I was thinking a while back that it must have been about 3months since I had a hair cut and about 5years since I coloured it.
Intrestingly enough, before I was a hijaabi I'd cut my hair every 4weeks, coloured it regularly, made sure I changed my hairstyle on a daily basis. Brought new clothes on a weekly basis - kept up with the colours and styles of the season. Was very conscious about what I ate (in high school days, I only ate two meals a day).
I used to spend about 1-2hours in front on the mirror on a daily basis.
But then when I turned into a hijaabi, my priorities changed. Since, I no longer dressed to impress, it was a non issue weather or not my shoes or handbag were'so last year'.
Now I this neccessarily a good thing?
A brother was telling me once that before his beard days, he'd spend up to 3hours in the gym. Now, he has a gut.
I know a girl who was the prettiest and most accessorised girl in high she doesnt bother to wash her hair under her hijaab and goes years without cutting it.
Vanity is not a good thing...but nor is letting yourself go.
Some of the most glamorous and prettiest women I've met were the Niqabi's in Saudia Arabia...
I've got some of my vanity back...joined the gym, go swimming weekly, conscious of what I eat, have cut/coloured my hair to look like what it was when I was in high school, started doing my nails etc again.
Did any of you guys find that once you started to don the hijaab/ was like "so who care's - what I look like?"
Actually ive never really cared what anyone thought.
Ive always just dressed how and as i pleased. My hair style just varied depending on its length (id get it cut once a month). Id go shopping as and when i felt like it.
Has anyone noticed the change sis? Since you've gained some of your "vanity" back.
Back in BLACK
Since wearing the hijab yes I would say I have turned into a tramp. My family have noticed it and pointed it out several times but I don’t care. Maybe my friends have noticed it too but they are just too polite to say anything.
Before the hijab days i was into my hats/caps/bandanas, dyed and cut my hair and was a slave to my makeup, always wore matching earrings with my clothes.
Since the hijab has come on it just a matter of drying my hair, putting it up and sticking on my hijab, I rarely bother to straighten or comb my hair. I’ve only recently had it cut coz trying to get rid of the hair dye (its just too much hassle dyeing it all the time). The only time I wear makeup now is Eid, I eat at least 6 meals a day, stopped going to the gym (only coz started losing weight!), cant wear earrings coz of my scarf, cant stand long nails nor false ones (that’s one view that hasn’t changed before or after the hijab) plus cant read namaaz if I did.
The advantage of being a tramp is that coz you're not obsessing about the way you look and dress you have a lot more time on your hands
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I dont think the changes should be referred to as 'tramp'
Ive been wearing a hijaab since Year 6.. before then i was a tom-boy, my hair was short, and when i grew it i never styled it.. it was always in a pony tail..
and since i been wearing the hijaab, i dont think ive changed, i still comb my hair b4 i go to school, then put my hijaab on.. true say that i dont have it cut regularly, probably once every 8 or 9 months.. i never dyed it.. cant be bothered with earrings or necklaces.. no point anyway coz i wear a scarf..
but like the school that i do too.. almost every other girl is the same.. its coz i live in the Paki Ghettto Of Sheffieldddd lol
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
I know a brother who started growing a beard and now he looks scruffy, or maybe that's the wrong word to use. It's like he used to be so obsessed with his image before but now he doesn't care.... at all.
I am somewhere in the middle. I've only recently started growing a beard but I'm still into the clothes I used to wear before. I'm trying to wear the jubba/salwar kameez more often though.
I think as you realise that there's more important things in life then spending hours in front of the mirror, you're less bothered about how you look. However, that doesn't mean to say that you look like s tramp and have a shower once a year coz cleanliness is very important in Islam.
How is wearing jubba/salwar kameez more 'Muslim' than wearing jeans and a hoodie?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
It's more loose, and it covers your backside when you go into sujood!
salwar kameez? Who's sunnah is that exactly, cos it ain't the Prophet Muhammad's (saw).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
i've always covered so this is a non issue for me. but as time has passed, i've become even lazier, i hardly brush my hair! i stick anything on, just throw the jilbab on top. i've even wore pjs to college! jogging bottoms all the way! i don't even have the time to put moisturiser on! i've never really been into fashion, the matching bags and shoes etc. if i'm comfortable with what i'm wearing, i cudnt give two hoots about how i look. i aint going out to please anyone.
not exactly but similar, it was the dress of the arabs. leme do some research inshaaAllah.
No, it was not the dress of the arabs.
I have heard that shalwar Kameez (or probably something similar) was shown to and approved by the prophet
as a possible attire to wear during battle.
I have got no sources, nor have I ever read one. Nor really looked into it.
So, if it is true, Shalwar kameez is the combats of 1400 years ago.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
The Prophet
wore the clothes which were customary of his society. He didn't suddenly bring in a new item of clothing. If he had done that then I would agree that, yes, it is sunnah to wear such-and-such clothes.
But since he didn't, it is just as sunnah to wear jeans and a hoodie, because they are clothes which are customary in [b]this[/b] society!
As long as they are modest and cover you aura, then they are sunnah!
Also, it is not even practical to wear a jubbah/salwar kameez in British weather, cos it's freezing here most of the time! Even when its summer it doesn't approach the temperatures of Saudi Arabia. Those clothes were designed by and for people in hot counties.
