It's Getting Quieter

Have you noticed how quiet this forum is getting?

When i first joined im sure there were alot more posts than there are now..
and alot more members were online..! now theres hardly any, or just 1 or 2

Where is everyone?!

This place is currently dead. Dead I say. D I E D - Dead.

No idea how to fix it.

(The new theme does not help. I am no longer happy with it. It needs to be brighter, but at the same time, not hurt the eyes. Probably a little more black in places.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Spam other forums to join this forum Angel

' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}

is this d voice of muslim youf? dey quite enay?

Tell me about it!!

Wheres Allahuakbar dissapeared too? He hasnt commented in a while.. and Funzo.. and Bliss and Snoopz and evry1..! Gosh..!

Come Back..! Miss You!

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

My theory went to plan as soon as i leave the forum dies, but i am back to revive this motherfudger, so rest assure normal service will resume!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Irfan.Khan wrote:
My theory went to plan as soon as i leave the forum dies, but i am back to revive this motherfudger, so rest assure normal service will resume!

Trust you to make such an entrance lol..

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

Might be coz ppl have got exams going on and courseworks due in. Easter is early this so schools/colleges/unis are trying to cram everthing in before the term ends.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Naz wrote:
Might be coz ppl have got exams going on and courseworks due in. Easter is early this so schools/colleges/unis are trying to cram everthing in before the term ends.

Yeh i guess.. i have loads of coursework due in before easter but i always find time for revival.. even if its just 10 minutes.. X

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

Coursework! Assignments tell me about it! alot to do in such a little time to do it in! on top of that revision for exam and ALL DUE IN APRIL! do not know how I am going to cope! feeling stressed just thinking about it!

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

Mez wrote:
Coursework! Assignments tell me about it! alot to do in such a little time to do it in! on top of that revision for exam and ALL DUE IN APRIL! do not know how I am going to cope! feeling stressed just thinking about it!

Mez can you please upload the avatar of the cat, otherwise your signature is a little creepy.


Don't just do something! Stand there.

Naz wrote:
Might be coz ppl have got exams going on and courseworks due in. Easter is early this so schools/colleges/unis are trying to cram everthing in before the term ends.

Nah i prefer my theory

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

xSmurfy786x wrote:
Tell me about it!!

Wheres Allahuakbar dissapeared too? He hasnt commented in a while.. and Funzo.. and Bliss and Snoopz and evry1..! Gosh..!

Come Back..! Miss You!

Hey, missed u too smurrrrf! Lol. This my 1st post on this new thing!

Im baaaaaaaackk! Lol. I guess the new look somehow deterred me from posting. Oh man, our pictures have been removed, i dont think i will find my pic again! Oh and why has the location gone?

The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.

Allahuakbar wrote:
xSmurfy786x wrote:
Tell me about it!!

Wheres Allahuakbar dissapeared too? He hasnt commented in a while.. and Funzo.. and Bliss and Snoopz and evry1..! Gosh..!

Come Back..! Miss You!

Hey, missed u too smurrrrf! Lol. This my 1st post on this new thing!

Im baaaaaaaackk! Lol. I guess the new look somehow deterred me from posting. Oh man, our pictures have been removed, i dont think i will find my pic again! Oh and why has the location gone?

Wahaayyy Your Back..!! Missed You Bro..! Welcome back!

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

Irfan.Khan wrote:
Naz wrote:
Might be coz ppl have got exams going on and courseworks due in. Easter is early this so schools/colleges/unis are trying to cram everthing in before the term ends.

Nah i prefer my theory

Lol u wishh Funzoo.. Haha
Welcome Backkk

If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

No need to spam other forums. You know... the principle of not doing onto others what you don;t want done onto you... and I hate spam.

If you are a member of a forum, you can publicise this place if you like (on topic mentions, have it in your sig), but avoid spamming.

however a better way is to seed topics and drive discussions.

Notice how there are very few "new" discussions on here? most are continuations of existing topics.

What I used to do when the forums started was start a few new discussions every day. up to half a dozen. Not all of them will take off, but some will. Those who are waiting for a topic to discuss will have plenty of new material.

I also had two accounts (kinda like what i have now... "Admin" and "You") - one for official stuff, the other for personal views and to play devils advocate (this is a lign way back... time when were on [url=]proboards[/url](link is external) - a place which had its highest amount of emmbers online june last year... which is surprising since we have not used them since 2005...).

I lost the motivation to do this quite a while ago (when the forums were a little too popular... Moderating was actually hard work!).

So when you are just browsing, see an article/news that makes you go "hmmm..." or "huh!" or even "eeeewwwww!" start a new topic on here. quote the first paragraph or two.

posters will fall out of the woodworks.

I think there is a saying about if you build it they will come.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Ya'qub wrote:

Mez can you please upload the avatar of the cat, otherwise your signature is a little creepy.

There you go! found a similer but different!

Hope you like it!

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

Also where are all the newbies! the forum seems a bi dry and lacking in fresh milk! (newbies)

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

im not liking the new forum.......been a bit busy, but this new style me dont lyks!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
