Asslaamu aalaikum!
allahmdulilah ta'ala we as muslims have the best role models in history but how many of us know anything about them? their lives, their works? the sahaba were the best of people and were loved dearly by nabi kareem saw. its a real shame that many of us don’t no anything about them, if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be muslims today. they fought and sacrificed their lives for islam.
so, lets all share stories about the sahaba, the ambiya and the early imams. may we gain something from them and implement what we learn into our daily lives inshaa'Allah.
(nothing too long plz).
[b][color=indigo]Hadrat Fatimah [/color](salaam Allah alayha)[/b]
This short synopsis is based upon a lecture of His Eminence Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir- ul- Qadri. It is a loving discourse based on the true status of the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw), the chief of the women of the world and head of the women in Paradise; Hadrat Fatima as- Zahra. For a full detailed clarification on this topic I advise you watch the video titled ‘Shan-e-Hadrat Fatimat-tuz-Zuhra’ and allow the Sheikh to explain this topic in his own loving words.
Hadrat Fatimah (raa) is one of the four most celebrated and perfect women born. The Holy Prophet
has narrated “Among men there have been many perfect; but among women there have been only four: Hadrat Asia (raa) the wife of Pharaoh, Hadrat Maryam (raa) the mother of Prophet Isa (AS), Hadrat Khadijah (raa) the beloved wife of the Holy Prophet
and Hadrat Fatimah tuz-Zuhra (raa), the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw). Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was at the tender age of five, when her father was blessed with Prophet hood. Hence from a very young age she was fortunate enough to witness the revelations that were sent down to her beloved father.
On one occasion the Holy Prophet
was in sajda (prostration) by the Holy Ka’ba, and the kuffar (disbelievers) tried to strangle his blessed neck. Abu Jahl told his companion to place the intestines of a camel on the Holy Prophets
back. Abu Bakr (raa) rushed forward and removed the filth from his blessed back, and a distraught Hadrat Fatimah (raa) came running to her father. She was extremely upset, and wiped the clothes of her father with her own tiny hands; cursing the people who brought so much pain and grief to her beloved father.
Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was fortunate enough to receive Angel Gabriel (AS) on the night of Miraj (ascension to heaven). An important point to bear in mind is that no door or wall is an obstacle to Angel Gabriel (AS), as he is able to come through them all. However, on the night of Miraj (ascension to heaven), Angel Gabriel knocked on the door and was received by a young Hadrat Fatimah (raa), and instead of coming inside like he normally did he stayed outside out of respect for Hadrat Fatima (raa). Hadrat Fatimah (raa) described the appearance of Angel Gabriel (AS) to her father, who recognised who he was and then gave him permission to come inside. After Hijrat (migration) to Medina, the Holy Prophet
received a divine commandment from Allah (swt) via Angel Gabriel (AS) that Hadrat Fatimah (raa) is to be joined in holy matrimony with Hadrat Ali (raa). Naturally, marriages are made in heaven; however Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was blessed with a divine proposal directly from heaven.
The companions of the Holy Prophet
were summoned and the Holy Prophet
announced that Allah (swt) has decreed that Hadrat Fatimah (raa) is to be joined in holy matrimony with Hadrat Ali (raa).
After the Nikkah (wedding) the Holy Prophet
expressed his happiness and joy by distributed dates amongst the people of Medina. He asked Hadrat Ali (ra) to slaughter a goat for the wedding feast, He performed Wudu (ablution) and prayed to Allah (swt) and said ‘Bless Hadrat Ali (ra) and Hadrat Fatimah (raa) and their progeny’.
It is narrated in Tirmizi that the beloved wife of the Holy Prophet (saw); Hadrat Aisha (raa), was asked ‘who does the Holy Prophet
love the best?’, Hadrat Aisha (raa) replied in an instance ‘His daughter Hadrat Fatimah (raa)’. She was then asked ‘out of the men, who does the Holy Prophet
love the best’. Hadrat Aisha (raa) replied ‘Her husband Hadrat Ali (ra). It is narrated in Muslim and Bukhari that on one occasion the Holy Prophet
called his beloved daughter Hadrat Fatimah (raa) over and whispered something in her ear. Hadrat Fatimah (raa) became distraught and upset. He then whispered in her ear again, and this time Hadrat Fatimah (raa) became happy and began to smile. Later on people asked why she behaved in this manner, she told the that ‘the first time my father whispered in my ear He
gave me an indication that the time of his death is near, on hearing such a statement I became distraught and upset. However the second time he whispered in my ear He
told me that I’m going to be the first person He’ll meet in Paradise and that I’ll be the leader of all the women in Paradise’. In Bukhari Hadith it is narrated that the Holy Prophet
has narrated ‘Fatimah is my flesh whoever hurts her has hurt me, and whatever pleases her pleases me’. In Hadith Tibrani it is narrated that ‘Fatimah is a branch from the tree of Prophethood’, and out of this branch blossom two fruits who are named Hadrat Hussan (ra) and Hadrat Hussain (ra).
It is narrated by Hadrat Ali (ra) that ‘On the Day of Judgement, when everyone will be in their appointed places the voice of an angel will bellow out from behind and screen and will order everyone to lower their necks and lower their eyes because the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet
is about to pass, it will be forbidden for them to raise their eyes until she has entered heaven. Subhanallah! An important point to bear in mind is that such a high and prestigious status is not ascribed to anyone accept Hadrat Fatimah (raa). Not even the Prophets or Awliya’s (friends of Allah) will be honoured with such a high and prestigious status. In another Hadith it is narrated that Hadrat Fatimah (raa) will be surrounded by seventy Hoor (women of paradise), so that no one is even able to recognise who just passed through.
Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was a model of righteousness, courage and piety. It is narrated by Hadrat Aisha (ra) that ‘I have not seen a person more truthful than Hadrat Fatimah except her father the Holy Prophet (saw)’. According to Hadrat Aisha (raa) Hadrat Fatimah (raa) not only greatly resembled her eminent father in features; she meticulously followed his practices, habit and manners.
It is for this reason that her Beloved children, put together were identical to their eminent grandfather in features and behaviour. It is stated in Hadith Bukhari, that Hadrat Imam Hassan (ra) possessed striking resemblance to his grandfather from the waist up, whereas the second son of Hadrat Fatima (raa), Hadrat Imam Hussain (ra) possessed striking resemblance to his grandfather from the waist down. When the Holy Prophet
passed away the Sahaba (companions) of the Holy Prophet
used to knock on the door of Hadrat Imam Hassan (ra) and Hadrat Imam Hussain (ra) house, and ask them to stand together so that their grieving hearts may receive some solace. It is also narrated by Hadrat Aisha (raa) that whenever Hadrat Fatimah (raa) used to visit her father He would stand up to welcome her, kiss her forehead and make her sit in his place. And whenever the Holy Prophet
used to visit his most beloved daughter she used to act in the same manner.
Whenever the Holy Prophet
returned from a journey, he used to visit his daughter, Hadrat Fatimah (raa) first. Although she had other sisters, the Holy Prophet
loved her the most. In spite of her being the most beloved child of her father, Hadrat Fatimah (raa) did not derive any worldly profit out of this honour.
It was the custom of that time for people, out of love or affection for each other to say ‘May my family sacrifice their life for you’. Hadrat Umar Farooq (ra) narrated in Hadith Tibrani that he heard the Holy Prophet
say to his beloved daughter Hadrat Fatima (ra) ‘May your father sacrifice his life for you’.
From the hadiths narrated above we can conclude that all the sahaba’s (companions) of the Holy Prophet
lived amiably together and possessed no prejudices or ill feelings for one another in their hearts. If they did possess ill feelings for each other they would never reveal something that they heard or said in seclusion.
The love between father and daughter is further illustrated most beautifully in the following Hadith. After Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was joined in holy matrimony with Hadrat Ali (ra); The Holy Prophet
told Hadrat Ali (ra) to build a house for himself and his wife, so that they may dwell therein together. Hadrat Ali (ra) obeyed the command of the Holy Prophet (saw), and built a house that was relatively near because Medina was a small city. However, when the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw), moved away He was heartbroken. He missed his beloved daughter dearly and could not stand the distance.
Finally the Holy Prophet
could not stand the heart ache any longer and requested his beloved daughter to purchase a house that was nearer to his own; unfortunately there were no houses available.
Hadrat Fatimah (raa) asked her father if He could ask one of his companions if they could swap their house with hers, so that she could be nearer to him. Her father told her that He was too embarrassed to make such a request. This dialogue was overheard by someone, and word reached back to the companion whose house they were referring to. As soon as the Sahaba (companion) of the Holy Prophet
heard about the anguish and heart ache the Holy Prophet
was undergoing he immediately presented himself before the Holy Prophet (saw).
He said to the Holy Prophet
‘0 Prophet of Allah, I understand you want a house for your daughter closer to your residence. All of my houses are at your disposal. Please send for Hadrat Fatimah (raa) to live in any of them. May my life and property be sacrificed for the sake of Allah's Messenger. By Allah, if you take a thing from me, it will be far better if it is with you than may be with me’ Subhanallah! If only we had such love and loyalty for the most Beloved Prophet of Allah (swt). The Holy Prophet
prayed for the Sahaba (companion) and requested Allah (swt) to place barakah (blessings) in his life.
Thus the houses were swapped and the most beloved daughter of the Holy prophet (saw), moved nearer to her father. A window was placed in the house so that He could frequently gaze at his beloved daughter, and grandchildren. Every morning when the Holy Prophet
used to pass by their house at Fajr time, he used to knock on their door and used to recite the following Qura’nic verse ‘It is Allah's wish to remove all blemish from you, O Ahl al Bayt, and purify you with a perfect purification (33: 33).
Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was the most doted beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw). She was the apple of His eyes. However Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was worthy of this love and did not take any worldly profit out of this honour. All of the Holy Prophet
family bore the difficulties of hunger and poverty for his sake. Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was a model of righteousness, courage and piety. She used to work extremely hard and used to carry huge buckets of water that used to leave marks on her shoulders; yet she never employed a slave. Every night after working so hard Hadrat Fatimah (raa) used to spend the winter nights prostrating on her musalla (prayer mat), and when called for the Fajr prayer she would lovingly complain that the nights were so short.
Hence, how can such a model of righteousness not bring up the revivers if Islam?
The Holy Prophet
considered his two beloved grandchildren as the substitute of His sons. Whenever He
went out of the house, He would always carry one of them on his shoulders. The Holy Prophet
knew that his beloved grandson would be brutally slain on the battle of Karbala. Imagine having to live with such knowledge!
