What book are you reading?

Just finished the Ideal Muslimah and am now reading Instruction of the Student.

Maasha'Allah the Ideal Muslimah is fantastic, it's a must have book for all muslimahs.

In the past week, I've read mostly rubbish...I have a couple of trashy celeb magazines lying at home that my sister usually picks up from Uni..such as Heat, Hello and some of the latest Asian women magazine...which I've read from cover to cover.

I've also finished reading a tribal, fiction book for the second time about a woman who's dad gets her married to the Qur'an.

i used to read celeb mags @ work in between calls, would never buy one tho

when i was younger i used to read alot more books was hooked onto point horror collection lol

ive just read a few books on sufism Biggrin reading Purificaton of the Heart nowwwww its been on my bookshelf for ages...

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

sealed nectar

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

I'm reading about 4 books at the moment, all for various reasons. My problem is I dip into books to read about something or skim-read the whole book and then never get round to reading them cover to cover.

I bought the ideal Muslimah only last week, and was looking through Purification Of The Heart yesterday. And I have read bits of The Sealed Nectar, need to read that in full yet.

Has anyone read Does My Head Look Big In This? It is brilliant. A must read.

my sister does that reads a few books at the same time- i cant do that

it took me ages reading The life of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) Marting Lings, id read it and leave it for a while and then id pick it up and start all over again, eventually managed to keep going through it

i dunno how people read on the bus either!!!!

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

Imaani, you're like me. i've read half of Purification of the Heart, Instruction of the Student, Mercy Oceans (Mawlana Sheikh Nazim), Martin Lings one and god knows how many other books.

Yes, i have read 'does my head look big in this' is so funny, a kiddy book though! i wouldn't expect you to be reading them kind of books imaani!

I loved it! We really need more stuff like that, info which isn't presented like a lecture. If you haven't read it, you really must!! You'll love it. They should bring out a male version of it too. Now that would be interesting! Lol

I hate going between books, but sometimes have to in order to get certain info.

aye, i love them kind of books! they certainly keep you hooked! any other books which are similar to that one?

Hhmm, not sure, Can't think, will have a look at what I've got and see. It did stand out so probably not.

Love books Biggrin

Read most of the books mention here loved Hamza Yusuf "purification of the heart" a must read!

Read Martin Lings not long ago. Shaykh Nazim sufi books awesome Smile

I'm on and off with the seal nectar made a good start on it tho.

The “Ideal Muslimah” read bits of its,

Lol “Does my head look big in this" couldn’t agree with u more imaani, really enjoyed it.

Most of all I love my books which have a Middle East twist to them.

Any of you guys into them kind of books? Read loads within the genra, but can only think of the "Arabian princess" and "pindies or summat

Can u recommand any books within this genra?

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway

Don't just do something! Stand there.

has anyone here read Daughters of Another Path by Carol Anderson Anway

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

I read it. s'alright.

Its all about the adjustments mums had to make when their daughters accepted Islam - its more of a 'guide' to mums in this situation. But a very open minded read.

"Bliss" wrote:

Most of all I love my books which have a Middle East twist to them.

Any of you guys into them kind of books? Read loads within the genra, but can only think of the "Arabian princess" and "pindies or summat

Can u recommand any books within this genra?

Most of my bookshelf consists of these books. If your into this kind of stuff. I recommend...

-Read all of the princess series. Those books are classic - I have all four.
-Not without my daughter by Betty Mahmoody (must read)
-Love in a torn land (currently reading that)
-Promise to Nadia
-Fatwa (living with a death threat)

And if your into cultural books/honours killings etc

I recommend..

-The Holy woman (fiction)

i have a few of those books
but dont know where they are :?

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I read it. s'alright.

Its all about the adjustments mums had to make when their daughters accepted Islam - its more of a 'guide' to mums in this situation. But a very open minded read.

is it good for mothers whose sons have accepted islam, or just daughters?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I read it. s'alright.

Its all about the adjustments mums had to make when their daughters accepted Islam - its more of a 'guide' to mums in this situation. But a very open minded read.

is it good for mothers whose sons have accepted islam, or just daughters?

Well...a large part of it deals ith accepting the Hijaab/dress and Muslim male partner.

However, most of it should be relevent to sons and daughters.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:

Most of all I love my books which have a Middle East twist to them.

Any of you guys into them kind of books? Read loads within the genra, but can only think of the "Arabian princess" and "pindies or summat

Can u recommand any books within this genra?

Most of my bookshelf consists of these books. If your into this kind of stuff. I recommend...

