Forthcoming Muslim Marriage Events
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
Please find below details of our forthcoming Muslim Marriage Events :
All future events including dates and times are posted on our
website: and these include:
Canary Wharf Muslim Professionals Marriage Event
Divorced, Widowed & Polygamy Muslim Marriage Event
Guajarati Muslim Marriage Event
Leeds Muslim Marriage Event
Students Muslim Marriage Event
African and Caribbean Muslim Marriage Event
Freshie's and Immigrants Muslim Marriage Event
Glasgow Muslim Marriage Event
Turkish Muslim Marriage Event
The Disabilities Muslim Marriage Event
Converts Muslim Marriage Event
********* FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN BRIEF *********************************
1) ARAB MUSLIM MARRIAGE EVENT: London, 26th January
2) PAKISTANI MUSLIM MARRIAGE EVENT: Birmingham, 2nd February
4) SOMALI MUSLIM MARRIAGE EVENT: C London, 23rd February
*********** FORTHCOMING EVENTS & NOTICES IN DETAIL**********************
Islamic Circles presents:
Date: Saturday 26th January 2008
Time: 4.00 pm - 8.30 pm
Venue: Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre, 244 Acklam Road, Westbourne
Park, London, W10 5YG
Hal tab7athu 3an shareekati 7ayaatika? A maa zilti tab7atheena
3an ash-shakh9 al-munaasib li bintiki aw ukhtiki?
A matrimonial event especially geared towards to Muslims of Arab
origin. People of all statuses are welcome. Non-Arab Muslims are
also welcome to take part if they are open to marrying Muslims
from an Arab background. Light refreshments will be provided.
This event is for sincere and serious people only. Time wasters
and people with bad attitudes are strongly requested not to
come. Registration begins from 4.00 pm and latecomers are to
be penalised. Prior registration is compulsory so please book
For further information contact:
Tel: 07956 983 609 / 07504 336 911
Islamic Circles presents:
Facilatators include:
Shaykh Abdul-Hadee Al-Umaree, Imam of Greenlane Masjid
and Birmingham Shariah Council)
Brother Tahir Alam (MCB, Education Commitee),
Sidi Shahid Akmal (Ex Chairman of Harrow Mosque)
Sister Amra Bone (Birmingham Shariah Council,
Coventry City Circle)
Date: Saturday 2nd Feburuary 2008
Time: 4.30pm - 8pm
Venue: Al-Hijrah Community Centre, 71 Hob Moor Road,
Small Heath, Birmingham B10 9AZ
A marriage event especially geared towards to Muslims of Pakistani
origin. People of all statuses, "castes" and economic levels are
welcome to attend. Non-Pakistanis are also welcome if they are
open to marrying Muslims from a Pakistani background. Proceeds
from the event will go towards Al-Hijrah Trust, established in
1988 to address the educational needs of Muslim children in the
UK (Charity Registration Number - 1015880).
This event is for sincere and serious people only. Time wasters
and people with bad manners are requested not to attend. Light
refreshments will be available. Registration commences from
4.00 pm and latecomers who miss the discussion sessions will
be penalised. Prior registration is compulsory, so please book
online at our website.
For more information please contact:
Tel: 07504 336 911 / 07956 983 609
Islamic Circles presents:
Date: Friday 15th Feburuary 2008
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Room 405/6, 4th Floor, Birkbeck College,
University of London, Malet Street, Bloomsbury,
London WC1E 7HX
A marriage event especially geared towards to Muslims
of 30 and over. All Muslims irrespective of race,
origin and statuses are welcome.
This event is for sincere and serious people only,
not time wasters and people with bad manners.
Light refreshments will be provided. Registration will
be at 5.45pm and latecomers will be penalised.
Prior registration is compulsory so please book
online at
For more information please contact:
Tel: 07504 336 911 / 07956 983 609
Islamic Circles presents:
Date: Saturday 23rd Feburuary 2008
Time: 5pm - 8pm
Venue: Birkbeck College, University of London,
Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX
A matrimonial event especially geared towards to Muslims of Somali
origin. People of all statuses are welcome. Non-Somali Muslims are
also welcome to take part if they are open to marrying Muslims
from a Somali background. Light refreshments will be provided.
This event is for sincere and serious people only. Time wasters
and people with bad attitudes are strongly requested not to
come. Registration begins from 5pm and latecomers are to
be penalised. Prior registration is compulsory so please book
For more information please contact:
Tel: 07504 336 911 / 07956 983 609
For more information about Islamic Circles Matrimonial Service please contact:
Tel: 07504 336 911 / 07956 983 609
Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.
Admin - Islamic Circles
This is a responsible information based e-mail. If you do NOT wish to
receive this, simply contact
and you will be removed from the list immediately.
I don't like this
I think mixed-marriages should be encouraged because they help different parts of the Muslim community to come closer together.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
@yaqub- subhanallah
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Shouldnt this really go in the events section?
I thought Ed was starting his own Marriage Beuro of Investigations, what happened to that?
Back in BLACK
Its a shame that many parents don't see it this way.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
How odd!
I might start an event for people who once liked ABBA and sometimes run late, with relatives in Gibraltar who listen to Sting.
