All I know is that these are two Muslim groups. I treat them as my brothers and sisters. I have much in disagreement with these two groups but I still love them. They have disagreement with each other over some issues like numbers of tarawi prayers and celebrating Milad.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
It all comes down to aqeedah, they are groups some see them as sects but i would say the barelwi is not a sect because it claims to be part of what is Ahle sunnah wal Jamaat. The deobandi's tend to not talk about the prophet as much as barelwis and also they dont believe that you can say Ya RasulALLAH or read salaatu salaam. The name of barelwi comes from the city where Imam Ahmed Raza Khan(may allah have mercy on him) came from and hence why his followers are called barelwis. The deobandi name simmilarly comes from the city in India called deoband, they have been criticised by the general public because of the cash for fatwas scandal that star TV uncovered and the deobandis dont go down with the salafis(shirk issues).
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by MuslimBro on 13 June, 2008 - 19:06 #3
This topic has been done on the revival soooo many times and it usually leads to: "I am better than you, i am more loved by Allah" kind of scenario. Personally I think you should read literature by well renowned scholars to become clear on this issue. Here you will not get a positive, intellectual debate. It will always be tainted with partial views.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
This topic has been done on the revival soooo many times and it usually leads to: "I am better than you, i am more loved by Allah" kind of scenario. Personally I think you should read literature by well renowned scholars to become clear on this issue. Here you will not get a positive, intellectual debate. It will always be tainted with partial views.
Who has said that on here?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Two things to bear in mind when considering the Deobandi/Brelwi divide
1, it's mostly confined to the Indian Subcontinent
2, there are scholars from outside of the Indian Subcontinent who are considered as legitimate by both Deobandis and Brelwis
Just grow up man! Now we've moved from a Shia-Sunni bciker to a Barelwi-Deobandi bicker! Soon we'll be arguing whether Hanafis or Shafis are believers or not! It's OK to disagree on some points but to brand the whole group as kaffirs unless they reject a big basic of Islam, it's just pathetic!
Just grow up man! Now we've moved from a Shia-Sunni bciker to a Barelwi-Deobandi bicker! Soon we'll be arguing whether Hanafis or Shafis are believers or not! It's OK to disagree on some points but to brand the whole group as kaffirs unless they reject a big basic of Islam, it's just pathetic!
Two things to bear in mind when considering the Deobandi/Brelwi divide
1, it's mostly confined to the Indian Subcontinent
2, there are scholars from outside of the Indian Subcontinent who are considered as legitimate by both Deobandis and Brelwis
I agree. Also would like to add:
No Difference between Barelwis and Deobandis
Answered by Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
What exactly is the difference between the school of thought that follows Ala Hadrath Ahmed Rida Khan RA and those that follow the school of thought of Rashid Ahmed Gangohi against whom I understand Ala Hadrath had said that there is inherent kufr in the nature of thought expressed but did not issue a fatwa of Kufr, as Maulana Rashid Gangohi had passed on. (may Allah Ta'laaforgive me if I have made a mistake ) there is a lot of ikhtiflaaf in the Indian subcontinent on this issue and I do understand that it is extremely volatile - but, I would request you to kindly spare sometime and answer me
Wa `alaykum as-Salam:
Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim:
There is no difference in the generalities of `Aqida and Fiqh between Barelwis and Deobandis. They are both Sunni Hanafis, Sufis, Ash`aris or Maturidis. One stands in need of the best each school has to offer, as indeed hold many of the living prestigious teachers known to both sides.
Among the best commentaries on Sahih Muslim and the Sunan of al-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud are works by the Deobandis. The Lives of the Sahaba by al-Kandihlawi is a masterpiece. I`la'al-Sunan and Aathaar al-Sunan are very valuable. As for Imam Ahmad Rida Khan and his works, whoever does not recognize their worth as one of the treasures of this Umma is a blasted nincompoop who should wear a dunce cap until he learns.
Both sides are strict Hanafis and mainstream Sufis. We do not endorse the mistakes that anyone might have made, such as uttering words rightly perceived to lack adab in matters of `Aqida or contesting the legality of celebrating Mawlid.
