In Islam we are taught to have great care and mercy upon all of Gods creatures. As mistreating an animal is considered a great sin. So much so that an ill-treated animal will testify against the one who abused it on the Day of Judgment.
I recently found out that the prophet (pbuh) also had a called called Muezza with whom he would often play with. A famous story tells of how the azaan (call to prayer) was given and as the prophet (pbuh) went to put on his robes, he found his cat sleeping on one of the sleeves, and instead of disturbing the cat he cut off the sleeve and let him sleep.
Bcoz of his love for cats, they became historically accepted among many muslims. Cats were seen as beautiful clean creatures so much so that it was possible to do wudu from water that a cat had drank from.
I didnt really know this until very recently.
Id be interested to know what you guys think?
Or if you can offer more info on the subject.
Where did you get this info (about the Prophet (pbuh) having a cat) from?
I know that one of the companions Abu Hurayra (ra) had a kitten but couldn't find anything about the Prophet (pbuh) having a cat.
or you sure the prophet saw had a cat? from what i heard the prophet
was very fond of cats and use to stroke them but i didn't no the prophet
actually owned one. can you please post up a source for that. jaazakAllahu khayr.
i've got a short story to share.
there were a group of kids who had tied a rope around a sparrows head and was stringing it along, a man passing by saw this, after seeing the sparrow suffering he paid the kidz some money and bought the sparrow of them, he then untied the sparrow and let it free. due to that good deed he gained Allah’s divine love and become a wali of Allah swt.