Submitted by Funzo on 3 December, 2007 - 17:26 #35
"Mohammed Zeb" wrote:
do you remember when we were only taught Christianity for a whole year and then when it come to learning Islam then most people start to complain
Yeh we rather do coursework then learn about how to blow ourselves up remember when i had a go at all of them. Today in assembly sir asked whats the hebrew word for destruction and henry jewel said jihad a bit of topic lol
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I have a little girl in my class who is bullied by her parents, cos she's not the same colour as them.
(mum is white, had a short relationship with an asian guy).
The parents hold very strong racist views, and lucky for them their stuck with a very asian teacher for a whole year.
In the beginning of the year they complained to me that I was giving their girl too many detentions and that I was treated her differently cos of her colour? (what colour?)
Submitted by Funzo on 3 December, 2007 - 23:25 #44
Next time just say to them, im sorry but im trying to teach your child a lesson, i care about my students well being i want them to learn now if your not going to support me why bother sending your kids to school?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Next time just say to them, im sorry but im trying to teach your child a lesson, i care about my students well being i want them to learn now if your not going to support me why bother sending your kids to school?
Lol. I said something along them lines - i.e. "if she doesnt do her homework she will do it in detention cos I want her to improve her work...and if you have any issue with me, please speak to the headteacher" (who's a great, mouthy, black lady who knows how to shut people like you up)
Submitted by Funzo on 3 December, 2007 - 23:29 #46
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Funzo on 3 December, 2007 - 23:30 #47
What did they say?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Dunno. They didnt complain about me - they prob just b itched about me with the other racist parents. I usually get funny looks from them when they pick their kid up at the end of the day.
I'm not fussed. I love my job - moody parents is only one of the few drawbacks. And this attitude is only to be expected in a area where race related crime is high and where the BNP got 11 seats only a while back.
Submitted by Funzo on 3 December, 2007 - 23:34 #49
Lol i was just about to say-just say to them why dont you go and join the bnp!
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I did a PHSE multicultural awareness lesson in class a while ago.
One kid was surprised by the fact that he was black, another kid was surprised that I wasnt white like him.
I even had mirrors out and everything.
Kids are so innocent I find it so cute. Too bad some parents hold different views.
Submitted by malik on 10 December, 2007 - 14:22 #51
Islam is the best religion in the world. It has eliminated rasim. People who truly follow Islam are not racist at all. Only kaafirs are racists. Just look at their nations. They are still having to deal with racism alomst every week. Muslims onthe other hands are not racists at all. We do not judge people on colour of their skin. We do not hate people because of their ethnicity. Muslims love people of all colours and from every countries. Muslims went to Africa to convert blacks to Islam. If we hated them we would never have gone there. We welcomed people of black skin into Islam. Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder with blacks in masjids and when we go to hajj, we rub shoulders.
We love blacks. But kaafirs hates blacks. In America, the land of Satan, they had seperate schools for peopel of dark skin. They even forced blacks on seperate buses. This is how evil and racist they are. Muslims would never refuse entry of a black child into Islamic school.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Submitted by Funzo on 10 December, 2007 - 16:54 #52
That guy in the article is only hugely respected for his scientific discoveries and winning the nobel prize. Science doesnt agree with his claims neither do i, maybe the members of the ku klux klan do but not a lot.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Confo on 12 December, 2007 - 13:11 #53
Hi All,
I struggle contiually with the definition of racism, but that is probably a seperate issue.
If you are prepared to make statements like this one.
[b]Only kaafirs are racists. Just look at their nations. They are still having to deal with racism alomst every week. [u]Muslims on the other hands are not racists at all[/u]. We do not judge people on colour of their skin. We do not hate people because of their ethnicity. [/b]
To claim that only none Muslims are racist is nothing short of naive. I have been racially abused by "Muslims" on many ocassions. There have been many times when females and to a lesser degree males have been prevented from marrying white/ black Muslims because they are white / black. Racism is prevelant in any society / culture / "religion" depending again on that definition thing.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 12 December, 2007 - 13:19 #54
Of course there are racist Muslims, the problem with Malik is he sees the whole world in extremes and none of us take much of what he says seriously anymore.
If he says that Islam is not racist, then we can all agree on that. That was one of the main things that lead me to embrace Islam, because it seems so unlikely that someone growing up in the primitive, tribal environment of 7th century Arabia would see absolutely no difference between people of different race (apart from their actions).
