
Im going to stop blabing because ive a tendancy to go on a bit sometimes lol, but I hope Ive made it clear - as I feel that this is something that we (especially the youth who are enthusiastic and impressionable, with honourable intentions) are not really told, or something that they dont realise/know.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
While Im at it lol, another thing, Allah azza waj'al is *MOST* forgiving, and He knows that we are little humans who make mistakes and have shortcomings. If we make mistakes, thats part of being human.. keep your intentions pure, try your best ok - and then just remember to ask Allah azza waj'al for His forgiveness
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Seconded. Ar-Rahman is the greatest of His names, and Mercy is the greatest of His attributes.
A sheikh told me: It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
yeah but why ask for forgiven when you dont mean it?
lol, i tend to live by that.
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