Hezbollah - The Party of God

[b]Hizbollah are the Party of Imam Ali, who is the Party of God. [/b]

Imam Ali was the undefeated champion of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

This means the Satanic United States has no chance against God.

Hezbollah is set once against to beat the evil Americans as they beat their military in the 1980s. US did not have guts to return to Lebanon for 20 years. After this defeat, Satan won't even look at Lebanon for another 100 years. Watch and see what happens in Lebanon now.

[b]Hizbollah - The Party of God[/b]

Ya Ali Madaad!

Friday, 9 May 2008
The Independent


[b]Robert Fisk: Gun battles as Hizbollah claims Lebanon is at war[/b]

If you want to fight us, you'll have to fight us. This was Sayed Hassan Nasrallah's message to the Lebanese government yesterday and his words were followed within seconds by two massive gun battles in the streets of Beirut.

He had spoken in that careful, thought-through, distressing way in which he always threatens the Hizbollah's enemies. He even swapped the names of the Lebanese Prime Minister, Fouad Siniora, with that of the Druze leader Walid Jumblatt – calling Jumblatt the real prime minister and Siniora his deputy – and blamed both for trying to set up a CIA-Mossad base at Beirut airport. What other reason could there be, he asked, for the two men to demand the dismantlement of Hizbollah's communications system and the suspension of the head of airport security? This was "a Lebanese government declaration of war against the resistance". Well, maybe. But Nasrallah still wants the Hizbollah's enemies to be the Israelis – not his Lebanese opponents.

So what happened in the minutes after he spoke? At least one Shia Amal gunman started shooting at an office belonging to Sunni supporters of the government, some of whom may have been the youths apparently brought down from Tripoli for just such a battle. The Lebanese army was not fully engaged on the streets last night but its armoured vehicles were driving between the sectarian interfaces and apparently taking fire from both sides.

It was a dark and distressing speech by the secretary general of Hizbollah, which came less than 24 hours after the Grand Mufti, Mohammed Kabbani, furiously referred to the Hizbollah as "armed gangs of outlaws that have carried out the ugliest attacks against the citizens and their safety". Needless to say, neither Nasrallah nor Kabbani stated the obvious – that the first represents a large number of the Shia Muslim community and the second most of the Sunnis.

The sectarian background to this dangerous game is the point, of course. The street battles in Beirut are between Shia and Sunni, the first supporting the Iranian-armed Hizbollah, the second the Lebanese government, which now regularly carries the sobriquet "American-backed". In other words, the collapse of Beirut these past two days is part of the American-Iranian conflict – even though, be sure, the Americans will blame the Hizbollah for this and the Iranians will blame the Americans.

Yet still the language of Nasrallah – like that of Kabbani – was frightening, even though he had behind him the national flag of Lebanon with its green cedar tree as well as Hizbollah's own yellow banner. To call Jumblatt "a liar, a thief, a killer..." – though this view might be heartily reciprocated by Jumblatt himself – is language that puts Lebanese in danger of their lives.

Nasrallah's complaint that the suspension of Wafiq Chucair as head of airport security was part of an American-Israeli plot might sound a bit much, but his long and point-by-point insistence that Hizbollah should maintain its new communications links – including its cameras along the Beirut airport perimeter – was perhaps more reasoned, albeit that it helps allow his organisation to remain part of a state with the state. Wireless communications can easily be tapped, he said, and he added that new communications were the "most powerful tool" in Hizbollah's 2006 war against Israel.

Nasrallah intriguingly pointed out that Siniora's government had previously told the Hizbollah that it would allow the secure communications circuits to remain if the movement closed down its largely empty "tent city" in the centre of Beirut. Indeed, it has largely been in place for more than a year. Hizbollah had no argument with the Lebanese army – a view that might not be shared by General Michel Sulaiman, its commander, who stated yesterday that the situation is "threatening the army's impartiality".

All of which continues Lebanon's crisis. Beirut airport remained largely empty of aircraft yesterday – the Christian daily L'Orient Le Jour rightly suggested that it had been taken hostage by Hizbollah, who control all roads to the terminal – and there were brief gun battles between government and opposition supporters in the Bekaa Valley town of Saadnayel. Yet again, burning tyres were set up in areas demarcating Shia and Sunni districts, and the army closed the Corniche Mazraa highway, which divides west Beirut. By last night it was the scene of a gun battle. Kuwait urged its citizens to leave Lebanon – without being obliging enough to tell them exactly how to perform this task without an airport.



Some so-called "Muslims" are obeying orders from Satanic United States instead of orders of Allah. It is these "fellow muslims" who on the orders of US launched war on Party of God. Nasrallah said Sinora is serving Israel. Dont you believe a fellow Muslim leader like Hassan Nasrallah.

Even US admits that Sinora government in Beirut is "western backed" regime. That means they listen to what Kaafirs tell them. What more proof do you need?

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)


[b]Robert Fisk: Hizbollah rules west Beirut in Iran's proxy war with US[/b]

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Another American humiliation. The Shia gunmen who drove past my apartment in west Beirut yesterday afternoon were hooting their horns, making V-signs, leaning out of the windows of SUVs with their rifles in the air, proving to the Muslims of the capital that the elected government of Lebanon has lost.

And it has. The national army still patrols the streets, but solely to prevent sectarian killings or massacres. Far from dismantling the pro-Iranian Hizbollah's secret telecommunications system – and disarming the Hizbollah itself – the cabinet of Fouad Siniora sits in the old Turkish serail in Beirut, denouncing violence with the same authority as the Iraqi government in Baghdad's green zone.