In conclusion the value of Hadrat Maryam (RAA) lies with Seydena Isa (AS) whom she delivered and nourished. The value of Hadrat Asiyah (RAA), the wife of Pharaoh, lies with Hadrat Moses (AS), whom she nourished and befriended. The value of Hadrat Khadija (RAA) lies with our Holy Prophet
whom she married and supported.
Where does the value of Hadrat Fatimah (RAA) lie? To whom does her value belong?
The value and status of the chief of the women of the world and head of the women in Paradise; Hadrat Fatima tus- Zahra (raa), lies with our eminent Prophet Muhammad (saw), her husband Hadrat Ali (ra) and her beloved children the revivers of Islam; Hadrat Hassan (ra) and Hadrat Hussain (ra).
Dear sisters in Islam if we inspire to follow closely in the footsteps of the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet
and make her our role model, then Inshallah we will also be fortunate enough to bring up children like Hadrat Hassan (RAA) and Hadrat Hussain (RAA). This way another Karabala will take place and Islam will once again be revived. However the prerequisite is that we practice Sabr, increase our Iman and Taqwa, spend the nights in prayer, give up frivolous worldly activities and love the Holy Prophet
more then our own selves.
Translated by Alveena Salim
does it come in a simplified n shorter version?
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
[color=green][b]Aisha bint Abu Bakr (ra)[/b][/color]
(Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi)
In the land of Arabia, a child was born, and this child grew into a remarkable and great Muslim - and her name was Aisha.
According to the historical records, Aisha Radi Allahu anha was born in 614 C.E., after her parents had embraced Islam. She was the daughter of Umm Ruman and Abu Bakr (the first khalifa of Islam), a close friend, constant companion, and strong follower of the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam.
In her youth, she became known for her striking beauty and intelligence, and eventually she came under the loving care and attention of the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam himself. As his wife and close companion she acquired from him knowledge and insight such as no woman has ever acquired.
The Prophet's marriage to Aisha was an exceedingly happy one for both of them, and that this union was Divinely revealed. Aisha Radi Allahu anha narrates that Allah's Apostle said (to her), "You were shown to me in a dream. An angel brought you to me, wrapped in a piece of silken cloth, and said to me, 'This is your wife,' I removed the piece of cloth from your face, and there you were. I said to myself. 'If it is from Allah, then it will surely be.'" (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 57)
Gifted with tremendous intelligence, extraordinary wisdom, and formidable memory, Aisha Radi Allahu anha was one of the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam's most devoted pupils and followed his every action and example. She was skilled in medicine, poetry, mathematics, and speaking. Aisha Radi Allahu anha was never too reserved or shy to ask questions; this in itself teaches us the importance of questioning that which we do not understand. As Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam's wife and close companion, she gained insight and knowledge such as no woman has ever acquired, and during her ten years of marriage as the loving wife of the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, Aisha Radi Allahu anha's moral fibre was built in an ideal and exceptional manner. She was an eyewitness to a number of revelations and had a clear idea of the circumstances in which they were revealed.
Aisha Radi Allahu anha did not study in any school, college, or university, yet professors and students of literature, law, and Muslim history study her eloquent words. She not only possessed great knowledge but also was active in education and social reform. Under her care and guidance, Aisha took boys and girls (some of them orphans) into her custody and educated them. She was a pioneer in promoting education and in particular the education of women.
Aisha Radi Allahu anha was also a brave young politically active woman who was present on a number of battlefields, including the battles of Badr, Uhud, and Al-Khandaq, three major battles that shifted the balance of power into the hands of the Muslims. Aisha Radi Allahu anha participated by bringing water to the Muslim warriors and tending to the wounded.
She also taught many things related to women, but many learned men, companions, and followers of the Prophet also benefited from her wisdom. Abu Musa al-Ashari once said, "If we companions of the Messenger of Allah had any difficulty on a matter, we asked Aisha about it." It is the claim of Islamic scholars that without Aisha Radi Allahu anha, half of the Ilm-e-Hadith (understanding and knowledge of the Hadith and Islam) would have perished. Because of the strength of her personality, she was a leader in every field in knowledge, in society, in politics, and in war. Aisha Radi Allahu anha helped to preserve and protect the ways and behaviour of Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, not only by embodying it herself, but also by teaching it to others.
As a teacher, Aisha had a clear and persuasive manner of speech and her power of oratory has been described in superlative terms by al-Ahnaf who said, "I have heard speeches of Abu Bakr and Umar, Uthman and Ali and the Khulafa up to this day, but I have not heard a speech more persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of Aisha."
Arwa Bin Zubair said,"I did not find anyone more proficient than Aisha in the knowledge of the Qur'an, the Commandments of Halaal and Haram. That is why even senior companions of the Prophet used to consult Aisha in resolving intricate issues." Her significant example of being highly regarded especially among the men plays an important role in removing beyond a shadow of a doubt and uncertainties regarding women to be inferior to men in aspects of faith or false notions condemning women to be hindered from earning a high status in society, especially in terms of spiritual growth and morality.
Aisha Radi Allahu anha lived in honour for almost fifty years following the death of the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, most of this time was spent learning and acquiring knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Furthermore, she memorised the Revelation, understood it, and had her own script of the Qur'an written after the beloved Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam died. Aisha Radi Allahu anha is deemed to be an authority for the interpretation of the Qur'an and as a transmitter of hadith. Her narration of at least 2,000 hadith gave Muslims valuable insights into the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam's daily life and behaviour, thus preserving the Sunnah of the blessed Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam. Aisha Radi Allahu anha died in 678 CE. and was buried beside other companions of the Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam.
