Such an ugly girl!
This is a story where the main character is unfortunately not aesthetically pleasing. She has no high cheekbones or thick, long lashes or even a fair face. It's rather dark and her lips are a little too wide, her nose a little too long and it's not the perfect oval-shape. To be honest, she's not pretty.
Her father thinks she is, but father's think their daughters are the most beautiful, because a daughter IS the most beautiful child where as a the son is their pride. It just works that way.
Even with a hijab, a face is the first thing a person sees, and first impressions of this girl are not too good.
Well, on with the story.
Farah was a coward. She was the type of girl who would be the first to back down from an argument and was passive whenever her friends would suggest that they go somewhere (even if she despised Chinese food a lot). So, that was why she was sitting in the Chinese buffet, looking at the rice that tasted like rubber and the other assortment of dishes she couldn't really pronounce and didn't dare to try. She didn't like Chinese food, but having a low self-esteem meant that you really didn't want to upset your friends, because they were the only people that were willing to tolerate you. Yes, everyone's felt low in their lives. But not everyone is low ALL their lives.
Farah really didn't want to be feeling this misery all her life. She didn't know what to do, to be honest. She didn't know that her eyes were short-sighted, because a demon had got into them and she would stare at girls with flawless skin and bright eyes and wonder why she didn't look like that. Why did Allah not make her look like that? It wasn't fair, was it? Why did all the weak believers manage to look so beautiful and why did a medium-strength believer look... not to put too fine a point on it... so ugly?! Where was Allah's justice?
Poor Farah. She didn't understand that it was not Allah, but Satan who was teasing her, leaidng her astray and leading her spiralling downwards. She felt alienated from all her pretty relatives and pretty siblings who were pious and pretty and nice and kind and everything wonderful all at once. Why couldn't she be nice and kind and pretty? Farah tried to be nice and kind and attempted to be pretty with make-up, but Satan would whisper and laugh at her and shake his head.
"You idiot!" he would snicker, "You can't look pretty with your dark skin and that kind of face! Just give it up already! Give up on trying to be nice, because you are such a fake! Give up on your friends, because they are prettier than you and they know it as well. They only feel sorry for you. Your mum and dad don't even count! They're ashamed of you, to be honest."
And with those words, Farah didn't cry, because it might smudge the eyeliner, but she did feel like every other organ in her body was crying.
Why did Allah not make her beautiful? It was not fair.
It was Ramadhan and Satan was finally locked up. Farah couldn't hear the voices in her head and didn't have much time to look vainly in the mirror or long for a pretty face since she could feel hunger pounding her stomach and her lips quaking for water (a summer fast).
It was on t.v. when she didn't just hear a scholar, but listened to him:
"At least, you have the iftar meal to look forward to, but over a billion people in the world don't know when their next meal is. Please reflect, and be grateful for what Allah has given you."
Farah's eyes widened, and during the taraweeh prayers that night, she reflected on everything she had instead of what she didn't.
Allah had given her two, very pleasant and very kind and very forgiving and loving and selfless, Muslim parents.
Allah had given her a warm bed. Allah had given her food. Allah had given her books. Allah had taught her how to read and pray and ask and think and decide.
"Oh Allah... forgive me for I have sinned..." she sobbed into her pillow.
She had not been half as fair as Allah had been to her.
Farah looked at herself, but for once, not in a mirror, but during prayer within herself, and finally saw with her own eyes and not with Satan's.
The thing was, the main character of this story had only opened her eyes now and could finally see it for herself.
Allah had made her beautiful because she was Muslim.
And all praise is due to Allah, of course.
This story is written for myself and for others who sometimes look at people and feel rather hurt because they can't look so 'perfect'. I need to keep reminding myself I have a lot more than a lot of others and thank Allah all the time.
I have not beta-read this story. xD Excuse the readability and grammar mistakes. Thank you!! ^_^
[Please can someone direct me with complete reference on the Hadith/Quranic Verse which deals with 'looks' or 'status' as not being criteria for Allah's judgement but piety? Thank you for your help!]
alhamdulilah that was very good and true....sometimes i feel like that but then i have to reassure my self with other qualities. Im sure every girl goes though a stituation like this even if they are amazingly pretty they still feel as if they are ugly. ws
Mashallah this is one of the best islamic stories I have ever read in my life, you should consider sending it to magazine of some sort. And it's completely and utterly true I feel that every minute of the day but have to persuade myself to look at the things that i do have.