Nor do we endorse Takfir. Demonization of the other, saying they are munafiq is unacceptable. We leave extremism to Najd and its minions. Come together. Sayyid Muhammad `Alawi al-Maliki advised you to do so, Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifa`i advised you, Shaykh `Abd al-Hadi Kharsa advised you, Sayyid Ya`qubi, Dr. al-Nass, others... Do you think you stand for the honor of Allah and His Prophet more than such as these? Think again.
When the situation is such that there is mutual avoidance at mosques, gatherings, etc. then it becomes wajib for every true and sincere Deobandi should seek out his counterparts among Barelwis and for every true and sincere Barelwi to seek out his counterparts among Deobandis, pray together, learn from one another, give salam, and increase love. Disunity is sin. Or are you afraid you will lose reputation or funding? Shame.
Here is the resting-place of Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir Gilani and Imam Abu Hanifa bracing for another Mongoloid onslaught. Will you Sunnis still be debating and anathematizing one another because of who said what as the Hour rises? Stressing ikhtilaf and schism is from Shaytan. If this is what the general public chooses to follow, it is their loss even as they shout ALLAHU AKBAR and YA RASULALLAH from God's dawn to the wee hours. Salam.
Hajj Gibril
Shawwal 1423/December 2002
GF Haddad
[Faraz Rabbani notes: I agree with the content of Shaykh Gibril’s comments here.]
Funzo What on earth are you talking about SubhanAllah a jamaah!
So the “deobandi” are practically atba3 el Salaf?
Funzo said “deobandi tend not talk about the Prophet”
For making such a statement; May Allah guide you to the sirat al mustaqim.
We worship Allah, and follow the Sunnah, our a’maal of the inner-self’s and outer self’s is worth more then our tongues or any Milad
And this is not about a qawm or a specific people, but rather the problem that faces any qawm.
I know many Muslims who follow the ulema of Hind people and Mash’Allah they are good people, but as with any good people, the goodness comes from their deen. If no deen then we are all worthless regardless of where we come from.
There is a campaign going on in Pakistan based on jealousy, bigotry, and sectarianism waged by tabloids illiterates, and on just about every Pakistani Barelwi channel that is picked up by sky satellites.
These ill stories along with their falsehood is smoothing in the eyes of enemies of Muslims, they have restored to these tactics because the Excellency of ulema scholarship have refuted the ignorant masses and their scholars. These stories espoused from Barelwi because that is what they have been taught, their hearts are not filled with light, but hate , installed and educated by hereditary peers and following local village customs.
Please allow me to explain.
A deobandi is someone who is hanafi in fiqh and maturidi in aqeedah
People who are called deobandi either follow scholars who graduated from that Darul Uloom or their chain of teachers are attached to scholars attached to that madrassah.
Deobandi is just the name - in reality they are the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah Ahnaaf (hanafis)
With regards to deoband, deoband has one of the most extensive Alim courses in the world. Where you studied 4 years else where, in deoband they study 8 years. That is just to graduate with a Bachelor.
Therefore do not think of Deoband as some round the corner or local madrasah. It has the worlds largest collection of Islamic manuscripts and reference library, even larger than Madeenah and Azhar.
Deoband was not founded with ulema sitting and thinking "lets make a Madrassah here because there is no madrasah here". Deoband was founded on the footing of Islamic revival, and survival against the onslaught of the British war machine. All the founders where Mujtahids and Mujahids.
To Beast:
Do you know why this it is only confined to Indo Subcontinent (in your words)?
Think about partition before you answer me, Insha’Allah I shall be back in a weeks time to continue this, think carefully about your reply .
Walaikum aslsaaam
“Take Aqeedah from the Salaf, learn Adab from the Tableeghi Jamaat, and brotherhood from the Ikhwaan"
i think im gonna lock this topic.
it has no benefit what so ever.
RashidGhazi is not helping and soon it will escalate to the typical deoband v brelwi sectarian debate. The Revival does not allow or tolerate any of this. There are plenty of other forums where ppl can have this useless discussion.
i think im gonna lock this topic.
it has no benefit what so ever.
RashidGhazi is not helping and soon it will escalate to the typical deoband v brelwi sectarian debate. The Revival does not allow or tolerate any of this. There are plenty of other forums where ppl can have this useless discussion.
