Generally speaking (feel free to disagree) Muslims are defeatists.
It’s not so much the fact that we never accomplish big things....but it’s the fact that, Muslims do not even like to think big or have dreams, hopes and ambitions.
And in way too many cases.…even if someone DOES have a dream. He/she is often shouted down by the pessimist who doesn’t see it as being realistically achievable.
In a way…our critical, narrow minded thinking reflects a lack of faith in Allah…cos if we truly and sincerely believed in the Unlimited, the One who can make ANYTHING happen…we wouldn’t get bogged down with the logistics of things.
Do you think big? Do you have people you’d love to meet, places you’d love to visit or projects that you’d love to get involved in or accomplish?
Have you ever achieved your dreams? Do you even HAVE any dreams?
Have Muslims ever made a real impact or a difference?
...are Muslims defeatists? Are you a pessimist/defeatist?
I would like to disagree... but that would be hypocritical. I don't know about others, but me, apart from the goal of world domination all my dreams are small to non-existent.
I think people should think big. Last place I worked has a notice:
There was also another one:
(both paraphrased.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Thats great, but how many Muslims do you know who actually do think big and/or have dreams for the future?
And how much are we encouraged to do so?
My sister wanted to do something in Art but all my family laughed at her and put her of, so now she's doing business.
Sis and me wana go to Syria and study, but again they think we're joking.
Back in the days, Muslims achieved and did so much, nowadays it's just about getting a degree, getting a job and getting married and having kids. That's all life means to them.
Muslim sister thanks for starting this topic. It's an interesting one.
Firstly, I have got to say that in life I have met both types of people:
(1) Those who are willing to try everything and anything (halal!!!!!!) and to achieve their dreams...they strive for the best, even if they don’t get what they aimed for, they are happy with the fact that they at least tried. These are the people who motivate others. These are the people who do well, these are the people who have a positive attitude towards life, they try and attempt to do all they can in this life, where we have the clock is ticking every second. They don’t cry over things that have happened. They accept fate from Allah.
Many Muslim friends of mine fit in to this category. MashAllah, they are ones with great strength and determination to succeed in this life and the hereafter. They are motivators for me and many others.
(2) The other group of people, who moan and groan, live everyday as if it is a burden for them, cannot be bothered trying new things. Those who don’t strive to continuously improve their life. Dont want to spend more time talking about them.
You all know what these kind of people say and may know many of them.
Secondly, yes, you can fit in between both types.....I like to think i fit into this category. I have dreams and ambitions, not a few, but toooooo many...but at least I have them. At least I can work towards something.
I do however understand it is hard to continuously be on the ball, can't be positive all the the end of the day we are humans!!!
I do not like to be around negative/pessimistic people. They can really drag you down...experience has proven this. :x :x
We are not here to sit around and waste our lives; we are here for a reason, to strive for our Lord, for ourselves, our families, our friends and finally, our prophet SAW. He never gave up, he why shouldn't we?
Where there is a will, there is a way...
Prob with the Muslim/Asian community is - getting a degree, becoming a docter/lawyer, getting married and having kids is as far as they go when it comes to 'dreams and ambitions'.
Anything that doesnt fit the above bill is seen as a waste of time.
And regarding people thinking you're joking - its best to keep ones dreams to yourself - cos negativity can only bring you down and hold you back.
now where on the subject ne1 kno wat gcse's required for a doctor
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Get the sciences sorted out. Probably maths too. And make sure the rest are also good.
yeah that about covers it for everything.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
what exactly is sorted ?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Funzo, you wana become a doctor?
inshallah yes mke dua 4 me please
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Just get your science GCSE so you can get into A Levels and then take it from there.
but i heard u need english aswell i can get others easy but english is dodgey as u can tell
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Naah, English is fine. I don't no how i passed that one. Missed out two questions which were worth 27 marks! If you can do higher paper do that, it's easier to pass on that.
wot did u get in english?
my coursework is rubbish
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
C. I thought i was gona be retaking that one, God only knows how i passed that one. Try to score high on your courseworks, they'll help you a lot if you mess up in your exams. Try to get As and Bs and in your L&S.
What GCSEs are you taking?
well my coursework i took it as a joke im regretting that i can get an A or B
compulsory: English maths science re citizenship
chosen: history triple science business ict gcse pe
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Pious lady is making some very important points there.
Muslims should never lose hope in God.
God has promised His help for Muslims.
ICT is the easiest exam you'll ever do, if you no your stuff you're sorted. I finished the paper in 15 minutes and got an A. What exam board you doing?
Business studies, the exam paper is full of case studys. You need to write real fast, a lot of people failed who were doing foundation as you need more marks to past, over 60% of the paper right. I did higher and got a B
The CW is very easy too.
Science, you're sorted, no exams. Just get at least all passes. And History, no can do!
Edit: Oh, you're doing triple science, God help you! I hated science, never did any work in any of the lessons, didn't even have a book!
well ict i got an A alredy in the exam coursework near enuff an A i need 1 more coursework nd exam
nd business i shud get an A*
history last c/w i smashed it dropped about 3 marks
my science i cud get a*'s
maths my teach sed i cud walk a c without tryin
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Maasha'Allah, that's excellant bro! Just keep the good work and you'll pass with flying colours inshaa'Allah.
inshallah but the thing is im a tad bit lazy inshallah i will get outta dat habbit but since i started praying more i realised im getting outta da habbit slowly but inshallah i will get gud results nd i will become a doctor
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
My dream is to be a super-hero type police officer and make society crime-free :D. Even if that doesn't happen I still want to be a police officer and go up the ranks. Maybe I could also get rid of corruption and make people have faith in the police force.
My dad still thinks that I'm going to be a barrister/solicitor, and I haven't told him about my 'dream', so he's going to be in for a surprise.
from about the age of 10 i wanted to do something in music: either a performer, composer, producer, or something in the music business.
i was right on track and got A* in GCSE and A in a-level, along with honours in grade 8 piano (top grade). This was often at the expense of other topics, which i couldn't be bothered with cos my plan was 'sorted'. Then I got into uni to one of the top Music courses in the which point i realised i didn't want to do it anymore....
so i got a job and 2 1/2 years later they're paying for my training to be a lawyer.
it was never my dream, but it seems to be working out, insha'Allah.
IMO its not realising your aspirations or dreams which is important, its better to make the best of what you have been given. we may have plans.....but Allah (swt) is the best of planners.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I wanted to be a writer.
But my parents said there was no money in it or it was very difficult to make money writing.
So i should be a good-boy and do something more practical like take up law.
In the end i did both.
I never did listen to my parents.
Back in BLACK
nice topic MuslimSister .
I’ve aspire to be most things,
First I wanted to do a career in art, then Law, then a interior designer, a fashion designer, (designing Muslimah clothing’s) medicine, know thinking about a career in police or maybe teaching but that will soon change too!
Which doesn’t help as I got to complete my UCAS application by December I haven’t got a clue what I what to do as a degree!!!!
But my biggest aspiration is to go and seek some Islamic knowledge.
As for reaching my dreams I havn't at all , I havn't even started.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
doing "big things" could mean different things to different ppl. Some feel that a degree is a big accomplishment, settling in a well paid job or doing a job you enjoy is a “big thing”, passing your knowledge of Islam etc.
Also why do ppl make the assumption that ALL Muslim parents want their kids to study either medicine or law?
my dad weren’t too best pleased when he found out i wanted to study law at degree level.
@ Funzo you need minimum C in either double award science or at least a C in single award Biology and Physics. Also need min C in GCSE maths as well.
A - level chemistry is a MUST if you want to study medicine at uni plus two A levels in either biology, physics or maths.
If your looking into going into medicine you need straight A's at A-level or close enough otherwise your going to struggle to get in. Hope that helps and good luck with your future career.
@Bliss go with what your good at and what you enjoy. Don’t think about a career right now it will eventually come to you. Some ppl have the job they want to do in mind but find that they don’t like the subjects that they need or are not very good but they force themselves to like that subject and later regret it in life. If your really really stuck go an talk to your careers advisor they are really good.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I sometimes get asked to speak to teenagers about their future aspirations….I expect most of them to want to pass their GCSE’s and A levels…and I expect some of them to hope to become a professional in the future.
However, most of them aren’t even fussed about their GCSE’s! I’m not sure if this is a cultural thing….a deprived area thing….a ‘cool’ image thing.
And another thing – do we not have a shortage of career counsellors? I don’t recall anyone having a chat with me regarding my future goals – And I don’t know any high schools that do…if I did I would have chosen a more financially rewarding and less stressful route into teaching.
‘Big things’ can certainly mean different things to different people – when I was a teenager passing my driving test/owning a car was certainly amongst one of the ‘big things’ I wanted to achieve in life…and it still is.
But today…I feel that I’m not even half way through the list of the ‘big things’ that I wish to achieve in life…and more annoyingly, the list grows longer every year.
im not fussed about driving but i am under a hgue amount of stress witht he gcse's because my oldest bro has really done well is now in uni studying to be come a chemist(pharmist) so u can understand my family is expecting me to do well because im probably the brightest in the family but a mess about in skool last yr has stunted my progress and again the pressure is immense i NEED to do very good anything below is not satisfactory
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
shortage of career counsellors? not here there not. i swear, them guys get paid for nothing! I really don’t see the point of them, all they ask u is what do u wana do next, higher education, if so wat do u wana do? and you go in circles! its like im 15, how the hell do I no what I wana do in the next 10 years time?!
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...