Wanna get something off your chest?... If so, then you have come to the right place.
Have you ever done something stupid?... I mean [i]really[/i] stupid. It might have been something you did on purpose but didn't quite turn out the way you wanted. Or maybe it was something you didn't expect to happen. Did you go red and your head felt like it was going to explode? Or did you wish you could just disappear into the thin air.
Have you ever walked straight into a postbox / lamppost when you were looking somewhere else? Or were you unable to get out of a room and started shouting 'Help! Help!' only to realise that you're supposed to pull and not push? Or maybe you want to make a confession (can't be boring!)
Come on, let it all out.
Well when i was around 10ish... there was this friend of my dads who i didnt really like. Anyway, one day he turns up at ours and I quickly hide behind the door to the dining room, thinking he's not gonna come in here. BUT HE DOES! They both walk in and my dad quickly leaves to get ready before they go out, so im stood there behind the door whilst the guy is in the same room!! So about 5/10 minutes pass just like this and im like OMG what if he discovers me!! So acting all cool and natural I casually walk out from behind the door say 'Salaam' to the guy and walk out.
LMAO... I did some right stupid things when i was a kid.
Back in BLACK
Interesting thread. This isnt really a confession but rather torture. When me and my big sis were little she use to take me outside into the garden and feed me grass and shove roti in my mouth when i use to cry to shut me up .
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Are you a vegetarian by any chance?
I've also done ALOT of stupid things. There was one time when I pranked the police and said there was a burglar in the house, and you know what happened after that as I have mentioned this before.
When I was in primary school I was walking down the road and talking to my fried who was on the other side of the road and as I wasn't looking what was in front of me, I bumped into a postbox. It didn't hurt... much, it was more of a shock.
I also put a needle through my sister's nails when I was also in primary school. And it was a needle on these sewing machines!
More coming soon....
Well hurry up!
No but she is. I think she were trying to covert me but it didnt work muhahaha.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
OK, bye. Do you want me to walk you to the exit? Don't worry we're all just humans we're more than happy to serve you by showing you the way out.
Just kidding, man!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
I think Bradfordians hate you now.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Its generally a good idea to say why you hate Bradfordians. Having only ever been there once, i have no opinon on them one way or the other.
Altho there does seem to be alot of freaks in Cheetham Hill. Drove through there a couple of times and some thick people just walk into the middle of the road like their dad owns it or something, they didnt even look around to see if a car was coming or anything. And there were other odd things they did which im not gonna go into a rant about.
And then there was the time @ school, when we made the teacher have a nervious breakdown. We broke him, he had to leave after that.
Back in BLACK
i had a few minutes free today between my tight revision timetable and i thought 'lets see how the revival forum is doing'. i saw the 'confession thread' and thought 'this looks interesting'...and what did i find? a dear friend of mine who lived in bradford ever since she came to england from saudi and who has recently moved to manchester suddenly hates the city that she called home a few months ago. WHATS WRONG WITH BRADFORD EH? mujhe milne do...phir dekhna tera kiya haal karun gi!!!
joke! but please clarify what bradford has done to you that has caused you to hate it so.
'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
i think i know what you are referring to but will see you soon inshallah...i probably will not be in bradford for too long anyway but you are stuck here for the next two years hence you will have to deal with it!
'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
I hate bradford because people get it mixed up with my hometown.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I confess that I voted for the BNP in the forum post!
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
OK, I forgive you. But the others don't so come here. [Raises fists]
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
which is .... bedford ?
[img]http://www.vivapalestina.org/images/website/viva_banner-strap.jpg[/img](link is external)
You don't need to rub it in...I'm sure he is depressed enough about it already!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
[img]http://www.vivapalestina.org/images/website/viva_banner-strap.jpg[/img](link is external)
You're in the UK for pete's sake!
Just give it a few more days....
You can always go to Scotland
or Wales ... i recommend snowdonia
[img]http://www.vivapalestina.org/images/website/viva_banner-strap.jpg[/img](link is external)
That's a funny one.
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
wohooo its raining!! it looks awesome!! (guess i miss rain!)
It's actually been pretty good weather here in scotland, just rained a wee bit day before yesterday, apparently the weather was even better than this when i was in pak, but i dont want too much heat, prefer cooler weather.
I've done that a few too many times than I'd like to admit!
But here's something really stupid that my family doesn't seem to let me forget.
It was one of my lil cousins birthdays and we were at my aunts house for dinner. I was sitting inside my aunts house next to her big clear glass french doors that opened in to the garden.
So as i'm sitting there watching my cousins play in the garden, my uncle calls me from inside. I turn my head round to look at him and at that same time my phone rings. I tell him to wait a sec while I go in to the garden to take my call.
It just so happens that in the 10 seconds or so that my heads turned round, someone shuts the door and you can guess what happened next.
I walked face first straight in to the glass!! I couldnt tell the doors were closed, the glass was so clear!
"There was always time,
But You Left It All Behind....... " -> AdeelAkhtar.co.uk
That is exactly the reason why I always tell people that cleaning things is overrated.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Yeah innit! How the hell is biochemistry relevant to what I want to do?
Why don't you ask the professor?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Well at Uni I'm probably gonna have to do property law, which I know I'm gonna hate, but that's life!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Yes you most defo will, its one of the foundation subjects. Its not that bad...well as long as you get a decent lecturer that is.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
it IS that bad, lol!
Plus it has nothing really to do with the other types of law, and the rules are very different, so you can't just apply what you learned from other subjects to it...you have to learn them from scratch.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Have you studied EU law? Now thats bad, really bad. Dont know how i got through those lectures.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Soon there will ONLY be EU law, and no British-only law.
Don't just do something! Stand there.