The Lebanese army watches the Hizbollah road-blocks. And does nothing. As a Tehran versus Washington conflict, Iran has won, at least for now. Walid Jumblatt, the Druze leader and MP and a pro-American supporter of Mr Siniora's government, is isolated in his home in west Beirut, but has not been harmed. The same applies to Saad Hariri, one of the most prominent government MPs and the son of the murdered former prime minister Rafik Hariri. He remains in his west Beirut palace in Koreitem, guarded by police and soldiers but unable to move without Hizbollah's approval. The symbolism is everything.

When Hamas became part of the Palestinian government, the West rejected it. So Hamas took over Gaza. When the Hizbollah became part of the Lebanese government, the Americans rejected it. Now Hizbollah has taken over west Beirut. The parallels are not exact, of course. Hamas won a convincing electoral victory. Hizbollah was a minority in the Lebanese government; its withdrawal from cabinet seats with other Shias was occasioned by Mr Siniora's American-defined policies and by their own electoral inability to change these. The Lebanese don't want an Islamic republic any more than the Palestinians. But when Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, the Hizbollah chairman, told a press conference that this was a "new era" for Lebanon, he meant what he said.

Mr Hariri's Future Television offices were invested by the army after Hizbollah surrounded it on Thursday night, its staff evacuated and the station switched off. When I turned up there yesterday morning, I joined a queue for manouche – Lebanon's hot cheese breakfast sandwiches – at Eyman's bakery in Watwat Street. I patiently waited behind four black-hooded gunmen from Hizbollah's allied (but highly venal) Amal movement only to find uniformed Lebanese soldiers representing the government patiently queuing at the next window. Law and disorder, it seems, both have to eat.

But I found far more powerful symbolism in Hamra Street, one of west Beirut's two main commercial thoroughfares. More than 100 Hizbollah men were standing or patrolling the highway, clad in new camouflage fatigues, wearing new black flak jackets and new black, peaked, American-style baseball caps and – more to the point – what appeared to be equally new American sniper rifles..

No, this is not a revolution. No, this is not a "hijacking" of west Beirut or the airport, which remains cut off by burning tyres on roads guarded by Hizbollah militiamen. But the government's supporters deserve some space. Several pointed out that the Israelis closed Beirut airport in 2006. So what right did Hizbollah have to do the same to the Lebanese now? And, according to Saad Hariri, Mr Nasrallah – when he called Mr Jumblatt "a thief and a killer" – was "authorising his murder and clearly stating that, 'I am the state and the state is me'." No wonder, then, that Mr Jumblatt fears for his life and that Mr Hariri claims the Hizbollah's coup de folie is a form of fitna, the Arabic for chaos. "I invite you, Sayed Nasrallah, to take back your fighters from the streets and to lift the siege of Beirut to protect the unity of Muslims," he said. "Israel will be rejoicing at the blockade of the country and the collapse of its economy."

Marwan Hamade, Mr Siniora's Telecommunications Minister – and victim of an attempted assassination in 2004 – admitted he had turned a blind eye to Hizbollah's underground phone system but could no longer when he realised that Hizbollah now maintains 99,000 numbered lines.

Mr Nasrallah also insisted on the reinstallation of Brigadier General Wafiq Chucair as head of security at Beirut airport, since he was not a member of Hizbollah. General Chucair was suspended after Mr Jumblatt claimed he worked for Mr Nasrallah's outfit, a demand which prompted Mr Jumblatt to say he did not know General Chucair was so important to Mr Nasrallah that it was worth closing the international airport.

And so it goes on. There was an unusually good editorial in the French-language daily L'Orient Le Jour, which asked how the Hizbollah – literally "the party of God" in Arabic – could have war as its raison d'etre yet be a factor of stability and security in Lebanese domestic affairs. "And this party, can it really call itself the 'Party of God' without creating, in the long term, the distrust of all those other children who count themselves to be from the same unique and one God?"

No, this is not a civil war. Nor is it a coup d'etat, though it meets some of the criteria. It is part of the war against America in the Middle East. The Hizbollah "must stop sowing trouble," the White House said rather meekly. Yes, like the Taliban. And al-Qa'ida. And the Iraqi insurgents. And Hamas. And who else?

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

Lolz Malik and his shia crusade!

Still wanting to desecrate the graves of the Sahaba Ikram?

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!

Is Hezbollah/Hisbollah not a terrorist organisation or is that something the media is portraying them to be?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Muslim populations love Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, and yet their coward leaders bend before Satanic US:

[b]"Survey: Nasrallah is the most admired leader in the Arab world"[/b]

Research was conducted by University of Maryland, US.

[b]Poll shows Arabs' dislike for US [/b]

By Kim Ghattas - BBC News, Washington

Eight out of 10 people in the Arab world have a negative view of the US, according to a new poll.

By extension, governments supported by the US are unpopular, found the survey, which was released in Washington.

A recent BBC World Service survey found views of the US had started to improve by 4% globally, although they remained negative in the Arab world.

Only 6% of Arabs believe the US troop surge in Iraq has worked, according to the latest poll.

It was carried out by the University of Maryland and Zogby International.

A majority of Arabs believe that if US troops withdraw from Iraq, Iraqis would be able to bridge their differences, the survey found.

In contrast, an ABC/BBC poll conducted in Iraq and released in March, appeared to show a 20% increase in the number of Iraqis who felt the surge was succeeding and described the security situation as good.

