
Plane Crash in Japan sparks curiosity on Japan/america relations.

i was watching this programme about a plane crash in Japan. and the Americans there offered help, and im surprised,why is there american military in a country that has been destroyed by America? was this part of some humiliation programme? the American offered help for the rescue mission of that plane and the Japanese refused. of course they would, its a horrible situation to be put in. of course the best solution would have been to accept thehelp if they had better equipment (why DOES anamerican military base have better equipment then the WHOLE country) and that would have led to many lives being saved..but this is like accepting help from someone who broke your arm and leg.

The Taliban win

After 12 years of trying to kill them, of stating that they do not negotiate with terrorists, the US on the day it handed over the running of the country to the Afghan government has now announced that it will open direct negotiations with the Taliban.

12 years.

Countless dead.

and that is not an exaggeration - there is no exact figure for those that died, mainly because the invading forces did not consider it to be good for PR to count the numbers killed.

The invasion took place in the pretext of the 9/11 terrorist attacks where around 3,000 people died.


I am not known to understand those very well. actually im not even sure if that statement is correct. i usually look into things too much, or too little, i feel things strongly (i think.. i thought..i did...) but i also like to understand everything, to narrow things down to their basics and solve things like that. I like to think of why and how does it work.

then there's feelings, emotions. Those invisible threads that connect us. and they BAFFLE me. something invisible can cause SUCH ... ~THINGS! *waves around at the world*

this life is difficult

It really is wouldnt you agree? sometimes its just so difficult..that phrase comes to mind... "rest in peace" sometimes, you just want to "rest in peace". i've refrain from using that phrase and its acronym out loud. might freak out a lot of people


when i was younger, i had this imagery in my head, black and white. stickpeople. most of them on the bottom right corner, in the middle, diagonally [top right to bottom left] is sometthing like a ravine, just a thick raggedy line really, and on the other side there's some people, just a few, far and wide apart.

what's your favourite jam?

sometimes, a piece of baguette, a thick-ish layer of butter and a sweet strawberry jam spread is all you need for breakfast.

(and warm banana milk)

i like blueberry jam the best, then all homemade jams (i once had rhubarb and orange - yum!), then Asda's mix fruit jam. strawberry is always the safe bet..can get boring though.

orange marmalade is so....bleurgyurgy! its so grown up.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioun

"Verily, unto God do we belong and, verily, unto Him we shall return."

This is something ive been pondering of late.
This is a phrase that muslims tend to receite upon the passing of someone. It originates from the Quran, Surah Bakrah 155-156:

"And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the patient). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: “Verily! To Allah we belong and verily, to Him we shall return."

Failure: Accepting and Dealing with it.

As Mary Pickford said: You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Although some of our dreams and ambitions do come true, for which we are forever grateful and appreciative of, there are times when we experience failure from time to time. It happens.

Things don't always go the way we want. We sometimes spend countless hours planning for them and they don't turn out to be like that. But it's what we do with that 'failure'.

Us and our demons.

have you ever thought that the scariest thing is yourself? have you ever been scared of yourself?

i get scared of myself sometimes, when i know something is bad for me but i still want to do it and i have to keep myself busy and tell myself why i shouldnt do it over and over again.

its like a battle of wills. inside of you. a tug-of-war. inside of you.

