Who would ever, ever try and do a bungee jump ???
or a sky dive..............
or something daring such as that for a laugh????
Who would ever, ever try and do a bungee jump ???
or a sky dive..............
or something daring such as that for a laugh????
I would love to do all those things one day, insha'Allah.
Unfortunately I seem to have a fear of organising things. So I doubt I'll ever get round to it.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I would never attempt either of them. But what I do hope to do one day is to swim amongst the fish in the coral reef. I have heard that some of the fish are man sized................!!!
i've done a bunjee jump before. wana try the one out at blackpool next.
Masha-Allah, that takes some courage !!!!!!
ive done a jetty jump
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
If i had been asked a couple of years back if i would ever consider doing anything like this i would have defo said no. But now i dont know whats changed but i would actually consider it if the opportunity arose. If someone dared me i would also do it coz my rep is on the line lol.
@ BM ive heard of ppl wanting to swim with dolphins or maybe even a shark but fish :?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
NAZ, you've never heard of swimming with big "human sized" fish.......???
I thought that this was popular sport aswell ..... :?
Has anyone been paint balling? You get bruised, battered but it's good fun. It takes 1 shot to get you out!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
BM >> by swimming with "human sized" fish, do you mean scuba diving? Ive always wanted to scuba dive in a coral reef, I find it one of the *most* beautiful natural images in the world.
Apparently the Great barrier reef near coast of Australia is *the* place to dive. :o
Whilst ive always wanted to, I dont think it'll work out, considering that a diving costume is one very annoyingly haram piece of clothing lol (typical!).. And thats the same with sky diving, because us amateurs have to strap ourselves to some expert :?
Ive always had an adventurous spirit and researched into all extreame sports Ive wanted to do years ago, so i know now whats feesible and whats not (so sad, but true) My to do list includes in order to desirability: skiing, rock climbing, car track racing, canoeing, parachuting and bungee jumping.. They also, i feel, tick the islamicability box, since its a skill/training to learn, so not just for the sake of fun
I also want to have a go through Takeshi's castle in Japan, but ahem lets not get too carried away :oops: Its not very becoming of a young lady to endulge in such things :--p :roll: Unfortunately, ive never found a girl gutsy enough to do these sorts of things with, so thats my excuse!
The only activity id turn down is caving, i dont think i could breathe in such confined spaces and jumping off cliffs :shock:
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
You took the words right from my mouth....
you have now!
i'd love to try out all those things, if i had the chance i wouldn't hesitate in doing any of the above!
i would. in fact i already hav. ive done a bunjee jump at blackpool from 175ft that was on the 11/jun/05.. just recently done a skydive from 13000ft at north london parachute centre on the 06/03/09... and now ime gonna do a 200ft bunjee jump on da 1st of april 09 inshallah