When I was on Umrah I wore a jubbah cos it was cooling cos it let the breeze blow (it was 40+ degrees), not because I thought that it bought me closer to Allah (swt).
Islam is supposed to be practical!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
you can wear clothes underneath and on top of the jubba yano! jilbab/jubba same thing! how do you think the sisters survive?!
the jubba is the dress of the arabs. the prophet
had a pair of trousers but never wore them (tirmidhi). the prophet
would wear long loose tops/kurthas, the burda, the habra, jubba and the turban.
Jabir ibn Samurah (ra) says, "I saw the Prophet on a moonlit night. He had a red cloak over his body, and I looked attentively in turn towards him and the moon. Certainly, he appeared to me more beautiful than the moon itself." subhaanAllah
There's nothing wrong with wearing jeans and hoodie but the reason why it's sunnah to do something is because the Prophet
used to do it and the people follow this out of love.
For example, we can brush our teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste, but there's nothing wrong with using miswak, in fact there's reward in using it.
I attended a lecture today on Abdullah ibn Umar's love of the sunnah. He used to try and follow the Prophet
in even the tiniest of things.
If it's cold then I wear something thick under the jubba and if it's really cold then a coat/jacket over it.
Anything done fisabillah has reward.
But we have no way of knowing that if the Prophet
were alive today whether he would have still used miswak or used toothbrush and toothpaste instead.
We could, however, speculate.
used to ride on a camel too, so is that better than taking the bus?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
This is not the point here. It's only sunna because the Prophet
The Prophet
said, "Had I not feared hardship for my Community, I would have ordered them to brush their teeth (siwak) for every prayer. [Bukhari, Muslim]
You can use both, no harm in that. Using a camel is more environmentally friendly though
subhaanAllah have you been to boots lately? anyway, they are now selling a stick called 'the magic stick' which is the miswaak. the miswaak has so many benefits subhaanAllah, it is good for the memory, eyesight, prevents headaches, delays ageing, relaxes the brain, improves the gums and so many other benefits. there is no harm in keeping the sunnah alive.
I haven't been in Boots in ages, but I buy my miswak from my local bookshop. The taste was not nice at first, but now I'm used to it.
Abu Nujayh al-'Irbad ibn Sariya said, "The Messenger of Allah
gave us a profound exhortation which made our hearts afraid and our eyes weep. We said, 'O Messenger of Allah, it is an exhortation which is as if it were bidding us farewell, so advise us. He said, 'I commend you to be fearful of Allah and to hear and obey, even if an [Abyssinian] slave is put in command over you. Any among you who live will see much disagreement, so you must hold to my Sunna and the Sunna of the rightly-guided and guiding khalifs. Hold onto it with your teeth. Beware of new matters. Every innovation is misguidance." [Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi]
I've always seen Sunnah as being important in terms of our conduct and manners. The Prophet
said "I have only been sent to perfect good manners." (Malik).
As I said, he wore the clothes that were the custom of his local community, so I see it just as sunnah for US to wear the clothes which are the custom of OUR local community (as long as they are, of course, modest).
I know Sikhs try to emulate their Guru in everything, even superficial matter like the way he walked, but I don't see how this is applicable in Islam.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
i recommend everyone to get the medicine of the prophet(saw) by imam jalaludin suyti (ra).
A young Sahabi (can't remember his name) used to hop behind the Prophet
in his footsteps. That's the extent he went to, to copy the Prophet (saw).
Abdullah ibn Umar used to love the Prophet
so much that he used to do the things exactly as the Prophet
used to do. So when he was going to Makkah, he used to rest/sleep where the Prophet
used to rest/sleep, he used to stop and squat where the Prophet
used to relive himself, even if he didn't need to relive himself. He used to put henna on his beard as the Prophet
used to use henna. And they (companions) were the best generation and the Prophet
didn't discourage his companions from doing what they were doing.
There is nothing wrong with loving the Prophet
so much that you want to follow the sunna and do the things exactly as the Prophet
did. If you're still unsure, then I would suggest you to speak to your imam.
I recommend people to see a doctor or a nutritionist.
The prophet
gave solutions people based on their conditions. (I have been told) There are some solutions which seemingly contradict unless you look at the conditions. Some people told to consume something. Others told NOT to consume that same thing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I've got the book except it's written by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, translated by Jalal Abual Rub, and edited by Abdul Rahman Abdullah.
who said anything about not seeing a doctor? have you seen the book admin? it talks about the different foods the prophet
ate and the benefits of those foods, what not to eat and when not to eat etc.
I have read a book called that (so I assume it is the same one) a few years ago. There were a few questions I had about which I asked a scholar. I never told him what book, but his response based on what I told him was on the lines of "throw that book away."
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
the book.
In the book I've got, there's a hadith and explanation about seeking guidance from the best doctors.
As long as your clothes are lose and covering it really doesnt matter whether you wear cultural or western clothes.
However wearing western clothes while performing salah is risky coz if your reveal any of your body during it your prayer becomes invalid. So if your gonna wear jeans wear a really long top that goes down to your knees at least.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Look there's a big difference between culture and religion. What Muhammad (pbuh) wore was culture, he never said: "Wear this!" If you want to wear it then fine, I've got no problem but it's not religion. As long as it covers you arwa, then it's allowed.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.