Can I please express my dismay at some of the content of this thread. I in in way or form had the intention of using this thread to condemn either of these two prominent muslim groups of the sub-continent, rather, I thought the differences could be discussed rather than argued in the hope that it may be realised what the arguments are about. There maybe good and bad within both of them, however, both camps seem to contain amongst them ulema of high calibre. According to my limited understanding, these two groups of muslims are precisely that ..... "muslims".
Might I extend my sincere concerns about the attitude some people possess when the unity of global muslim community is threatened by inferior arguments and lack of sincerity.
SIster Amal has presented very informative links to the forum, and those whose hearts are not narrow minded and filled with sincerity shall realise that muslims in britain and indeed rest of the world should not just adhere to biased preesentation of cases by persons whom are afiliated with either of these madaris (that is what I regard these groups as - Muslims, Sunni, Hanafi, Maturidi and orthodox)
I am not particularly bothered if you are a whirling dervish and in constant state of ecstasy, nor am I bothered if you are a moderator, Or a Barelwi.
This is about the truth; it’s worth more then shielding your audience in hearing the inconvenient truth. If I’m honest enough I wanted to present how the ulema of hind gave the Muslims of hind their confidence back, to learn about the present we must learn about the history first.
By all accounts akhi, go ahead, and close this thread and remember this saying Prophet said “My Ummah will not unit in error”, answer this for me, what is the error?
“Take Aqeedah from the Salaf, learn Adab from the Tableeghi Jamaat, and brotherhood from the Ikhwaan"
All I know is that these are two Muslim groups. I treat them as my brothers and sisters. I have much in disagreement with these two groups but I still love them. They have disagreement with each other over some issues like numbers of tarawi prayers and celebrating Milad.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
It all comes down to aqeedah, they are groups some see them as sects but i would say the barelwi is not a sect because it claims to be part of what is Ahle sunnah wal Jamaat. The deobandi's tend to not talk about the prophet
as much as barelwis and also they dont believe that you can say Ya RasulALLAH
or read salaatu salaam. The name of barelwi comes from the city where Imam Ahmed Raza Khan(may allah have mercy on him) came from and hence why his followers are called barelwis. The deobandi name simmilarly comes from the city in India called deoband, they have been criticised by the general public because of the cash for fatwas scandal that star TV uncovered and the deobandis dont go down with the salafis(shirk issues).
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Shi'as consider themselves to be the Real Ahlas Sunnah.
If they constantly refer to Hadhrat Ali(ra) instead of the prophet
then how can they be the reall ahle sunnah?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
This topic has been done on the revival soooo many times and it usually leads to: "I am better than you, i am more loved by Allah" kind of scenario. Personally I think you should read literature by well renowned scholars to become clear on this issue. Here you will not get a positive, intellectual debate. It will always be tainted with partial views.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Who has said that on here?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
We've been here before...
Two things to bear in mind when considering the Deobandi/Brelwi divide
1, it's mostly confined to the Indian Subcontinent
2, there are scholars from outside of the Indian Subcontinent who are considered as legitimate by both Deobandis and Brelwis
Just grow up man! Now we've moved from a Shia-Sunni bciker to a Barelwi-Deobandi bicker! Soon we'll be arguing whether Hanafis or Shafis are believers or not! It's OK to disagree on some points but to brand the whole group as kaffirs unless they reject a big basic of Islam, it's just pathetic!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
:? No one has said that.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I agree. Also would like to add:
Please also see Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller's answer on the key Barelwi and Deobandi matters: The Barelwi-Deobandi Conflict on the Indian Subcontinent
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Why are you sighing?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
You have asthma?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
i do.
Assalaam alaikum,
Funzo What on earth are you talking about SubhanAllah a jamaah!
So the “deobandi” are practically atba3 el Salaf?
Funzo said “deobandi tend not talk about the Prophet”
For making such a statement; May Allah guide you to the sirat al mustaqim.
We worship Allah, and follow the Sunnah, our a’maal of the inner-self’s and outer self’s is worth more then our tongues or any Milad
And this is not about a qawm or a specific people, but rather the problem that faces any qawm.
I know many Muslims who follow the ulema of Hind people and Mash’Allah they are good people, but as with any good people, the goodness comes from their deen. If no deen then we are all worthless regardless of where we come from.
