Minhaj as Sawi

I recently posted this on the minhaj forums and received no reply, I was wondering if anyone here could help.

"Minhaj as Sawi, ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minhaj_us_Sawi[/url]) an hadith compilation by Dr. Tahir ul Qadri who mentions (time frame 6:40) in the following lecture given in 2006, ([url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ry0L_93lQzE[/url]) that an English translation of the work has been completed by Shaykh Muhtar Holland.

Certainly, the compilation itself will be excellent, the fact that it has been translated by the aforementioned Shaykh, as anyone who has read his translations of Abdul Qadir Gilani's sohbets Al-Fath Al-Rabbani etc. published by al-baz will know of his unbelieveable translational ability (it feels as if the words were originally conceived in English), gives a double incentive to obtain this and especially as my Urdu is weak.

Does anyone know if this is available yet, or when it will be? Could anyone here find out? The internet is giving no clues about its publication status at the moment.

Many thanks."

insha'Allah i will try to find out for you.

Minhaj as Sawi has been translated but it hasn't been sent to the printers yet.