Coupled with the fact that the arabs of thihs time thought the sky was held up by mountains, whilst the Qur'an (correctly) says that it ISN'T!
plus countless other reasons...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by malik on 12 December, 2007 - 17:10 #55
"Confo" wrote:
To claim that only none Muslims are racist is nothing short of naive. I have been racially abused by "Muslims" on many ocassions.
I think that if they were indeed Muslims then you were not abused for your colour or race. Maybe you insulted Islam or Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). This tends to make us mad you know.
Unlike Kaafirs, Muslims would never abuse another person because of the colour of their skin, or their ethnicity. Only Kaafirs hurt people's feelings because they are truly racists.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
There have been many times when females and to a lesser degree males have been prevented from marrying white/ black Muslims because they are white / black. Racism is prevelant in any society / culture / "religion" depending again on that definition thing.
that reminds me of a talk i went to last week at uni. The speaker shaykh Khalid Yasin was saying how Muslims are the most racists ppl in the world. Most ppl in the room (Muslims) were taken a bit back about the comment he made, even i was a bit confused as to what he meant by that.
He gave this example - a Pakistani Muslim father would never give his daughter to a black Muslim man.....why? Because he is black. He had a very valid point.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Dr Who on 12 December, 2007 - 18:19 #57
Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) said in his last sermon…
‘[b]All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action’.[/b]
The non-Muslims persecuted the Prophet and the Muslims in the worst ways and not once did the Prophet (SAW) point a finger of blame, he won the hearts of people through his flawless character. Therefore we should take this into consideration and not blame others thinking that muslims are never in the wrong. It is against the nature of a mu’min to think themselves superior over another in any way.
Sufis say that when you look at a non-muslim you should think maybe when death comes he/she might die on iman and I might lose my iman at the time of death.
'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
Submitted by Dr Who on 12 December, 2007 - 18:20 #58
Most of my friends at uni are white non-Muslims and not once have they passed a racist comment, even as a joke. On the contrary they ask me about prayer, hijab etc in a respectful manner.
For me race is not only diversity of skin colours but also of language, culture and lifestyle.
What would the world be like if we were all the same…I think the word is BORING!
'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
Submitted by Funzo on 12 December, 2007 - 18:45 #59
"malik" wrote:
"Confo" wrote:
To claim that only none Muslims are racist is nothing short of naive. I have been racially abused by "Muslims" on many ocassions.
Unlike Kaafirs, Muslims would never abuse another person because of the colour of their skin, or their ethnicity. Only Kaafirs hurt people's feelings because they are truly racists.
Thats B.S i know heaps of racists, unless your talking about the perfect muslim
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by laila on 12 December, 2007 - 19:39 #60
if the world was devoid of white supremacy then there would be no harm in white empowering groups.
in other words the race already in power and which controls the world has no need for pressure groups, but then it is this very nature spoilt by power and greed that produces cry babies with their copycat needs, wanting even with all that they have still the measerly lot of the less fortunate, be it the left over scraps.
they want it all what is theirs and what is yours to have their cake and eat it.
I was talking about history.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Mr wilkinson
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
do you remember when we were only taught Christianity for a whole year and then when it come to learning Islam then most people start to complain
what are you guy learning in history
Yeh we rather do coursework then learn about how to blow ourselves up remember when i had a go at all of them. Today in assembly sir asked whats the hebrew word for destruction and henry jewel said jihad a bit of topic lol
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
and aamir younis is the enemy
funzo found a friend, awwwwh how sweet
"HOW DARE YOU SAY THIS HE IS YOUR FRIEND" that made me laugh so much.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Do i sense a green eyed monster lurking?
oh yeah what about seraph
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I have a little girl in my class who is bullied by her parents, cos she's not the same colour as them.
(mum is white, had a short relationship with an asian guy).
The parents hold very strong racist views, and lucky for them their stuck with a very asian teacher for a whole year.
In the beginning of the year they complained to me that I was giving their girl too many detentions and that I was treated her differently cos of her colour? (what colour?)
if the parents bully the kid then why are they so bothered about u giving the kid detentions or not?
Cos, they look for any reason to pick on a woman of colour. Their kid is just an excuse.
racist dogs. god bless the kid.
Next time just say to them, im sorry but im trying to teach your child a lesson, i care about my students well being i want them to learn now if your not going to support me why bother sending your kids to school?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Lol. I said something along them lines - i.e. "if she doesnt do her homework she will do it in detention cos I want her to improve her work...and if you have any issue with me, please speak to the headteacher" (who's a great, mouthy, black lady who knows how to shut people like you up)
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
What did they say?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Dunno. They didnt complain about me - they prob just b itched about me with the other racist parents. I usually get funny looks from them when they pick their kid up at the end of the day.