The life of Aisha Radi Allahu anha is proof that a woman can be far more learned than men and that she can be the teacher of scholars and experts. Her life is also proof that a woman can provide inspiration and leadership. Her life is also proof that the same woman can be totally feminine and be a source of pleasure, joy and comfort to her husband.
Aisha Radi Allahu anha was the one of the most knowledgeable and pious Muslim woman of her time and continues to be a role model and source of inspiration for Muslims and non-Muslims around the world.
[color=red][b]Julaybib (ra)[/b][/color]
His name was unusual and incomplete. Julaybib means "small grown" being the diminutive form of the word "Jalbab ". The name is an indication that Julaybib was small and short, even of dwarf-like stature. More than that, he is described as being "damim" which means ugly, deformed, or of repulsive appearance.
Even more disturbing, for the society in which he lived, Julaybib's lineage was not known. There is no record of who his mother or his father was or to what tribe he belonged. This was a grave disability in the society in which he lived. Julaybib could not expect any compassion or help, any protection or support from a society that placed a great deal of importance on family and tribal connections. In this regard, all that was known of him was that he was an Arab and that, as far as the new community of Islam was concerned, he was one of the Ansar. Perhaps he belonged to one of the outlying tribes beyond Madinah and had drifted into the city or he could even have been from among the Ansar of the city itself.
The disabilities under which Julaybib lived would have been enough to have him ridiculed and shunned in any society and in fact he was prohibited by one person, a certain Abu Barzah of the Aslam tribe, from entering his home. He once told his wife:
"Do not let Julaybib enter among you. If he does, I shall certainly do (something terrible to him)." Probably because he was teased and scoffed at in the company of men, Julaybib used to take refuge in the company of women.
Was there any hope of Julaybib being treated with respect and consideration? Was there any hope of his finding emotional satisfaction as an individual and as a man? Was there any hope of his enjoying the relationships which others take for granted? And in the new society emerging under the guidance of the Prophet, was he so insignificant as to be overlooked in the preoccupation with the great affairs of state and in the supreme issues of life and survival which constantly engaged the attention of the Prophet?
Just as he was aware of the great issues of life and destiny, the Prophet of Mercy was also aware of the needs and sensibilities of his most humble companions. With Julaybib in mind, the Prophet went to one of the Ansar and said: "I want to have your daughter married." "How wonderful and blessed, O Messenger of God and what a delight to the eye (this would be)," replied the Ansari man with obvious joy and happiness. "I do not want her for myself," added the Prophet. "Then for whom, O Messenger of God?" asked the man, obviously somewhat let down. "For Julaybib," said the Prophet.
The Ansari must have been too shocked to give his own reaction and he merely said: "I will consult with her mother." And off he went to his wife. "The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, wants to have your daughter married," he said to her. She too was thrilled. "What a wonderful idea and what a delight to the eye (this would be)." she said. "He doesn't want to marry her himself but he wants to marry her to Julaybib," he added. She was flabbergasted.
"To Julaybib! No, never to Julaybib! No, by the living God, we shall not marry (her) to him." she protested.
As the Ansari was about to return to the Prophet to inform him of what his wife had said, the daughter who had heard her mother's protestations, asked: "Who has asked you to marry me?"
Her mother told her of the Prophet's request for her hand in marriage to Julaybib. When she heard that the request had come from the Prophet and that her mother was absolutely opposed to the idea, she was greatly perturbed and said:
"Do you refuse the request of the Messenger of God? Send me to him for he shall certainly not bring ruin to me." This was the reply of a truly great person who had a clear understanding of what was required of her as a Muslim. What greater satisfaction and fulfillment can a Muslim find than in responding willingly to the requests and commands of the Messenger of God! No doubt, this companion of the Prophet, whose name we do not even know had heard the verse of the Quran: "Now whenever God and His Apostle have decided a matter, it is not for a believing man or believing woman to claim freedom of choice in so far as they themselves are concerned. And he who disobeys God and His Prophet has already, most obviously, gone astray." (The Quran, Surah al-Ahzab, 33:36).
This verse was revealed in connection with the marriage of Zaynab bint Jahsh and Zayd ibn al-Harithah which was arranged by the Prophet to show the egalitarian spirit of Islam. Zaynab at first was highly offended at the thought of marrying Zayd a former slave and refused to do so. The Prophet prevailed upon them both and they were married. The marriage however ended in divorce and Zaynab was eventually married to the Prophet himself. It is said that the Ansari girl read the verse to her parents and said:
"I am satisfied and submit myself to whatever the Messenger of God deems good for me." The Prophet heard of her reaction and prayed for her: "O Lord, bestow good on her in abundance and make not her life one of toil and trouble."
Among the Ansar, it is said there was not a more eligible bride than she. She was married by the Prophet to Julaybib and they lived together until he was killed.
