can somone please tell me the name of the naat the guy is singing in the link below and where i can download it from..urdu isnt my first lingo so findin it hard to figure out the name.. jazakallahu kahir id really appreciate it..
can somone please tell me the name of the naat the guy is singing in the link below and where i can download it from..urdu isnt my first lingo so findin it hard to figure out the name.. jazakallahu kahir id really appreciate it..
Asalaam Alaikum,
I believe it is Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali. Although he does recite nasheeds and naats, he is more known for his beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran.
Inshallah you should be able to download his stuff off any music software such as Ares, LimeWire, Kazaa etc. Hope I have been of help.
There are two sides to every story, but only one side to the truth.
wsalaam bro yeah i know his name but was wonderin what the name of the naat is that he is singin in that vid..really like it mashallah..
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
it's called zameen mai li nahi hoti
Unfortunately I don't know what the naat is called but I'm sure if you type his name in google, you'll find a website on him.
By the way, gossip may be the most destructive but the quote you had before...Mashallah brother that was deep.
There are two sides to every story, but only one side to the truth.
jazakallahu khair mohsin and noor for ur help..dont log in much here as much..btw if any of u bros and sistrs end up reading my past post i take back all or most of it..i used 2 b v much against things like miladunabi.. btw wana say how much i love my shaykh habib ali al jifri, shaykh hamza yusuf, shyakh md al yaqubi..few yrs bk i didnt take much of my knwlodge and wisdom from them..i thank Allah swt for making me fall in love with them.
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
maasha'Allah that's excellant akhi, may Allah (swt) keep you on the siraatul mustaqim.
I have only recently joined brother but how do you mean you used to be against milad-un-nabi?
Because I'm not against it but I might be in the same shoes as you were back in the day. Sometimes I feel a bit reluctant to celebrate events about the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Don't get me wrong, I have got the utmost respect and love for Rasool Allah (SAW). But it just sometimes gets a bit confusing.
There are two sides to every story, but only one side to the truth.
i think he was with the opinion that celebrating the blessed occasion of Mawlid was a bidah.
what gets confusing?
yeah Noor ur right i used to think that..anyway im exausted buy that topic so will say nothing more lol..gna listen to a talk by habib ali ali jifri nw.. check him out hz great
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
Well the question that always causes confusion with me is where do you draw a line with the amount of elevation that you give to the Prophet (SAW)? I find that in my culture which is of a Kashmiri/Pakistani nature, there is a tendency to glorify the Prophet (SAW) in a manner which should only be attributed to Allah (SWT).
The Prophet (SAW) is the greatest human being to touch the Earth's surface, I love him with all my heart and I try to follow his lead wherever and whenever I can. However sometimes I feel that some comments in speeches and some lyrics in naats are too much, when in reality all praise should be directed and given to the creator.
Anybody care to comment?
May Allah (SWT) forgive me for my ignorance and for anything I have said that is incorrect.
There are two sides to every story, but only one side to the truth.
i personally believe no one can praise the holy prophet
too much, there are just no limits in praising nabi (saw).
so much that he has made it fardh upon the mumins to send durood and salaam upon the prophet (saw), in fact this is the sunnah of Allah (swt) and the maalikah, so if the Creator and maalikah are praising the holy prophet
how can our praise ever equal to theres or become to much?
to sit on which will be next to the throne of Allah (swt) on the arsh, so Allah (swt) and the prophet
will be on the same level but out of respect for Allah (swt) the prophet
will say, i will stand. now Allah (swt) is ordering the maalikah to put a chair next to Him for the prophet (swt), this shows how much Allah (swt) loves nabi (saw). so this clearly shows that we can never praise the prophet
too much.
as long as no one commits shirk then i really don't see what the problem is.
Allah (swt) loves the holy prophet
also, on yomal qiymah Allah (swt) will order the maalikah to bring a throne for nabi
Allah (swt) says, if it wasn't for you oh muhammad
nothing would have been created. the prophet
is the sole reason for creation, so how can we ever thank the prophet
too much? because if it wasn't for the prophet
we wouldn't have known Allah (swt)!
someone asked hadrat abu bakr (ra) who do you love more, Allah (swt) or the prophet
and he replied i love the prophet
more, because if it wasn't for the prophet
i wouldn't have known Allah (swt). subhaan'Allah
how do the pakistanis/kashmiris praise the prophet (saw), what acts do they carry out which makes u think they are over doing it.
also can u please give examples of the comments made in speeches and also, which naats are u refering to?
Asalaam Alaikum Noor!
My apologies for not being in touch about this matter. It's been a couple of very hectic weeks, take my word for it.
Mashallah it's good to see you have got the knowledge, I appreciate you sharing it. Firstly however, if it isn't too much trouble can you find out if these are Sahih hadith and can you give me any Holy Quranic references. I'm not doubting the stuff you have said but as I'm sure you are well aware of the importance of authenticity.
Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was, is and always will be the best of creation and Alhamdolillah we are blessed to even be associated with him. I know that we should praise and send salaam to the Prophet (SAW) on a daily basis, as long as shirk is committed.
Unfortunately I can't quote any specific lyrics from naats ot any quotes from any speeches. However I would like to gain some clarity. A huge amount of Muslims claim that Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was made out of light or noor and as of yet I haven't seen any evidence of that in the Holy Quran or in any ahadith.
There are two sides to every story, but only one side to the truth.
I hope you find this useful/beneficial:
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
wa-alaykumu salaam
sorry bro but i don't have the references, but this is what i've been taught from my teachers. i'll have to go back and watch the lectures again to get the references but right now i don't have the time. but i can assure you, everything i said is straight from the quran and hadeeth.
my aqeedah is that the prophet
is noor, do some research and you will too come to the same conclusion.
i cannot pass sidra muntaha as i will burn, now an angel who is made out of actual light is saying this, so how could a bashr have ever passed?
bro dawud link is good, check it out. one incident which really touches me is the incident which took place on miraaj shareef, where the angel jibrael said to the prophet