Nasrallah's popularity

While the Western-backed Lebanese government has reasonable appeal in its own country, the latest survey indicates it has barely any support in the Arab world.

Some 30% of Arabs sympathise with the Lebanese opposition, led by Hezbollah, which is backed by Syria and Iran.

[b]Across the Arab world, Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, is also the most popular leader, followed by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The three leaders are seen as the only ones standing up against US influence in the region. [/b]

And while Sunni rulers in the region worry about Shia Iran's growing influence, ordinary Arabs don't seem to view Iran as a threat.

Almost half of Arabs believe that if Tehran acquires nuclear weapons the outcome for the region would be more positive than negative.


From the Israel newspapers Haaretz, and Jerusalem Post:

[b]"Poll: Nasrallah most admired leader in Arab world"[/b]

Across the Arab world, Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is the most admired leader, followed by Syrian President Bashar Assad and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, according to a poll released Tuesday.

The poll found that a majority of Arabs see the three - Nasrallah, Assad and Ahmadinejad - as the only leaders standing up against US influence in the Middle East.


[b]"Nasrallah a hero to many Egyptians"[/b]

Nadia abou el Magd, Foreign Correspondent

Last Updated: May 13. 2008

CAIRO. [b]For many Egyptians, Hassan Nasrallah is a hero despite the fighting that has erupted between Shiite gunmen allied to the Hizbollah-led Lebanese opposition and supporters of the US-backed government of Fouad Siniora, the prime minister.[/b]

Some Egyptians and other Arabs have named their babies Hizbollah and Nasrallah. On an Islamist website based in Egypt many women said they would love to marry someone like Nasrallah.

“Of course Hassan Nasrallah is still my hero,” said Howaida Taha, an Egyptian television producer with Al Jazeera who considers herself to be secular. “He represents a national liberation project against an imperialist one.”

In Aug 2006, just after the war with Israel, Ms Taha wrote a column for Al Quds al Arabi newspaper in which she said: “The last thing I expected is to fall in love with a turbaned cleric. I don’t like them, and of course they will never like somebody like me … [but] I feel I’ve been searching for Nasrallah with my eyes, heart and mind. I feel Nasrallah lives within me.”

Violence in Lebanon broke out seven days ago after the western-backed government threatened to dismantle a Hizbollah telecommunications network at Beirut’s international airport and fired the head of airport security.

Nasrallah, however, defended the installation of the once-secret surveillance system, and said it was needed to protect Lebanon from Israeli invasion.

To date, the fighting has killed about 40 people.

Calm returned to Beirut after Mr Siniora allowed the military to reinstate the head of airport security and left the phone lines under Hizbollah’s control. Hizbollah subsequently handed control of Beirut to the Lebanese army. The Shiite party and its allies, including Michel Aoun, a Christian leader, and the Amal Movement, have been trying to oust Mr Siniora’s government for 18 months, since the militant Islamic group’s lawmakers walked out of the cabinet after demanding veto powers.

“Nasrallah is the Arabs’ defence line against Israel,” said Kazem Fouad, 34, a dentist, as he sipped coffee at a cafe in Cairo. “He is the real power in Lebanon; there is no government in Lebanon.”

Hesham Salah, a pharmacist, agreed. “Nasrallah’s reaction is very normal,” he said. “Why would we hate him? He’s standing against Israel and its allies in the region.”

Nasrallah’s passionate speeches and staunch anti-Israeli stance have captivated the imaginations of many in Egypt and the Arab world, and he has been likened to other revolutionary leaders.

“Hassan Nasrallah is the Arab Che Guevara,” said Ibrahim Eissa, editor of the opposition daily newspaper el Destour, whose office is adorned with pictures of the two men he regards as his heroes.

In this way, Nasrallah’s appeal extends beyond his religious support base, and he is highly regarded by many Arab secularists.

“The master of resistance should be assured of the Arab nations’ understanding and support, who under the resistance flag, don’t differentiate between left and right, Lebanese or Egyptian, nor Sunni and Shiite,” said Hamdeen Sabahi, a leftist Egyptian parliamentarian. “In Egypt, we believe that supporting Nasrallah is our duty, as he’s raising the same banner that late President Gamal Abdel Nasser was carrying.”

Not every one agrees.

“Down with Hassan Nasrallah,” wrote Nasr el Qaffas, a columnist with Al Masry Al Youm, an independent daily newspaper. “I feel sorry and disappointed, sadness and pain are suffocating me, I have to admit I was wrong, I thought Nasrallah was the model of the wise, brave leader,” he said. “I used to think that the only resistance weapon was fighting the Israeli enemy. I don’t understand a resistance that fights America and Israel by killing itself. How can I believe that Hizbollah fights imperialism by occupying Beirut and burning the media outlets of its competitors?

“Nasrallah is a neo-Nazi. This doesn’t mean I’m defending the other side in Lebanon, but it’s a declaration of losing hope in a man who took off his mask,” he said.

Others are conflicted over the current violence that pits Muslims against one another.

“I raised Nasrallah’s pictures and flags when he was fighting Israel two years ago,” said Nagwa Ahmed, 20, a student. “But I don’t understand who he is fighting this time. I’m confused and sad.”

“I still have Hizbollah’s yellow flag hung in my room,” said Zizi Thabet, 72, as she was leaving a bank downtown. “But I look at it, and feel saddened at what’s happening in Lebanon.”

nmagd@thenational.ae(link sends e-mail)

http://www.thenational.ae/article/20080513/FOREIGN/454970724/1002&profil...(link is external)

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

Naz wrote:
Is Hezbollah/Hisbollah not a terrorist organisation or is that something the media is portraying them to be?