There is a campaign going on in Pakistan based on jealousy, bigotry, and sectarianism waged by tabloids illiterates, and on just about every Pakistani Barelwi channel that is picked up by sky satellites.
These ill stories along with their falsehood is smoothing in the eyes of enemies of Muslims, they have restored to these tactics because the Excellency of ulema scholarship have refuted the ignorant masses and their scholars. These stories espoused from Barelwi because that is what they have been taught, their hearts are not filled with light, but hate , installed and educated by hereditary peers and following local village customs.
Please allow me to explain.
A deobandi is someone who is hanafi in fiqh and maturidi in aqeedah
People who are called deobandi either follow scholars who graduated from that Darul Uloom or their chain of teachers are attached to scholars attached to that madrassah.
Deobandi is just the name - in reality they are the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah Ahnaaf (hanafis)
With regards to deoband, deoband has one of the most extensive Alim courses in the world. Where you studied 4 years else where, in deoband they study 8 years. That is just to graduate with a Bachelor.
Therefore do not think of Deoband as some round the corner or local madrasah. It has the worlds largest collection of Islamic manuscripts and reference library, even larger than Madeenah and Azhar.
Deoband was not founded with ulema sitting and thinking "lets make a Madrassah here because there is no madrasah here". Deoband was founded on the footing of Islamic revival, and survival against the onslaught of the British war machine. All the founders where Mujtahids and Mujahids.
To Beast:
Do you know why this it is only confined to Indo Subcontinent (in your words)?
Think about partition before you answer me, Insha’Allah I shall be back in a weeks time to continue this, think carefully about your reply .
Walaikum aslsaaam
“Take Aqeedah from the Salaf, learn Adab from the Tableeghi Jamaat, and brotherhood from the Ikhwaan"
Asslaaam alaikum,
“Take Aqeedah from the Salaf, learn Adab from the Tableeghi Jamaat, and brotherhood from the Ikhwaan"
i think im gonna lock this topic.
it has no benefit what so ever.
RashidGhazi is not helping and soon it will escalate to the typical deoband v brelwi sectarian debate. The Revival does not allow or tolerate any of this. There are plenty of other forums where ppl can have this useless discussion.
Its based on my exchanges with deobandis, i wouldnt make stuff up.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
You tell them, Ed!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Can I please express my dismay at some of the content of this thread. I in in way or form had the intention of using this thread to condemn either of these two prominent muslim groups of the sub-continent, rather, I thought the differences could be discussed rather than argued in the hope that it may be realised what the arguments are about. There maybe good and bad within both of them, however, both camps seem to contain amongst them ulema of high calibre. According to my limited understanding, these two groups of muslims are precisely that ..... "muslims".
Might I extend my sincere concerns about the attitude some people possess when the unity of global muslim community is threatened by inferior arguments and lack of sincerity.
SIster Amal has presented very informative links to the forum, and those whose hearts are not narrow minded and filled with sincerity shall realise that muslims in britain and indeed rest of the world should not just adhere to biased preesentation of cases by persons whom are afiliated with either of these madaris (that is what I regard these groups as - Muslims, Sunni, Hanafi, Maturidi and orthodox)
What you are doing in this thread is worst then lying. Grow up in this lifetime before you live to regret it.
“Take Aqeedah from the Salaf, learn Adab from the Tableeghi Jamaat, and brotherhood from the Ikhwaan"
Asslaaam alaikum,
I am not particularly bothered if you are a whirling dervish and in constant state of ecstasy, nor am I bothered if you are a moderator, Or a Barelwi.
This is about the truth; it’s worth more then shielding your audience in hearing the inconvenient truth. If I’m honest enough I wanted to present how the ulema of hind gave the Muslims of hind their confidence back, to learn about the present we must learn about the history first.
By all accounts akhi, go ahead, and close this thread and remember this saying Prophet
said “My Ummah will not unit in error”, answer this for me, what is the error?
“Take Aqeedah from the Salaf, learn Adab from the Tableeghi Jamaat, and brotherhood from the Ikhwaan"
Hadhrat Ali(ra) one said: silence is the best reply to a fool
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Or it could make you look weak and intimidated. Is Rashid the guy who got annoyed when someone used his first name?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.