This topic is about gold diggers.
No, not the honest type that actually dig for gold, but the "other type".
An example:
BBC News[/url]]
Mills awarded £24.3m settlement
Heather Mills has been awarded £24.3m in her divorce settlement with estranged husband Sir Paul McCartney.
Speaking outside London's High Court, Ms Mills said she was "glad it's over" and "it was an incredible result to secure mine and my daughter's future".
As part of the deal, Ms Mills will receive £14 million for herself and £2.5m to buy a house in London.
The couple failed to reach an agreement in court last month, leaving the judge to determine the final figure...
...The summary judgment stated that Ms Mills had sought £125m and been offered £15.8m by Sir Paul...
...The settlement equated to £17,000 ($34,000) for every day of the couple's marriage...
£24.3m is nothing to McCartney, the guy is worth just over like 800 mil i think. If McCartney had a brain he would have got a prenup.
Did he honestly think that a women half his age would find him attractive.
ps there is no such thing as an honest person digging for gold coz most of the time the gold is on someone else's land/property. I think in that situation its theft, i need to double check the rule on finders keepers.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
It is more the principle than whether he can afford it or not.
Yes, he was stupid, but if the marriage had worked out, we would not have the same opinion.
It's a sad world where a prenup should be the norm rather than the exception for rich people. Not that I will ever be loaded, but I bet a lot of guys felt the blow. It's way below the belt.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
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My great grandfather used to pan for gold in the Australian outback. A few years ago my cousin visited the exact same place an had a go panning for gold.
It has pretty much all gone by now...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I go to the Royal Courts of Justice almost every day for work. During the Mills-McCartney case there were LOADS of people idly milling about, eager to catch a glimpse of a Beatle.
I don't think it was a very appropriate time to ask for an autograph.
I also saw Paul McCartney in Abbey Road studios a few years ago. But that is a story for another day...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I dnt agree with pre-nups to an extent; I dont agree to drawing up an agreement before even getting married about how much money i'll be entitled to if divorce does occur however, in regards to children i would definately consider having a pre-nuptial agreement drawn out. I'd wanna go into the marriage with peace of mind that if for whatever reason we can't stay together, the children will be allowed to stay with me.
Wow LilSis. I don't see why a caring man would consent to that in particular - it gives either partner so much room to abuse the marriage.
Yeah, that is a little stereotypical. Men want the good, women the children.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yaqub, what do exactly work as?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Papparazi/celebrity stalker.
OK, not really. I am general office for a law firm which involves me going to issue applications at court (as well as a myriad of other duties). Not for too much longer, insha'Allah.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Yeah i know.. it can work both ways; i know of someone who's denying the father of her child access for no known reason after getting divorced to him.
But thats just me.. kids will always be my soft point and i know theres guys out there who wouldnt take children away from their mothers but at the same time there are loads of guys who would happily do so.. and i just wouldnt want to take that risk.
Just coz you decide to take out a pre nup in regards to keeping your children after divorce it doesnt necessarily mean that you can have them. Pre nups are NOT binding but persuasive on the courts. The ultimate decision rests with the court. 9 times of 10 the mother does keep the kids and the father gets to see them on the agreed terms.
However, if a child is of mature age ie 11/12 then the courts will take into consideration their views. If the kid decides they want to live with their father and the courts accept this, then the mother cant do jack.
Also if the mother is deemed unfit then the courts will award custody of the kids to the father e.g. Britney and Ferderline
If a husband and wife divorce the mother cannot stop the father from seeing the kids for no apparent reason coz by law BOTH are the legal guardians of the children. However, if the mother suffered domestic violence during the marriage at the hands of the father then the courts can and in most cases can stop the father from having access to his kids.
Personally i dont think there is anything wrong with having a pre nup in relation to division of assets/money.
@Ya'qub feel free to correct me on the above if i have got it wrong.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Heather Mills IS and SHOULD entitled to a proportion and share of McCartney's wealth - it just so happens that hes not short of a bob or two. She'd still receive something if he was living on next to nothing..
She didnt get all that much out of the settlement - technically the courts begin the splitting of assets/ancillary relief at 50-50.. so she did pretty badly
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Not talking all legal like (because that is a whole other language thaty makes no sense), but in an ethical/moral sense. why?
Did she earn it? Did he earn it due to her? Did she have to give up wealth to marry him?
IMO She should (maybe) have been given a bus fare home. And funding for the child.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Actually I was replying from a legal point of view lol, sort of taking into account that they were married for 4 years altogether, and have a child.. But im sure there was more to the marriage than meets the eye.. as far as I understand, she was already quite wealthy before she met him, so she propably didnt need the money - she was probably just going through the normal legal process as is expected
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
The reason that a wife is entitled to a share of her husband's wealth is because she is somehow contributed to him gaining it. E.G If she looked after the house and kids while he worked at his career or something like that...The court views that they made the money together (although it was payed into his bank account).