And how was Julaybib killed? He went on an expedition with the Prophet, peace be on him, and an encounter with some mushrikin ensued. When the battle was over, the Prophet asked his companions: "Have you lost anyone?" They replied giving the names of their relatives of close friends who were killed. He put the same questions to other companions and they also named the ones they had lost in the battle. Another group answered that they had lost no close relative whereupon the Prophet said:
"But I have lost Julaybib. Search for him in the battlefield." They searched and found him beside seven mushrikin whom he had struck before meeting his end. The Prophet stood up and went to the spot where Julaybib, his short and deformed companion, lay. He stood over him and said: "He killed seven and then was killed? This (man) is of me and I am of him."
He repeated this two or three times. The Prophet then took him in his arms and it is said that he had no better bed besides the forearms of the messenger of God. The Prophet then dug for him a grave and himself placed him in it. He did not wash him for martyrs are not washed before burial.
Julaybib and his wife are not usually among the companions of the Prophet whose deeds are sung and whose exploits are recounted with reverence and admiration as they should be. But in the meagre facts that are known about them and which have here been recounted we see how humble human beings were given hope and dignity by the Prophet where once there was only despair and self-debasement.
The attitude of the unknown and unnamed Ansari girl who readily agreed to be the wife of a physically unattractive man was an attitude which reflected a profound understanding of Islam. It reflected on her part the effacement of personal desires and preferences even when she could have counted on the support of her parents. It reflected on her part a total disregard for social pressures. It reflected above all a ready and implicit confidence in the wisdom and authority of the Prophet in submitting herself to whatever he deemed good. This is the attitude of the true believer.
In Julaybib, there is the example of a person who was almost regarded as a social outcast because of his appearance. Given help, confidence and encouragement by the noble Prophet, he was able to perform acts of courage and make the supreme sacrifice and deserve the commendation of the Prophet: "He is of me and I am of him."
[color=orange][b]Hazrat Ummul Khair (rh)[/b][/color] - The mother of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rh)
It has been narrated that when Sayyidi Abu Saaleh(Father of sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani) was in the prime of his youth he would spend most of his time in Mujahida (Striving in the path of Allah).
Once, he was making Ibaadat beside a river, he felt the need to eat as he had not eaten for three days and three nights. Whilst in this thought, he saw an apple floating down the river towards him.
He reached into the river and took the apple. After he had eaten the apple, a thought crossed his mind concerning the origin of the fruit that he had eaten. He reasoned that although the apple flowed in the river, it had to belong to someone and that he had eaten this apple without the permission of the owner.
He immediately began to walk along the bank of the river looking for the source of the apple; he walked for a long time until he came to an orchard. There he saw an apple tree. The branches of the tree were hanging over the river. The apples from the tree were falling into the river and were being carried downstream.
When he observed this he immediately realized that the apple, which he had eaten, had come from this very tree. He entered the orchard and queried concerning the owner of the orchard. He was informed that the owner was Sayyidi Abdullah Soomee. He went to the owner and explained to him the incident concerning him eating the apple. He then asked Sayyidi Abdullah Soomee to forgive him for his mishap.
After listening to Sayyidna Abu Saaleh, Sayyidna Abdullah Soomee immediately realized that this was no ordinary young man. Without [a] doubt, he knew that he was a chosen servant of Almighty Allah. Shaykh Abdullah Soomee agreed to forgive him for eating the apple. But this, he told him, was subject to a condition.
The condition being that Sayyidna Abu Saaleh would have to take care of the orchard, and make Mujahida there for ten years. Shaykh Abu Saaleh accepted this condition with great pleasure.
He served in the orchard for ten years and also made Mujahida. After ten years had passed, he went to Sayyidna Abdullah Soomee to be pardoned. Shaykh Abdullah Soomee asked him to serve for another two years, which he accepted again without complaint. After these two years had passed, he went back to Sayyidna Abdullah Soomee and asked to be pardoned. Shaykh Abdullah Soomee agreed to pardon him on one last condition.
He said, O? Abu Saaleh! I have a daughter whose feet are paralyzed, her hands are crippled, and she is deaf and blind. I would like for you to marry her.? When most persons would have rejected such a condition, Sayyidi Abu Saaleh even accepted this condition. After the Nikah, he went into his room to see his bride for the very first time.
To his amazement, he saw a beautiful normal woman sitting in his room. He thought that there had been some mistake and that the wrong woman was in his room. He rushed out of the room and presented himself before Shaykh Abdullah Soomee .On seeing him. Shaykh Abdullah Soomee smiled and then said, do not fear. It is she that is my daughter.
All the qualities that I had explained to you concerning her are true.
I said she was paralyzed, because she has never taken even one step out of this house.
I said she was crippled, because she has never done anything against Shariah.
I said she was blind because she has never seen a Ghair Mahram and
I said that she was deaf because she has never heard a single word against the Shariah.
When Sayyidi Abu Saaleh heard these words, he knew that not one moment in twelve years was wasted, and every moment spent in the service of Sayyidi Abdullah Soomee was worth more than he could imagine.
It was from these two pious servants of Almighty Allah and devotees of the Prophet Muhammad
that al-Ghous-ul-Azam Shaykh Abdul-Qaadir al-Jilani was born.
It is said that Shaykh Abu Saaleh was a very pious and humble person. He was also a master in the tactics of Jihad and it was due to this that he was given the title of Jangi Dost. And Sayyida Ummul Khair Fatima was also a great Aabida and Zaahida.