Media would like to paint all Muslims as terrorists and extremists.

That is exactly what they tend to do. Watch any news channel and you will see.

What else would you expect Satan's followers to do? Fairness?

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

malik wrote:

What else would you expect Satan's followers to do? Fairness?

LOL at the last comment!

Naz, one man's 'terrorist' is another man's freedom fighter.

In Syria, which is predominately Sunni, Hasan Nazrallah (the Hezbollah leader) is greatly loved for standing up to Israel.

They have democratically elected members in the Lebanese government.

Then again, Hamas were elected democratically, and the US still calls them a terrorist organisation.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
malik wrote:

What else would you expect Satan's followers to do? Fairness?

In Syria, which is predominately Sunni, Hasan Nazrallah (the Hezbollah leader) is greatly loved for standing up to Israel.

I like them due to the same reason but i think the power is getting to his head...

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah victorious.

Satan-backed Government in Lebanon bows to the "untouchable" Party of God - Hezbollah.

Ya Ali Madaad !!

[b]ANALYSIS - Hezbollah force corners U.S. allies in Lebanon[/b]

http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=25914(link is external)

[b]'Untouchable' Hezbollah emerges victorious[/b]

Analysts say Lebanese cabinet’s climbdown is coup for Hezbollah, slap in face of US policy in Mideast.
The Lebanese cabinet's climbdown in its latest showdown with Hezbollah marks a major victory for the Shiite Muslim militant group and a slap in the face for US policy in the region, analysts said.
"This climbdown is a major retreat, not only for the government but the US agenda in Lebanon," Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, a political analyst and specialist on Hezbollah, said.
"It empowers the opposition... and basically shows that force is the only way of dealing with the government."


[b]Lebanese Cabinet reverses anti-Hezbollah decisions[/b]


BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — The U.S.-backed Cabinet on Wednesday reversed measures against the militant Hezbollah movement that last week set off Lebanon's worst violence since the 1975-90 civil war.

The decision was a major victory for the Iranian-allied Hezbollah and the latest sign that the Shiite militant group appeared to have gained the upper hand in the country's political power struggle after its fighters routed supporters of the government.

Seconds after the announcement, celebratory gunfire erupted south of Beirut, a Hezbollah stronghold, but there was no immediate response from the movement's leaders to the government's decision.

Clashes between government supporters and opponents broke out last week after the Cabinet challenged Hezbollah with decisions to sack the airport security chief for alleged ties to the group and to declare the militants' private telephone network illegal.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that amounted to a declaration of war and sent his armed fighters to the streets for the first time since the civil war ended, demanding the government rescind its orders.

Fierce street battles, many of them along sectarian lines, erupted and Hezbollah and its Shiite allies seized much of Muslim west Beirut by force. At least 54 people were killed.

Information Minister Ghazi Aridi said the government made a "courageous" decision to revoke the measures "in view of the higher national interest."

Aridi said the government hoped the decision would "pave the way for a new stage" in which the country would "manage to put sectarian strife behind us and concentrate on Lebanese national unity."

He said the government hoped for a settlement in the crisis with the Hezbollah-led opposition that has paralyzed Lebanon for 18 months.

The opposition quit the Cabinet in November 2007 demanding more power and a veto over all government decisions. The deadlock has prevented parliament from electing a new president, leaving the country without a head of state for six months.

A cease-fire largely halted fighting Monday and no clashes were reported Wednesday. But tensions lingered after Hezbollah's display of its military might last week.

The Bush administration said Wednesday it wants to speed up U.S. aid for Lebanon's army because of the recent fighting.

Acting chief of U.S. Central Command, Army Lt. Gen. Martin Dempsey, met Wednesday with Lebanon's army commander and defense minister in a visit to the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. He said the meeting "focused on the continued assistance" to the Lebanese military.

In Washington, State Department spokesman Tom Casey said the administration plans to ask Congress to quickly approve military aid for Lebanon that was already in the works. He would not say how much the administration sought or what the money would buy. But previous military grants have gone to buy ammunition, armored vehicles and other combat gear.

Bush accused Iran of trying to destabilize Lebanon. He has said he wants to beef up the Lebanese army, but he also expressed disappointment in the military's performance during the recent violence. The army did not intervene as Hezbollah, considered a terrorist group by the U.S., overran Beirut neighborhoods.

The Lebanese military feared that if it got involved in the fighting, it could split along sectarian lines as happened in the civil war.

The Cabinet's reversal came after a day of mediation by an Arab League delegation in Beirut. The delegation, with senior ministers of nine countries, met with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who is aligned with the opposition, and Prime Minister Fuad Saniora.

Arab heavyweights Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which back the Saniora government, were not represented in the delegation, nor was Syria, which supports Hezbollah. The three countries were considered too close to the opposing factions.

Lebanon's strife has touched off a wider regional standoff between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal warned Iran that its support for Hezbollah's "coup" in Beirut will damage Tehran's relations with Muslim and Arab countries. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad retorted that Iran is the only country that does not interfere in Lebanon's affairs.

Syria, which has been accused by the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Lebanon's governing coalition of obstructing parliament's election of a president, said it supported Arab efforts to resolve the crisis.

[b]UK MP: Iran not behind Lebanon crisis [/b]

Thu, 15 May 2008 03:32:41

Outspoken British parliamentarian George Galloway says allegations that Iran is stoking the violence in Lebanon are unfounded.