:shock: :x :x
I think this is just so awful, actually I think it's disgusting.
How do you justify all this labelling and categorising?
Do you not have any events planned for Muslims from different sects? Or what about for those Muslims that are rich or poor?
I believe it is organisations like yours that create disunity in our Ummah. You think you're providing a service but I don't understand how you explain all this??? You'd think Muslims would be doing all they can to break stereotypes and misconceptions... not advertise and encourage them. :roll: :evil:
i dont think owts wrong with the bengi, paki, african etc marriage event bit cz there are muslims who only want to get married to their own race but its disabled, divorce, windowed bit i dont agree with, its frankly disgusting and very unislamic.
It made me laugh too, but I was also really shocked and a bit angry too, even though I'm not a freshie. It's still a piss-take, which then made me [i]really[/i] angry about all the other groups, especially the disabilities one :shock: :shock: :x
Well that’s the backward mentality of some Muslims unfortunately. May the Lord guide us all. Ameen.
Extremely unislamic. :evil:
Even the bengali, pakistani, african bit is wrong in Islam. People only wanting to marry certain Muslims always has more to do with culture than religion. Even though there are people like that, they shouldn't have separate events at all! This organisation is extremely discriminative!
This stupid organisations previous post was about how they had found the perfect solution for women who are divorced or widowed... they should all become co-wifes! That is just so stupid and really annoyed me!
send the org an email but i doubt they'll take owt into concidertaion. ah well, there isnt much we can do.
Those of you that were quick to jump on the bandwagon did you even bother to read the whole thing?
As for the term "freshy" i find it offensive. Why do you need to feel the need to label ppl. What coz they dont dress and talk like us stuck up britz who we think are more supervisor to them we have the right to call them names.
And those of you that find the term funny shame on you. Dont forget there are some ppl on this forum that are married to "freshies" so show a bit of respect!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Naz I did read it all and I still think it's wrong and unislamic to label and divide Muslims in such a way.
Did the disabilities, divorced and widowed one not offend you? We're not better than 'freshies' but we're also not better than divorced, widowed, disabled and whatever else Muslims they have in that list. Do those muslims not deserve respect?
Noor - I did try to email them last time but didn't get very far. Their site is crap.
freshies find the term 'freshies' funny themselves, well some anyway :roll:
Yeah i agree all Muslims do deserve respect but these events are not labelling they are merely bringing ppl who have something in common together. There is nothing wrong with that.
Ppl are quick to judge others but we should take a look at ourselves. How many of us are willing to marry someone of another ethnicity? How many of us will marry someone who is divorced with kids.
If someone says that we want to marry someone of our own ethnicity and someone who is not divorced with kids does that make them a bad person?
@Noor my parents are "freshies" and they dont find the term funny! Nor does the daughter of a freshie.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
i would.
It would depend on their reasons. If it was because they thought they were better than someone of a different ethnicity or someone who is divorced with kids then yes IMO that does make them a bad person.
It is the whole arrogant 'we are doing you a favour' attitude that I detest. And this organisations previous post on an event for divorced and widowed Muslim females was full of it.
each to their own.
1 - i agree that there should be mixed events
2 - BUT you have to see reality, whilst us in the modern era are open to mix-race marriages, a lot of people will still marry withing the same race
its not as difficult, or thats the perception anyway
some mixed race marriages arent difficult, my cousins have done it and its worked well
but you gotta see both sides to the picture
and its not un-islamic to want someone from the same race
its un-islamic to discriminate against someone from a different race
by choosing someone from the same race doesnt mean your discriminating, you have to look at factors such as gettin on with ur parents and family, their customs and your customs, how easy it is to blend it etc.
im jus looking at things from diff perspective, not sayin im against mixed-marriages
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Ahhh the old revival is back!
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Though im too young to make any decisions like that, if the person was good honest kind muslim then most likely yes but then again i would have to think to myself would i have a genuine love for the kids and age is another issue i dont wanna marry some 10 years older than me.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
hmm.... are you [i]sure[/i]?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Im keen to meet this new mod on the block? who are you and more importantly where are you?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I agree on this point however this reason is not very common. The most common reason tends to be cultural differences which i can understand.
What you mean your too young. Bet your mam has got her eye on some desi punjaban kuri
only jokin
yeah i agree with the issue on kids. If you marry somone who has kids 9 times out of 10 they wont take a liking to their step parent. The birth parent will be stuck in the middle. Do they please their kids or their wife/husband. This can put a strain on the marriage and before you know it theyr callin it a day.
The age thing well that depends on the person. Me personally i wouldnt have a problem marrying someone who was 10 yrs older but would NEVER marry someone who was younger.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
My mum actually keeps saying to me i dont care who you marry as long as she's a good muslim, im thinking thats nice but then again im only 16 a bit early for marriage eh?
And my dad well dont get me started.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
My parents were like 19 when they got married..
16 is not really that far from 19.
Back in BLACK
Listen the only reason i want to get into uni is because it will delay marriage along with other reasons.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
why? ummul mumineen hadrat khadijah (ra) was older than nabi kareem

Its a good enough reason.
I should know.
Back in BLACK