[color=blue][b]Imam Abu Abd'ullah Muhmmad al Jazuli [/b][/color] [d.870H - 1465CE] 'alayhi al-rahmah wa'l-ridwan
His full name was Abu Abdullah Muhammad, son of Sulayman, son of Abi Bakr al-Jazuli al-Simlali. He was a descendant of Prophet Muhammad, praise and veneration be upon him, via his grandson Hasan, son of Ali, may Allah be pleased with them.
Imam al Jazuli alayhir rahman belonged to the Berber tribe of Jazula that settled in the Sus area of Morocco which lies between the Atlantic ocean and the Atlas mountains. When he was young he studied in Sus, then continued his studies in the Madrassa as-Saffareen in Fez. Al-Jazuli was ''frequent in reciting litanies (awrad), observant of Allah most High in all his states, not exceeding the boundaries Allah established, and exerting himself in following the Book of Allah and the example of his beloved Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace)." He founded the Shadhiliyya Jazuliyya order, with Dala'il al-Khayrat [Guidance to Righteousness] at its core, and its disciples received spiritual training (tarbiya) at his hands. After the completion of his studies in the Madrassa he left Fez and spent the next forty years between Makkah, Madina and Jerusalem. It was after this period that he returned to Fez where he was blessed to complete his great work of the 'Dala'il ul Khayrat'.
Imam al Jazuli alayhir rahman was a very pious man and the foremost Judge of his town. One day, while on a journey he became very thirsty and also needed to renew his ablution but his water skin was empty and there was no water in sight. In his search for water he found a well, however the well had neither a bucket nor a rope with which to draw the water. Al Jazuli was very distressed by the situation, the water was so near and yet so far, and he did not know what to do. Shortly after finding the well a young girl approached and upon realizing al Jazuli's dilemma spat dry air into the well and the water miraculous rose to the top. Imam al Jazuli alayhir rahman was astounded by this miracle and asked the girl how such a miracle was possible. To this she replied "I was able to do this through my asking Allah for 'peace and blessings upon' Prophet Muhammad."
Having witnessed the blessed benefit of asking for blessings upon the Prophet, may Allah praise and venerate him, and give him peace. Al Jazuli decided to compose 'Dala'il ul-Khayrat' by gathering and selecting material from a multitude of authentic Islamic references that praise and supplicate for blessings upon the Beloved Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam. When one reads these supplications on the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, Allah showers not only His Prophet with blessings but also its reader.
This great work has been, and still is acclaimed by all the lovers of Prophet Muhammad, praise and veneration be upon him, as being the foremost book to praise him. Dalail was later explained by Imam Al-Fasi and subsequently all authentic references were added at the end of each statement in his famous explanation of Dalail. However, one must not suppose that this work contains all the authentic prayers that praise the Beloved Prophet, they are so numerous that they would exhaust volumes of writing; but they are the most precious.
The style of Imam al Jazuli's alayhir rahman presentation is uniquely his own and scented with musk in sincere love of the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him. His writing flows both swiftly yet with smoothness at an exhilarating pace and has attracted many learned Muslim scholars, including Imam Yusuf, son of Ishmael an-Nabahani, to write books that expound its deeper meaning and enriches one's understanding. Such is the love for this blessed book that Muslim scholars of various tongues such as urdu felt the compelling urge to translated it into their native language so that their people may praise the beloved Prophet in the best manner and be blessed by its reading.
Dala'il al-Khayrat : stands witness to the tremendous baraka of blessing the Chosen and Most Beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Al Jazuli alayhir rahman, devoted his life to this cause and, in the process, renewed the spiritual landscape of his native Morocco. Dala'il al-Khayrat spread from Morocco to all corners of the world, inspiring and inculcating love of the Beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in the hearts of Muslims everywhere. It is the most universally acclaimed and the most popular among books of salawaat on the beloved Prophet Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam. Just as al-Muwatta of Imam Malik Rahmatullahi 'alaih is the first major book of Hadith Shareef to be compiled, Dala'il al-Khayrat is the first major book of salawaat.
[color=indigo][b]Owais al-Qarni (ra) [/b][/color] - My favourite sahabi!
His name was Owais, he was known as Owais al-Qarni because he lived in a town called "Qarn" in Yemen. Hadrat Owais Qarni (Allah be pleased with him) was a very pious and noble person. Although his life was insignificant from a worldly point of view, he is renowned and honoured amongst all Muslims, Sufis in particular, for his piety, practice of zuhd (asceticism), as well as a deep love and affection for the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Peace & Blessings upon him). It is said that he spent all his hours in solitude, fasting, night vigil and salat (prayers).
He had embraced Islam while the Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) was still alive. He naturally had a very strong desire to see the Prophet but since his mother was very old and she needed his constant care and attention, he could not visit the Beloved of Allah. As a reward of his service to his mother, he was treated as a Sahabi (Companion of Prophet) by the Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) even though he could not see him personally. His name entered the list of Sahaba only because of his strong intention to see the Allahs Beloved Messenger (Peace & Blessings upon him).
Once the Companions asked the Beloved Prophet: "Has Hadrat Owais Qarni ever visited you? The Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) replied: "No, He never watched me physically, but spiritually he met me." Sufism is based on the spiritual connection or link that was between the Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) & Hadrat Owais Qarni, in Sufism that spiritual connection is known as "Nisbat-e-Owaisiya".