In an interview with Jordanian paper al-Ghad, Galloway rejected accusations that the recent unrest in Lebanon is 'the product of an Iranian conspiracy in a bid to dominate the region'.

"I consider spraying the sand in the public eye is aimed at misrepresenting the vision of reality that leaders of Arab countries support the US and imperialist forces," he said.

Galloway, a leading campaigner against the occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, was expelled from the Labor Party in October 2003 when his strong anti-war statements brought the party into 'disrepute'.

The Respect Party parliamentarian went on to say that the Lebanese crisis has been conspired in a bid to weaken the country's resistance against Israel.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

It was Saudis and Jews who wanted to ignite Sunni-Shia sectarian war in Lebanon:

[b]Saudi-Israeli plot against Hezbollah[/b]

Thu, 15 May 2008 16:36:28

Former Saudi Ambassador to the US Prince Bandar bin Sultan asks Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert to move against Hezbollah.

Saudi's Prince Bandar bin Sultan has formally requested Olmert to move the Zionist regime's military forces in the north of the Occupied Lands on the border with Lebanon as a threat against Hezbollah if the latter did not stop attacking government of Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, Filkka - Israel website revealed Wednesday.

Bandar bin Sultan arrived in the Occupied Territories in his private plane directly from Jeddah airport to Lod Airport in Tel Aviv.

Bin Sultan asked Olmert to do what is necessary to support PM Siniora, offering to bear all the financial costs of any Israeli war against Hezbollah.

Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert who is under investigation in a bribe case, said that he could not do so now, assuring his guest that he could not wage a war on behalf of Saudi Arabia, but he will discuss the issue with the Israeli officials in order to carry out military maneuvers in the south of Lebanon.

http://www.presstv.ir/Detail.aspx?id=55813&sectionid=351020203(link is external)

http://www.presstv.ir/sections.aspx?sectionid=351020203(link is external)

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

malik wrote:
Naz wrote:
Is Hezbollah/Hisbollah not a terrorist organisation or is that something the media is portraying them to be?

Media would like to paint all Muslims as terrorists and extremists.

You make a very valid point there. The media are scum!

"Ya'qub" wrote:
Naz, one man's 'terrorist' is another man's freedom fighter.

In Syria, which is predominately Sunni, Hasan Nazrallah (the Hezbollah leader) is greatly loved for standing up to Israel.

They have democratically elected members in the Lebanese government.

Then again, Hamas were elected democratically, and the US still calls them a terrorist organisation.

Right i see.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Naz wrote:
malik wrote:

Media would like to paint all Muslims as terrorists and extremists.

You make a very valid point there. The media are scum!

I didnt know the revival was scum.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Anyone that twists the words of the Quran and/or is intent on mocking Islam is scum. If ppl are educating and promoting Islam how can they be scum? And here was me thinking that you were intelligent!!!
And shouldnt you be revising?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

When I said media loves nothing better to paint all Muslims as terrorists and extremists, I was not talking about Muslim owned media like this Revival Forum.

What I meant was that devilish media owned by Kafirs.

Muslim television, radio, newspapers and other media do not blame Jesus (peace be upon him) and Moses (peace be upon him).

Muslims media does not say Christians or Jews are terrorists. We do not condemn religion of other people like Kafirs condemnd our religion Islam.

Kaafirs are scared of Islam. The cowards' hatred and fear of Allah's religion can be seen on TV.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

It seems Satan, and his ally Israel, were up to no good again:

[b]'US, Israel fomented Lebanon crisis' [/b]

Lebanese lawmaker says the United States and the Zionist regime played a key role in inciting the recent unrest in Lebanon.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

[b]US plan for Lebanon attack revealed [/b]

The White House had given the green light to Israel to attack Lebanon's Hezbollah on May 11th, Israeli intelligence sources have revealed.

They said that, on May 10, the US government urged the Israeli army to launch a fierce military strike on Southern and Western Beirut as well as other Lebanese regions, DEBKA website which is close to Israeli intelligence agency reported.

May eleven was the day when Hezbollah forces were engaged in street battles with opposition militiamen in Beirut and other Lebanese regions.

Two controversial decsions made by the pro-US ruling majority against Hezbollah's telecommunication network and Beirut Airport's Security Chief mounted tensions in Lebanon.

"Israel failed to grasp a historic opportunity to get rid of one of its four enemies (Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Hamas). This would certainly lead to the destruction of Hezbollah," DEBKA quoted a senior US military source as saying.

The report said US president George W. Bush had promised not to postpone his May 14 visit to Israel even if the Israeli army was still fighting in Lebanon and Hezbollah struck back against Tel Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport.

American intelligence estimated that Hezbollah could retaliate by firing only 600 missiles into northern Israel.

Israeli premier Ehud Olmert, war minister Ehud Barak, foreign minister Tzipi Livni were the only officials who were informed about the US secret plan, the report added.

Olmert, Barak and Livni decided not to intervene and cancelled the operation at the last moment. The decision outraged hawkish echelons in the Bush administration.

On May 11, Olmert called Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and his allies, majority leader Saad Hariri, Druze politician Walid Jumblatt and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and informed them there would be no Israeli strike against Hezbollah.

According to the plan Israeli Air force were to bombard Hezbollah's positions.

This would provide the pro-government forces with an opportunity to attack Hezbollah forces. Israeli tanks would simultaneously drive into the South and head towards Beirut, the report said.

