Salaam ppl
If you were elected as Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would introduce or ban?
Also state why you would introduce or ban it
Salaam ppl
If you were elected as Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would introduce or ban?
Also state why you would introduce or ban it
make myself supreme ruler.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Change Big Ben into a minaret and make it play the adhaan.
Change Trafalgar Square's name to Badr Square and change the statue on Nelson's column to something similar to the one they have in Damascus:
(click for bigger)
Give back all the contents of the British Museum to the countries that they belong to.
Open a proper Madrasah for Imams so they can speak English, and improve wages and working conditions so Britain's mosques have well-educated and intelligent imams
Make all food packaging state whether it is halal or not.
Change weekends to Friday-Saturday instead of Saturday-Sunday.
err... Give Revival Magazine extra funding.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
^ i like. i'll vote you prime minister any day.
I don't want to be the Prime Minister! Just because you're Prime Minister doesn't mean you can do anything you like. You have to get a majority vote in Parliament, which is long and boring! I prefer to be a (good) dictator and take over the world! muahahaha *cough*
- Make Islam the state religion.
- Build super-mosques in every city/town.
- Every mosque will be allowed to call the adhan.
- The person who calls the adhan must have a nice voice, or they will be punished.
- Ban everything harmful, interest, porn, alcohol, gambling, drugs.
- Introduce capital punishment.
- Let all police officers carry guns.
- Divorcing women will not be allowed to inherit half of their ex-husbands property. Maybe just enough to get them going.
- The Revival gets £1234 funding per annum.
- Buy all the newspaper/tv companies.
- Colonise surrounding countries, and tomorrow the world!
- More plans coming soon...
are you gonna call it durkha-durkhastan?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
- Arrest Courage?
What would I do?
1) Repeal the draconian anti-terror laws to something more efficient that addresses the roots.
Tax the crap out of alcohol and tobacco (Fines).
2) Do a bit of nationalization.
3) Allow people to get married or divorced according to their religious law (as long as it doesn't breach basic human rights).
4) Have civilian juries (Shurah!)
5) Focus more on rehab and education.
6) Scrap ID Cards and have 10,000 more police officers on the street.
7) Bring back the death penalty for serial murder or rape, when there's a 110% chance that the defendant is guilty.
9) Devolve the English, Welsh, NI and English Assemblies.
10) Scrap Tuition Fees! Replace with a graduate tax.
11) Fund the Revival!!!!
12) Try and help people intergrate by learning from one another, via education, clubs, schools and stuff like that.
13) Consider everything that people lobby me with.
14) Have a carrot and stick approach to the environment.
15) Resign before they kick me out!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.