When Hadrat Owais Qarni (Allah be pleased with him) received a message about the Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him), that he had lost a tooth in the battle of "Uhud", Hadrat Owais Qarni pulled one of his own teeth out (because of his love towards the Beloved Prophet). Thinking that he might not have pulled out the right tooth, and because he loved the Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) more than he loved himself, he pulled out all of his teeth to make sure that he had lost the same tooth as the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings upon him).
During his last days, the Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) asked Hadrat Umar and Hadrat Ali (Allah be pleased with them) to take his shirt (Jubba Mubarak) to Hadrat Owais and ask him to pray for the forgiveness of my followers (Ummah). The reason for this was to show his companions the very high status of Hadrat Owais. Hadrat Umar and Hadrat Ali (Allah be pleased with them) asked the people if there was anyone from Qarn. One man came forward and told them how to find the place. They set out for Qarn. When they arrived, they asked the people where Owais was. The villagers answered their questions, but were very surprised to see the two prominent Companions asking for an unknown camel shepherd. When Hadrat Umar and Hadrat Ali (Allah be pleased with them) reached to him, they saw Hadrat Owais saying his prayers. As he finished his prayers, he said, "It is the first time anyone has ever seen me praying. The two men passed on to him Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him)'s message asking Owais to pray for the forgiveness of the followers of Muhammad. This he did. After a while he said, "Allah has forgiven and rewarded as many of Muhammad's followers as the hair of the sheeps of the Rabia and Mazhar tribes. They asked Hadrat Owais, "If you loved Muhammad so much, why didn't you visit him more often during his life time?" He did not answer, but asked if they took part in the battle of Uhad? And if so, which tooth had Muhammad lost there? Hadrat Umar (Allah be pleased with him) was greatly impressed by this simple person and asked Hadrat Owais to pray for him. Hadrat Owais replied, "I pray for the forgiveness of everyone at the end of every prayer. If you keep your faith in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad, you will receive my prayers in your graves."
Shaykh FARID AL-DIN ATTAR tells us about him: "during his life in this world, he (Oways) was hiding from all in order to devote himself to acts of worship and obedience" ('Attar 1976, p. 2). 'Attar also relates that the Prophet Peace & Blessings upon him had declared at the time of his death that his robe should be given to Oways, a man he had never met in this life. When 'Umar Radi Allahu anhu looked for Uways during his stay in Kufa, he asked a native of Qarn and was answered "there was one such man, but he was a madman, a senseless person who because of his madness does not live among his fellow countrymen (...) He does not mingle with anybody and does not eat nor drink anything that others drink and eat. He does not know sadness nor joy; when others laugh, he weeps, and when they weep, he laughs" (ibid., p. 29).
Many times in the company of his followers, the Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) stated: "I can smell the beauty of my fried from the land of Yemen'". This statement is in direct reference to the spiritual greatness of Hadrat Owais. The prophet also said: "I feel a sweet, peaceful breeze (naseem-e-rehmat) from Yemen". Concerning the hadith of the Prophet, upon whom be peace and blessings, "More people shall enter Paradise through the intercession of a certain man from my Community than there are people in the tribes of Rabi'a and Mudar," AL-HASAN AL-BASRI said: "That is Owais al-Qarni."
Hadrat Umar (Allah be pleased with him) quotes the Prophet as saying "Oh! Umar. From Yemen a man will arrive whose name is Owais and he has signs of Leprosy on his body, he cares for his old and frail mother. If for anything, he takes an oath in the name of Allah, Allah will fulfill his oath. If you can ask from him prayers for your own forgiveness, then you must do so."
Hadrat Ibn-e-Sa'd (Allah be pleased with him) quotes the Beloved Prophet (Peace & Blessings upon him) as saying "In my ummah (followers) I have a friend whose name is Owais al Qarni"
Uwais al-Qarni says, "Keep watch over thy heart", "Alayka bi-Ghalbik".
Uwais al-Qarni said, "Hidden invocation (al-du'a fi dhahr al-ghayb) is better than visiting and meeting," because hypocrisy (riya) might enter in the latter two.
Translation of the Invocation of Owais al-Qarni:
"O Allah, You created me when I was not worthy of mention;
And You provided for me when I had nothing;
And I wronged my soul and sinned, and I confess my guilt.
If You forgive me, that will in no way diminish Your sovereignty;
And if You punish me, that will in no way augment Your authority.
You can find others to punish besides me,
But I can find no one to forgive me but You.
Truly, You are the most merciful of those who show mercy."
I heard a beautiful hadith about Abu Dahda (dunno about the spelling) but I don't know any other info about him.
IU'll try to find the hadith because it really makes you think...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
[color=olive][b]Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra)[/b][/color]
There will often come a time in one's life when the smooth order of things changes, where life which was once plain sailing becomes a perpetual uphill struggle. Friends may turn their backs on you and others who promised so much let you down. At this juncture in one's life it may be an idea to stop and reflect from those who have lived through times such as those illustrated here, to learn and ease the many burdens that we all carry.
One such person was a man by the name of Abu Bakr radhi Allah anhu. His life too changed from a happy and apparently peaceful existence to one of social and political upheaval. From a time of status of wealth to a time of poverty and homelessness; where he was forced to openly fight for his very survival and when friends walked away, their eyes and ears closed. He was a man that despite all the trials and tribulations he faced with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, never surrendered his innate qualities. Where many a good man would have become bitter, angry and desolate he remained loyal courageous and humble. Where others sought to salvage their wealth and status he fought to remain generous and dedicated. In essence this is story of a man who never gave up.