Israel and its staunch ally, the US, have long been seeking to destroy Hezbollah's military capabilities particularly after the Arab resistance group inflicted a humiliating defeat upon the Zionist regime in the 33-day war in 2006.

Pundits say Israel failed to go ahead with the plan because of the military deterrence of Hezbollah.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

BD Brother wrote:
he was being ironic as someone said 'the media is scum' and i guess the revival is a form of media to which he unwittingly made the statement :neutral:

I know exactly what he was trying to get at. When ppl are studying for their exams they tend to be under alot of stress. You say the wrong thing and they will bite your head off!
If i had acted like a smarty pants then lil Funzi would have an accuse to lay into me (which i dont care about) but it would go on forever and totally off topic.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

The Party of God came out victorious again.

Hezbollah won political victory as well as militarily.

Saudis, Israelis and Americans are humiliated once more.


Ya Ali Madaad!


[b]Hizbollah's Lebanon veto power boosts Iran's Middle East influence[/b]

By Tim Butcher, Middle East Correspondent 2:15PM BST 21/05/2008

Iran's influence across the Middle East was strengthened today when its close ally, Hizbollah, greatly increased its political power in Lebanon by winning a veto over all government decisions.

The concession to the radical Shia group, agreed after a week of crisis talks hosted by Qatar under the auspices of the Arab League, opens the way to an end to a crisis that has crippled national level decision-making in Lebanon for over a year.

It also lifts the threat of imminent civil war that has hung over the country since Hizbollah gunmen fought pitch battles with rival groups in Beirut earlier this month.

But while a few volleys of celebratory gunfire were heard in the city after the deal was announced, there are fears that Tehran will exploit the development to foment trouble in the Levant region.

Crucially, under the deal announced in the Qatari capital of Doha the issue of disarming all Lebanese militia, including Hizbollah, was postponed.

Until armed groups like Hizbollah lose their military might and thereby entrench the Lebanese army as the solitary guarantor of power in the country, the threat of violence and chaos in Lebanon remains a real one.

The deal represented a major setback for the anti-Hizbollah parties that constitute the largest bloc in the Lebanese parliament.

Their parliamentary power had been shown to count for little when well-armed and well-trained Hizbollah gunmen took over Beirut's major highways and airport earlier this month, effectively taking control of the city.

Under Lebanon's de facto constitution, no single ethnic faction had a clear veto over government business.

This has now changed with Hizbollah, the main representative of the country's large Shia minority, now able to stop cabinet decisions unilaterally.

Iran won over Satan United States.

[b]Did Lebanon's government surrender to Hezbollah?[/b]

Published: Wednesday, 21 May, 2008

Agreement, eh? No need for a lengthy analysis to note this; The agreement does not address the "Weapons of the Resistance".

This no mere Second Amendment issue; in Lebanon, the weapons are THE only issue, and should be monopolized by the State in a law-abiding country. As such, the agreement signed was nothing but an act of surrender to Hezbollah & Co, thereby confirming their takeover of Lebanon. The valiant leaders went after the crumbs Nasrallah left them, discussing electoral arrangements, ignoring the work their commission did.

[b]Hezbollah Wins Veto After Talks End Lebanon Political Stalemate [/b]

By Camilla Hall and Daniel Williams - May 21, 2008 08:35 EDT

Lebanon's Hezbollah-led opposition won a veto over cabinet decisions as the country's factions agreed to form a unity government, following talks to end a crisis that sparked the worst fighting since the 1975-1990 civil war.

General Michel Suleiman, Lebanon's army chief, will be elected president, Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassem al- Thani said today at a televised news conference in Doha, Qatar's capital. The presidential election will take place May 25, the state-run Lebanese National News Agency said.

The deal gives the opposition 11 of the 30 seats in Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's cabinet. Under existing rules, a minority of one-third plus one can block any decision.

Securing a veto ``was Hezbollah's main victory,'' said Amal Saad Ghorayeb, author of ``Hizbullah: Politics and Religion,'' a history of the Shiite Muslim movement. ``The United States will not be very happy about that.'' The government will be unable to disarm Hezbollah -- which the U.S. considers a terrorist organization -- as required by a United Nations Security Council resolution passed in 2004, he said.

http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2008/05/did_lebanons_go.php(link is external)
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601116&sid=aJLNqE2JTRqw&refer=a...(link is external)

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

Naz wrote:
BD Brother wrote:
he was being ironic as someone said 'the media is scum' and i guess the revival is a form of media to which he unwittingly made the statement :neutral:

I know exactly what he was trying to get at. When ppl are studying for their exams they tend to be under alot of stress. You say the wrong thing and they will bite your head off!
If i had acted like a smarty pants then lil Funzi would have an accuse to lay into me (which i dont care about) but it would go on forever and totally off topic.

Im sorry if i was being a smarty pants.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

No one cares.

The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.

A true shia would kill you for saying that!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Party of God has once again shames Israelis. These stupid Jews seem to learn the hard way. They have tried to beat Hezbollah by fighting. They failed.

Now they begging Lebanon for peace. On one hand they say they never negotiate with Hezbollah or Hamas; and on the other hand they secretly go around want to make deals. How disgraceful are some Jews. Hyprocrites. Some of them are alright. Some jews are actually good. They went to Iran to take part in Anti-Zionism Conference.

This headline alone should make every Hezbollah hating Jew go and bury his head in the sand forever.


