Insulting the Prophet


I think this is a good topic worth discussing in detail, and getting people's view on the subject.

Our dear and long-suffering Revival Editor has asked a good question.

Please read his question carefully:


Let me ask you something…

If someone insulted your mum or dad, how would you react?

'I'll kick his head in' is what you will probably say, yeah?

If someone insulted your sister, brother, husband or wife what then?

You'll probably react with anger, flex your muscles and may be use every swear word you can think of, am I right?

We all know that’s not the best way to behave, but sometimes when someone goes too far you simply lose the plot, innit?

Now, if you hold the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) closer to you than your mum, dad, brother or sister and people insult him, then what?

If the person you see as your ultimate role model is ridiculed then what must you be feeling?

How do you feel when books, websites, documentaries, cartoons, speeches criticise, demonise, insult and take the mick out of your Prophet...

That's right. YOUR Prophet.

Evidently, the Editor went on to give his "official opionion" on the matter rather than express his own personal feelings.

Naturally, I disagree with our boss.

I request everyone that would you please give your own views on this subject, and refain from quoting other people's positions.

I shall begin this topic below by giving first my own opinion on the matter.



If I was having a chat with a chick, and, she decided
to have a go at MY Prophet, I would rip her to pieces. Verbally.

How dare any hijabless slut in her disgraceful attire
think that she can stand before ME and claim that she
knows better than MY Honourable Prophet - The Messenger of God.


erm... why can't this discussion take place in the comments section of that article?


i agree with Omrow i defo know that i couldnt keep my cool. I know were suppose to but these ignorant fools get on my nerves.

ps why does it have to be a "chick" why not a guy?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

I'm sure Ed's 'official position' is in fact his own personal opinions.

The quotes of other people/hadiths are to back up his personal opinion.

Personally, I would (and have) tried to be patient when people insult Prophet Muhammad (saw).

It's not always easy, but its much more effective than cussing them (or their beliefs) in return.

There have been times when people have insulted the/my Prophet (saw), not knowing I am Muslim. I have sometimes been to shy/scared to speak up.

May Allah (swt) give us all good adhab and more confidence. Ameen!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

ive never saw anyone insult the prophet os islam and if they did i dont think i woul lose my temper or get angry but i would prove to them that what they said is wrong,
but if argue for long i might lose my temper

"to allah we belong and to him we return"

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. Theres no point. Allah (swt) grants knowledge and understanding to those he chooses. Which also means there will be people who will never "get it".

Bottomline: do not waste your time arguing with fools... it only makes you look foolish.

Back in BLACK


I would be hurt. I would look for a way to get away from that person. I would think; "If you knew who Sayyiduna Muhammad SAW was, you wouldn't be so calous in your estimation of Him SAW."

p.s. Good to have you back Omrow.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

Seraphim wrote:
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. Theres no point. Allah (swt) grants knowledge and understanding to those he chooses. Which also means there will be people who will never "get it".

Bottomline: do not waste your time arguing with fools... it only makes you look foolish.

Seraph, mate, you're the most pessimistic person I've ever met on the Revival, no offence. How do you know that they're hardline arrogant people? They may've done it out of ignorance, or might be on the fence.
Personally i would keep my cool and try to embarass them or debate with them through reason.
There was this guy I was arguing with, who thought that Hitler was an extremist Christian, doing the Holocaust in the name of Christianity. (He was one of those anti-theist type people)
I asked him why did he use an atheist theory (of evolution) to justify it? Why did he aim at disabled people, mentally handicapped and blacks? Because to him it was survival of the fittest.
Eventually, the guy mumbled that I could think what I wanted about Hitler, which didn't really do him much good but I delivered the message to him and maybe he thought about it later on or maybe he didn't. But at least I did something.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Seraphim wrote:
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. Theres no point. Allah (swt) grants knowledge and understanding to those he chooses. Which also means there will be people who will never "get it".

Bottomline: do not waste your time arguing with fools... it only makes you look foolish.

I agree with seraph, silence is always the best reply to a fool.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

There's a MASSIVE difference between debating with someone who actually wants t discuss something with an open mind, and arguing with a close-minded person.

Choose your battles wisely. That way you don't waste energy banging your head against a wall.

Allah (swt) scolded the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) when he was with debating with some of the powerful chiefs of Makkah, because he ignored and old man who ACTUALLY wanted to learn about Islam.

People who bang on about Islam all the time in a way that is arrogant, saying that "we're better than all the others," really piss me off, so imagine what it does to someone who is not interested in Islam.

I've found that arguing with people makes them more likely to retreat into their shell and not actually ask questions or seek answers themselves.


Don't just do something! Stand there.

love to live but living to die wrote:
erm i don't kno abt u lot but i find it fascinatin lookin at Islam thru the eyes of some1 else... preferably a non-muslim or some1 who is 'new' to the deen... i remmbr wen TSOR came to brady n i asked em a question:' What inspired you to convert?' n Ku's answer was longer than Francis' but it just shows the qualities... n attractive feature of Islam... u learn to 'calm down' n come back to Earth! (their inspirational stories r available on: is external)) (just dig it out!)

Yeah, they seem like nice, down-to-earth guys. I met them at an event last year.

one question: Would there stories be as inspiring if they weren't so good looking???

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Yaqub wrote:
There's a MASSIVE difference between debating with someone who actually wants t discuss something with an open mind, and arguing with a close-minded person.

Yeah, you're right. But it might take a while to find out WHICH camp their REALLY on, at first.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.