Other than Pkistan and Dubai i have been to France on the way Saudi Arabia. But i was only in the Airport in France for a short while. so does that count.
i love traveling, but my sister hates it.
countries i've been to:
abu dhabi
saudi arabia
france, kind of!
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
Submitted by dark^knight on 26 June, 2008 - 12:35 #7
Pakistan (obviously)
Saudi Arabia (Hajj and Umrah)
USA (business)
Spain (business)
Denmark (business)
Holland (business)
Egypt (transit)
Dubai (transit)
Cyprus (transit)
well i guess Isle of Men is similar to Isle of wight ...
No gay means homersexual it used to be used for happy in the old english dictionary but now it means HOMERSEXUAl
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by musslima on 29 June, 2008 - 11:28 #13
gay also means weird or odd in old english
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
Submitted by Stephanie on 30 June, 2008 - 15:10 #14
Travelling is probably the best (and the most expensive ;)) way to enjoy your time. Until now I've been to USA, Germany, France, South Africa and Australia.
The world is a book and those who don't travel read only a page.
Submitted by musslima on 30 June, 2008 - 23:02 #15
Stephanie wrote:
Travelling is probably the best (and the most expensive ;)) way to enjoy your time. Until now I've been to USA, Germany, France, South Africa and Australia.
Pakistan (more than 4times)
Saudia Arabia (3 times so far)
with fammillyyy inshallah we going Eygpt soon
my dad says we should travel the world to see the beauty of Allah's creation, and see those who are less fortunate than us and those who are more fortunate than us, and praise Allah (swt) for his creations.. my dads
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
I went to benidorm
which I hated
its like england but with nicer weather
english tourists ruin countries!!!!
I went to barcelona
and valencia
valencia has islamic history too
n omg I LOVED the atchitecture there
simply beautiful
I reccommend it
I would never go Benidorm (seems really trashy) and your right about English tourists. Where there are a lot of English tourists or the English have control over that country it lacks culture.
Just out of interest, how would you spend your time if you visited Benidorm etc? Is there anything to DO there? I could spent about 1-2 days on a beach, but knowing me, after that, I'd become bored :? sightseeing??
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Just out of interest, how would you spend your time if you visited Benidorm etc? Is there anything to DO there? I could spent about 1-2 days on a beach, but knowing me, after that, I'd become bored :? sightseeing??
it was v boring
which is why I never spent much of my holiday there
I went to benidorm
which I hated
its like england but with nicer weather
english tourists ruin countries!!!!
I went to barcelona
and valencia
valencia has islamic history too
n omg I LOVED the atchitecture there
simply beautiful
I reccommend it
I would never go Benidorm (seems really trashy) and your right about English tourists. Where there are a lot of English tourists or the English have control over that country it lacks culture.
I swear over half the people in Spain are English! My friend went over to Spain, said something in Spanish, something like "Donde esta la estacion?" that's what he ment to say but struggled so the person turned out to be an Englishman.
I swear over half the people in Spain are English! My friend went over to Spain, said something in Spanish, something like "Donde esta la estacion?" that's what he ment to say but struggled so the person turned out to be an Englishman.
depends where in spain u go
malaga majorca benidorm
theyre all tourist palces
Been to Pakistan a million and one times
, however whenever we fly back to england we stop over in Dubai or Qatar for two weeks for a proper holiday 
If you count countries where I've set foot on the airport, but not always on the soil, I've been to 7 countries.
I haven't set foot on Omani or Bahraini soil yet, but who knows, one day I might.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Other than Pkistan and Dubai i have been to France on the way Saudi Arabia. But i was only in the Airport in France for a short while. so does that count.
ive only been to pakistan a few times how boring is that!
life is for living, live it peacefully...
Yeah, I want to travel. I want to got Spain, Morocco and Jordan one day.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
i love traveling, but my sister hates it.
countries i've been to:
abu dhabi
saudi arabia
france, kind of!
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
Pakistan (obviously)
Saudi Arabia (Hajj and Umrah)
USA (business)
Spain (business)
Denmark (business)
Holland (business)
Egypt (transit)
Dubai (transit)
Cyprus (transit)
I've been to the Isle of Wight. It's like a beachy island.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Isle of Mann
sounds like 'I love man'.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Unless you're a girl. Or you could be referring to a brand or an object, in some other language.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Isle of Wight
sounds like 'I love white'
Don't just do something! Stand there.
No gay means homersexual it used to be used for happy in the old english dictionary but now it means HOMERSEXUAl
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
gay also means weird or odd in old english
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
Travelling is probably the best (and the most expensive ;)) way to enjoy your time. Until now I've been to USA, Germany, France, South Africa and Australia.
The world is a book and those who don't travel read only a page.
oh i like your picture
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
I have been toooo
Pakistan (more than 4times)
Saudia Arabia (3 times so far)
with fammillyyy
inshallah we going Eygpt soon
my dad says we should travel the world to see the beauty of Allah's creation, and see those who are less fortunate than us and those who are more fortunate than us, and praise Allah (swt) for his creations..
my dads
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
'A book holds a house of gold'
lol that was hilarious or am i jus sad?? lol newayz
i have been to...
'A book holds a house of gold'
I LOVE travelling!!!!!!!!
I want to travel all over before I die inshaallah
I've been to Azad Kashmir
I had to be different!!!!
And also pakistan
Spain- that was amazing
ppl there r so nice
yea thats it really
n parts of the UK
but englands boring lol so whatever
where abouts in Spain did you go?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I went to benidorm
which I hated
its like england but with nicer weather
english tourists ruin countries!!!!
I went to barcelona
and valencia
valencia has islamic history too
n omg I LOVED the atchitecture there
simply beautiful
I reccommend it
I would never go Benidorm (seems really trashy) and your right about English tourists. Where there are a lot of English tourists or the English have control over that country it lacks culture.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Just out of interest, how would you spend your time if you visited Benidorm etc? Is there anything to DO there? I could spent about 1-2 days on a beach, but knowing me, after that, I'd become bored :? sightseeing??
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
it was v boring
which is why I never spent much of my holiday there
I swear over half the people in Spain are English! My friend went over to Spain, said something in Spanish, something like "Donde esta la estacion?" that's what he ment to say but struggled so the person turned out to be an Englishman.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
depends where in spain u go
malaga majorca benidorm
theyre all tourist palces
Go to Granada. They speak Spanish and Moroccan Arabic.
Also Cordoba: just Spanish.
If you think that lots of people speak English in Spain, then you're going to the wrong places.
Although I am aware of my hypocrisy. I am planning to go to Spain to teach them English!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Has anyone ever been to the Isle of Horses?
I haven't, but judging by this website it looks pretty cool.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Isle of Horses.
Sounds like I love horses!
Reminds me of Equss, that play with Daniel Radcliffe in. I didn't watch it by the way, just heard about it and what went on in the theatre!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.