Israel hints at peace with Hizbollah

Israel has indicated that it is ready for direct peace

By Carolynne Wheeler in Jerusalem
TELEGRAPH - 18/06/2008

Israel has indicated that it is ready for direct peace talks with Lebanon, hours after agreeing a landmark truce with Hamas.

The government said that there was "no logical reason" why talks could not go ahead following similar negotiations with Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, and the regime in Syria.

"Today we have concurrent peace negotiations with both the Syrians and the Palestinians and there is no logical reason why there should not also be talks with the Lebanese," said Mark Regev, a spokesman for the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert.

Israeli and Lebanese politicians also confirmed a deal is near for the return of two Israeli soldiers captured by the Lebanese Islamist group Hizbollah in July 2006, which kicked off a 34-day summer war.

Mediators have warned one or both of the two soldiers, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, may be dead, but the campaign for their release continues.

The Israeli offer follows last month's forced takeover of part of Beirut by Hizbollah, which relinquished it only when promised a greater share of power. Hizbollah resistance is presently focused on Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms, a tiny territory claimed by Lebanon. Mr Regev said Israel is ready for "direct, bilateral talks" on "all issues" of contention, including Shebaa.

Lebanese Christian leader Michel Aoun, an ally of Hizbollah, said: "We know that the deal to release the prisoners is in its final stages."

There is great scepticism in Israel for any suggestion of peace with Syria or Lebanon. Military officials argue the Golan Heights, the main point of dispute with Syria, is strategically too important to give up and that Iran's influence in both countries remains too strong.

They have also warned that a large-scale operation in Gaza is inevitable despite the ceasefire. More than 20 rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza yesterday in the last hours before the truce began, though most landed harmlessly in fields.

However, Mr Olmert warned that the Gaza truce would be fragile and may not last long.

"Hamas has not changed its skin," he said. "If terror continues, Israel will have to work to remove the threat."

Political observers say these sudden moves toward peace are being pushed along in part by Mr Olmert, to strengthen his fragile government and detract from his own legal quagmire, as he remains under investigation on allegations of bribery and money-laundering. He has not been charged.

There is also strong pressure from US President George W Bush for progress on peace in the Middle East before his term in office ends.


Shiekh Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah is today becoming legendary figure around the Muslim world.

"Hassan Nasrallah, superstar in Nigeria"

http://observers.france24.com/en/content/20080623-nasrallah-nigeria-shia...(link is external)

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

Party of God again brings Israel to its knees.

http://www.aljazeera.com/news/newsfull.php?newid=135544(link is external)


Israel agrees to free killer in return for soldiers'

Toni O'Loughlin,
Guardian, June 30, 2008

Israel agreed yesterday to free a notorious Lebanese
killer and several other Hizbullah fighters in
exchange for the bodies of the two Israeli soldiers
whose abduction culminated in the 2006 Lebanon war.

The decision to agree to the UN-brokered deal came
after six hours of intense discussion by the Israeli
cabinet which voted 22-3 in favour of the exchange
even though it was finally revealed that the soldiers
were dead.


Israel to swap killer for two dead soldiers

By Donald Macintyre, Independent - Monday, 30 June 2008

Israel's cabinet has decided to free a Lebanese
guerrilla responsible for a notoriously brutal attack
on an Israeli civilian family in return for the bodies
of the two soldiers whose abduction triggered the 2006
Lebanon war.

The cabinet decision – by 22 votes to three – clears
the way for a prisoner exchange with Hizbollah to be
completed over the next fortnight to secure the return
of the reservists Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, said during
the five-hour cabinet meeting for the first time that
the state had concluded that the two soldiers had died
either during the Lebanese guerrilla group's
cross-border raid in July 2006, or soon afterwards.

Under the deal, Israel will also receive the body
parts of other dead soldiers, along with a report on
Ron Arad, the airman declared missing after his plane
crashed in Lebanon in 1986. In return it will release
five Lebanese prisoners, a dozen bodies, mostly of
Hizbollah militants, and an unspecified number of
Palestinian prisoners.

Easily the most sensitive of the Lebanese prisoner
releases is that of Samir Kuntar, who in 1979
infiltrated across the border and is serving multiple
life sentences for an attack in the northern Israeli
town of Nahariya in which he shot Danny Haran in front
of his four-year-old daughter.

Witnesses said that Kantar – then aged 16 – then
smashed the skull of Mr Haran's daughter against a
rock with his rifle butt. Mr Haran's wife, Smadar,
accidentally suffocated her other daughter, aged two,
as she tried to prevent her screaming as they hid in
their apartment during the attack. Kuntar has denied
killing the four-year-old.

Yesterday's decision followed a protracted period of
heart searching within the Israeli security
establishment over the prisoner release, intensified
by a vigorous media and lobbying campaign for the
exchange by the abducted reservists' families. While
the Israeli military's chief-of-staff, Lt-Gen Gabi
Ashkenazy, strongly supported the exchange, the heads
of the main intelligence agencies, Shin Bet and
Mossad, opposed the deal. Opponents of the exchange
have argued that swapping bodies for live prisoners
would increase the incentive for hostage taking by
militant groups while reducing that for keeping the
hostages alive once in captivity.

Mr Olmert, who last week had appeared to reconsider
the German-mediated exchange, did finally recommend
that it went ahead – while acknowledging that the
debate "is exceptionally sensitive in terms of its
national and moral implications". Three cabinet
members, Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann, Housing
Minister Ze'ev Boim and Finance Minister Ronny Bar-On,
opposed the exchange.

