Assalamu Alaikum
No, you are not lost. This is the NEW home of The Revival. No, not the web address, but the new look. The emperor has got some funky NEEEW clothes!
Yes the site seems a little bare at the moment, but that should be sorted out in little to no time. When we put all the old stuff back onto this system.
To go to the old style homepage with the fancy stuff called "content" click here. For forums, click on the buttons above. or here.
[center][img][/img][/center](link is external)
Don't forget, there is a poll on the side. The left hand side. Let us (or me, You) know what you (with a small "y") think.
oh, I forgot to mention this - anonymous posting is Baaaack!
erm where is our forum :S
I am confused!!
ignore that hehe.
I am loving this new look, good job admin!!!!
I hate orange but this is just soo pretty!!
Admin I have a new message in my inbox but its not telling me which one is new :S
Check out my post on the forums for the small problems.
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