Mashallah once again.
I cant believe u consider dark skin to be something thats not "aesthetically pleasing"
thats just ignorant
who says fair is lovely anyway???
white ppl pays hundreds of pounds going on sun beds, wearing tan lotions and going on holidays just so they can get a tan and even then some of them dont get one (they come out red :lol:). Allah(swt) has blessed us with free permanent beautiful tans. Kunoichi you should be proud as i am. Power to the brownies
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Although ironically, I am fair lol
but still!
People look too much at a persons outter beauty. Personality counts for something too you know.
Shouldnt really matter if you're brown or white.
Back in BLACK
Right thats it, get off! This is a brown blog only not whitees allowed hehehe (im joking)
Ditto but if only ALL men thought like you Seraphim women wouldnt need to feel insecure about the way they look.
I went to a wedding last month. The groom was ok about having an arranged marriage and told his mum to find him a wife. His mum presented him with a lot of women but he kept rejecting them all. He rejected one woman because her skin colour was too dark. :shock: He didn’t even bother to make an effort to speak to her, get to know her coz for him he didnt want a woman with a personality he just wanted a woman who he could wear like a trophy on his arm so he can show her off to his mates (men :roll: ). Anyways his mum got sick and tired and said to him tell me the kind of woman you want. When i heard this i was in fits of laughter. He said I want a woman who is fair, tall, slim and has cats eyes. The groom wasnt some mango from back home he was a British born educated (works as an air pilot me thinks) Muslim so you would have expected him to be a bit more open minded but then again he lives in Rochdale so that says a lot. I feel sorry for the poor woman.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to marrying a woman whom your attracted to and vice versa coz obviously attraction is an important element but this should not be the overriding factor when deciding to marry someone. Personality is for life looks arent!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I swear
I am sooooooo sick of desis going on n on n on n ON! about bloody fair skin n light coloured eyes!
Women are Women at the end of the day! We're beautiful no matter what
Why is it a desi thing to be obsessed with bloody "cat's eyes"???
as for skin colour, I bet this narrow minded git (no offense if u know him) drools over dark women such as bipasha basu, rani mukherjee, beyonce and rihanna
That is sooo offensive how he rejected them all! I bet hes not all that himself!
In fact
Please tell this guy to come to my house for a rishta, so I can immediately reject him based on his skin colour n eyes
We'll see who has the last laugh!!!
sorry im done...
I'm not being racist. But it's what is around me.
"Oh wow, how beautiful that girl is! Uska rang kitna saaf hai!!"
Fair skin IS a criteria for beauty in a lot of countries like Pakistan, India, Malaysia even Saudi Arabia. e.t.c.
If our Prophet (p.b.u.h) didn't think skin colour was a criteria for beauty, then we have no right to judge on it. But people do judge, and unfortunately, it IS the dark-skinned girls that get the short end of the stick.
Personally, I'd love an EVEN complexion, regardless how dark, because Allah values what is inside you and not on the outside.
"A truth that is told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent."
-William Blake
God values all things beautiful. Be it inner beauty or outter beauty. As for people, we see what we want to see. What one person sees as beautiful may not seem like it to another.
Its a matter of perception.
Back in BLACK
LOL i take it you feel very strongly about this issue as i do. Yeah unfortunately im related to the shallow b*****d and no offence taken. I dont have a clue what he looks like but i bet my life on it hes a minger. Most Pakistani men that want beautiful women are mingers. When i say cats eye i dont think they mean how light the eye colour is i think they are referring to the eyes as being big. Why a bloke wants someone with a big eyeball is beyond me, some of them are sooo weird.
If i had his address i would have put it up for anyone that wants to go round and lob him one (oh how i wish)
@ Kunoichi i take it you live in/surrounded by a lot of narrowed minded Asian ppl? If this is the case it is best to detach yourself from these ppl. If your around them constantly your gonna start feeling down about the way you look and before you know it your gonna do something stupid.
Brownies rule
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
How come you're all cussing me for being so pasty?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
LOL, joker.