Most of the Israeli media was strongly in favour of
the exchange going ahead with the mass-circulation
daily Yedhiot Ahronot proclaiming "Bring them Home" in
a front-page headline yesterday. The Maariv headline
said under a picture of Mr Goldwasser's parents and Mr
Regev's father: "Look into their teary eyes." But
Yossi Beilin, the prominent Knesset member in the
left-wing Meretz party, told Israel Radio before the
cabinet meeting: "If they are dead, I certainly oppose
this deal. The principle must be releasing live
prisoners for live hostages, and releasing bodies in
return for the fallen."

The Israeli military acknowledged last year that the
two soldiers had been seriously injured in the raid
after which Mr Olmert took Israel into a month-long
war which cost the lives of more than 130 Israeli
soldiers and civilians and more than 1,000 Lebanese
casualties. Hizbollah has never produced any evidence
that Mr Regev and Mr Goldwasser were still alive.

Mr Olmert told the cabinet: "We know what happened to
them. As far as we know, the soldiers Regev and
Goldwasser are not alive."

Mr Goldwasser's wife, Karnit, who has travelled the
world to press leaders to push for her husband's
release, said she was still trying to come to terms
with the Prime Minister's declaration. She added: "My
heart aches. It is very difficult for me. I am very
tired, drained inside. All I want to do is to digest
things, try to understand what happened ... to rest a
bit ... to have my pain."

Mr Haran's widow, Smadar, said that she was devastated
by the decision but understood it. "The despicable
murderer Kantar was never my own personal prisoner,
but the state's prisoner," she told a news conference.
"Even if my soul should be torn, and it is torn, my
heart is whole."


Israel to free top terrorist killer in prisoner swap

June 29, 2008
Israel's cabinet on Sunday voted 22-3 in favor of
conducting a prisoner swap with Lebanon's Hizballah
terrorist militia that will see two abducted Israeli
reserve soldiers returned in exchange for a Lebanese
terrorist who brutally murdered 5 Israelis during a
1979 infiltration.

Israel Loses in Prisoner Swap With Hezbollah

New York Sun - June 30, 2008

No matter how you look at it, the prisoner swap with
Hezbollah is a bad deal for Israel. But as the leaders
of the Jewish state prepare to hand a major victory to
a mortal enemy, they once more can look their fellow
citizens in the eye and say they did everything they
could for the Goldwasser and Regev families.
http://www.nysun.com/foreign/israel-loses-in-prisoner-swap-with-hezbolla...(link is external)

Hizbullah: Israeli Prisoner Swap Approval Victory for
Shi'ite Group

Hizbullah has hailed the Israeli cabinet approval for
a prisoner exchange as a victory and said the Jewish
state's green light reflected the Shiite group's


He murdered a girl, 4, with his rifle butt for being
an Israeli. Now he will walk free to a hero's welcome

Ben Lynfield
ISRAEL'S cabinet agreed yesterday to a deal with
Lebanon's Shiite fundamentalist Hezbollah group, in
which it will set free a man serving multiple life
sentences in exchange for the remains of two Israeli

The decision was immediately claimed as a victory by
Hezbollah as a fulfilment of its promise to free Samir
Kantar, sentenced in 1980 to 542 years in prison for
an attack in the northern Israeli town of Nahariya.

The 22-3 cabinet vote in favour of the deal came amid
a debate among Israelis over whether or not to trade
prisoners for corpses – many argue that the state must
do all it can to retrieve soldiers who go into battle.
http://news.scotsman.com/latestnews/He-murdered-a-girl-4.4234431.jp(link is external)

Hizbullah: Deal proves our strength

Lebanese organization holds up prisoner exchange deal
approved by cabinet as testament of its strength.
Samir Kuntar's brother says Hizbullah to marshal
festivities for his return while Kuntar's attorney
says after his release he may start a family
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3561790,00.html(link is external)

http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/997261.html(link is external)

http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/997283.html(link is external)

http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/996995.html(link is external)


Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

The Party Of God still humiliating Satan and its ally, Israel.

http://uk.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUKL14422620080714(link is external)

Defying U.S., Hezbollah stronger than ever

Analysis by Tom Perry, Mon Jul 14, 2008 Reuters

BEIRUT - Hezbollah is set to achieve its long-held goal of winning the release of Lebanese prisoners held in Israel this week, emboldening the Iranian-backed group which has emerged even more powerful from recent conflicts.

Two years after standing its ground in a 34-day war with Israel, Hezbollah has reinforced its military wing and routed its U.S.-backed adversaries in Lebanon -- defying the United States, which sees it as a terrorist group and proxy of Tehran.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)

"Al Manar" TV channel is banned in the USA by the "freedom of speech" loving Americans.
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-manar13-2008jul13,0,...(link is external)

Los Angles Times: Hezbollah wages on-air war against U.S.
July 13 - The militant group's Al Manar TV channel, accessible throughout the Middle East and online, uses its programs to criticize American policies daily.
Wearing a bright blue veil carefully wrapped around her head, the TV host smirked as she listened to her guest's comments about the lack of U.S. strategies in the Middle East.
"The U.S. administration has no policies," U.S. analyst and military expert Mark Perry said recently on the only English-language talk show on Hezbollah's TV station, Al Manar. "It is not that it has bad intentions, but [that it] has no intentions."

'STATION OF THE RESISTANCE': Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah is seen on Al Manar. It "is very powerful in manipulating public opinion," one media expert said.

http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-manar13-2008jul13,0,...(link is external)

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
www.presstv.ir(link is external)