-Read all of the princess series. Those books are classic - I have all four.
-Not without my daughter by Betty Mahmoody (must read)
-Love in a torn land (currently reading that)
-Promise to Nadia
-Fatwa (living with a death threat)

And if your into cultural books/honours killings etc

I recommend..

-The Holy woman (fiction)

why thank you muslim sister,
quite a selection you given me Biggrin

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Bliss" wrote:

Most of all I love my books which have a Middle East twist to them.

Any of you guys into them kind of books? Read loads within the genra, but can only think of the "Arabian princess" and "pindies or summat

Can u recommand any books within this genra?

Princess by Jean sasson? Was good, you read Princess Sultanas cirlce? Some other books by Jean Sasson: http://www.jeansasson.com/books_by_jean_sasson.htm(link is external)

I would reccomend Sold by Zana Muhsen. Its about 2 girls from the UK, their father is Yemeni and he takes his daughters to Yemen for "Holiday" they end up getting married and struggle to get back to the UK. Real life story Sad and the follow up is "A promise to Nadia" sad story Sad excellent reads.

Anyone read the kite runner? Any good?

' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}

my sisters reading the kite runner jus now, shes nearly read it all in one day so im presuming its gd

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Alisha" wrote:

Princess by Jean sasson? Was good, you read Princess Sultanas cirlce? Some other books by Jean Sasson: http://www.jeansasson.com/books_by_jean_sasson.htm(link is external)

I would reccomend Sold by Zana Muhsen. Its about 2 girls from the UK, their father is Yemeni and he takes his daughters to Yemen for "Holiday" they end up getting married and struggle to get back to the UK. Real life story Sad and the follow up is "A promise to Nadia" sad story Sad excellent reads.

Anyone read the kite runner? Any good?

yep Princess by jean sasson, read it some time ago, I take it princess sultan’s circle is a continuation of princess?

I heard about "sold", need to read that, need to hunt down a copy! Sounds good...

Kite runner, it out in cinema's, think I mite just pop down to see that

just finished reading "the holy women". Loved it, twist after twist Biggrin

Concerning the book I'v just read one thing I must say I found rather disturbing, is when the girl had the ceremony in which she was married to the Qur’an. She got dolled up and everything, and was put on stage just like a normal wedding.

Taking it’s a book based on a true story, I really hope this incident didn’t actually take place in real life.

How could people do such a thing.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Bliss" wrote:
just finished reading "the holy women". Loved it, twist after twist Biggrin

can you return it to me inshallah Biggrin

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Snoopz" wrote:
"Bliss" wrote:
just finished reading "the holy women". Loved it, twist after twist Biggrin

can you return it to me inshallah Biggrin

Inshallah will pop down later on today.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

noo, i want to read it next! you can have your other one back Biggrin

"Noor" wrote:
noo, i want to read it next! you can have your other one back Biggrin

which one have you got :? i always let people borrow books n forget about it

did u find the books u took from the grey box?

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

from my sisters lips. i cant even remember what books i took from you :?

you sure i didnt give them back to you? i shall have a look.

I am reading the 3rd volume of the mathnawi of Mawlana Rumi. I started reading the mathnawi after listening to the brilliant lectures delivered by Shaykh ul Islam at al Hidayah. It usually takes me 4-5 hours to read a book of 6-700 pages however this book has kept me busy for 4 months due to the deep meanings in the beautiful verses, which are not always apparent. My friend studied the book in Pakistan so she is great help.

'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'

Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)

The instruction of the student is a brilliant book, I take it with me everywhere. The following verse really woke me up when I read it:

Through much toil do you gain high distinction.
So he who seeks learning keeps awake during the night.
You strive after glory but then you sleep at night?
He who seeks pearls immerses himself in the sea.
The height of the builders block depends on the height of his aspirations; a mans dignity rests on his nightly vigils.
Whoever desires elevation without fatigue
Wastes his life in the quest for the absurd.
I have forsaken sleep at night to win your satisfaction, o lord of lords.
So let me attain the acquisition of knowledge
And let me reach the utmost degree of accomplishment.

'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'

Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)

Do any of you guys ever read anything that isn't 'Muslim-related' (Harry Potter not included)? There is a big wide world of literature out there that is well worth exploring. The vast majority of books mentioned so far seem to be in quite a narrow field.

I don't mean to have a go at what people choose to read, but I was just wondering if anyone does this?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Everything law related

Criminology, Property Law and Practice, Business Law and Practice

And the 'Wheres Wally?' series.

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