Qualities such as these had already endeared him to the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was the closest friend of our Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this friendship proved to life long. From this developed a loyalty that was unchangeable. When the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam disclosed to Abu Bakr the first revelation from Allah Almighty his response was unsurpassable. Without hesitation, question or the slightest of doubt he immediately accepted the sincerity of the Prophet's command and adopted Islam as his Deen. This is a matter not to be taken lightly. Abu Bakr radhi Allah anhu was fully aware of the immense struggle that would now ensue -perhaps a struggle that would be life long, but never once did he waver. Loyalty such as this became one of the hallmarks of his life. The first sermon he gave openly resulted in his receiving a savage and brutal beating. The non- Muslims kicked and mauled him leaving him unconscious and half dead. Yet as soon as he regained consciousness his first words where' How is our holy Prophet?'. Again when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated his ascension in the tenth year of his mission, and the disbeliveers mocked and jeered it as a flight of sheer fantasy, it was Abu Bakr who remained loyal and stead- fast believing what the Prophet narrated. This loyalty earned him the name as-Siddique (The most truthful) from our Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
How many of us would have displayed such loyalty and fortitude, or do so know? When our faith is tested we often become bitter and feel the world owes us something, that others should recognize our need and respond accordingly. Yet Abu Bakr radhi Allah anhu was always the first to act despite his own problems and this generosity became legendary. If a slave, who had become a Muslim, desired to be free it was Abu Bakr they turned to. If there was a poor and needy person it was Abu Bakr who would fulfill that need. These were times when Muslims were persecuted and hounded. Money was scarce and thus was even more precious. Throughout his life however, whether to pro- vide armaments for battles or to provide a cup of water to an orphaned boy, even if it would mean that his family and himself would go without food and basic necessities of life his generosity was never ending.
How many of us respond to the financial and emotional needs of our less fortunate brothers and sisters? Yet it was these qualities that made Abu Bakr radhi Allah anhu esteemed by all. He was led and cherished by the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and respected and honored by the Companions. Despite this accolade gained during his life Abu Bakr radhi Allah anhu retained humility and modesty admired by all. Never did he seek praise and glory for his deeds. He expected neither wealth nor fortune for his sacrifices but to seek the pleasure of Allah. One would never hear him talk of the sacrifices that he had made for his Deen, sacrifices that included his family being spilt because of Islam. Sacrifices of wealth power and prestige. Instead if an act needed to be undertaken he would bear the burden. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him to accompany him on the Hijra he did so. As they approached Madinah after a long and treacherous trek the people of Madin mistook Abu Bakr radhi Allah anhu for the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam .Upon realizing this he immediately covered the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to protect him from the heat but also to signify to all who the leader was.
How many of us would display such humility? How many of us are quick to be acknowledged for the acts that we do? Indeed, how many of us would, when faced with adversity and strife, adhere to the qualities of loyalty, generosity and modesty? Perhaps what needs to be learned from the life of Abu Bakr radhi Allah anhu is that we are not the only ones who have lived through testing times but that there were others who suffered who were mortals like ourselves. They were people who bore the pains with a quiet dignity. Inshallah many of us will do likewise.
By Ghazala Hassan Qadri
A small story I like to share with you all. There was a man who was an ashiq-e-rasool (can’t remember his name) who was a builder (he use to fix stuff). One day he had a dream that the gumbad-e-khazra (green dome) was broken and he was being called to fix it, so he saved up and went to Madinah al-Munawara. When he got their, he asked the guards if he could have a ladder to go and climb to the top to see if the gumbad-e-khazra was broken but they didn’t let him and said, oh its not broken. He kept on saying to them let me go up and at least check so finally they said ok. So he got the ladder and climb up. When he got to the top he saw that it was broken, so he got his tools out and fix the broken part (he had come prepared from his home town to fix the dome so he had his entire toolkit). It had been a while and the man was still up their so one of the guards went up to see what was happening, when he got up their he saw that the man had died and was leaning against the gumbad-e-khazra. SubhaanAllah!
i THINK they buried in Egypt? not sure
but its true....we hear very little about Imam Hassan (RA)
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
imam hassan (ra) were poisoned weren’t they? btw sirus, have you watched the lecture on 'the secret martyrdom of imam hussan (ra) and imam hussain (ra)?
erm i might have. was watching some of one about karbala last nyt, is it same one? is QH wearing grey? what year is it? where they talk about the hadith of cutting the trees of madinah sharif?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
The one Noor is talking about is the one that links the events of the Holy Prophet’s (Saw) life when he
was poisoned and the battle of Uhud which link to the martyrdom of Iman Hussain (ra) and Hassan (ra). Ie the similarities
the lecture was in English and delivered in South Africa 18/6/1994. today’s lecture was about the events of karbala, shaykh was wearing a grey hat and black jubba/suit thingy. twas fantastic.
JazakAllah Noor- keep em coming!
n just cos you luv it >> :roll:
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Yup Imam Hassan (RA) was poisned, this was before the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (RA) at Karbala
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I think she's copied them from a book.
Back in BLACK
:shock: wow
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
you really think im gona sit there and type out pages worth of writting when i can find the same thing on the net!
Scratch that... i think she copied from the net
but dont tell no one.
Back in BLACK