I'm not fussed. I love my job - moody parents is only one of the few drawbacks. And this attitude is only to be expected in a area where race related crime is high and where the BNP got 11 seats only a while back.
Lol i was just about to say-just say to them why dont you go and join the bnp!
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
I did a PHSE multicultural awareness lesson in class a while ago.
One kid was surprised by the fact that he was black, another kid was surprised that I wasnt white like him.
I even had mirrors out and everything.
Kids are so innocent I find it so cute. Too bad some parents hold different views.
Islam is the best religion in the world. It has eliminated rasim. People who truly follow Islam are not racist at all. Only kaafirs are racists. Just look at their nations. They are still having to deal with racism alomst every week. Muslims onthe other hands are not racists at all. We do not judge people on colour of their skin. We do not hate people because of their ethnicity. Muslims love people of all colours and from every countries. Muslims went to Africa to convert blacks to Islam. If we hated them we would never have gone there. We welcomed people of black skin into Islam. Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder with blacks in masjids and when we go to hajj, we rub shoulders.
We love blacks. But kaafirs hates blacks. In America, the land of Satan, they had seperate schools for peopel of dark skin. They even forced blacks on seperate buses. This is how evil and racist they are. Muslims would never refuse entry of a black child into Islamic school.
I just read this today:
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
That guy in the article is only hugely respected for his scientific discoveries and winning the nobel prize. Science doesnt agree with his claims neither do i, maybe the members of the ku klux klan do but not a lot.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Hi All,
I struggle contiually with the definition of racism, but that is probably a seperate issue.
If you are prepared to make statements like this one.
To claim that only none Muslims are racist is nothing short of naive. I have been racially abused by "Muslims" on many ocassions. There have been many times when females and to a lesser degree males have been prevented from marrying white/ black Muslims because they are white / black. Racism is prevelant in any society / culture / "religion" depending again on that definition thing.
Of course there are racist Muslims, the problem with Malik is he sees the whole world in extremes and none of us take much of what he says seriously anymore.
If he says that Islam is not racist, then we can all agree on that. That was one of the main things that lead me to embrace Islam, because it seems so unlikely that someone growing up in the primitive, tribal environment of 7th century Arabia would see absolutely no difference between people of different race (apart from their actions).
Coupled with the fact that the arabs of thihs time thought the sky was held up by mountains, whilst the Qur'an (correctly) says that it ISN'T!
plus countless other reasons...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I think that if they were indeed Muslims then you were not abused for your colour or race. Maybe you insulted Islam or Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). This tends to make us mad you know.
Unlike Kaafirs, Muslims would never abuse another person because of the colour of their skin, or their ethnicity. Only Kaafirs hurt people's feelings because they are truly racists.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
that reminds me of a talk i went to last week at uni. The speaker shaykh Khalid Yasin was saying how Muslims are the most racists ppl in the world. Most ppl in the room (Muslims) were taken a bit back about the comment he made, even i was a bit confused as to what he meant by that.
He gave this example - a Pakistani Muslim father would never give his daughter to a black Muslim man.....why? Because he is black. He had a very valid point.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) said in his last sermon…
‘[b]All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action’.[/b]
The non-Muslims persecuted the Prophet and the Muslims in the worst ways and not once did the Prophet (SAW) point a finger of blame, he won the hearts of people through his flawless character. Therefore we should take this into consideration and not blame others thinking that muslims are never in the wrong. It is against the nature of a mu’min to think themselves superior over another in any way.
Sufis say that when you look at a non-muslim you should think maybe when death comes he/she might die on iman and I might lose my iman at the time of death.
'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
Most of my friends at uni are white non-Muslims and not once have they passed a racist comment, even as a joke. On the contrary they ask me about prayer, hijab etc in a respectful manner.
For me race is not only diversity of skin colours but also of language, culture and lifestyle.
What would the world be like if we were all the same…I think the word is BORING!
'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
Thats B.S i know heaps of racists, unless your talking about the perfect muslim
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
if the world was devoid of white supremacy then there would be no harm in white empowering groups.
in other words the race already in power and which controls the world has no need for pressure groups, but then it is this very nature spoilt by power and greed that produces cry babies with their copycat needs, wanting even with all that they have still the measerly lot of the less fortunate, be it the left over scraps.
they want it all what is theirs and what is yours to have their cake and eat it.