Published by sweetmadina on 8 September, 2007 - 18:05
isnt there a sister sec here??
[b]EDIT BY ADMIN - I have changed the title[/b]
Submitted by Seraphim on 8 September, 2007 - 18:55 #1
"sweetmadina" wrote:
isnt there a sister sec here??
w.asalam sis,
Yes there is a sisters section. And like gold and diamonds are hidden in the earth away from prying eyes so is the sisters section. If you like, Admin or one of the other sister mods will add you.
I think we should devise some sort of test. Have a set of questions that only the guys would know the answers to and a set of questions only a girl would know the answers to. That way you can be certain.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by sweetmadina on 9 September, 2007 - 12:43 #4
oh well i was registerd as madinasister before but then i couldnt go online for a wlile and i forgot the password then i had to register again, never mind
w.asalam sis,
Yes there is a sisters section. And like gold and diamonds are hidden in the earth away from prying eyes so is the sisters section. If you like, Admin or one of the other sister mods will add you.
Be patient.
Back in BLACK
walaikumu salaam, yes there is a sister section but surely, you can't just sign up with a sisterly username and expect to join the sisters' forum.
50 posts and then you may be added.
I think we should devise some sort of test. Have a set of questions that only the guys would know the answers to and a set of questions only a girl would know the answers to. That way you can be certain.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
oh well i was registerd as madinasister before but then i couldnt go online for a wlile and i forgot the password then i had to register again, never mind
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy