The Lion and the Three Bulls

There was once a Lion who came across three bulls: a red bull, a white bull and a black bull. The Lion tried to attack them but because they were strong together he decided to bide his time. He befriended the bulls and told them he was protecting them.

One day he called the Red Bull and the Black Bull and said ”My friends I am really concerned for you.”
“Why?” they asked. The Lion responded “The White Bull represents a threat to you; he stands out with his complexion and he is going to make you a target for other predators and hunters; the lives of both of you at risk, let me eliminate him.”

The Red Bull and Black Bull agreed, after all the Lion was their sincere friend and King of the Jungle. The lion attacked the white bull and, because noone came to his help, he was defeated. The lion ate him.

A few weeks went by and the Lion called the Black Bull over and gives him the same speech ”The Red Bull represents a threat to you by attracting attention, let me eliminate him and you will be safe.”

The Black Bull agreed; he was a friend of the King of the Jungle so who cares about anyone else….So he allowed the Lion to kill and eat the Red Bull.

A few days later the Lion confronted the Black Bull and said “Now it is your turn”…The Black Bull finally realised his mistake and said, ”I was killed the moment the white bull was killed."



Our differences are only skin deep. And altho alone we may be week, togeather we are strong enough to defeat even the mightest of foes.

Nice story.

Back in BLACK

Just one question. If a bull and lion fought, wouldn't the bull stab and kill the lion?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
Just one question. If a bull and lion fought, wouldn't the bull stab and kill the lion?

The Lions not stupid. He's not gonna attack head on. He's gonna come at the bull from the side or from behind. Lions usually go for the neck.

Back in BLACK

Noone realised that you never get three bulls together. You get just one bullfor every herd of cows.

But I'm not sure it should be taken literally (especially since animals don't speak English).

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Yeah, well I get the message and all that! But I'm just being picky. And a lion can only take down an ill or old bull. Otherwise the bull can turn around or kick the lion.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

yh normally u don't get 3 or more Bulls together but the story seemed like a it had a moral we all tend to accpet it on that fact... n lions usually attack as a herd ... coz its hard for it to do it alone since the Bull uses self-defence tactics (vicious!) but again since it was that-sort-of-story... (u can guess wot i am gna say nxt!)

reminds me of pasteur martin neomeller's poem has this got any refrence to the holocaust?

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Funzo wrote:
reminds me of pasteur martin neomeller's poem has this got any refrence to the holocaust?

This is an ancient proverb/fable, sometimes accredited to Aesop.

It refers to many events, the holocaust could be one I guess.

When I heard it, the brother was using to explain the problem between labelling other Muslims as 'extremist' or whatever, and trying to break up the Muslim community. Also when Muslims take kafirun as their allies and fight against other Muslims (e.g Bangladesh when it separated from Pakistan)

Don't just do something! Stand there.

o i remembr these... they were the stories that we learnt wen we were younger ... obviously they were taught to explain morals and good habits. i like the following i think it relates to humans very much (all of em do but dunno y this sticks out):

The Mother and the Wolf:

A FAMISHED WOLF was prowling about in the morning in search of food. As he passed the door of a cottage built in the forest, he heard a Mother say to her child: Be quiet, or I will throw you out of the window, and the Wolf shall eat you. The Wolf sat all day waiting at the door. In the evening he heard the same woman fondling her child and saying: He is quiet now, and if the Wolf should come, we will kill him. The Wolf, hearing these words, went home, gaping with cold and hunger.

Be not in haste to believe what is said in anger or thoughtlessness.

love to live but living to die wrote:
awww ...

the lion has a fitrat/a habit...wot had happend to the Bulls' sixth sense? the sense to trust those who r capable of friendship n company...

wen i read the bit where the black n red bull agreed to let the lion eat the white one... i was like they are a bit thick! wot makes em think that the lion's not gan do the same to them?? honestly! dats y ppl think b4 u act!

animals dont hav any sences duuuuhhhhhhhh

"to allah we belong and to him we return"

musslima wrote:

animals dont hav any sences duuuuhhhhhhhh

animals are blind? they can't hear?

what do u mean by 'senses'?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
musslima wrote:

animals dont hav any sences duuuuhhhhhhhh

animals are blind? they can't hear?

what do u mean by 'senses'?

I think she means Intelligence... also goes by the name of Common Sense.

Which is true. Alot of animals are as dumb as mules.... no offence to the mule.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:

Alot of animals are as dumb as mules.... no offence to the mule.

A lot of humans are too!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

love to live but living to die wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:

A lot of humans are too!

arent humans animals (according to biology)?

Dont believe what science always tells you. They're theories of mortal men... nothing more.

Back in BLACK

i'v heard this story nearly every one from my country knows it are you somalian

"to allah we belong and to him we return"

musslima wrote:
i'v heard this story nearly every one from my country knows it are you somalian

No, I'm Muslim

Don't just do something! Stand there.

musslima wrote:
i'v heard this story nearly every one from my country knows it are you somalian

He's a Scottish lad that grew up in an agnostic family. But he eventually converted to Islam, so now no one has an excuse to not be a good Muslim.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
musslima wrote:
i'v heard this story nearly every one from my country knows it are you somalian

He's a Scottish lad that grew up in an agnostic family. But he eventually converted to Islam, so now no one has an excuse to not be a good Muslim.

How do you know I'm a good Muslim? lol!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
Courage wrote:

He's a Scottish lad that grew up in an agnostic family. But he eventually converted to Islam, so now no one has an excuse to not be a good Muslim.

How do you know I'm a good Muslim? lol!

I don't know for sure, but the way you talk/type and the ideas you carry make you seem fairly enlightened. When I say good I mean fairly practising. Anyway, I am generalising here, but reverts are sometimes more practising then those who are born Muslim, naturally you felt that Islam was the way forwards and that's something quite alot of the Muslims haven't realised.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Wow you guys are muslims mashALLAH if only i was as lucky as you.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Welcome to the gang, Funzo!

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Divide and eat. The lion is clever and played on time-old prejudices which relate more to humans than anyone else.
This is a great story! I-m so happy

"A truth that is told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent."
-William Blake

I just came across this blog again (when someone retweeted it).

Its deep and as meaningful as ever.

So many Muslims, yet so divided we are all easy pickings.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

three bulls are big muslim countries of the world