I think they're just having a Martin Luthor King moment.
Let them have their browny rally.
Besides they'll never get the vote lol.
Back in BLACK
People may deny it, but there is beauty in "fair" skin. By fair I mean in most cases, but not always having a lighter complexion (among other things). A complexion can be too light and then you just look ill.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Get a sun tan and i wont need to
Tis a lovely day, go and bake in the sun.
Would you care to elaborate?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Skin quality.
Good skin "glows", no matter how dark the actual colour is. Bad skin doesn't.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
whenever i feel ungrateful :evil: i remember there is soo much allah has given me and i should be thanking Allah rather than questioning him and i think its a wonderful story for you to share!!
that was a lovely story and it is soo true
it's not that I'm always right.....
I'm just never wrong
no your not! lol
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I am actually
im not pale but fair
then again who cares
skin colour isnt all that
Does it matter?
No matter if you black or white we're all fasting this month.
why cant people just be happy with that. Instead of being soo superficial.
Back in BLACK
Lol really was the marraige in Rochdale????
I live in Rochdale
Maybe i went to that wedding too
dark skin??
May i remind you 3/4 of the music industry is black.
This is talking about asian people, not black people.
How many bollywood stars have dark skin?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Many... but they whiten it up on screen.
Back in BLACK
No one!Trust me,it's not!
Pale skin is a lot harsher on you;you can't dye your hair in many colors,you can't wear certain make-up and clothes,you miss a little sleep,drink too much coffee and you look like you're sick...
Why do you think people get fake tans?
It's because sadly, a lot of people that I know, mainly asian muslims- their criteria for beauty is white skin.
Maybe instead of flawless skin, the criteria for beauty should be a flawless character-- or as flawless as a human being can make it.
I feel down about the way I look, everyone does. I just have to keep reminding myself to be grateful. Always grateful.
"A truth that is told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent."
-William Blake
Welcome back.
Yes, some of society is geared to think like that (and others in different ways).
Inshallah you will remain grateful (and not feel the need to remind yourself of it, but have the gratefulness ooze outr of you all the time).
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Your sig makes me lawl.
"A truth that is told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent."
-William Blake
Grateful?For what?
I can only speak on my behalf,as maybe you have your own reasons to be grateful.I'm a Christian,though I've been taught that,religions or not,there's one Force out there with many names(I know a lot of Musi people).Anyway,as I was saying:
I have nothing to be grateful for.I,as well,am an ugly girl,but it doesn't stop there.I should be thankful about the food and clothes I have?Pshaw.I'd take the place of any starving child in a heartbeat,rather than live my life as this waste of flesh and space that I am.Don't scratch the fact that soon I won't have even that;my family hates me and abuses me daily,both verbaly and physically.I'm 19 and I haven't finished high-school yet,but cannot keep a job thanks to my image and lack of education.I have absolutely no one to turn to,no friend,relative,doctor,even pastor,as they all take my family's side(if you think it's rightful,I can share what my family puts me trough and you decide if you can take it),so pretty soon,when I finally can't take any more of this,I'll probably run off and never be seen again.The only thing I can be thankful for is the little room below our old apartment that I can hide in for a while,bud sadly,it can provide me no food or electricity,just water and shelter.I can also be thankful for the few run down and abandoned buldings I can live in while I perish to a miserable end.
You think I also have my health?Nope.I have a few unknown diseases that need treatment,however I have no money to see a doctor.
I never asked for much.I'd rather be dead than have to face being stared at on the street,ridiculed,mocked and insulted without having anyone to turn to.I just wanted to find a job and leave my abusive family,if not anything else,but God spat in my face,I only lasted a day there.After I was hired,I went to church,lit a candle and prayed my thanks to the Lord,however on the next day,I was released.Heh.
Yes,I've been told I was pretty,beautiful,whatever...words of encouragement, "love",pity.Is this what I deserved after years of being a good person,a loving daughter and sister,a faithful friend?
Being abandoned because I'm not that cute little 12 year old anymore?
Thanks a lot,God.I'm sick of praying and crying.Each time I pray,it turns backwards.
I know I'm going to Hell.That's another alternative;trash like me doesn't even find peace in death.