But in Heather Mills' case, she didn't write Yesterday, she didn't write Live and Let Die, she wasn't even around during his life when he made most of his money.
This is why she got so little (in comparision to how much money he has). The court understood that the high-profile she now has (being constantly hounded by photgraphers etc) in addition to her looking after their kid, so she was still entitled to rather a substantial amount.
I can't believe I'm being a Heather Mills apologist. Eww... [i]*goes to wash hands[/i]
Islam already has something similar to a pre-nup, its called a dowry.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
And in Islam you have to talk about the serious stuff before you marry and not just jump into it, so you that should give you a peace of mind.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
There is a "Mahr", but that is not a pre-nup. It is a gift. That MUST be given BEFORE the marriage is consummated. (Those that say it will be given in the case of divorce are in the wrong.)
A woman's wealth stays her own. A man must provide for the whole family.
In the case of a divorce, he must only provide for her for the period during which the divorce is going through (which is between three and 9 months depending upon the circumstances).
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Its 'similar' to a pre-nup, although not the same.
It fulfils the same roll- protecting a woman economically if she is otherwise dependant on her husband for financial support.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
What if you dont want a Mahr?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
No choice - there MUST be a Mahr. I am quite sure this is brought up in the nikah ceremony. What you do with it afterwards is up to you.
The Mahr is generally of mometary value (it does not have to be a large sum), but I do not think it always has to be (but please ask a scholar to clarify).
I am pretty certain that I have read/heard of a situation where a married woman in Makkah became Muslim, migrated to Madinah. After one of the battles (Badr?) her husband was captured. She requested that he accept Islam as her Mahr. No idea if this idea is a special case or not, as they had been married before.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
This case may have been before Mahr became obligatorily.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Then we'll force you to accept it! We'll tie you up and stuff it in your pocket/mouth! Just kidding. If you desperately want to chuck it down the drain then, I suppose there's not much we can do to stop you.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Make me muhahahah lol
Its just that me personally i would feel too guilty taking someone elses money esp if its money that i have not worked for. Thats the only reason i would refuse a Mahr. Even if i borrow money off friends (very rare) i cant sleep at night until ive paid it them back. While a man is obliged to give a Mahr it would seem that a women does not have to accept it or can return it to her husband.
[url=]...(link is external)
I have emailed a scholar to get a second opinion about this but its gonna take 2 weeks to get a reply back.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Are you married? If you are then your husband is lucky guy!
Your father I am!
Stop flirting with her, man!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Mahr doesn't have to be money,my husband gave me several things,an ornately printed rare Quran edition,a bio of prophet (saw),and other books plus a gorg jewellery piece ordered from abroad especialy for moi. i won't return these they're gifts,i dont feel bad accepting them because its my right and he gave me it as a present you don't return gifts unless there is a good reason.As for a substantial sum of money i d on't agree with that sort of thing, thats why we both exchanged gifts rather than just money. if he had no mahr coz he couldnt afford it,i wouldn't have cried over it,its material stuff it comes and goes, but as jello sorry jlo says love dont cost a thing.
As for heather mills being a gold digger i dont believe she is,when you take into account how much her Ex is worth. the media hate her,and from day one they had a hate campaign against her. Had she been a tall, flawless blonde bimbo who bowed to the medias every whim and barked and rolled when they told her, they'd have loved her to bits. But coz she is not attractive in the typical conventional sense, this is used against her, the fact that she has an artifical limb has been ridiculed on many occasions, the fact that she is actually intelligent and uses her skills to speak up on issues shes' passionate about, and of course against the media, is all the more reason why she is hated. The public however hate her simply coz the media has told them to, with baseless articles and derogatory comments about her appearance and lifestyle choices i.e she's a vegan, apparently thats a crime?.
If she has been ms joe bloggs taking the same action as many women and men do these days no one would have said shes a gold digger, more likely oh shes doing it for the benefit of her kids. But coz she's heather mills she must be a gold digger right?
As for prenups there's no such concept in the UK, whilst it can be done i don't think its legally binding here, whilst in the usa it is binding.
Nope. I think she is a gold digger because she is trying to dig for money where she never earnt it.
PS She is/was considered beautiful - she was formerly a model. Then she got old.
As for Mahr, it does not have to be a substantial sum of money. Gifts are probably allowed, but we'll wait for Naz' verdict (I think she had contacted some scholar or something over this).
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Question asked: Apart from money and gold what else can be given as a Mahr? Can knowledge about Islam (ie knowing the Qur'an by heart or having learnt a number of surahs by heart) constitute as a Mahr?
reply given
Doesnt really answer my question. So i went away and did my own research and here is what i found:
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Just so that it don't get lost, can you please also put it in a blog post?
PS - on the last occasion, the two people were already married before accepting Islam. First the wife accepted Islam, and moved to madinah. later, the husband accepted Islam and she accepted his acceptance of Islam as her Mahr. Not sure if it applies in the normal case (I did mention this earlier).
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.