FREE Tayyibun Courses, Halaqahs, & Circles!

Islamic Circles, Gatherings, & Halaqahs[/B]


Fully segregated.
All circles, gatherings, and halaqahs are free and open to all.
The above will start from the week beginning 12th of May 2008.

[B]ISLAMIC MANNERS & ETIQUETTES (Every Tuesday 11am- 1pm)[/B]
A weekly circle covering the famous poem on the manners and etiquettes called Manthumah al Aadaab by Ibn Abdil Qawiyy al Mardaawi with its commentary by Imam as-Safaareeni (1188h) entitled Ghidhaa' al Albaab- Sharh Manthumah al Aadaab.
This circle will be conducted by Ustadh Dr. Khalid Khan

[B]GENERAL WEEKLY HALAQAH (Every Sunday 12.15- 2.15)[/B]
This weekly circle will cover different topics that are relevant to the young sisters. It will also be an ideal opportunity to meet and socialise with other Muslimaat.
These halaqah will be conducted by various Shuyukh and Ustadhs insha'allaah.


[B]CLASSICAL TEXT SERIES (Every Monday 7pm- 9pm)[/B]
These will be a series of ongoing classes covering classical texts in matters related to manners, morals, and spirituality. The series will begin with the study of Kitaab al Jaami' (The comprehensive book) from Boloogh al Maraam by Ibn Hajar al 'Asqalani (852h) covering the topics of good manners, joining ties of kinship, asceticism and piety, cautioning against mischievous conduct, encouraging noble characteristics and remembering Allah (swt).
These series will be conducted by various Shuyukh and Ustadhs.

[B]40 HADEETH OF IMAM NAWAWI (Every Tuesday 7pm- 9pm)[/B]
This weekly circle will cover the renowned forty hadeeth of Imam Nawawi which will cover the most comprehensive hadeeth in our religion. Issues of Iman, 'Aqeedah, Sunnah/ Bid'ah, morals, manners, heart softeners, etc will be covered extensively throughout the series. This is an opportunity for brothers to study and understand the deen in a complete manner.
This circle will be conducted by Ustadh Abu Talha (Madinah University).

[B]GENERAL WEEKLY HALAQAH (Every Sunday 7pm- 9pm)[/B]
This weekly circle will cover different topics that are relevant to the young brothers and will be delivered by a variety of different speakers ranging from speakers scholars to students of knowledge. It will also be an ideal opportunity to meet and socialise with other Muslims.
These halaqah will be conducted by various Shuyukh and Ustadhs.

[B]Venue:[/B] Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre,
25 Hessel Street (Off Commercial Road)
London E1 2LR
Map: [url]

Tube: Whitechapel, Aldgate East, or Shadwell Stations
DLR: Shadwell
Bus: D3, 15, 25, 106, 115, 205, 254

[B]Contact Info:[/B]
Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre
Project of the Tayyibun Institute
Office: 0207 702 7254
Mobile: 07949 713 902
E-mail: [email][/email]
Website: [url][/url]

[B]Tayyibun Institute[/B]
[I]For the Teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah[/I]

[I]* The Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre is an additional project of the Tayyibun Institute, launched for the community at the annual Conference 2008: 'Reviving the Sunnah, Awakening the Ummah' which was attended by over 1300 brothers and sisters throughout the day alhamdulillaah.
* All the weekly services on above will start from the week beginning 12th May 2008 and will be ongoing until further notice insha'allaah.
* Bookings for the free Islamic Circles, Gatherings & Halaqahs are strongly advised but not required.
* The above will all take place at the Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre (25 Hessel Street , London E1 2LR) and not the main Tayyibun Institute based on 32 New Road.
* All donations towards the Islamic work welcome.
* The free Circles & Halaqahs are unstructured unlike the paid 'Structured Courses' of the Tayyibun Institute.
* We do not permit any external recording or publicity at any of our programmes.
* We maintain full 100% segregation systems.[/I]

love to live but living to die wrote:
they all sound cool but they r in LONDON! miles away!

You can always move houses Blum 3

I thought first was a close family member dying.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

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